Alright, so I want to get
this Chevelle, but I can't find the order form anywhere. I emailed HWC asking where to find the order form, but their reply showed that HWC is run by rude, inconsiderate, and from hearing the deal with the RLC 510s, disorganized, narcissistic 🤬. Not only did they blatantly insult my intelligence by providing a link to an article that I clearly said I already read, they also kind of indirectly said "don't talk to us anymore" by providing the customer service number. On top of that, they never even addressed my original question: "Where can I find the order form?"
So now, unless I find the order form somewhere, I won't be getting any collector edition cars anytime soon. But someone please me answer this: There are two memberships, HWC and RLC. Do you only have access to the order form if you are one of those two memberships, and is the HWC membership free?