1000's of birds fall from sky & 1000's fish die in Arkansas - WTH???

  • Thread starter GT5_komp

Wow. Nothing to say apart from wow. Earthquakes coming?


This thread is now showing various mass bird / fish deaths around the world within the last 4 days
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OK so we had an earthquake in Chile now. Mag 7.4 A Long way from Arkansas.

The video works here fine. I can recommend google news and search on dead birds or dead fish. Lot of news about it over last few hours or so.

This article says 1000 birds came down in a small area. Which doesn't seem unreasonable, as their flock could have been struck by lightning, very common in tornado zones, as Arkansas was around the time in question.

What about the fishes? Both at the same time is kind of weird tho.

Apparently 1000's of birds have also fallen from the sky in south america. Just about 30 mins ago they got rocked by a Mag 7.4 quake. I wonder if the Arkansas birds are a pre cursor to something close to them? New Madrid Fault maybe?
I don't know about the fishes, but lightning can also cause ground currents. Lightning is also seen coming out of volcanoes, and various glows and electric discharges are also seen immediately prior to some earthquakes.

People have been looking for earthquake predictors for a long time. Some say toads run away weeks before an earthquake. It would certainly be good to find something timely and reliable.
Nice Report! I am going to be an oddball here but do you think all these birds could have hit something more like a moving craft flying through bird formations? Maybe a personal aircraft or a UFO? Fireworks alone wouldn't cause 1000 birds to die since most birds fly in large formations at higher altitudes much higher than an average firework can reach unless you would be talking about professional grade fireworks which I highly doubt.
I live in Missouri and 1/1/11 started off with everthing tainted an orange glow and we did have minor storms come through but this doesn't make since because if lightening hit the birds then they would have evidence of charring of somekind, flash burns singed feathers and the same goes with fireworks. Either these birds died from a shock wave or they flew into a craft, ufo. And now the dead fish. I would like tests performed for radiation signatures, not radiation from us but as a result from a craft.
Nice Report! I am going to be an oddball here but do you think all these birds could have hit something more like a moving craft flying through bird formations? Maybe a personal aircraft or a UFO? Fireworks alone wouldn't cause 1000 birds to die since most birds fly in large formations at higher altitudes much higher than an average firework can reach unless you would be talking about professional grade fireworks which I highly doubt.
I live in Missouri and 1/1/11 started off with everthing tainted an orange glow and we did have minor storms come through but this doesn't make since because if lightening hit the birds then they would have evidence of charring of somekind, flash burns singed feathers and the same goes with fireworks. Either these birds died from a shock wave or they flew into a craft, ufo. And now the dead fish. I would like tests performed for radiation signatures, not radiation from us but as a result from a craft.

Some of the birds in Arkansas were examined forensically, with negative findings. Common lightning is the same thing as plasma in the arc mode. But lightning, or more properly, plasma discharges, can take other forms such as the aurora borealis or that peculiar phenomenon, ball lightning which is a soft glow. Also occurring on on 1/1/11 were rifts in Earth's magnetic field, thought to disorient birds and cause navigational errors. It is an entertaining thought that "crafts" were to blame for the mysterious deaths, but we would want to understand and eliminate all poorly understood natural phenomena before resorting to the truly alien or bizarre before we had to.


Edit: It is a peculiar coincidence that central Arkansas, where this incident occurred, is also the site of an ancient caldera volcano.
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Stunning evidence of a Caldera volcano in Arkansas! Must read!

I am not convinced that all of these recent earthquakes in Arkansas and Oklahoma are from fracking. While studying the geology of the region I noticed something interesting. There is a pattern starting to form suggesting that the recent earthquakes are a result of increasing volcanic activity. You are probably thinking, if there were a volcano in Arkansas we would know about it. Although unproven and highly speculative, the following information shows evidence of active volcanism in the state of arkansas. I plotted all of the evidence I found on google maps and may have found the reason for the recent rise in seismic activity. The map is at the bottom of the post.

First and foremost I would like to point out The hot springs National park south of little rock

[link to www.nature.nps.gov]
the hot springs are located above the western edge of a large pluton (an igneous intrusion) with an upper surface about 4,000 feet below land surface that extends eastward from an igneous outcrop near Magnet Cove (fig. 1). Bergfelder suggests that the meteoric water percolates through a fracture zone (location unspecified) associated with the margin of the pluton and then (because the heat source is unknown) either takes in heat from the pluton, percolates below the pluton to depths of about 8,000 to 12,500 feet and takes in heat, or percolates below the pluton to a lesser depth and takes in heat from underlying magma. The Bigfork Chert and the Arkansas Novaculite outcrop areas, which may serve as recharge areas, primarily lie north and northeast of the hot springs (Bedinger and others, 1979).
This area is teeming with evidence of volcanic activity. one example is called Magnet cove.It is consisted only of Igneous rocks which can only be formed by volcanic activity.
Cove. [link to www.rockhoundingar.com]

"Magnet Cove is a 100-million-year old igneous intrusion (mass of igneous rock) of some rare and unusual rock types - all derived from a melt that was originally a CO2-rich basaltic liquid in the earth's upper mantle. The intrusion's piercing style resulted in a steep, near vertical contact with the country host rock, Paleozoic shales and novaculite. It is likely that the intrusion never reached the surface. Only one geologist in the 1930's described anything like a vent. It is probable that what he described, though volcaniclastic in appearance, was a steep-walled breccia pipe or explosion zone as has been noted in the smaller pipe at Potash Sulphur Springs." Magnet cove is a type ring complex, or ring dike, found commonly at the center of a volcano. [link to en.wikipedia.org] [link to en.wikipedia.org]
Next, there is Potash sulphur springs which also contains uranium. [link to vulcan.wr.usgs.gov]
"Arkansas's Uranium:1
In Arkansas, several uranium anomalies were discovered during the 1950s.The Potash Sulphur Springs igneous intrusion in Garland County is probably the best known and perhaps the first site where uranium was discovered in Arkansas."
Novaculite is also found in the Hot Springs area."Novaculite is the rarest and finest abrasive stone in existence". This mineral is only found in two places in the world, Arkansas and in the Marathon Uplift in west texas. [link to en.wikipedia.org] [link to www.danswhetstone.com] [link to en.wikipedia.org]

Finally the strangest place in this volcanic area is called "Hells half acre". It is a small area of land in the middle of forest where nothing can grow and animals, even hunting dogs will avoid. Apparently it is believed by some people that "the devil lives down there" [link to www.hsnp.com] Picture: [link to commondatastorage.googleapis.com] Notice that the trees surrounding the area are all dead. This suggests that some kind of activity is producing something very toxic.

More evidence of a volcano lies in the northeast corner of the state that is directly connected to the New Madrid fault called Crowley's Ridge.
The ridge is primarily composed of sediment as loess. It contrasts greatly with the flat table land around it and with the black soil that makes up the delta. It varies from half a mile to 12 miles (19 km) wide and reaches an elevation of 550 feet (170 m) near its northern extremity. There is evidence that the area's elevation has increased over the years, suggesting that uplift took place and is still taking place. This alternative explanation posits a link between the ridge and the nearby New Madrid Seismic Zone."[1] [link to en.wikipedia.org]
Crowleys ridge map: [link to library.byways.org]

Since there is evidence that this area is still rising in elevation, it may be the ridge to the caldera.
[link to en.wikipedia.org] "If the magma is rich in silica, the caldera is often filled in with ignimbrite, tuff, rhyolite, and other igneous rocks. Silica-rich magma does have a high viscosity, and therefore does not flow easily like basalt. As a result, gases tend to become trapped at high pressure within the magma. When the magma approaches the surface of the Earth, the rapid off-loading of overlying material causes the trapped gases to decompress rapidly, thus triggering explosive destruction of the magma and spreading volcanic ash over wide areas. There is a type of lava in explosive calderas called A'a. Further lava flows may be erupted. If volcanic activity continues the centre of the caldera may be uplifted in the form of a resurgent dome". Arkansas ranks first in production silica, producing one half of the worlds supply. [link to www.arkansas.com]

This site from USGS states that The Arkansas delta sloped west toward the mississippi river and south toward the Gulf of Mexico at a rate of 0.5 feet per mile. [link to pubs.usgs.gov]
"The land surface generally slopes toward the Mississippi River from both the eastern and western sides of the Study Unit and to the south toward the Gulf of Mexico."
So far facts show that we have a ridge, a dome-like valley sloping east, west and south, and the most silica in the world, Not to mention much of Arkansas is in a Rift valley. All of this points to the area being an explosive Caldera.
This is Reelfoot rift. [link to upload.wikimedia.org]
To tie is all together I plotted all of the recent earthquakes in Arkansas and Oklahoma along with certain hot spots in the state and found a disturbing pattern.
Stunning evidence of a Caldera volcano in Arkansas! Must read!

I am not convinced that all of these recent earthquakes in Arkansas and Oklahoma are from fracking.

Very nice post, mikeingb.
My brother is currently working as a petroleum landman in central Arkansas. There has been a major natural gas play going on there for several years, recently culminating in many new wells being drilled (and fracked).

My brother's work is almost done, and he is anxiously looking forward to moving away. He is disturbed by the very prolific lightning storms and hellish tornadoes. He has seen huge steel beams twisted into spaghetti noodles.
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OK a serious update. Caldera or similar to the 1800's earthquakes?

Hundreds of dead blackbirds found near New Roads

LABARRE, La. - Around 500 dead blackbirds and starlings have been found in Pointe Coupee Parish, according to state wildlife officials.

The birds were spotted lying in roads and ditches near Labarre Elementary School. The community is between Morganza and New Roads on Highway 10.

Scientists from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries have been sent out to collect samples, which will be sent for testing to the University of Georgia and National Wildlife Center in Wisconsin.

This comes after about 5,000 blackbirds and swallows were found dead around Beebe, Ark. on New Year's Eve. Dr. Jim LaCour with LDWF said he's not sure the two incidents are connected.
Anybody who calls NOAA "N-O-A-A," interrupts a boring Q&A session reminding us to "listen to this," and says "that is crazy" with such electrifying enthusiasm is definitely...

...a weirdo.
So they admit the magnetic poles are moving "really quick". I wonder what the implications would really be for this.

Here we are off into the realm of speculation.

What we think we know:
-The magnetic poles of the Sun switch every 11 years.
-The magnetic poles of the Earth have been known to move maybe 10km/yr since discovered in the 19th century.
-Now the movement is 40km/yr.
-Compasses in Africa swing about a degree/yr, so magnetic fields are local as well as global.
-The Earth's magnetic field has switched North to South several times in the geologic past.
-The axis of planetary rotation still seems firmly oriented to the "pole star", so geographically, nothing has changed recently.
-Even if Earth's magnetic field were to completely reorient, it is thought that it would not collapse during the process. Thus, we would still remain protected from cosmic rays and the atmosphere would stay intact.
-Compass needles would increasingly point away from the geographic poles.
-Birds and other animals may experience some disorientation.
-Weather or climate could be affected.
I think this thread needs a song that can truly capture the mood of all of this:
Apparently the birds hit each other or buildings, that is what killed them. Panicked by New Year fireworks.
Oh yeah? How about the several hundred that just dropped dead in Louisiana? :lol:
Oh yeah? How about the several hundred that just dropped dead in Louisiana? :lol:
Could have been scared by something. I think those birds have yet to be given a post mortem. So we don't know yet. There is no suggestion yet of any connection to any other bird deaths.
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How come this doesn't happen every year then if this is from fireworks, I think/worry something is going on, if the poles are switching faster and we know birds have a magnet in their brain so they know where to go, (Do fishes have this aswell?) however if the magnetic poles are being disturbed is that is what is causing the birds to die because it is effecting their brains.

Thats my theory anyway.