EAST TEXAS (KLTV) - Some east Texans observing hundreds of dead birds on an East Texas bridge are wondering this morning, if their find is related to the discoveries of dead birds in Louisiana and Arkansas.
Around 200 birds were found dead on the Hwy 155 bridge over the Lake O' the Pines, Wednesday morning.
There are certainly many hundreds, probably thousands, the collared dove who are dying at this moment in Faenza. Si trovano a mucchietti nelle aiuole, schiacciate dalle macchine nelle strade, appese orrendamente agli alberi come palline di natale. They are in heaps in the flower beds, crushed by machinery in the streets, horribly hung from trees like Christmas balls.
But, similar to reports of cancer, autism, early puberty, etc., it's quite possible these phenomena have always existed, and the only really new phenomenon is merely better reporting.
If that theory applied then wouldn't the birds and fish all over the planet be dead or disturbed?
Anyway, getting very strange. Does sound a bit like the movie The Core.
Oh, and 2 million fish in Maryland. God damn fireworks scaring the fish like that.
Dead birds falling from the sky have made headlines in Arkansas, Kentucky and Louisiana, but residents around Marion, Illinois have also found dead birds in recent days. A cluster of households in the same family that
living close together in rural Marion reported finding dead birds in their yards around the same time as the Beebe, AR dead birds.
While these findings have not made national news
I mentioned the same thing in post #16. Reminds me of "The Core".
Anyway, getting very strange. Does sound a bit like the movie The Core.
Oh, and 2 million fish in Maryland. God damn fireworks scaring the fish like that.
Let's count up the possible explanations.
Mine is: It's an rare combination of perfectly natural and normal events, multiplied by better reporting.
Migratory birds and other animals orient themselves in their travels on the Earth's magnetic field. Experten sind deshalb seit Jahren in Sorge, da das Magnetfeld kontinuierlich an Stärke verliert. Experts have therefore been in custody since the magnetic field strength to lose steadily.
Liefen die Tiere deshalb Amok, verloren die Orientierung und prallten dann gegen Häuser, Autos und andere Hindernisse? The animals ran amok so lost, orientation, and then bounced against houses, cars and other obstacles?
The north magnetic pole (NMP), also known as the dip pole, is the point on Earth where the planet's magnetic field points straight down into the ground. Scottish explorer James Clark Ross first located the NMP in 1831 on the Boothia Peninsula in what is now northern Canada, and with the planting of a flag claimed it for Great Britain.
But the NMP drifts from year to year as geophysical processes within Earth change. For more than 150 years after Ross's measurement its movement was gradual, generally less than 15 kilometers per year. But then, in the 1990s, it picked up speed in a big way, bolting northnorthwest into the Arctic Ocean at more than 55 kilometers per year. If it keeps going it could pass the geographic north pole in a decade or so and carry on toward Siberia. But why?
Okay, the magnetic pole is moving 55km/yr. Why the sudden kills? Is this slight shift enough to suddenly cause havoc in migratory species?
Sudden magnetic polar "excursions", as they are called, have occurred many times before in the geologic past. If I recall correctly, the most recent excursion happened about 12,000 years ago, which coincided with a sudden climate change called The Younger Dryas.
It is a mystery right now.
Could the Earth's magnetic fields be causing the recent die-off of thousands of birds and fish? Scientists believe so, along with environmental imbalances.
The sudden death of thousands of blackbirds in Arkansas over the 2010-2011 New Year's holiday last weekend was newsworthy enough. Within a couple of days, hundreds of stories from all around the globe recounted similar phenomena. Not only have blackbirds been "falling out of the sky," but many species of birds,as well as reported cases of bat deaths in Arizona. In addition, there are numerous reports being gathered from around the world about massive fish die-off, and die-off of many different sea animals. What could be causing these deaths? Some researchers believe that changes in the Earth's magnetic fields are to blame.
The Earth's Magnetic Fields: What They Are and How Birds Use Them to Migrate
The Earth's magnetic field is sililar to that of a bar magnet, with north and south poles.The magnetic field causes a bubble around the Earth which protects it from solar winds, asteroids, and other objects in space. Scientists believe the magnetic poles are due to electric currents that come from the Earth's core.The circulating electric current creates a dynamo effect, which is caused, in part, byt the rotation of he Earth's axis. A dynamo effect is similar to what happens with an electric generator. When the magnetic field interacts with paticles from solar winds, it creates what is known as the aurora borealis near the poles.
I have been monitoring http://spaceweather.com for CME's, sunspots, solar flares, magnetic storms, etc., and the Sun has been quiet of recent. There was an eclipse.
I have just noticed that all these incidents seem to be at night. The discoveries are in the mornings.
I have been monitoring http://spaceweather.com for CME's, sunspots, solar flares, magnetic storms, etc., and the Sun has been quiet of recent. There was an eclipse.