1000's of birds fall from sky & 1000's fish die in Arkansas - WTH???

  • Thread starter GT5_komp
This video from fox news pretty much covers all reports including the magnetic pole move that made the airport change its setup.. :ill:

/\ That's Fox News. You shouldn't trust them as far as you can throw Glenn Beck after he gorges himself on fast food.
/\ That's Fox News. You shouldn't trust them as far as you can throw Glenn Beck after he gorges himself on fast food.

I'm with you on the fact that no media source is perfect, but does it matter who's reporting here? If CNN had said the same thing, which I'm sure most media sources have by now, would you trust them? Plus, you can't even be bias with such a case as this story has no political ties, well, apart from that tiny minority of people who are still shouting "global warming!" over this whole thing.
I humbly aplogize for the fart ..I didnt know beer --tequila and plantains would make that cloud honest.
Don't listen to Fox News, but listen to Michio Kaku, he is an amazing theoretical physicist.

Excellent point, I have watched shows on documentary channels that featured him and I have to say I was very interested in what he was saying. In fact, I even named a character after him in a GT4 story (except that they don't share second names).
Professional biologists seem convinced a mass extinction is currently going on.

There is a lot of literature published on this, it is a slow motion reduction in species that started long ago, and may compare to previous mass extinctions before it's all said and done.

While these bird and fish die-offs currently in the news are most likely prosaic in nature, it would be a mistake to always dismiss them as artifacts only of more active news reporting.

Birds, fish and amphibians are like "canaries in the coal mine" that might give us warning when environmental conditions become more hazardous.

Respectfully submitted, eager for correction
I don't think the paper will mind you claiming ********.
But why do you think that?

Because grapes take quite a while to ferment and it isn't in their body for that long, also grapes arn't ripe this time of year.
Could it be possible that the Super Volcano in Yellowstone and similar calderas around the world are to blame for the birds and fish dying.

I know that natural gas seeps from fissures in these calderas so maybe the natural gas could be to blame?
Could it be possible that the Super Volcano in Yellowstone and similar calderas around the world are to blame for the birds and fish dying.

I know that natural gas seeps from fissures in these calderas so maybe the natural gas could be to blame?

That would be an unacceptably ugly solution, so we rule that out in advance. :dopey:
One in a series of mysterious mass bird deaths in the past month was the product of a USDA avicide program, which began as operation Bye Bye Blackbird in the 1960s.

By Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer / January 20, 2011

It's not the "aflockalyptic" fallout from a secret US weapon lab as some have theorized. But the government acknowledged Thursday that it had a hand in one of a string of mysterious mass bird deaths that have spooked residents in Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, South Dakota, and Kentucky in the last month.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) took responsibility for hundreds of dead starlings that were found on the ground and frozen in trees in a Yankton, S.D., park on Monday.

The USDA's Wildlife Services Program, which contracts with farmers for bird control, said it used an avicide poison called DRC-1339 to cull a roost of 5,000 birds that were defecating on a farmer's cattle feed across the state line in Nebraska. But officials said the agency had nothing to do with large and dense recent bird kills in Arkansas and Louisiana.

The top 10 weirdest stories of 2010

A Google map of mass animal deaths across the country

Nevertheless, the USDA's role in the South Dakota bird deaths puts a focus on a little-known government bird-control program that began in the 1960s under the name of Bye Bye Blackbird, which eventually became part of the USDA and was housed in the late '60s at a NASA facility. In 2009, USDA agents euthanized more than 4 million red-winged blackbirds, starlings, cowbirds, and grackles, primarily using pesticides that the government says are not harmful to pets or humans.

In addition to the USDA program, a so-called depredation order from the US Fish and Wildlife Service allows blackbirds, grackles, and starlings to be killed by anyone who says they pose health risks or cause economic damage. Though a permit is needed in some instances, the order is largely intended to cut through red tape for farmers, who often employ private contractors to kill the birds and do not need to report their bird culls to any authority.

"Every winter, there's massive and purposeful kills of these blackbirds," says Greg Butcher, the bird conservation director at the National Audubon Society. "These guys are professionals, and they don't want to advertise their work. They like to work fast, efficiently, and out of sight."
Bird kills turning too zealous?

The depredation order, however, is under review for its impact on the rare rusty blackbird, which roosts with more common species. Ornithologists also suspect that the mass killings may be a factor in declining populations of those species in the US.

While the USDA keeps tabs on the number of birds the program euthanizes, the total death toll isn't known because private contractors operating under the depredation order aren't required to keep count in the case of blackbirds, cowbirds, grackles, and starlings.

"My biggest concern is we don't know how many birds are being killed, and we don't have a sense of how at risk the rusty blackbird is because of depredation events in their range," says Mr. Butcher.

Yankton animal control officer Lisa Brasel told KTIV-TV that she first believed a cold snap had killed some 200 European starlings that were found dead in Riverside Park, reminding some residents of the final scenes of Alfred Hitchcock's thriller, "The Birds."

But then she said she received a call from a USDA official who said the agency had poisoned a roost of starlings 10 miles south of Yankton. Usually such poisonings result in flocks falling directly out of their tree roosts. But in this case, the birds traveled a fair distance before falling. "They were surprised they came to Yankton like they did and died in our park," said Brasel, according to KTIV-TV.
How birds plague farmers

Carol Bannerman, a Wildlife Services spokeswoman, said such kills are carried out at the request of farmers who can prove the birds are a nuisance. The farmers also help pay the cost, according to the agency.

One example of nuisance birds are European starlings, a non-native species, at US dairies, where a flock of 5,000 can eat 200 pounds of feed a day while soiling equipment and dairy cows.

"It's not that we have anything against starlings, but our charge is to help protect agriculture ... and protect property and human health or safety," she says. "And the fact is, in a lot of rural settings, people say, 'It's just birds, what's the problem?' "

Ms. Bannerman added, however, that the agency takes care to notify local public-health and law-enforcement agencies before a scheduled kill, and noted "what went on in Louisiana and Arkansas, that was totally outside of what we're doing. We're quite concerned that people not connect those."

Two mass bird deaths in north Alabama this week are being investigated, with specimens being tested for toxicity. Two other mass bird deaths in Gilbertville and Murray, Ky., earlier this month were not linked to poison, but could have been caused by unseasonably cold weather. The most widely reported recent mass bird deaths – in Louisiana and Arkansas – have been tied to birds en masse flying into buildings and power lines.
Rogue fireworks in Arkansas

In Arkansas, state ornithologist Karen Rowe has reviewed ground radar records that show a 20,000-plus bird roost taking flight at approximately 10:15 p.m. on New Year's Eve, 15 minutes after a series of large booms shook the windows of houses in a nearby subdivision.

This has caused state wildlife officials to pin the blame on a resident who may have gotten a hold of professional-grade fireworks. The dead birds were likely animals that were trying to land in the dark and hit some kind of object after being drawn to toward the artificial light of the neighborhood.

"So far, no one has confessed to letting off the fireworks, but the question remains if anyone would admit to it," says Ms. Rowe. They needn't fear retribution. Despite the number of birds that died, no laws were broken.

Some 5 billion birds die every year across the US, most largely unnoticed. Mass deaths are not uncommon. The US Geological Service's website listed about 90 mass deaths of birds and other wildlife in the last six months of 2010.

"Whether people are noticing it more and pointing it out more this year than in the past, is something that I'd be thinking about," says Bannerman at the USDA.