1886 Motor Carriage around the 'ring! (in about 2 days)

  • Thread starter James2097
i just finished the wagon in arcade mode, here is my splits with my notes:

Motor wagon in arcade; only tcs

T1 2'11.809 @37mph
Drove past start of white graffiti
7’16.927 when fully backed up; back right tire just above start of red graffiti
12’46.977 over 1st hill
T2 17’22.7637 @ 50mph
T3 18’XX.XX @ 19mph (gave a little gas on hill)
T4 20’19.842 @ 33mph (braked too light: to 40 mph; skidded out. 29<mph<40)
over hill 24’04
next hill by 30’43.510 (on second part back up to inside of ring, before inside guard rail)
T5 31’50.494 @ 3mph
48’12.3 just to 12km sign with log building across street
before first left turn switch to backing up to the inside of ring
71’16.3 fully by metal wire fence on left
80’01.6 just to beginning of second left curbing
90’26.093 fully by little telephone booth thingy at third left
T6 93’43.309 @ 3mph
tack back/forth from before t6, till just past small wire metal fence on right and shadows in road on left. back to inside
100’54 over little crest of hill; full gas, then pendulum with alternating back up no, tack
107’25 over long hill
hill to carousel gas to VW, few pendulums back to inside of ring, then tack up entire hill
114’32 @ 7mph enter carousel
use top of carousel ( smoother ) freewheel out, leaving carousel at 12 mph.
124’22 fully by start of red/white curbing on first left turn (back to inside)
135’23 fully by wood shack on left at gentle left curve
147’41 wheel just touches white graffiti at steep left-hander
157’12 switch done; back to curbing on steep right then switch and back to outside
175’36 over long and steep
T7 176’08.919 @12mph
free wheel, no brakes. short hill: tricky, back to outside, use as much room as possible
179'41 over short hill
T8 179’53.206 @11mph free wheel through T9
T9 181’46.052 @22mph
187’18 little hill before banked left, back to inside of ring ~10X, TO STEEP TO TACK!
free wheel for bit, gas through banked turn, then free wheel again, small hill before last right before straight, no tacking, more efficient to pendulum
193’28 over hill, free wheel
T10 194’48.472 @23mph
T11 200’53’000 @10mph
208’57.442 DONE!

with a little more work I bet it could go below 200'.

on to gt...
I have come to expect stuff like this from you.. Now you know you're crazy right? Straight onto GT?! Fearless I tell you!
👍 👍

Oh, hows this - the first person around GT mode Nurb in the 'wagon' gets in my sig!
The crux of this problem is the timing and method of switching from backing to inside of track to backing to the outside of track. My basic method is to get as far as I can when backing to the inside.

I can't believe it. I back to the outsude of the track until I am above the red and white rumble strip on the outside of the left turn you are reffering to and then when I am above it I switch to backing to the inside of the track until I can drive away.

This must sound like a joke, but considering how long it takes to run this track, this is really no laughing matter. Have I been doing it backwards? :dunce:

Don't tell me I have to try this again. :ouch:
Oh, hows this - the first person around GT mode Nurb in the 'wagon' gets in my sig!

How much I would love that to be me, having a girlfriend means invariably I'm not going to be able to... but I plan to try again very soon. :crazy: Hopefully I'll make some more progress this time.
I can't believe it. I back to the outsude of the track until I am above the red and white rumble strip on the outside of the left turn you are reffering to and then when I am above it I switch to backing to the inside of the track until I can drive away.

This must sound like a joke, but considering how long it takes to run this track, this is really no laughing matter. Have I been doing it backwards? :dunce:

Don't tell me I have to try this again. :ouch:

It sounds like you are doing it backwards. Just to be clear when I say "inside" I mean the inside of the whole N'ring track, also called the "infield" on oval tracks.

In general I try to point downward on a banked curve; this gives your longer amount of time to get to 3-4 mph where you start making more power. For example: if you on a straight coming up to a left turn. The road is banked with the right side high, and the left side low. After getting as far as i could coasting, i would point down the bank and angle myself from the higher right side to the lower left side.
Then roll backwards, backing up to the high side. I use this principal on almost all the curves
It sounds like you are doing it backwards. Just to be clear when I say "inside" I mean the inside of the whole N'ring track, also called the "infield" on oval tracks.

In general I try to point downward on a banked curve; this gives your longer amount of time to get to 3-4 mph where you start making more power. For example: if you on a straight coming up to a left turn. The road is banked with the right side high, and the left side low. After getting as far as i could coasting, i would point down the bank and angle myself from the higher right side to the lower left side.
Then roll backwards, backing up to the high side. I use this principal on almost all the curves

Interesting - I always made the carriage roll toward the lower part of the bend, and power up to the higher part - since it cannot reverse itself. Can't say I've got as far as you have, so you could be right.
......so you could be right.

Could be right??? He owns every record on this board. He's probably right.

I passed T5 a minute behind my previous time even though I passed T4 a minute ahead of my previous time. I am currently about half way bewteen T5 and T6 and I am going to call it a night. I need a good nights sleep for this next part.
I exited my game from last night by accident this morning so had to start over.

At T6 I was at 87:17.293. About six minutes faster than thegreatms' T6 time of 90:26.093.

At T7 I was at 186:20.272. About ten mintues behind thegreatms' T7 time of 176:08.919.

And, based on his writeup, I lost it all on the hill where you have to switch from backing inside to outside.

My final time was 218:44.388. I actually made up a few seconds on the remainder of the course. I'm getting there.

By the way, I was backing to the inside first and then the outside second all along. And I was switching right around where you said. I just got a little mix up since I wasn't in front of the game when I read your post. Thanks for the help though.

In case you can't tell, that's me in your rearview mirror. :D
I did it:

T1 2'19-129
T2 13'58.809
T3 15'38.280
T4 19'58.360
T5 29'13.565
T6 75'00.221
T7 162'20.173
T8 165'03.340
T9 167'17.504
T10 179'10.010
T11 185'29.609
T12 192'20.050

I'll try get T6 from the replay. I am really curious what that was.

Where I made up my time I think is in a couple of ways.

I think I am better at slingshotting. I wait until my front tire is pointing in the same direction as the slope in the road before I accelerate. Sometimes I am 270 degrees around the turn before I accelerate. I used to press the gas all the way around and I think it cost me downhill (or should I say backward) distance.

Controlling the trottle so not to redline the way we already talked about.

I am much better at the steep hill after the series of down hill turns. I went right up that hill this time without stopping. Only a minor tack to the right right before the top of the hill to get me over. No slingshot or pendulum neccessary.

As ironic as this may sound, while I was having my usual trouble with the switching from backing to the inside to backing to the outside I got stuck on the hill again. No matter what I did I just couldn't switch to backing to the outside so i tried getting up that right turn by backing to the inside and it worked fine. I pointed my front tire one white/red block further up the hill each time and made it. And, for the most part, I only used the right half of the track. I was afraid that if I backed all the way to the other side, I would get stuck there.

Now that i know the course I am either going to give the carriage another try or, dare I say it, give GT mode a shot.
Impressive, you beat me by 18 minutes. That will be a major challenge.

I never really slingshot that much...It never seem that effective to me. Can you list the first hill you usually do it on? or a hill that is the right steepness for it to work really well? Then I can go and practice it.

Seem like you got up the first hill really easy, your T1 to T2 time was almost 4 minutes faster than me.
I think the difference in our T1 and T2 times is because I slingshot up the remainder of the first steep hill between T1 and T2 just after the red graffiti. If you don't slingshot much, you may be spending more time on that hill than me.

I am going to look at the replay tonight and make sure what I am saying is right. It seems like you take notes while you drive, but I don't. Except on my T times of course.

However, I think the real time was made up between T5 and T6. I remember going through the Karusel at around 86 minutes so, even though I don't have my T6 time, I do know what your time was at the Karusel compared to mine. I slingshotted that entire hill, even the part where the booth is on the left ( which is where I used to pendulum). At the very end of that hill it banks to the left and the area narrows so I am pretty sure I did some pendulluming in that area. It is hard to slingshot without some grass on either side of the track to give you some distance to pick up speed. Other than that it was all slingshotting.

I reread your pendulumming post and now I understand that there is a difference between our penduluming styles. I didn't get that before. I usually drive up the slope in the road and back down it, whereas I think you do it the opposite.

My top speed just after T2 is 69 MPH. How about you. I have done that a few times, but have never broken 70. I wonder if 69 MPH is the terminal velocity for this vehicle.
I think I got to 70 mph once...but I'm not sure. I'll check next time I do a lap.

I'm thinking about switching to kph. So I get a higher resolution. It will be easier to tell I'm just at red line looking at 15-17 kph then 10-11 mph, because there are more steps.

I have to test the slingshot technique more. Good thing it is at the start of the course so I can get repeated practice.

I'm not sure if you got to Karusel at 86 min.; that would be 31 minutes faster than me. If you did than you really lost time on the next steep hill. This illustrates why I keep detailed notes. I can find where I'm doing bad/good. I just edit a txt file on my PC as I go, filling in the times, and adding new notes each time. This also helps break up the lap into a bunch of mini-races each about 20 minutes long. I do one or two mini-races each night.
I watched my replay and here are my observations. I hope it helps:

The wheels are not a circle. They are a polygon. I didn't count how many sides, but if you zoom in on replay mode, you can tell. Not sure what to do with this info.

I started slingshotting the first hill at the words, "LIEBE CONNY" which are white letters between the red letters and the yellow letters. I don't think I could have started earlier.

I slowed down to 36 MPH before sharp down hill turn right around T4. That seems about right. It left me enough speed to get up the steep hill the way I said before. Although there was actually three tacks, not just one like I said. But definetly no pendulum/slingshotting.

I definely slingshotted the entire long hill between T5 and T6 six just like I said. I only pendualumed from the beginning of the rumble strip to the end of it on the left hand turn towards the top of the hill. After the end opf the rumble strip, I went back to slingshotting.

My T6 time was 75'00.221. 18'43.xxx ahead of your previous record. Wait, it gets better.

After the end of the long hill and around the first sharp right turn onto the hill that leads to the Karusel, you wrote that you pendulumed there starting around the VW. I got through there with about 7 or 8 slingshots (no pendulums) and arrived at the Karuasel at 86'50.xxx . (Hard to tell exactly what the entry point was on the replay). 29 minutes ahead of your previous record.

That means two things:

1. I lost 14 minutes on the long hill after the Karusel and, better yet,

2. Sub three hours is possible.

Good luck. You practice your slingshotting while I practice my penduluming.
For this example. assume that you are driving up hill and the road slopes to the left (figuring out the slope of the raod isn't always easy, for me at least, but it is important). Drive on the left side of the road until you slow down to 4 MPH. (Don't go below 4 MPH because you may not have enough momentum to do the next step). Turn towards the other side of the track at an angle (sometimes that angle can be very sharp backwards (greater than 90 degrees) and sometimes it can actually be somewhat fowards (less than 90 degrees) where you can maintain a speed of 2 MPH. Going down to 1 MPH is risky cause you can risk stopping and having to backup to adjust your angle which costs time. Going up to 3 MPH means you are pointing down hill more than you need to and that costs you distance. Drive all the way to the other side of the track. The more grass the better. Try not to hit the guardrail but if you do, just press the accelerator with the wheel turned all the way to the right (again, that's in the example) and the game will jerk you out). When you get to the other side, turn right again with little or no gas until your car is pointing down the slope and hit the gas. Don't accelerate too early as that costs you distance and the fact that you are on a hill and now turning down it usually provides enough momentum to complete the turn. Gradually allow your wheel to straighten out. If you let it straighten out too fast, you will just drive to the other side of the track without making much progress and you end up having to make a hard right turn (in this example) at up to 8 or 9 mph. Making a hard right turn at that speed will make you lose momentum making that turn. If you don't straighten it out fast enough, you end up pointing up hill too much and you don't pick up much speed. There is a real art to this part of it and every part of the track has its subtletees, which can change on you even during adjacent parts of the track. Anyway, you should be able to get up to 8 to 9 mph accelerating down the slope, towards the other side of the track while making some progress up the hill. The important part is not to get greedy. Once you slow to 4 mph, make sure you begin the process again or you will stall on the hill and have to back up which not only can cost time and distance, but really hirts your thumbs (even though pressing hard really doesn't help).
All I wanted to do tonight was see how different it was driving the Carraige around the ring compared to the Wagon. Next thing I knew:

T1 2.31.567
T2 22.35.210
T3 24.35.739
T4 28.55.834
T5 43.41.701
T6 90.53.779
T7 169.37.567
T8 174.04.633
T9 176.34.607
T10 189.35.996
T11 196.09.423
T12 202.30.354

32 minutes ahead of the previous record. There is at least five minutes that can be taken off of this time. I spun out on the sharp left turn during the down hill turns and ran into the guard rail. And, I got stuck at the curb on the final turn going into the long straight for about two minutes.

The only thing I did different on this lap was to back to the outside of the track the entire time on the steep left than right turn after Karusel. No switching. I think it worked because it was the first time I did T6 to T7 faster than thegreatms.

Now I need to go do the Wagon this way and I bet I take a lot of time off my lap.
For this example. assume that you are driving up hill and the road slopes to the left (figuring out the slope of the raod isn't always easy, for me at least, but it is important). Drive on the left side of the road until you slow down to 4 MPH. (Don't go below 4 MPH because you may not have enough momentum to do the next step). Turn towards the other side of the track at an angle (sometimes that angle can be very sharp backwards (greater than 90 degrees) and sometimes it can actually be somewhat fowards (less than 90 degrees) where you can maintain a speed of 2 MPH. Going down to 1 MPH is risky cause you can risk stopping and having to backup to adjust your angle which costs time. Going up to 3 MPH means you are pointing down hill more than you need to and that costs you distance. Drive all the way to the other side of the track. The more grass the better. Try not to hit the guardrail but if you do, just press the accelerator with the wheel turned all the way to the right (again, that's in the example) and the game will jerk you out). When you get to the other side, turn right again with little or no gas until your car is pointing down the slope and hit the gas. Don't accelerate too early as that costs you distance and the fact that you are on a hill and now turning down it usually provides enough momentum to complete the turn. Gradually allow your wheel to straighten out. If you let it straighten out too fast, you will just drive to the other side of the track without making much progress and you end up having to make a hard right turn (in this example) at up to 8 or 9 mph. Making a hard right turn at that speed will make you lose momentum making that turn. If you don't straighten it out fast enough, you end up pointing up hill too much and you don't pick up much speed. There is a real art to this part of it and every part of the track has its subtletees, which can change on you even during adjacent parts of the track. Anyway, you should be able to get up to 8 to 9 mph accelerating down the slope, towards the other side of the track while making some progress up the hill. The important part is not to get greedy. Once you slow to 4 mph, make sure you begin the process again or you will stall on the hill and have to back up which not only can cost time and distance, but really hirts your thumbs (even though pressing hard really doesn't help).

I've tried all of the instructions above but I failed. I could'nt even get it up the first hill :mad:
You can't slingshot steep hills like the first one. Get to left side of that hill and pendulum (three point turn) your way above the red graffiti and start slingshotting at the white letters.
You can't slingshot steep hills like the first one. Get to left side of that hill and pendulum (three point turn) your way above the red graffiti and start slingshotting at the white letters.

Thanks for the tip i'll be wary of that
DAMN, I CAN´T BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE DOING THIS! Don´t you work, study, eat, drink, go out, date or do any other activity of a normal person! I am not pacient enough to go around the ring with an F1 car.
:) thegreatms and mezar5 both rock. Great effort at putting your refined and very particular methods of slingshotting/pendulumning into words... Its indeed hard to explain the subtleties so that someone can copy perfectly what you do...

I've only just glanced at this thread after a 2 week hiatus (to do some very favourable "normal" person stuff - wink wink, nudge nudge) and I need to sleep now, but I'll see if anyone gets to go in my sig like I promised! Not that thats much of a big deal at all, its hardly the most prestigious honour in the world... but its all I can do to show my respect! I'll read what I've missed carefully on the morrow! This thread seems to be truly irrepressible! :)
There is still at least fifteen minutes to be taken off of the Wagon's lap time and about ten from the Carriage. I am waiting for someone to give me a reason to go after it.

I have to beleive thegreatms is out there working on it. Assuming he is, I have this feeling he is waiting to post a time that will be very hard to beat.
There is still at least fifteen minutes to be taken off of the Wagon's lap time and about ten from the Carriage. I am waiting for someone to give me a reason to go after it.

I have to beleive thegreatms is out there working on it. Assuming he is, I have this feeling he is waiting to post a time that will be very hard to beat.

Cue ominous music. DUM dum DUM dum dEE-eee woo daaah DUM dum DUM dum... etc etc

I was planning on doing some more carriage/wagon runs, but I think the standard has been raised so high I should just leave it to the pros. I was like the Wright Flyer kinda attempt at carriage-ing, I could do it, but (evidently) not all that refined, a bit wobbly. You guys have it down like a 747 - no miss-haps at all! 👍 :)
DAMN, I CAN´T BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE DOING THIS! Don´t you work, study, eat, drink, go out, date or do any other activity of a normal person! I am not pacient enough to go around the ring with an F1 car.

I am a university student, with a significant other, eat plenty, drink much, spend far too much time on this here computer, driving around for real, and still just about get time to drive stuff around the 'Ring on GT4. Haven't done a complete lap of the 'Ring in the Wagen yet though - I just don't get that much time all at once.
Lol, nice job!!

Hey, lucky you didn't have any Mazda 787Bs and Audi R8s on the track at the same time you did that otherwise they would have blown you over the guardrail like 25 times with that featherlight wagon!
