i would like to see them say right scrap the lot.. heres your control tyres you have to use 2 sets during the race..
you have up to this many litters of fuel to get you round the track you can choose if you put it all in at the start or not..
then reduce the fuel load by 50% from last seasson that means the teams have to use new technologies and methods to get the maximum power and MPG's that could actually be usefull in road cars..
aslong as the cars are safe allow them to use whatever arodynamics/engine configurations they want.. lets see some inovations not just 20 cars that look and sound the same in a line..
you have up to this many litters of fuel to get you round the track you can choose if you put it all in at the start or not..
then reduce the fuel load by 50% from last seasson that means the teams have to use new technologies and methods to get the maximum power and MPG's that could actually be usefull in road cars..
aslong as the cars are safe allow them to use whatever arodynamics/engine configurations they want.. lets see some inovations not just 20 cars that look and sound the same in a line..