2014 Final Round - Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 @ Spa-Francorchamps

  • Thread starter gm matthew
Well, after nearly 2000 miles now with bloody, blistered hands, I'm throwing in the towel. :( I have had no improvement at all in the last 3 days and can barely keep up with my own ghost. It has become clear that my best time was just a fluke and nowhere near my skill level, which just proves to me that I have no business here trying to be a finalist. This has been a very humbling yet learning experience for me and just shows that I am miles away from even being close to realizing my dream. You all may see this as me giving up but that is not the case really. Common sense tells me that there is no way I am going to make up 2 seconds in the time we have left based off my performance so far. There comes a time when you just have to realize that certain things are just not possible, and this is one of those times. So, I will be going back to my weekly friendly competitions in the WRS TT's where I can further develop my skill set without the heavy pressure of competition. So, I bid the all a fond farewell and wish you all good luck in chasing down your goals, I really hope you all succeed. Even though it has been very frustrating this Academy, it has been a blast chasing down the top times and challenging myself....I have learned a lot from this. Good luck all. :cheers:

Don't give up mate! If you give up, you mustn't want it that bad if you are willing to throw in the towel 1 week out from when it finishes... It is up to you to keep trying regardless how frustrating it is, and never stop. Just like you have in your sig block, "Practice till you can't get it wrong"

My tip for you, watch your own replay... Look at your entry, mid and exit speeds and turn-in points. Watch it again, then again. Focus on where you can improve. Focus ONE corner at a time, getting it prefect! Watch @Tidgney 's guide, he explains it VERY well! Then go watch the top ten Replays, watch Tidgneys guide again, watch your Replay again.. You will SPOT where you are going wrong, or where you can improve. And keep at it!

I was about to throw in the towel, however from some kind words from people in AUS, I wasn't ready to give up just yet. Give it a day's rest, come back, you will be faster!! Stay at it mate!

Also keep in mind these top laps or the one you posted yourself, is what is called a super lap... Not a best lap but a super one. As your super lap becomes faster so does your consistent lap times. I put money on the fact that even the top guys cannot do those laps every time... they will be within a few tenths, until the Alien comes...

It is a tuff competition, and it is not easy.. This is just the start, and going to nationals WILL be even tuffer! So Practice till you can't get it wrong mate! ;)
Just posted a 2:15.359... Finally... Improved enough to be happy for the day :) Still another long week and more time to be gained!!!
US Standings Updated


This will probably be the last quickie track guide. There's a few more tenths here and there but it would require perfect drifting; I can't even begin to comprehend how Immortal does it through Bruxelles. However, if you're simply looking to get into the low 15 range, I can now run that relatively consistently.


General tips:
1. Learn trailbraking. Simplest I can explain how to make it work is a partial release of the brakes combined with a wheel turn. You'll get varying degrees of extra car rotation depending on execution and corner.

2. Know when to manage throttle and when to mash it. The GT-R can get tail happy, a useful tool but one that requires care. Just look at my bar and you'll see how I'm manipulating it throughout the track. If I'm not on the brake, I'll want to be on the gas, even if it's partial. That keeps the turbo spooled up.

3. The transmission is also a tool you can use. I'll point this out throughout.


La Source - Braking point is right after the dip in the road. Depending on how well you trailbrake, you can start it early or further down the track. Ideally, you want to get really close to the inside curbs but don't touch them. They will try to spin you out. I would shift it down to 1st and then start applying power somewhere before you reach the apex. The best exit is when you can go WOT after shifting to 2nd. If you can't, then at least get three quarters.

The inclination is to aim for the outside curbs but I wouldn't do this. The grip's further inside than you think, so aim to have a V-line through La Source. I've had laps where I literally was all the way to the right exiting and lost no time at all.

I didn't quite get the trailbraking part on my fast lap; I made the front left mad because my turn-in was sloppy. Since I did get the car close to the apex, I had enough traction for a good exit nonetheless.

Eau Rouge - A great source of frustration for me, tbh.

I usually go with the 50m board on the left but I have done it later than that. The inside curbing on the left can be a bit finicky if you hit them at certain angles, so don't use too much of it if that's an issue. As for turn in to the right, it's right when I reach the cones. With regards to downshifting to 5th, I do it from time to time, especially if I detect understeer. You want to get close to the right rumbles but they make your car hop if you hit them.

If this section's particularly bad for you, depress the throttle pedal ever so slightly approaching the left cone and hold it there.

My flier was textbook. Only thing I could've done better was a quick 6th-5th-6th exchange for a scotch more speed.

Les Combes - Brake at the 100m board, downshift fast to 3rd. Right when the strips start on the right, start turning in but hold just a bit of brake. You can start getting back on the throttle when you approach the cones but do not go WOT. The GT-R gets tail happy quite easily if you are too aggressive when you start making the subsequent left. The goal is to line up the car right for the final bend. Approach the left curbs but don't even think of touching them because it's a guaranteed time loss if you do.

Usually, by the time you line up the car, you can immediately start turning for the final right without worrying about that pesky cone. How aggressive you can be here is all down to how well you're set up. If you feel like you may understeer at the exit, then keep it in 3rd longer. If you feel adventurous, you can go into 4th early, apply full throttle and aim for that cone. You'll just miss it and the rear kicking out will save you from going wide.

I was a little conservative through here but I kept my speed up. That's what matters here.

Bruxelles - You can attack Bruxelles either by braking at the start of the strips on the left or a little later than that. Honestly, this is a corner where I just can't get any trailbrake action going without slide the nose. Therefore, I attack it as a double apex. Aim for the first cone, let the car drift out a little and then aim back inside. Don't hold 2nd too long, though. Get to 3rd and straighten out that wheel. You want the car under control for the next piece.

T11 - The curbs on the right are not your friend. You can use a little bit of it but in my experience, any more than that and it makes any sort of consistency all but impossible. I really don't have a good braking references but I will say that I like jumping into 4th and right after, brake and downshift. Turn in right after that. If that cone gives you trouble, you'll have to delay your turn a bit more but it also means more aggressiveness on the gas. Upshift to 4th early if you're uncomfortable with oversteer.

Fairly good attempt on my lap. Could've gotten even more had I known I was going to clear the cone.

Pouhon - There's a black thing on the right. That's your braking spot. Stay away from the curbing; it upsets the car too much. You can brake moderate to hard but have a little pressure on the pedal as you turn in. Even if you make the fronts upset, you can get away with it with slight throttle modulation. The game is pretty generous about the run-off, so gun it. If you're continually going off, then coast it toward the apex. You won't lost that much time at all by doing so.

Fagnes/Campus - Much of time is gained/lost here. The key is getting tight to the right at the correct angle with the car under control. Because it's a rather long right bend, I usually wait all I can before turning into the corner. You can also steer into it off throttle while carrying speed and dab the brakes at the right time. Whatever you do, don't lose the rear or that will ruin your lap.

For the left bend, start going in after the prior turn ends. 3rd gear gives you more rotation, sometimes a little too much and you end up hitting that cone. If that's going to happen, drop the throttle a bit and upshift. You can induce a slide here which, if you can, I would recommend doing so. People that continually understeer at exit should keep it in 3rd for most of the turn. Just tiptoe with the gas a bit and you'll be fine.

I tried a drift here but I didn't get it. Subsequently, I understeered a bit. The rumbles actually gave me a bit of a boost on the exit. Strange but I was happy to take it.

Stavelot - Very tricky. You can follow the racing line but it's much harder to go full out. Subsequently, a later turn in is hampered by lower grip at initial turn-in. Hence, the need to jam it down to 2nd. You only need it enough to clear those cones. Then power out the best you can. Big time gainer if you get it right.

I got understeer during my run and yet, I was still aggressive on exit. Most of the time, I would've binned it thanks to the curbs.

Paul Frere - If you're understeering on the exit, start your turn in a little earlier. That's what I did and it was a non-issue.

Blanchimont - Line it up far right. There's a set of three trees that appear on the right. The moment you reach the first one, turn in a little and then give it some more. No need to lift with a good line. It's easy to understeer way off and if that's an issue, then the Eau Rouge tip works well here too. The slightest lift off the gas pedal and she'll turn just fine, sometimes with zero tire scrub at all.

This is a screw up turn for me but not on my flier. Exactly as I wanted it.

Chicane - Tidgney's reference point is the same one I use. Like he mentioned, you want to control the downshifts for good car control. That way, you can trailbrake right into the first bend in 1st gear. Now, it's tempting to go into 2nd but I actually recommend that you don't. The issue is that thanks to the cones, you're more likely to go too far left heading into the final bend. 1st gear helps mitigate that but you have to apply the right amount of gas to keep the car moving forward through the really short straight. The other reason why you don't want 2nd is because while it does aid in some extra grip off the corner, it's much better to save this for the final run to start/finish.

In my run, well, it was a little unorthodox. I braked later than usual and I meandered away from the curb on the way in. It did rotate fairly well and as I said, I kept it in 1st gear. No brake tap either. Just some gas, throttle off, turn and start at half throttle. Once I selected 2nd and went for more throttle, the car took off like a rocket ship. Before, I would've been already in 2nd and either fighting oversteer or have a bogged down engine.
Well, after nearly 2000 miles now with bloody, blistered hands, I'm throwing in the towel. :( I have had no improvement at all in the last 3 days and can barely keep up with my own ghost. It has become clear that my best time was just a fluke and nowhere near my skill level, which just proves to me that I have no business here trying to be a finalist. This has been a very humbling yet learning experience for me and just shows that I am miles away from even being close to realizing my dream. You all may see this as me giving up but that is not the case really. Common sense tells me that there is no way I am going to make up 2 seconds in the time we have left based off my performance so far. There comes a time when you just have to realize that certain things are just not possible, and this is one of those times. So, I will be going back to my weekly friendly competitions in the WRS TT's where I can further develop my skill set without the heavy pressure of competition. So, I bid the all a fond farewell and wish you all good luck in chasing down your goals, I really hope you all succeed. Even though it has been very frustrating this Academy, it has been a blast chasing down the top times and challenging myself....I have learned a lot from this. Good luck all. :cheers:
Well, if I were in your situation, I would give up for a few days. I think you should put your hands at rest to recover from the wounds and make the most of this time to analyze the best laps of other competitors and determine whether and where you can gain some more time.
If there is room for improvement, you will surely find it and after a few days' rest you will be sharp enough to try again.
And if there is no improvement possible, then the important thing is that you have done your best and found your limits.
Well, this is my thought.

As far as I am concerned, I achieved my goal, i.e. getting the gold trophy to get that damned car, as it will not be available for purchase in the Nissan dealership, and I want all the "non-purchasable" cars in my little collection.
But I have to admit that this GTA was really tough, I have never struggled like this year to get the prizes, this time I needed many hundreds of laps to gold the 4 events.
Just posted a 2:15.359... Finally... Improved enough to be happy for the day :) Still another long week and more time to be gained!!!
nice funny thing is when u improve ur time now i cant improve it 2 days not able too bet it whats going on with me im driving now like crap :(
nice lap ur just betting me m8 :)
Finally able to get some practice. Was close to running a 2:15.2 but messed up final chicane after a lil mistake earlier in the lap. 2.,15.711 for now. I shall return to finish what I started lol
What a ridiculous lap by IMMORTAL. 2:14.158 :eek:

I've just seen it. Most of the time I see an alien's replay, it looks like I should be able to replicate it, but watching IMMORTAL's lap, I saw him hold the car in perfect slides around many of the corners and thought to myself, "I can't do that".

I don't think his current lap will be beaten by anyone else.
I've just seen it. Most of the time I see an alien's replay, it looks like I should be able to replicate it, but watching IMMORTAL's lap, I saw him hold the car in perfect slides around many of the corners and thought to myself, "I can't do that".

I don't think his current lap will be beaten by anyone else.

I highly doubt he's reached his peak yet, which pains me to say as I'd have guessed that his current time would win it when the guessing thread popped up, but I think we'll see another tenth or so if You Know Who wakes up. If @IMMORTALPILOT isn't holding something in reserve, he's either extremely confident or doing so subconsciously, in my opinion.

Edit: I am saying this without having watched the lap, in case anyone's wondering, but I feel nobody would show their hand ink halfway to the deadline, unless they're as thick as I was on the WRS TT that's about to finish. :lol:

Just thought... what if he's safeguarding against the possibility that his laps won't go on the board now, can any Germans confirm one way or the other if it's still possible? Polyphony have made stranger decisions...
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Just had a 2:15.8, two 2:15.9s and a bunch of 2:16.0s all red lapped for running slightly wide at either Pouhon or Blanchimont. :ouch:

All my "clean" laps were 16.1s. :grumpy:

I've been about 2 tenths up on my ghost coming out of Malmedy, but I just can't seem to string a good Pouhon into any of my fast laps. A good .1 in Fagnes as well as I got loose coming out of there and .1 in the corner-with-no-name.

Also a good .150 in the bus-stop. So lots to come, but I'm out now until Friday. 👎
...So, I will be going back to my weekly friendly competitions in the WRS TT's where I can further develop my skill set without the heavy pressure of competition. So, I bid the all a fond farewell and wish you all good luck in chasing down your goals, I really hope you all succeed. Even though it has been very frustrating this Academy, it has been a blast chasing down the top times and challenging myself....I have learned a lot from this. Good luck all. :cheers:

I'm learning a tremendous amount from this as well--so very glad I didn't stop after getting the car. I may also have developed a raging addiction to time trialing, so the first thing I'm going to do after the 16th is join the WRS time trials. See you there....
Ok, here's the deal....I can't give up, I just can't. The fire inside just burns too hot and the desire and determination inside of me simply won't allow it. I know I can do better, I just know it. Maybe not good enough to be a finalist, but I know I can improve, I believe it in my heart. But, I need help and this is what I would like. If I posted my best lap here in zip form like we do in the WRS, I was wondering if one of you alien like souls would be kind enough to download it and analyze it and tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to improve. By analyzing it, I mean corner by corner, much like @outlaw4rc has done with his lap above. I would be ever so grateful if one of you, or even a few to get a few different things to try, would be willing to take the time to do so. I have watched replay after replay and it has helped to some extent, but I feel if somebody here would look at my lap and tell me what I'm doing wrong, need to do differently, etc, that would go a long way in helping me. Otherwise, I feel that I'm just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over. If anyone is willing to do this for me, I will upload the zip file later this evening. Thanks guys and special thanks to whoever is willing to do this for me. For now, I'm just going to go back and study some more replays. Stay fast everyone and congrats on some great laps being run here, you guys are amazing. :cheers:

The Ratt is just not going to go out without a fight. ;)
Ok, here's the deal....I can't give up, I just can't. The fire inside just burns too hot and the desire and determination inside of me simply won't allow it. I know I can do better, I just know it. Maybe not good enough to be a finalist, but I know I can improve, I believe it in my heart. But, I need help and this is what I would like. If I posted my best lap here in zip form like we do in the WRS, I was wondering if one of you alien like souls would be kind enough to download it and analyze it and tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to improve. By analyzing it, I mean corner by corner, much like @outlaw4rc has done with his lap above. I would be ever so grateful if one of you, or even a few to get a few different things to try, would be willing to take the time to do so. I have watched replay after replay and it has helped to some extent, but I feel if somebody here would look at my lap and tell me what I'm doing wrong, need to do differently, etc, that would go a long way in helping me. Otherwise, I feel that I'm just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over. If anyone is willing to do this for me, I will upload the zip file later this evening. Thanks guys and special thanks to whoever is willing to do this for me. For now, I'm just going to go back and study some more replays. Stay fast everyone and congrats on some great laps being run here, you guys are amazing. :cheers:

The Ratt is just not going to go out without a fight. ;)

Have you utilized the data logger by chance? I have found that it is a big tool for analyzing brake/throttle inputs as well as steering inputs. You can match the position on track with "fast" guys by DLing their laps as overlaying them..
Ok, here's the deal....I can't give up, I just can't. The fire inside just burns too hot and the desire and determination inside of me simply won't allow it. I know I can do better, I just know it. Maybe not good enough to be a finalist, but I know I can improve, I believe it in my heart. But, I need help and this is what I would like. If I posted my best lap here in zip form like we do in the WRS, I was wondering if one of you alien like souls would be kind enough to download it and analyze it and tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to improve. By analyzing it, I mean corner by corner, much like @outlaw4rc has done with his lap above. I would be ever so grateful if one of you, or even a few to get a few different things to try, would be willing to take the time to do so. I have watched replay after replay and it has helped to some extent, but I feel if somebody here would look at my lap and tell me what I'm doing wrong, need to do differently, etc, that would go a long way in helping me. Otherwise, I feel that I'm just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over. If anyone is willing to do this for me, I will upload the zip file later this evening. Thanks guys and special thanks to whoever is willing to do this for me. For now, I'm just going to go back and study some more replays. Stay fast everyone and congrats on some great laps being run here, you guys are amazing. :cheers:

The Ratt is just not going to go out without a fight. ;)

Have you tried doing less laps, but more intense?
@scca_ziptie Yes, I have used the data logger several times and like I said, it only helps to a certain degree. I would just like to have my lap analyzed, that's the best help I can receive in my opinion.

@Cb Yes, I have also tried that approach, no help really.

On a slightly positive note, I just done something I had been meaning to do for awhile now and figured now would be as good as time as any to try it. I switched springs in my accelerator pedal. I put the clutch spring in and what a difference that made. No improvement in my lap times, but close. The consistency though is what has really improved. I like the slightly stiffer spring in that it helps me be more precise with my throttle inputs and it really shows on the track. I just did a short 1/2 hour stint but man, what an improvement in feel, I love it. Its not a game changer, but I feel it will really help in the long run once I really get used to it. Anyways, back to watching more replays. Peace.
I have watched replay after replay and it has helped to some extent, but I feel if somebody here would look at my lap and tell me what I'm doing wrong, need to do differently, etc, that would go a long way in helping me. Otherwise, I feel that I'm just going to keep making the same mistakes over and over. If anyone is willing to do this for me, I will upload the zip file later this evening. Thanks guys and special thanks to whoever is willing to do this for me.
I can certainly take a look. I won't be as busy now I have a 14 in the bag.
Still can't get gold with my useless DS3, I feel so hopeless.

Mate, dont give up, its possible. I said the same thing and got the gold...

If you like, give a try with these settings:

Controller SS: 7
TCS: 2

All the remain 0/OFF

And relax, if you feel frustated, stop and clear you had... 👍
Ok, great, thanks @outlaw4rc and @Doodle , really appreciate you guys taking the time to do this for me. :bowdown: I'll upload it here shortly so whenever you get the time to take a look, it will be here. Thanks again you guys, can't wait to get some feedback.

EDIT: Ok, here it is. Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks guys.


  • CargoRatt GT Academy Replay.zip
    426 KB · Views: 32
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Down to a 2:15.056, 8th in the UK and 73rd worldwide.

Even though I've improved, I'm disappointed because I had a 1:39.550 at the second split; unfortunately I messed up the exit of the bus stop chicane, throwing away what would surely have been a 2:14.9xx or even a 2:14.8xx. :ouch:

Still, there's six days (and nine hours) to improve yet, and even if I don't, there is a chance my time could be good enough already. :cool:
Well my weekend started today with relaxing (BBQ and BTCC Sat/Sun).. I say relaxing I mean having a good go at the academy, turns out a couple of days off did me good, straight into 400 14.9xxs (If only I could sell these haha :P), but improved to a .8 with the monster session I did. I'm racing Dubs current .4xx ghost just to see where I gain time and I'm quite astounded really I can be ahead upto pouhon (I start the sector over a tenth down usually) and on others laps I've been quicker through there so I reckon Immortal could quite possibly go in the 13.xxs if I'm honest!

I just want to get a .7xx or lower and I'll be happy with that... But if I get THE lap in that I reckon I can get (Especially if I sort out my chicane a little quicker) I could jump up quite far :D!
Down to a 2:15.056, 8th in the UK and 73rd worldwide.

Even though I've improved, I'm disappointed because I had a 1:39.550 at the second split; unfortunately I messed up the exit of the bus stop chicane, throwing away what would surely have been a 2:14.9xx or even a 2:14.8xx. :ouch:

Still, there's six days (and nine hours) to improve yet, and even if I don't, there is a chance my time could be good enough already. :cool:

man, i must be getting a bad exit out of Stavelot! I have done a 1:39.5xx aswell at the second split and netting a 2:15.359! I am losing 2 tenths by the bus stop alone! Funny thing is, i also losing about 2tenths in the middle sector aswell! Nice! I know i have a flat 15 even a very high 14! Will get back at it when i get home from work tonight!
nice funny thing is when u improve ur time now i cant improve it 2 days not able too bet it whats going on with me im driving now like crap :(
nice lap ur just betting me m8 :)

haha i am about 3 tenths off from being happy with my time! I know i have it, just gotta string it together! Where are you sitting atm?
Good luck to all, I myself am throwing the towel, one little Youtube car is not worth shortening my lifespan. Either way y'all are awesome.
Good luck to all, I myself am throwing the towel, one little Youtube car is not worth shortening my lifespan. Either way y'all are awesome.

Come on my friend, if I can't give up, neither can you. 👍 Do like the good people here have advised and take a break from it for a day or so then come back at it strong. You can do it, I believe it so, so should you. Keep the faith my friend, keep the faith. 👍