2014 Final Round - Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3 @ Spa-Francorchamps

  • Thread starter gm matthew
Deadset this is more frustrating than Bathurst round.... The amount of times I have red lapped or DQ 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 🤬 ..... I take a break, come back fresh and again... do about 1 lap and it's a 🤬 lap then push more and more and more red laps... 🤬 🤬 🤬 ..... :mad:

I love the car and track, I just can't better my time I did yesterday... or come within 3 tenths of it... :grumpy:

"I continuously go further and further learning about my own limitations, my body limitation, psychological limitations. It's a way of life for me. You will never know the feeling of a driver when winning a race. The helmet hides feelings that cannot be understood." - Ayrton Senna

I know you're frustrated, bro. Believe me, I was really frustrated last night too, but we have to keep pushing for that gold. In a sense, I feel that the 2014 GT Academy is bringing out the Ayrton Senna in all of us, and I'm sure he's looking down on all of us who are competing, and he's probably proud of all of us. So don't give up, keep going for your own "pole position"! :gtpflag:

BTW, right now I'm sitting at 2:22.601, I managed to beat my ghost... TWICE today!
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The lines are bloody annoying, I really don't get why they didn't put an option in to turn just them off, they're so distracting!

well that's interesting. I'm just the opposite of you. Find the line pretty helpful, but found the ghost car pretty annoying (no problem if the ghost car is behind but if it's ahead of me I find it very distracting). I usually apply the brake 0.2s after the red zone appears, and I don't usually follow the line I just use it as brake indication really.

you can turn the line on and off at the race menu. For my configuration my up direction button is set to ghost car on and off.
well that's interesting. I'm just the opposite of you. Find the line pretty helpful, but found the ghost car pretty annoying (no problem if the ghost car is behind but if it's ahead of me I find it very distracting). I usually apply the brake 0.2s after the red zone appears, and I don't usually follow the line I just use it as brake indication really.

you can turn the line on and off at the race menu. For my configuration my up direction button is set to ghost car on and off.

He isn't talking about the driving line, he' talking about the blue lines that represent the times of people on your friends list. Also, most of the time the driving line will tell you to brake early, so it's definitely worth trying to brake later than it to see if it's right or not 👍
I have always hated GTRs and this one is no exception.
It won't brake, it won't turn and when it turns the rear wheels try to become the front wheels.
I'm tired of struggling to keep that damned pig on the track.
Good luck to all, I'm out.
I will live without getting another copy of a GTR. Anyway, I never use them.
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You can turn the lines off you know ;) (I tried a trick yesterday and will upload a video explaining!)

Ah thank you... and to all others who replied to my post, I know to use the 'up' button and it is also very hard judge time differences/ lines with a little arrow on the map. Classic PD not thinking things through!!
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Samurai is using the wheel, looks like I'm not the only one struggling on the pad! Gave it a quick run on the wheel but I am just awful and couldn't do a full lap, did get eau rouge flat though haha!
Wait until the weekend ;)

Not sure if I liked because of avatar or because of inspiring message to competitors :lol:

It has to be mentioned that it's nice to have something easy on the eyes on this thread. Also good practise on how not to get distracted by 'brand ambassadors' during the territory final so that you can focus on the job at hand :embarrassed:


I'm not sure if that pun was intentional or not. :odd:

About 1 hour tonight, didn't gain as much as planned, but a gain nonetheless. New time of 2'15.594 putting me 14th in UK. Lost just under a tenth in sector 1, and about 2 tenths in the bus-stop.

Was there a list of illegible drivers anywhere, or am I thinking of a different thread?
Turns out I lost a lot of time in T3; at the end of T2, I was only 0.21 slower than Twissy, but proceeded to lose a tenth in Blanchimont and a full 0.23 in the Bus Stop chicane. :irked: At least I know where to focus on improving for my next run.

Was there a list of illegible drivers anywhere, or am I thinking of a different thread?

I was considering creating a UK leaderboard highlighting anyone who was ineligible (much like the 2013 USA discussion thread), but on reflection it would probably be easier to just create a list of ineligible drivers and put it in the OP.

I know that Twissy, BanditKarter and Tidgney are definitely ineligible; Bandit and Tidgney were at Race Camp last year and Twissy holds an MSA National A licence. It looks like nascar_wheelman is J. O'Neill; possibly Jack O'Neill who was at Race Camp in 2012, though I can't be 100% sure. Also, I remember WillRacer31 saying he didn't have a driving licence but was planning to do a fast track driving course to hopefully get his licence in time.
I improved my time last night to a 2'16.767 for 42nd in the US. My goal is to get into the 15s. 👍

I'm feeling proud that so far I'm only a tenth behind @GumballCGT. :D

Great combo, fantastic track, awesome car, I could happily race this day and night, even for 24 hours. :dopey:
Right... Took me ages to get this video processed by youtube... Just for you guys I cut my go short today managed to improve by a tenth but ye, cut it short so I could help you out with this :)!

Here's how to remove the ghost lines anyway;

I'll be having a proper go at weekend (When work stops tiring me out and I get a good 8 hour sleep, not 6!) as I'm struggling for time this week (Even at weekend as I'm at a BBQ saturday, and BTCC Sunday!). This does mean there will only be 1 guide, the detailed one which I'll push for Saturday for (Sorry Germany but at least you get a day and a bit of it!). I also still need to work out the fastest consistent way to do turn 1 and the fastest way to do the busstop chicane consistently, which is another reason why it's just the detailed one on Saturday!
well that's interesting. I'm just the opposite of you. Find the line pretty helpful, but found the ghost car pretty annoying (no problem if the ghost car is behind but if it's ahead of me I find it very distracting). I usually apply the brake 0.2s after the red zone appears, and I don't usually follow the line I just use it as brake indication really.

you can turn the line on and off at the race menu. For my configuration my up direction button is set to ghost car on and off.
I'm all for options regarding this. I've mapped my G27 to include a button for turning off the "previous best ghost line" in order to be able to learn with it on, and turn it off on a good lap... Or, you could just leave it on indefinitely, and just perpetually be in front of it. That's always my goal.
I know that Twissy, BanditKarter and Tidgney are definitely ineligible; Bandit and Tidgney were at Race Camp last year and Twissy holds an MSA National A licence. It looks like nascar_wheelman is J. O'Neill; possibly Jack O'Neill who was at Race Camp in 2012, though I can't be 100% sure. Also, I remember WillRacer31 saying he didn't have a driving licence but was planning to do a fast track driving course to hopefully get his licence in time.

If I remember, Ghost is also ineligible from last year?. Just in case you wanted to make the list. 👍
Turns out I lost a lot of time in T3; at the end of T2, I was only 0.21 slower than Twissy, but proceeded to lose a tenth in Blanchimont and a full 0.23 in the Bus Stop chicane. :irked: At least I know where to focus on improving for my next run.

I was considering creating a UK leaderboard highlighting anyone who was ineligible (much like the 2013 USA discussion thread), but on reflection it would probably be easier to just create a list of ineligible drivers and put it in the OP.

I know that Twissy, BanditKarter and Tidgney are definitely ineligible; Bandit and Tidgney were at Race Camp last year and Twissy holds an MSA National A licence. It looks like nascar_wheelman is J. O'Neill; possibly Jack O'Neill who was at Race Camp in 2012, though I can't be 100% sure. Also, I remember WillRacer31 saying he didn't have a driving licence but was planning to do a fast track driving course to hopefully get his licence in time.

Sucks that i'm ineligible, hopefully will actually make it to watch the UK national finals live for the first time and meet some peeps, work permitting 👍
I know when I whooped...this one is going to turn me against GT for good if I don't just take Gold and walk away slowly lol

The 1st 3 rounds were decent. They progressed from good, better, and best. I had a serious blast and actually felt like I was driving a race car in Rnd 3. Most fun I had had since I had been behind a real wheel. I think it gave me too much false hope that the finals would be a similar experience to advance in learning and hopefully up the board. Yes there is plenty of learning to be done, but it will be done at a relaxed pace and not to much concerned w/ anything after Gold.

Those of you excelling in the finals are masters at wheel manipulation in a virtual world I hope it carries over into the RW (edit for clarity: I hope it carries over successfully for you). You have done well and are doing amazingly well after much hard work through the years. Congrats in advance for all you are able to achieve in the finals!

I do ask and hope just one thing: ..that someone win this thing from GTPlanet! You are all the greatest bunch to hang w/ and learn from....

...and I hope you exceed in the Real Racing World at record setting proportion!!

Take it for the GTPlanet Gang!!!

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I love people thinking it won't carry over. If your fast without feeling the weight shift under you. You are most certainly fast in a real car.
Put in about 1 hour of trying to go faster with out using those little werid GT tricks. so did some heavy downshifting and some sweet e-braking and got er down too a 2:15.446.

As for real life stuff, i can tell you its not the weight that will make the difference, its the fear.