2017 General WEC/ELMS/AsLMS Discussion ThreadSports Cars 

  • Thread starter IforceV8
Looks like we'll now be rooting for the Oreca 07 Rebellion R2

Don't get what even is the point of ByKolles Continuing, unless this guarantees them a championship they usually never were in hopes of getting.
I guess there's more of Colin's Laundered Money than we thought.
Normally, this would be about the time I'd grumble about this getting crappy coverage on a channel only a select few have and on a halfassed app. However after Petit Le Mans (Excluding the choppiest streaming experience I ever got in the last 30 minutes) and now that my family has switched providers and I got FS2 (in HD to my surprise), now....I don't even know what to do. Still think its abit unfair, but I've definitely run out of salt.

Anyhow, looking forward to the race.
That's awful. Audi has literally been winning Le Mans since I was born so this is a big loss... I hope FE becomes a major series then as it looks like that's where they'll end up... I dunno what I'm going to do without an R18 on the grid...
I don't mind it. They're concentrating on touring cars. It's a division they haven't been dominant in for some time(DTM, TC, GT). Le Mans is serious work to develop technologies. Now, it's time for fun. ;)
Why would you leave a sport that is actually get the crowd attendance and fan support it deserves at most rounds of the series?
The 200M pricetag.
Well if it really does turn out to be true by the start of next season, I'll be rooting for them to win Le Mans and the championship, to give a proper send off to a legendary marque and the masters of our era in LMP racing. ._.7
What a tremendous qualifying session that was though. All 4 classes were so close and intriguing. We could have a cracking race on our hands tomorrow.

Come on Toyota!!!

If I have this correct, the race will start at 4pm EST?
Apologies, the EST time is quite wrong. I was meant to say EST -5h but somehow managed to screw it up by adding those 5h to the Japanese time difference.

EST is 22:00.

Jeez... Could FOX turn down the world feed volume? I can hear the engines more than the commentators, and these are the RLM commentators...

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