2017 NASCAR Discussion threadNASCAR 

  • Thread starter MustangRyan
Should also note that it would be next to impossible to shorten the schedule now.

1. Aforementioned ISC stockholders.

2. Bruton would blow a gasket and possibly file another anti trust suit if they cut any of SMI's races.

3. Would violate the track deals NASCAR has until 2020.

4. Would violate the TV contracts.

5. I don't know how Dover would survive without two races. Possibly Pocono as well.

There's more, but those are just the five off the top of my head.
Maybe its just me, but I think ONLY needs Indycar, after all it also was built for indycars. Surely the Mattiolis no longer need NASCAR to survive, especially now that Indycar is actually on the rise again.
Maybe its just me, but I think ONLY needs Indycar, after all it also was built for indycars. Surely the Mattiolis no longer need NASCAR to survive, especially now that Indycar is actually on the rise again.
NASCAR is not going to abandon Pocono. It's the closest track to NYC.
Maybe its just me, but I think ONLY needs Indycar, after all it also was built for indycars. Surely the Mattiolis no longer need NASCAR to survive, especially now that Indycar is actually on the rise again.
You're still taking away a lot of their income if you cut a race weekend from the calendar. Pocono doesn't hold many events outside of NASCAR and Indycar because it's just too darn big to run anything else but sports cars on the road course.

One of the reasons we'll never see another track longer than a mile built in America is because at least with short tracks you can run seperate local races. Places like Pocono or Talladega just sit there for over 330 days a year, not really producing much income.
It's also usually quicker from DC than Richmond is
Then again if NASCAR really wants to shoot itself in the foot it should definitely abandon the country's largest market. The NFL did it to the 2nd largest market twice (and might do it again and again in 20 years).
Good for him. They worked well last season, now we see if they can make something of it for 2017.

From the same site: http://www.catchfence.com/253804/martinsville-speedway-announces-date-first-night-race

AS FOR NASCAR'S STRUCTURE: I'm so 🤬 flustered with the changes being made I don't know what to think. The season does take too long at too few tracks. The field seems overstuffed until rain gets involved and gives even mid-lower ranks a hope in hell because of strategy. TMS being my closest track has proven that yes the races are generally to long and everyone gets scattered until someone usually buggers it up, and yet like LeMans and Daytona I like the endurance aspect that means you have to make sure you can get to the finish in order to win at all. Short sprints are exciting and energetic because everyone gets greedy and takes what they can, but I can go to 4-6 local short tracks, most dirt, where I can see similar action for far less money and pageantry. Speaking of pageantry, I don't remember what track had a pre-qualifying ceremony, but FFS LETS GOOOOO! Get to the action, I don't care if it's ZZ Top on stage because the acts NEVER sound right, some don't even sound GOOD as if they just got off the plane and soundcheck was forgone due to time restraints. The chase creates drama in the same way the NCAA Basketball tournament does, the regular season is just prep for the championship run, for NASCAR this means 26 races just to prove your worthy of a title chance...that's not a bad analogy, I may refine that...The cars are unlike much else in motorsports, and yet I feel they could be a lot closer to the stock side than they are. Management makes my head hurt, but they're doing something right because the banks aren't demanding money and stands are still decently full for Cup, but then they say "We want everyone to be a NASCAR fan" and it's hard to shake the idea that they just don't 🤬 get it. I'm welcome to change, but so much at once and even with a year between changes they get hard to swallow, and it finally becomes a gelatinous mess.

I'm to the point that I don't know what I want to see, nor what to believe, nor what to think. I have ideas myself, but so many do that it all gets lost in the shuffle. I liked some of the racing we got last year, and I get there will be dud races as the bad comes with the good, but beyond that I'm not sure how I should feel about almost anything.

Almost. I'm still planning to avoid all the interviews as most are as energetic as sloth, and no one comes across all that well in them.
Should also note that it would be next to impossible to shorten the schedule now.

1. Aforementioned ISC stockholders.

2. Bruton would blow a gasket and possibly file another anti trust suit if they cut any of SMI's races.

3. Would violate the track deals NASCAR has until 2020.

4. Would violate the TV contracts.

5. I don't know how Dover would survive without two races. Possibly Pocono as well.

There's more, but those are just the five off the top of my head.

I'm going to reorder this a bit so it makes sense for what I'm about to say.

1. Would violate the track deals NASCAR has until 2020.
2. Aforementioned ISC stockholders.
3. Bruton would blow a gasket and possibly file another anti trust suit if they cut any of SMI's races.
4. Would violate the TV contracts.
5. I don't know how Dover would survive without two races. Possibly Pocono as well.

If I'm recalling correctly the TV deals are through 2020 as well right? Anyway, on to the list

1. Plan ahead for 2021
2. Once 2021 hits, TFB
3. See no. 2 Bruton is a 🤬
4. If these run out when they should everything will work out fine
5. Surely they could run late and super late models there safely and just maybe a standalone Indy Lights race, or be innovative and maybe see about getting some cycling on track, it's basically a huge velodrome anyway. Imagine that, pack cycling races at Dover, the finishes could be like 8 wide at least if people timed their runs right.
5b. Pocono really should have been dropped but now that its safety is up to standard it won't be. Why don't they get RPDE or DJRA there if they aren't and host more club racing on their infields, surely a property that large can find some sort of use for itself when there isn't a big event on.
Maybe its just me, but I think ONLY needs Indycar, after all it also was built for indycars. Surely the Mattiolis no longer need NASCAR to survive, especially now that Indycar is actually on the rise again.

I'm sure I mentioned this before in the Indy threads and last year's NASCAR thread, but if they (being Pocono Raceway and Indycar) actually promoted the 🤬 race to locals such as myself instead of having one or two ads on billboards and TV, more people might support it like they do the NASCAR race.

They (Igdalsky and co.) wonder why they're only breaking even on the races, the problem is not the fan interaction or lack of interest, they just don't market the race like they should.
Man, if they run the Charlotte roval, they'll need to move the S/F line. No one is gonna lift on a flyer Q lap or coming to the checkers if it's close, and to navigate T1 you'd need to be braking well before the current S/F location...they're gonna pile into something if they don't move it.
I think the most stupid thing about NASCAR's schedules (apart from the abundance of cookie cutters) is that more often than not, when there's two races on a track per season, they're the same length. It just feels like they're wasting an opportunity to add the maximum possible amount of variety to the racing for as long as they're stuck with the same bunch of tracks.
Shame they are going to be handcuffed due to the stupid no pushing rule.

I've been thinking about this for a while. I think the number one thing that has killed a lot of people's interest in NASCAR was when track builders in the mid to late 90s got a hard-on for speed and thought that was what people liked about racing. So they all built very similar 1.5 mile tracks and these tracks took over dates from unique and more exciting tracks such as Darlington, Rockingham, Wilkesboro, etc. If they built an Iowa in Kansas instead of what we have there now for instance, I think a lot of fan backlash from those moves would have been a little minimized.
But I don't see it lasting for more than a year tops.

This is NASCAR we're talking about, if it doesn't work in 2017, they'll wait a few years than make some changes that only make things worse. See The Chase for an example. :lol: