I'd argue that the modern layout has a lot more history than the old one. Certainly many more memorable moments.While there is history at that track, they arent currently driving said track that has actual history. They'll still be in Brazil which matters more
Interlagos has also been up for sale for at least a couple years now, so with no stable financial future and concerns about personnel safety still unresolved it's not too surprising that it wasn't going to last much longer.That's been on the way for a while. Interlago is ancient and borderline decrepit (it's mentioned every time they broadcast there). It was only a matter of time. Interlagos normally puts up a decent race, but I'm sure we'll see another fairly boring ultra-modern Tilke replacement (unless they make it a street course which would be interesting).
I just find it hilarious that they knocked down a race track to make way for Olympic facilities, and are now knocking down some other Olympic facilities to make way for a race track.Interlagos normally puts up a decent race, but I'm sure we'll see another fairly boring ultra-modern Tilke replacement (unless they make it a street course which would be interesting).
It would be a good venue if the track looked like it belonged there, it looks like a Concrete barriered Eyesore placed in Amuzement park.Sochi would probably be ok if it weren't for the fact that apart from turn 3, literally every corner is exactly the same, it's all 90 degree corners. Its in a good venue, and the Black Sea and the Mountains look great in the background, but the track sucks.
It's a glorified Formula E circuit.
They didn't do this either. Instead they've been, predictably, to Hermann Tilke, and so we have...this.Still, if they have any memory of the old one, they'll know that they had an F1-worthy track layout to work with...so why not just bring it back again? Just make it Jacarepagua, but up to modern standards.
Formula EI'm more intrigued by that mass of squiggles north of the Senna S.
Karting track, perhaps?
If the track direction went the other way so the long boring straights were the last part of the lap, I imagine it wouldn't be so bad. But yeah, you can really see where the design motif was "draw a triangle, erase half of one side and then put the other stuff in".They didn't do this either. Instead they've been, predictably, to Hermann Tilke, and so we have...this.
Looks like the usual nondescript affair to me.
Just replace the psychedelic run-off with grass and it'll be fine.
Paul Ricard has 1000s of Layouts surely one of them could be good, also they need to use the full straight and put the DRS much further down the straight.
We now have 20 races contracted for next season and space for one more. Germany, Mexico and Spain are the three on the current calendar fighting for that last space.
Which do we want and which do we think it'll be, and will you be sad to lose any of them?
Of the three, I'd pick Germany without a doubt. Hockenheim is one of the best circuits in the world for wheel to wheel racing and overtaking as fights can last for half a lap regularly. Mexico is nice in the stadium, but sucks everywhere else as the only unique aspect - the high altitude - makes the racing worse. Barcelona has had one exciting dry race in its entire existence - 2017 - and is just a test track nobody can pass on, so I wouldn't care if it disappeared.