I agree and disagree at the same time. As others have alluded to already, money is virtually in the DNA of F1, and it always will be.
But... it makes good business sense for teams to hire the best drivers they can afford. Yes, sadly that leaves the door open to pay drivers, but pay drivers still have to be at the top level to get into F1, so that's not necessarily a bad thing either. What I suppose most F1 fans want to see, however, is that talent should always be prioritized over the mighty dollar - but that too requires a judgement call on behalf of teams.
I find the idea of pay drivers edging out better drivers distasteful, but ironically pay drivers also help teams to support other drivers too... it's a bit of a Catch-22. I reckon F1 will always be a mish-mash of deserving and less-deserving cases, but in the end talent will always win through, and the top money ends up going to the top drivers. In other words, money also (rightly) dictates the 'talent' market too, and that's a good thing.