Evidence that Brian Kilmeade and FOX are either:
1) completetly uneducated
2) extremely stupid
3) totally aware and totally distorting the truth to fool the viewers
4) a little bit of all but with the wrong mix.
again: how is it that anyone listening to this kind of statement not react like LLCoolJ ?
anyone going along with it can be categorized in 2)
A) The fact that trump said what he said, is cringe-worthy, whether he knows it or not, whether it's unintentional or worse yet intentional... that alone should disqualify him from running
B) the fact that Brain Kilmeade/Fox try to cover up the statement, put on some red lipstick over it with some smoke and mirror effort to fool the blind sheeps, that alone makes them a bunch of reprehensible beings...
C) when nobody is calling out and pointing out these sort of cheap shots, and leaving it out there unchecked or even reporting about it at face value without any analysis, makes everyone complicit, whether directly involved or not...
when A, B, and C happens, even the original statement is totally untrue, somehow become legitimized and accepted as benign...
I hate to overact over minute things, but this is a slippery slop we have gotten ourselves on... why are we not saying that we are completely sliding from the top...