2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

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Oh now there's a press to release his health records. Should have been done of Biden and Trump before the running.

Like I mentioned before, both of them are passed retirement age. Especially wealthy individuals that should sit back and enjoy the rest of their lives. Same as restrictions in certain jobs where weight, age and abilities factor in performing certain duties. Representing a whole country should have certain over age restrictions and mental fitness as well.
Not just age minimum, USA residency and whether a person was born in the USA or not(if I remember from Social Studies class :lol:).
Oh now there's a press to release his health records. Should have been done of Biden and Trump before the running.

Like I mentioned before, both of them are passed retirement age. Especially wealthy individuals that should sit back and enjoy the rest of their lives. Same as restrictions in certain jobs where weight, age and abilities factor in performing certain duties. Representing a whole country should have certain over age restrictions and mental fitness as well.
Not just age minimum, USA residency and whether a person was born in the USA or not(if I remember from Social Studies class :lol:).
The retirement age in the USA is 67, so only one of them has passed retirement age, Harris could serve two terms and be only a year over.
Down the ballot, the Colorado Supreme Court has two judges up for re-election that voted that Donald Trump remains eligible to stay on the Republican Primary ballot.

I've seen arguments that they should be retained because the CO Supreme Court was overruled 9-0 at the US Supreme Court - meaning that those two judges made the right call. My counter-argument to this is that 9 US Supreme Court justices CLEARLY made the wrong choice, abdicating their responsibility to uphold the constitution in an inexplicable decision to force congress to vote on whether or not to do it. There is no amendment in the bill of rights that is supposed to work that way, apparently except the 14th according to the US Supreme Court now.

In my view, those two CO justices failed to do their duty to uphold the constitution, regardless of the 9 justices that also failed after them.
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Take a second and imagine you're Kamala Harris.

Your opponent has tried to kill you once before on Jan. 6th 2021. He is currently saying he would deploy the military against the "enemy within" which he explicitly lists as including Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and you have to assume, yourself. All estimates are the the election, which happens in a few weeks, hinges on a handful of votes. The list of outcomes includes the fall of Ukraine, abandonment of any curtailment of climate change, the fall of democracy in the US, reproductive rights for all American women, assistance to Putin, persecution and deportation of minorities, including immigrants who have been promised the right to be here, the rule of law, and most likely your own life or at the very least, freedom.

It's a lot to shoulder. That's a mountain of stress. And as much stress as I feel about the upcoming election, and as personal as it feels to me, it is moreso the case for her.

But you're just one person. You're one human being, who just turned 60 years old, who cannot possibly do all of that by yourself. And so you rest much of the responsibility on the voters in the country to do the right thing. You're not imagining yourself as a hero or scapegoat, handling the responsibility of keeping the country on track. Your supporters also shoulder that same responsibility.

Kamala does not have the power or responsibility to make this happen on her own. The responsibility and power still lies, for now, with the people. If she loses, it's a failure of the American people that didn't support her. It would not be her failure. Her campaign has been damned solid to date. If she wins, it is a credit to the people who supported her, and in spite of those who did not.

I honestly cannot believe we're here. The US political system is so completely broken that even after congress and the VP were attacked by the president, it still could barely act in any meaningful way to prevent a repeat attack from the same person 4 years later. The reason it is broken is again, a failure of the American people to vote for candidates that will uphold their government.
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So I'm not the biggest fan of Walz--he's okay, I guess--but he absolutely nailed this.


The link card is censored but the video embedded at the link is not.
He's talking about Joe Biden, not Kamala Harris. Biden did release his medical records though.
I couldn’t recall if Biden released his health records. That’s good he did.
Which would make him wrong on two counts...
It was mainly about “both of them”(Trump and Biden) in your response post of retirement age(pretty much eligibility to receive USA social security). If under thirty-seven years old is too young, then over sixty-six years old is too old. Just a thought.

Edit: Just read Trump visited King of Knockout Barbershop in The Bronx. Right around the corner from the house I lived before leaving for Florida and then Australia. Crazy! It’s also crazy these dudes let him in the neighborhood.
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Take a second and imagine you're Kamala Harris.

Your opponent has tried to kill you once before on Jan. 6th 2021. He is currently saying he would deploy the military against the "enemy within" which he explicitly lists as including Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and you have to assume, yourself. All estimates are the the election, which happens in a few weeks, hinges on a handful of votes. The list of outcomes includes the fall of Ukraine, abandonment of any curtailment of climate change, the fall of democracy in the US, reproductive rights for all American women, assistance to Putin, persecution and deportation of minorities, including immigrants who have been promised the right to be here, the rule of law, and most likely your own life or at the very least, freedom.

It's a lot to shoulder. That's a mountain of stress. And as much stress as I feel about the upcoming election, and as personal as it feels to me, it is moreso the case for her.

But you're just one person. You're one human being, who just turned 60 years old, who cannot possibly do all of that by yourself. And so you rest much of the responsibility on the voters in the country to do the right thing. You're not imagining yourself as a hero or scapegoat, handling the responsibility of keeping the country on track. Your supporters also shoulder that same responsibility.

Kamala does not have the power or responsibility to make this happen on her own. The responsibility and power still lies, for now, with the people. If she loses, it's a failure of the American people that didn't support her. It would not be her failure. Her campaign has been damned solid to date. If she wins, it is a credit to the people who supported her, and in spite of those who did not.

I honestly cannot believe we're here. The US political system is so completely broken that even after congress and the VP were attacked by the president, it still could barely act in any meaningful way to prevent a repeat attack from the same person 4 years later. The reason it is broken is again, a failure of the American people to vote for candidate that will uphold their government.
I can't believe we're here either. I thought surely after Jan. 6th that Trump would be done, out, kaputsky. He would sit back and endorse somebody but as for himself he would be done. But it didn't turn out that way. Conservatives showed they have as much backbone as a slug and refused to shove Trump out the door.

For the life of me I can't understand why this race is remotely close. It should be the exact opposite of the 1984 election map. Maybe Trump would win Florida by a very close margin but he should be blown out in the other 49 states.
I can't believe we're here either. I thought surely after Jan. 6th that Trump would be done, out, kaputsky. He would sit back and endorse somebody but as for himself he would be done. But it didn't turn out that way. Conservatives showed they have as much backbone as a slug and refused to shove Trump out the door.

For the life of me I can't understand why this race is remotely close. It should be the exact opposite of the 1984 election map. Maybe Trump would win Florida by a very close margin but he should be blown out in the other 49 states.

I think it's relatively simple. Authoritarianism.

We have a significant segment of the US population that thinks that the problems they're afraid of are to be solved with a stick, and the rules are to be ignored if they're in the way. That's Trump. They still don't understand, or even begin to think, that they could be on the receiving end of the stick. They haven't stopped to question whether what they're afraid of is real, whether the rules are protecting them, or whether a stick is actually a good idea to use.

They think they need their leader to be a jerk who pisses people off, and they instinctively want to side with the person who does that.
Jesus H. Christ, man.
Former generals who have worked for Trump say that the sole military virtue he prizes is obedience. As his presidency drew to a close, and in the years since, he has become more and more interested in the advantages of dictatorship, and the absolute control over the military that he believes it would deliver. “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had,” Trump said in a private conversation in the White House, according to two people who heard him say this. “People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.”

In their book, The Divider: Trump in the White House, Peter Baker and Susan Glasser reported that Trump asked John Kelly, his chief of staff at the time, “Why can’t you be like the German generals?” Trump, at various points, had grown frustrated with military officials he deemed disloyal and disobedient. (Throughout the course of his presidency, Trump referred to flag officers as “my generals.”) According to Baker and Glasser, Kelly explained to Trump that German generals “tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off.” This correction did not move Trump to reconsider his view: “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the president responded.

This week, I asked Kelly about their exchange. He told me that when Trump raised the subject of “German generals,” Kelly responded by asking, “‘Do you mean Bismarck’s generals?’” He went on: “I mean, I knew he didn’t know who Bismarck was, or about the Franco-Prussian War. I said, ‘Do you mean the kaiser’s generals? Surely you can’t mean Hitler’s generals? And he said, ‘Yeah, yeah, Hitler’s generals.’ I explained to him that Rommel had to commit suicide after taking part in a plot against Hitler.” Kelly told me Trump was not acquainted with Rommel.

There's also a short paragraph this article starts with detailing the death & funeral of Vanessa Guillen who was killed by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood. Trump had promised to cover the cost of her funeral. When the family's attorney sent the $60,000 bill to the White House, the article cites that Trump became enraged that they were "trying to rip him off" & "it doesn't cost $60,000 to bury a ******* Mexican".....
Come On Reaction GIF by BrownSugarApp
Hold up. Hitler's generals had a bitch ass commander that blew his brains out in a bunker.


Let him cook.

Edit: Didn't a bunch of Hitler's generals also conspire to kill the bitch?
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Hold up. Hitler's generals had a bitch ass commander that blew his brains out in a bunker.
Were this to happen in this case, it'd probably be in a golf bunker. Perhaps they'd have to bury him there too.
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For once I agree with Trump - British politicians shouldn't be campaigning in American elections

View attachment 1399743
It's why it's so important for us to heed the lessons of how America got into this situation so Farage doesn't win in 2029 or earlier. Labour have to play smart, but looking at their first 100 days I don't think they have it in them to course correct.
Doesn't this election feel like the opposite of 2016? Trump is the hated candidate that seems overweighted in the polls compared to general sentiment.
Doesn't this election feel like the opposite of 2016? Trump is the hated candidate that seems overweighted in the polls compared to general sentiment.
My hope is that Trump's strong polling will motivate people to get off their ass and vote...Hillary lost because everyone assumed she was going to win, and few genuinely liked her, which throttled turnout. I think Kamala is far more likeable than Hillary and everyone should know what Trump is all about by now...It blows my mind that it's close. More than anything else, I want Trump to lose so that the GOP can self-correct, amputate the atrophy, and become a normal political party again - we really ****ing need the balance restored.
Jesus H. Christ, man.

There's also a short paragraph this article starts with detailing the death & funeral of Vanessa Guillen who was killed by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood. Trump had promised to cover the cost of her funeral. When the family's attorney sent the $60,000 bill to the White House, the article cites that Trump became enraged that they were "trying to rip him off" & "it doesn't cost $60,000 to bury a ******* Mexican".....
Come On Reaction GIF by BrownSugarApp
yet for his own funeral, i would bet that trump would like the whole entire country to kneel down for 10 mins and have a 10 miles long procession and parade made in every town in his honor.... all the while, athletes who kneel down during the national anthem should be shot according to trump... (paraphrasing here, but you get the point...)

GOP/Repudicans/MAGA/National Evangelicals totally oblivious to this, worse yet, would fully agree with trump regardless of any contradictory statements the orange orangutan clown (sorry for insulting orangutans, clowns, and the color orange, but we have yet to find an appropriate adjective or name for trump the dump)

is it just me or am i totally wrong ?

sorry my color is showing just a tad.... will be submitting my voting card shortly, as soon as i figure out what all the confusing propositions are...
sorry my color is showing just a tad.... will be submitting my voting card shortly, as soon as i figure out what all the confusing propositions are...

My ballot was full of propositions to the point where there was no space left front/back. It took hours to research them all. I hope that this sort of thing doesn't discourage voter turnout.

To anyone who feels like it's not worth the effort, or if you don't have time to research a proposition or two, leave them blank. You can still figure out how to vote for others. At the very least, fill in the spot for president and check for an abortion measure.
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More than anything else, I want Trump to lose so that the GOP can self-correct, amputate the atrophy, and become a normal political party again - we really ****ing need the balance restored.
You'd have thought after Jan 6th 2021 they'd have drop kicked him. The fact that he's still lingering like a bad smell, but a smell they can't get enough of, proves the Republicans are no longer the Grand Old Party with those traditional republican policies and ideals. Perhaps NR (Novyy Reich) is more appropriate label today?
You'd have thought after Jan 6th 2021 they'd have drop kicked him. The fact that he's still lingering like a bad smell, but a smell they can't get enough of, proves the Republicans are no longer the Grand Old Party with those traditional republican policies and ideals. Perhaps NR (Novyy Reich) is more appropriate label today?

Yes, it does seem that way. They have someone who has endorsed Nazism in their ranks running for governor, and have not made that disqualifying. They have a candidate for president who openly desires to emulate Hitler, at a minimum when it comes to obedience, loyalty, control ("I need the kind of generals that Hitler had"), squashed dissent ("enemy within", "vermin"), genetic theory ("we have a lot of bad genes in this country", "poisoning the blood"), and vilification of immigrants (again "poisoning the blood").
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It blows my mind that it's close. More than anything else, I want Trump to lose so that the GOP can self-correct, amputate the atrophy, and become a normal political party again - we really ****ing need the balance restored.
I'm a cynical realist and I just don't see a sensible GOP (insofar as the GOP can be) after Trump. Maybe it's the kind of thing that slowly shifts back but I think it's just as likely that, in the absence of a swift and full realignment, it all just grenades. Trump is the pied piper, giving the rats direction...however bad that direction may be. I think a post-Trump GOP is one that embraces the sociopaths that it's courted, trying to keep some of that Trump magic, but isn't able to control them.
I'm a cynical realist and I just don't see a sensible GOP (insofar as the GOP can be) after Trump. Maybe it's the kind of thing that slowly shifts back but I think it's just as likely that, in the absence of a swift and full realignment, it all just grenades. Trump is the pied piper, giving the rats direction...however bad that direction may be. I think a post-Trump GOP is one that embraces the sociopaths that it's courted, trying to keep some of that Trump magic, but isn't able to control them.

I'm of the opinion that the GOP is revealing its true colors, which it has been developing since at least Nixon. I think the authoritarian bent within this group is strong, and they just weren't saying it openly or willing to address their disagreement with the founding principles of the country.

Now that they have a leader who is willing to toss aside the constitution and democracy, they're finding that they support authoritarianism more than the constitution or democracy.

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