2024 US Presidential Election Thread

  • Thread starter ryzno

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Results are only viewable after voting.
Serious questions:
Why do people on the right keep on saying ballots are being shredded or burnt or dumped somewhere in nature...
So they can claim Democrats are the ones "disposing" their votes & that's how they win.
They keep on saying there are videos or evidence of it..

Next time I will ask them to prove it to me.
I would be it's some sort of made up Photoshop video
The videos are almost always edited or based on an assumption to "confirm" their bias.

Ever see the one that focuses on someone dropping off a box during the night to a counting station after voting stopped? They'll claim that's a box of fake votes for Dems. In reality, that's just how it works because it takes hours for that box to clear security before it gets send to be counted.

Remember, there's also always a good chance projection is at hand. "Votes by dead family members" was a thing until multiple cases arose where it was Republican voters committing such acts. Then the right's talking heads stopped claiming it.

It is the damnedest of shames that they don't make those inhumane glue traps for rats this big.
Unfortunately Andy's from my state so I'm sorry for this :(

In more somber news, if democracy dies in darkness as the Washington Post's motto declares, then someone just turned out the light. My guess is owner Jeff Bezos:

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It was obviously 29 million people, dressed head to toe in Maga merchandise. You just didn't see them b/c the corrupt media wouldn't let them into the state.
I think it's relatively simple. Authoritarianism.

We have a significant segment of the US population that thinks that the problems they're afraid of are to be solved with a stick, and the rules are to be ignored if they're in the way. That's Trump. They still don't understand, or even begin to think, that they could be on the receiving end of the stick. They haven't stopped to question whether what they're afraid of is real, whether the rules are protecting them, or whether a stick is actually a good idea to use.

They think they need their leader to be a jerk who pisses people off, and they instinctively want to side with the person who does that.

I defy anyone to listen to Tucker Carlson talk about how the US is an unruly little girl who needs a "spanking" when "daddy" Trump "gets home" and not see the exactly point about authoritarianism I was making above. Tuck is a disturbed individual, but the crowd seems to follow his basic ideology, that all is right in the world when you have a strong father figure who beats his subjects for stepping out of line.
there are so many opportunities for people to get educated and to learn and fact check as much as they can, i am really not sure why people on the right are so stuck on with their own believes and so rigid, unwilling to have an open mind...

The Mooch is one person is giving me hope that more people can be like him, but he is well spoken and educated, who was once corrupted:
Again with these Conservative thugs.

Of course Trump chimed in "Only US citizens should be allowed to vote". Well they're trying to you jackass!!! Your sleazy henchmen keep trying to stop them from voting.

Harris and Trump are split nationally in the NYT Sienna poll of 80,000 people. This is the last NYT Sienna poll before the election.

If this is true, it suggests a Trump win. Harris cannot be dead even nationally and still win the EC, which has a republican lean to it. All of the battleground states lean red compared to national averages. So she needs to be leading by something like 3% nationally to be even in battleground states.

I think there is no way this poll is correct. The reason is because I simply refuse to believe that Harris is set up to underperform Hillary at a national level. This poll suggests that Harris is so unpopular that she is at risk of losing the popular vote, and I just don't think that's a credible scenario. If my position turns out to be correct, it means that there is a pro-Trump selection bias in at least this one specific poll.

If my position is not correct, the US has lost its damned mind and is about to elect a maniac clown.
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The fact that the polls are this close already tells you all you need to know really. Even if (unlikely) the polls are off by 5%, having 45% of the country want to elect a fascist basically means we’re pretty much screwed, even if not exactly now, but soon enough for sure.
So between someone who is rightfully sanctimonious and another person who is cluelessly stupid and willfully fascist, she will pick the latter...?!?

I don't think she is qualified to be a columnist anymore... Or is it that easy to be a columnist nowadays?!

Contrast that with:
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I find it hilarious that the Joe Rogan interview was just Trump reciting his greatest hits so all his loyal supporters will get nothing new & despite Joe's school girl admiration throughout, even he struggles to keep Trump on track. He does try to bring him back to his questions like the 2020 election, but the most Trump can muster is he barely lost, but has tons of evidence it was rigged. Joe asks him about this evidence & Trump just repeats himself, lol.

The only good thing that can really come out of this interview is that it exposes regular folks (who only hear clips of him), to an uninterrupted, in-context, straight from the horse's mouth Trump speaking for 3 hours on end & come to the conclusion of, "This guy just rambles about nonsense; he's not all there".

The most common summary is that it's a boring interview b/c you've heard it all before & Joe fails to press him for something more. Other than that, he continues to highlight that tariffs are the answer to making America's economy stronger than ever, that other countries pay for it, & that he wants to end the CHIPS act b/c tariffs would do better at producing semiconductors. Edit* Just to add on to this brilliant logic, tariffs will also allow him to eliminate income tax AND erase the deficit.
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I find it hilarious that the Joe Rogan interview was just Trump reciting his greatest hits so all his loyal supporters will get nothing new & despite Joe's school girl admiration throughout, even he struggles to keep Trump on track. He does try to bring him back to his questions like the 2020 election, but the most Trump can muster is he barely lost, but has tons of evidence it was rigged. Joe asks him about this evidence & Trump just repeats himself, lol.

The only good thing that can really come out of this interview is that it exposes regular folks (who only hear clips of him), to an uninterrupted, in-context, straight from the horse's mouth Trump speaking for 3 hours on end & come to the conclusion of, "This guy just rambles about nonsense; he's not all there".

The most common summary is that it's a boring interview b/c you've heard it all before & Joe fails to press him for something more. Other than that, he continues to highlight that tariffs are the answer to making America's economy stronger than ever, that other countries pay for it, & that he wants to end the CHIPS act b/c tariffs would do better at producing semiconductors.
How could anyone bare listening to the horse rear end rambling on non-sense for even 20min...
I would kill myself if I have to sit through it...
Thanks for the summary there, I have echos of his annoying voice even as you write it here.

Kamala / Walz better win for my sanity.
If my position is not correct, the US has lost its damned mind and is about to elect a maniac clown.
I....I just can't get my head around this.
As an outsider looking in that only has a fleeting interest in US politics, how just how.
On one side you have someone who seems to come across as a reasonably intelligent and well presented woman and on the other side is the Mango Mussolini. To me it's just a bizarre concept that the Mango one may get over the line with a win.

For the good of the US and the world for that matter I hope in the instance you are incorrect.