2nd GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Finished - Season Over!)

  • Thread starter Ardius
It just dawned on me. Are we planning on racing all of the tracks, the game has available? I'm assuming we are, but just in case we decide to cut a few from the roster (Eccelstone style), I'd be comfortable without Catalunya or Hockenheim. Just throwing that out there. If there are those who love those two tracks, then by all means, keep them in the line up. I don't really like racing at either track, but I can still begrudgingly be fast at both.:sly:
I really like those tables, but I don't believe they are for the 2006 season. Any chance wikipedia has a table for 2006? I'll surf over there to see. I guess we can keep these tables, no biggie. So long as there are the same # of races, for both seasons.

And thanks for organizing all our race results. 👍

What? These tables are plagarised straight from the 2006 season page from wikipedia. These are the order the races were done in the 2006 season...I don't get what you mean by "i don't believe they are for the 2006 season".

It just dawned on me. Are we planning on racing all of the tracks, the game has available? I'm assuming we are, but just in case we decide to cut a few from the roster (Eccelstone style), I'd be comfortable without Catalunya or Hockenheim. Just throwing that out there. If there are those who love those two tracks, then by all means, keep them in the line up. I don't really like racing at either track, but I can still begrudgingly be fast at both.:sly:

We are racing every track, why would we not race all of them? Then this wouldn't be the world championship would it?
Sorry Lofasz , but I do believe we will be running the full schedule.

:lol: - you feel the same way about Catalunya and Hockenheim , as I feel about Monaco and Sepang :yuck: We all have our favorites and our least favorites. Oh well we got to do it,just go out and give it a whirl.
Howdy fellow racers if any of you guys like some really good guitar playing check out benoni2 on youtube look up conandrade in music videos he is really very good dont know if he better racer or guitar player looooool seriously though just remember its all about having fun “If everything seems under control,you're just not going fast enough.” Mario Andretti Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ZERODUCK1
What? These tables are plagarised straight from the 2006 season page from wikipedia. These are the order the races were done in the 2006 season...I don't get what you mean by "i don't believe they are for the 2006 season".

Wait, I'm a doofus :dopey:. Its just that I saw the USGP and thought, that's not right. Even though I know darn well its in the 2006 season. My mind was still on the 2008 season, duh. I still think the road course at Indy is Mickey Mouse poop. IMHO of course.

Full schedule is fine by me. I'll just need to practice more at those tracks, as I usually try to avoid them :).
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Tonight is not happening, I presume?

I guess so, oddly. Relatives turned up there and I had to talk to them, then just after coming back here to find out the password, and realised that it never started. :confused:

Maybe we can reschedule for sometime during the week?
Sorry Lofasz , but I do believe we will be running the full schedule.

:lol: - you feel the same way about Catalunya and Hockenheim , as I feel about Monaco and Sepang :yuck: We all have our favorites and our least favorites. Oh well we got to do it,just go out and give it a whirl.

Whats wrong with Sepang?
Yeah i've had relatives and the like over too, but now I am relatively free apart from new year of course as that is partay time :D.

So is the race still on for 4th Jan or has it been changed?
They are from the wikipedia page for the 2006 F1 season, I simply print-screened the tables and edited them in Microsoft Paint.
I can give you a clear copy if you want (with all the results empty).

Please do. :)
Tonight is not happening, I presume?

I guess so, oddly. Relatives turned up there and I had to talk to them, then just after coming back here to find out the password, and realised that it never started. :confused:

Maybe we can reschedule for sometime during the week?

Yeah, there wasn't much interest in doing it last night, so I decided against it, no point in running a race with only 2 or 3 drivers and no NTSC race.

Yeah i've had relatives and the like over too, but now I am relatively free apart from new year of course as that is partay time :D.

So is the race still on for 4th Jan or has it been changed?

Yup, it will still be the 4th.

Please do. :)

Can't wait for Next week, My first race with everyone(assuming Everyone in NTSC is gonna be there). Also, this will be with Collisions and Pits, Right? If so, I elect to start at the rear to avoid possible pile-ups in turn one.
Can't wait for Next week, My first race with everyone(assuming Everyone in NTSC is gonna be there). Also, this will be with Collisions and Pits, Right? If so, I elect to start at the rear to avoid possible pile-ups in turn one.

Yes collisions & pits will be on. In case you dont know yet online F1CE there is what some call a "lag" bubble or force field around other real drivers. Meaning you cant get close to another car at all. On your screen it will appear as if you have plenty of room,but the other car will react as if you piled into them.:crazy:
Yes collisions & pits will be on. In case you dont know yet online F1CE there is what some call a "lag" bubble or force field around other real drivers. Meaning you cant get close to another car at all. On your screen it will appear as if you have plenty of room,but the other car will react as if you piled into them.:crazy:

I've done some races online on F1CE (with Lofasz and Lennon I believe) and I haven't noticed it myself. It might have happened a couple of times while I was in turn one as I did see someone get sideways and I wasn't even on their tailpipe.
Good i'm glad and just to add, i think changing the date would not be fair in the future as some competitors for whatever reason may not be able to get on the site in time.
I think it should only be changed if given 1-2 weeks notice on the site.
First time i've ever heard of someone finishing 3rd and losing his ride lol oh well guess thats kinda like the online racing s__t happens yall have fun with the rest of the season later ZERODUCK1
i just have 1 more thing to say about this for as much complaining about people not using this thread as i heard last week its a shame the tournament organisers couldn't send me a msg to tell me what was going on i had to find out on my own thanx i really appreciate that ZERODUCK1
lool don't know but it dont matter i'll practice with you and help you kick their A__

This is why:

He can take my seat for the First two rounds as apperantly, it'll be two weeks before my PS3 finally arrives

RACECAR can race again now, so that agreement is up.

i just have 1 more thing to say about this for as much complaining about people not using this thread as i heard last week its a shame the tournament organisers couldn't send me a msg to tell me what was going on i had to find out on my own thanx i really appreciate that ZERODUCK1

Yes, because of course I can monitor this thread 24 hours a day because I don't do anything else?
Sorry I couldn't reply to you instantaneously, it just so happens this forum doesn't dominate my life.

I didn't tell you straight away what was going on with your seat because I'm currently considering opening a sub-championship to the NTSC championship for drivers who can't get a race seat, but if you feel I or any of the other race organisors don't make enough effort I won't bother.
I also assumed you remembered the agreement you had with RACECAR over that seat, but clearly this was all arranged without your knowledge, I was just told by several NTSC drivers that they had agreed to let you race in his place for the first couple of races.
I didn't tell you straight away what was going on with your seat because I'm currently considering opening a sub-championship to the NTSC championship for drivers who can't get a race seat,

I like this idea. The sub-NTSC will be like "GP2" or "Formula BMW". The first 5 positions will pass to NTSC at the end of the season. As result, the last 5 positions will be moved to the sub-NTSC division. where they will have to fight their way back to the top. This will force all drivers to race every race; otherwise will be demoted by insufficiency of points, since earned points can not be transferred.
i can deal with that looks like there was some miss understanding on my part i do remember seeing msg about relief drivers but when the practice races and first race started i wasn't listed as a relief driver so i assumed someone had dropped out i'll take the blame for that i apologise to all involved

I would like to ask how are we gonna determine grid positions? Seeing as I wasn't there for the first round, I'm not sure
I would like to ask how are we gonna determine grid positions? Seeing as I wasn't there for the first round, I'm not sure

Before each race , there is a 5 min. qualification session to determine grid position. 👍
The time stated in the OP is for the qualification session, isn't it?

Due to another on-line commitment I will be regularly hopping into the PAL lobby at about 9:50PM GMT