2nd GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Finished - Season Over!)

  • Thread starter Ardius
I just found out that Lofasz will not be able to run in the Austrailan GP tonight. So both cars in team Lofus are garaged for now. OOPS I see you just found out as well Ardius. LOL
Z will be filling in for Lofasz tonight, I will await to see if chiboss takes up the offer of Biggles seat, if not, I will offer it to Z and Suede can fill in for Lofasz. And so on.
I'm hoping for a good attendance tonight. Why is it that Aussierules hasn't even posted since signing up originally, has he?

I don't know, but if he doesn't turn up and we get anymore people wanting to enter the PAL championship, he will lose that seat.
No reply from the PM I sent to Kakundoo, either.

If someone else hosts it, what happens with Game title and password? I presume they stay the same.
No reply from the PM I sent to Kakundoo, either.

If someone else hosts it, what happens with Game title and password? I presume they stay the same.

The same, everyone got the same PM, so everyone should know the title and pass.
Also, I assume everyone either knows or can guess the race settings anyway?

Well, just in case we do need a different host:
AI: Easy (because AI > humans in rain)
Players: 10
Weather: Light Rain
Laps: 20
Grid: Qualification
Collisions: On
Penalties: On
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Hmm, thats a good point, I think I mentioned that back at the start of thread that we would switch it to easy.
I'll PM all the race organisors to remind them and edit my last post.:)
Hey, Thanks for showing up to practice in the rain. What happened to you guys,did everyone get DC'd. I actually WON, WWOOO HHOOOO. Think Duck & RACECAR were sandbagging. I was able to cut my laps down to 1.33s. Seems brake early steady throttle out works.

What cha talkin bout? I wasn't sandbagging, I got punted off and never quite got the rhythm afterwards. Even worse, my fuel didn't last long enough after that one stop while everyone else keep going:grumpy:
Like I said if Kakundoo doesn't turn up I can host, it'll be exactly the same game name and title and so on.

Kakundoo is bound to show up, he's been raving about this race and couldn't wait to get goin. It is strange that he hasn't posted today though. We should put the game up in about 5 mins I think.

Good luck everyone and remember to give your fellow racers a wide berth especially given the conditions. Remember the rules and remember that sometimes you have to brake slightly early when chasing a slower car to avoid a collision.
Will I host the PAL race? It looks like if Kakundoo does show up now he'll be a bit late anyway.

Edit: Sorry PepsiO, go ahead with yours if you wish.
PAL Results:
Fastest lap: fishfash
1st Shaggy Alonso/Jordan 10 points
2nd fishfash/Aguri 9 points
3rd Gt4 Genius/Lotus 6 points
4th Lewy0s/Williams 5 points
5th Kakundoo/Jaguar 4points
6th Sureshot/Aguri 3points
7th appie/Jordan 2points
8th Ardius/Jaguar 1point
9th Pepsi0/Williams 0 points

Jordan 12 points
Aguri 12 points
Lotus 6 points
Williams 5 points
Jaguar 5 points

For once, I had the chance to race tonight, so I took it, I filled in for marchi, who did not turn up, in Jaguar.
I hadn't played F1:CE for about 2 months before tonight, so this was amusing for me, took about 10 laps for me to get settled in the physics engine again, with several spins and smashes. I qualified ahead of Sureshot and Pepsi0, but I gave back the positions at the start because I knew I would just get in the way. After that I just raced my own race, and just amusing myself by seeing how fast I could drive in the wet in this physics engine without messing up. The fastest lap I did all night was in the 1'35/34s, which was a few seconds off the more competitive drivers here, which I was content with.
Had a lot of fun in that race, had one shunt courtesy of Mr.fishfash :lol: which was no doubt more because I was driving at a snails pace at turn 1 rather than his fault, I think that may have been one of the reasons he lost the race, so if thats true, I am really sorry fishfash, I had no idea you were there I had been focusing on catching appie who was just ahead of me and never even heard you coming till that point. Thankfully I didn't come together with my usual buddy in destruction, Mr Genius which was possibly a positive, depends on how you look at that, lol. Had a good, but short, battle with Pepsi for a lap or so and was playing a game of leapfrog-pistops with Appie and Sureshot for a long time that eventually didn't work out for me thanks to my many mistakes that race, but all in good fun.
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Well, I don't know the full result as I think fishfash had a glitch.

However, I think it was an okay race. I didn't have a traction control problem, but instead I had my back wing knocked off on the first lap, then when I got in front of LewyOs, he sent me flying off the race track and didn't wait for me.
Then when I was last I was held up by Appie for like 3 laps, including having to wait for him everytime i accidently knocked him going into a corner.
Once I was passed him, I had the same problems with Sureshot and Pepsicoke, it was frustrating.
Also, my apologies for the few hits I did to people.

1. Shaggy Alonso
2. GT4Genius
3. LewyOs
4. Kakundoo
5. Gyles69 (Glitched)
6. GTP_Sureshot
And i can't remember the rest lol

Fastest Lap: 1:29.765 (Gyles69)
Great race! What happened you, fishfash, in the second half, you had a huge lead over me when I spun and Shaggy went past. Anyway at the end of over half an hour of racing the top three were just six seconds apart. :sly:

BTW: Thanks for letting me passed Ardius, I did a little zig zag down the straight to say thanks in case you're wondering what that was about. I'm not mad but maybe Sureshot you could glance behind you a little more often. ;)
PAL Results:
shaggy alonso
gt4 genius

Fastest lap: fishfash

I finished behind GT4, infront of kakundoo.

At the start, I got nudged into turn 1 from behind, but kept it on track and didn't loose any places.
But then into turn 3 still on first lap, I was rammed from behind, lost a wheel loads of damage to the car, but did anyone wait? No.

Quick question also, do cars about to be lapped get any kind of blue flag warning show up?
Was doing well until lap 11, I have no idea why but I got a tyre puncture, and then was in ninth. And I also missed my second pit stop as well, so had to go in a lap later.

It was quite a good race though.

Oh and lewyos, that was me, I was going in the corner perfectly and then got nudged from behind, an this resulted in me flying into you. Sorry about that.
I had my back wing knocked off on the first lap, then when I got in front of LewyOs, he sent me flying off the race track and didn't wait for me.

I got punted off, you were then infront of me once I rejoined, I remember giving you plenty of room, just saw you loose it.
Wow what a race and congrats to Shaggy 👍

I had a great start and was leading over GT4 genius & Shaggy. When I started to approach a few back markers they did not know I had the glitch and I ended up in the wall so as to avoid them and not to crash into them :nervous: I then tried to lap Ardius later on and hit his back wing so I decided to wait, by then Shaggy had gone past and I was in catch up mode.

I pushed like an absolute lunatic lapping in the high 1:29's and saw Shaggy go into the pits. I had an extra lap of fuel and as I came out of the pits we were side by side and Shaggy did an excellent move around the outside. I stayed behind but was never going to pass as there was some excellent defending there. 👍
I finished behind GT4, infront of kakundoo.

At the start, I got nudged into turn 1 from behind, but kept it on track and didn't loose any places.
But then into turn 3 still on first lap, I was rammed from behind, lost a wheel loads of damage to the car, but did anyone wait? No.

Quick question also, do cars about to be lapped get any kind of blue flag warning show up?

I was editing the post, heh, that was just a quick note from me of the finishing positions before you all disappeared from the lobby.

No, lapped cars don't get blue flags nor do they get penalties unfortunately. We just have to depend on drivers checking behind them and taking notes of whether the car behind is a rival or a lapping driver.

I also noted that was the best turn 1 I have ever seen executed online by 8 drivers, so well done chaps! Not one person was left spun or crashed! (apart from me, but that was me being me :))

BTW: Thanks for letting me passed Ardius, I did a little zig zag down the straight to say thanks in case you're wondering what that was about. I'm not mad but maybe Sureshot you could glance behind you a little more often. ;)

Heh, no problem, I just wish I had heard/seen a couple of the other lappers like I did you. Lewy0s in particular came up behind me on one lap, and I couldn't see his nametag nor his car colour in mist, so I had no idea what to do till thankfully (seriously, thank god man! If I had moved a inch to the right when you did that I would have taken you out) cleanly overtook me.
Gyles seemed to suffer from a glitch which put him a lap down. I was probably about 10 seconds behind him when all of a sudden I closed up at turn one and went past the wreckages of a crash between fishfash and Ardius I believe it was, they must have crashed when fishfash was trying to lap Ardius. I only made one mistake on lap two where I cut a corner and got a penalty and saw GT4genius flying past, then luckily 2 laps later he spun and I retook my advantage. My pace in the first stint was very good, I put in a succession of about 5-6 sub 1:32 laps, my fastest lap being a 1:31.315. I was still about a second a lap slower than Gyles but I was consistent and it paid off. My second stint was ragged, got distracted by Gyles and lapping cars but my last stint was good managing to hold Gyles back was hugely satisfying!!
I got punted off, you were then infront of me once I rejoined, I remember giving you plenty of room, just saw you loose it.

Obviously it was the lag bubble then LewyOs, but you probably should have waited, everytime someone went off in front of me I waited for them.

Also, when LewyOs did take me off, i got an 8 sec penalty for a large corner cut!
Great race! What happened you, fishfash, in the second half, you had a huge lead over me when I spun and Shaggy went past. Anyway at the end of over half an hour of racing the top three were just six seconds apart. :sly:

BTW: Thanks for letting me passed Ardius, I did a little zig zag down the straight to say thanks in case you're wondering what that was about. I'm not mad but maybe Sureshot you could glance behind you a little more often. ;)

The game doesn't produce blue flags, which is a real pain in the bum, because I had no idea who I was racing. The placings in the corner didn't seem to represent who it was saying was behind or in-front of me. Apologies, but you can't blame for letting someone past who I thought I might be racing. As there seems to be no blue flags, maybe we can create some kind of signal, and no, I don't mean bird calls...I was really confused when I saw fishfash in 5th...

I actually enjoyed that. Only one problem, the over-aggression of Kakundoo. You mentioned hitting other people in the bum, you did it with me too, in the first right-hand hairpin (T3 iirc), not sure if you waited or not, you had stopped completely when I passed you on the big straight before the quick left-right, someone else had gone off at the chicane before. You also were super aggressive up the inside at T1, overshot the apex by quite a lot, very lucky you didn't take me with you.

Pits went ok for me, remembered to pit this time ;) 2 penalties. One at the quick left-right because I had broken wings up until my first stop because of a collision in T4. Don't think there was anyone to blame for that, it just seemed madness, what with spray, etc. Other was on the inside of T2, I slide and somehow got a 9-second penalty for it. Quite annoying.

Happy with 6th, 3 points, I'm not going to complain, hate the track.

Note the complete lack of a time submitted in Qualifying :D I was hitting 1'34s regularly when in song.

Imola next week? Me likey.:)


Well done to Shaggy. This glitch, is it one that often pops its head up?
Wow what a race and congrats to Shaggy 👍

I had a great start and was leading over GT4 genius & Shaggy. When I started to approach a few back markers they did not know I had the glitch and I ended up in the wall so as to avoid them and not to crash into them :nervous: I then tried to lap Ardius later on and hit his back wing so I decided to wait, by then Shaggy had gone past and I was in catch up mode.

I pushed like an absolute lunatic lapping in the high 1:29's and saw Shaggy go into the pits. I had an extra lap of fuel and as I came out of the pits we were side by side and Shaggy did an excellent move around the outside. I stayed behind but was never going to pass as there was some excellent defending there. 👍

That was heart in mouth stuff mate. I didn't think my manouvre would come off and knew if it didn't we would crash. Seriously, I don't think i've ever had more fun in a computer game, ever. Those last 5 laps seeing you all over my rear wing, my heart was honestly pounding lol! I knew, outright pace wasn't the most important thing in that situation, it was more just keeping your line and not making any mistakes. Terrific racing.

I didn't realise you actually waited for Ardius btw, very sporting.