3D Modelling, Post your 3D models! (Cars, Planes, People, Landscapes etc!)

Great thread, truly excellent work everybody!

I have a sketchup model to show. It started off life as someone's tuned 300zx coupe, I then transformed it into a convertible (took a lot of work) and made a set of Rays LMGT4 wheels, before building various removeable hardtop roofs to get together ideas as I may build one in the real world someday.

With that done, I was left with a model that I really didn't have anything to do with. So I decided to put on some nismo stripes and have my first ever crack at rendering. I downloaded Maxwell's free Sketchup plugin and got to work. Now I'm no design student, professional modeller or even a skilled amateur... But I'm very happy with how it turned out :)
Well spotted, it's based roughly on a Rover V8, I'm not great at the mechanical side of things but I looked at a lot of reference images to help me out. Would be great to see that Cobra in Gran Turismo on PC, I've seen people take models from GT but I don't know how easy modding it would be.

EDIT: Little video here of my car.

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Anyone got a decent free renderer for Google sketch up 8? Kinda looking for one because of tech work

Thanks in advance 👍
Have you tried out Marmoset Toolbag 2? I think you get a free 30 day trial, I used it for my car renders a few posts up. It's real-time and works great even on a crappy laptop like mine but don't expect it to do particles or complicated animations, it does turntables though.
Brilliant work on the 427, the finer details like the reflective strength of the little metal studs on the steering wheel make all the difference. I think you could add a slight orange tint to your environment map in Photoshop to see if that makes the car's reflections look even better.

By the way what's going on with the headlights? They look a bit odd, almost as if they haven't been given enough texture space. You could add a bit of branding to the tyres and make the wing mirrors more reflective like the roll bar, as I said brilliant overall but I think you could add a few more finishing touches to make a better demo reel.
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Holy **** that's awesome. Great work.

Thanks. :dopey:

Brilliant work on the 427, the finer details like the reflective strength of the little metal studs on the steering wheel make all the difference. I think you could add a slight orange tint to your environment map in Photoshop to see if that makes the car's reflections look even better.

When I set up render passes today that's also something I could tweak in post I suppose.

By the way what's going on with the headlights? They look a bit odd, almost as if they haven't been given enough texture space. You could add a bit of branding to the tyres and make the wing mirrors more reflective like the roll bar, as I said brilliant overall but I think you could add a few more finishing touches to make a better demo reel.

The headlights look a bit off because I still need to tweak the shader a little. I need to make it a tad more transparent, and I also had the bump map strength too high (lowered now). For the side mirrors I'll definitely try chrome, I originally had them like that but changed them to the less reflective metal because that way the actual mirror part stood out more (will definitely try out what you said). I also might add branding to the tires today since it should be a pretty quick job. Thanks by the way. :D
No problem, I think the interior looks spot on just a few things on the outside that need attention, I try to focus on the exterior because that usually appears more in renders than the interior.
For the side mirrors I'll definitely try chrome, I originally had them like that but changed them to the less reflective metal because that way the actual mirror part stood out more.
Ah I see, I think it's definitely worth making them look like the other chrome pieces because they stand out as being different at the moment when they should probably look the same.
I'm playing an online football management simulation game called "Manager League". You can upload a picture of your team's arena, so I decided to draw one in SketchUp.

It's inspired by two things, I guess: 1. Colosseum in Rome, 2. The Great Gate of Kiev, by Mussorgsky.

stadion copy2.jpg
Working on my second track for several PC sims right now.
Since I want to release it too for Assetto Corsa, I try to keep the mesh clean and at the same time complex.
This way it's also possible to add more faces in BTB without huge issues.
Kinda proud of myself:


I am also working in BTB... Just not very well. :lol: I have no prior 3D modelling knowledge, so it's going to be quite the disaster. But it's all a learning experience... And it doesn't help that I'm trying to make an epic nearly 11 KM track. :lol: I should probably be making something small to start on, but meh. I'll learn. Or not. :P

My approach to building has been throw things at it and hope for the best. :lol: In fact there is a little bit of structure, I aimed to do layout, then environment, then smaller track surface details, textures, and then scenery. But I got bored of doing just one thing at a time and decided to completely stuff up the plan. :lol:

This is the layout.


THese are some local roads near where I live, so I have a fair idea of all the scenery. Especially because the entire bottom half of the layout I've past it literally over a thousand times. (my school bus run went over the twist hill section in the bottom left).

And this was when I got bored of doing the boring time consuming stuff of track building. Still unfinished on every aspect, but gives an idea of what I'm doing.


And this is the final corner which is an intersection.


But yeah, my track build is sort of like... A train wreck, yeah that's fitting. But it might work. Just have to wait and see. I'm just having trouble how to make good looking hills that don't absolutely murder the framerate but capture what I want to capture. Which is very difficult.
It's not a train wreck, me making a track (or trying to) was a train wreck. I'll even find photos of it to prove it.

Yours looks a lot like something that'd go into a racing game.
That looks pretty good actually. You should use more panels for the roads though, so that the corners become more round. Click on the "Edit track surface" tab, select the part you need to edit and change the panel length to 2-3 meters.
On straights where it doesn't matter, you can also let it stay at 5, or more, to save polygons.

I haven't progressed on my Kyffhäuser project by the way, too much other stuff that robs my motivation.
That looks pretty good actually. You should use more panels for the roads though, so that the corners become more round. Click on the "Edit track surface" tab, select the part you need to edit and change the panel length to 2-3 meters.
On straights where it doesn't matter, you can also let it stay at 5, or more, to save polygons.

I haven't progressed on my Kyffhäuser project by the way, too much other stuff that robs my motivation.

Oooooh, I was wondering what that thing did. :lol: Thanks a heap for that tip. I've been wondering how to do that.
Cool fighter jet, regarding the TR4 I've posted a couple times well I created a little Unity game with it.

Flying Lap Web Build



W - Accelerate
A - Turn Left
S - Brake
D - Turn Right

R - Restart Lap
1,2,3,4 - Switch Between Various Camera Types


W/S key triggers the lap timer, enjoy and try to beat my best of 48.3 (that was with an offline build which runs a bit smoother and being a bit cheeky on the kerbs ;)).
I'm in the VERY beginning stages of laying out a retaining wall and fire pit area for our patio. My wife asked if I could draw something up. I was all too happy to throw this together quickly. Click for larger:

and since it's a bit difficult to see with the stone pattern, the sketched version:

We're going to have capstones when we do it, I just didn't bother putting any in the render. :)
Right well I finished the Cobra a while ago, so I guess I can post the finished stuff here. I got a new renderer (GPU renderer, much faster render times) so I had to spend some time figuring it out, but I'm pretty happy with the results I got from it (considering I had to self teach myself to use new shaders and a renderer, something I would have been hopeless at before).

Here are some "beauty shots".

And then here is a short video of it:


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