OK. Here are the pre-race procedures and formation lap instructions. Please read and ask any questions or voice your concerns today if possible. This same procedure will be used for any future event that uses WRS for quali and a formation lap.
Race Procedures for Weds Forest.
The goal of the pre-race "drivers meeting" is to organize the formation lap so it's as seemless as possible and do it fairly quickly so we can spend our time racing. We want to make sure every driver understands the procedure and in particular the driver on pole and the last car on the grid. We'll also try to correct or at least account for any invisible driver issues. Worst case scenario is the lead lap car has invisibility issues with the 2nd place car. We may take special steps if that ends up being the case as it caused an "interesting" start at Monaco in the NA race.
Be prompt and in the lounge and on track at the latest 5 past the hour. Practice (optional) will be open at least an hour before the race start so join early if possible so we can identify any instances of invisible driver well before the official pre-race procedures begin. As you are driving around in practice a Marshall will perform an occasional verbal role call of drivers listed so you can compare with your own list and make sure everyone is visible to you on track. If not you'll will be asked to point out who is invisible to you.
At 10 past the hour we'll ask drivers with invisibility issues to exit the lounge, log back in and reenter the track. Other drivers will be asked to proceed to the pits and hit start upon enterring the pits AND remain in the pits. Do not exit to the main lounge or exit onto the track. As the invisible drivers re-enter the track and leave the pits we'll be able to confirm if the invisible issue is fixed or not and deal with that accordingly during the formation lap.
At 15 past the hour (or as soon as all drivers are in the pits and logged back into the lounge) a Marshal will give a brief review of the start and rolling lap procedures, review the official qualification order and then being the race countdown timer. Remember, it doesn't matter where you start on the grid so we won't be taking any extra time to stage pit exit to manage the grid order.
When the race countdown completes the lounge will shift to race mode and you will find yourself on the starting grid. Apply full brakes and no throttle and remain stopped in your grid spot until instructed to exit. At the end of the timer a start Marshall will instruct the pole sitter to exit the grid and proceed to the reformation area:
The last turn marker (25m) prior to turn 1:
The pole sitter should come to a complete stop at the reformation area as shown in the photo. The start Marshall will then verbally release each driver from the grid individually in qualification order. Each subsequent driver should park in single file a car length behind the car in front. When all cars are lined up the pole sitter will be instructed to begin the formation lap at a safe speed and all drivers should follow maintaining a safe gap.
The lead driver will continue around the track and maintain a safe predictable pace. All following drivers are expected to do the same, but can speed up a little if they need to catch up.
Safe tire warming procedures are allowed during the formation lap. If you crash or go off track trying to warm your tires in an unsafe manner you will be sent to the rear of the field.
As the pole sitter approaches the final section of the lap he should slow (not stop) to allow the other cars to close ranks. For this track, that should start around
the start of Sector 3 when exiting the tunnel.
Start this process early and slow gradually to about
50 mph / 80 kmh and
do not come to a complete stop unless specifically instructed to do so. Closing ranks gradually and smoothly will prevent an exaggerated accordion effect at the rear of the field. Do NOT wait until just before the final corner to begin the slow down. A Marshall in the in the field will announce if the pack is getting too spread out.
When the lead driver completes the final turn, and starts down the start / finish straight, he is to maintain his "slow" speed until a Marshall clears him verbally to accelerate. The "clear" signal will be given once the last car clears the final corner and is inline with the other drivers. All other drivers must follow the car in front of them, in a single file, maintaining their gap, speed, and order until the race officially starts.
Once the lead driver is given the "clear" signal it is up to him to determine when to accelerate to race speed and signal the official start of the race. He can do so
anytime after the verbal signal and before crossing the start/finish line. Other drivers are to accelerate only after the driver in front of them accelerates and there is no passing whatsoever until the lead car has crossed the Start / Finish line.
Jumping the start, leaving room to accelerate in a slingshot fashion, or any other pre-start technique(s) are strictly forbidden.