3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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Unfortunately I won't be able to make this one now as we're taking our older dog to be put down tomorrow evening. :(

I will be participating in these great events some time soon, however I'm going to be moving house in 2 weeks time also, so may end up without internet for a while too. Have a ball guys and see you soon. :)
Unfortunately I won't be able to make this one now as we're taking our older dog to be put down tomorrow evening. :(

I will be participating in these great events some time soon, however I'm going to be moving house in 2 weeks time also, so may end up without internet for a while too. Have a ball guys and see you soon. :)

Sorry to hear about your dog. My thoughts are with you.

Sorry to hear about your dog. My thoughts are with you.

+1. Anxious to race with you Welsh-Bain and sorry you can't make it. Maybe we'll get a Spa event in before your internet goes down.
Next hint, Chris: You got 7th in your division on the combo we selected. :dopey: Narrows it, a *little*, eh? ;)

EDIT: I'm about 80% for the EU race, can't wait, and hope I can swing it. 👍 Have a feeling I'll be getting lapped though :nervous:
Night Rider, Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please. :D

It's the Asparadrink at Fuji though, if you didn't know, I recently developed psychic powers...:lol:

Unfortunately I won't be able to make this one now as we're taking our older dog to be put down tomorrow evening. :(

I will be participating in these great events some time soon, however I'm going to be moving house in 2 weeks time also, so may end up without internet for a while too. Have a ball guys and see you soon. :)
Very unfortunate on both counts, as my dog is 6 and a half, I know the day will come sooner than I want as well...
Just a surgestion, in future after this race maybe, what if we do it like touring cars, fastest start last, slowest start first (from WRS). That way it would be very intresting with a combo like this i feel.
Just a surgestion, in future after this race maybe, what if we do it like touring cars, fastest start last, slowest start first (from WRS). That way it would be very intresting with a combo like this i feel.

I actually thought about that too and I think it would make the race very interesting.
Faster guys in the back WILL HAVE TO be patience though, as they won't always be able to make the finish up front.
I don't have time to post my replay right now, so if you would rather just put me at back of grid, that's OK with me.

My fastest clean saved lap is a 1:14.656, like I said, did not have much time to run this one. I'll have time to post the replay tonight, almost certainly before the race.

But understand if you would rather put me to the back.
I don't have time to post my replay right now, so if you would rather just put me at back of grid, that's OK with me.

My fastest clean saved lap is a 1:14.656, like I said, did not have much time to run this one. I'll have time to post the replay tonight, almost certainly before the race.

But understand if you would rather put me to the back.
I can't remember the exact time, but mine was within a tenth of that, I'd rather start at the back though, if that's ok with everyone, I have a fear of starting mid pack. :lol:
Actually, come to think of it, I don't really care where I start on the grid.
If it's in the back, then the challenge is getting up front as much as possible in a manner real-life drivers do.
If it's up front, then the challenge is to keep it that way ;).
Either way is good for me.
I don't have time to post my replay right now, so if you would rather just put me at back of grid, that's OK with me.

My fastest clean saved lap is a 1:14.656, like I said, did not have much time to run this one. I'll have time to post the replay tonight, almost certainly before the race.

But understand if you would rather put me to the back.

I thought the event post said it had to be in by midnight Pacific on Tuesday, but after review it doesn't (must have put in a follow up post and never updated the event post). So we'll allow you to post the replay today and take your spot based on that time *if* someone has the time to verify the replay and green flag the time on this thread with enough notice that a steward can adjust the starting lineup before the NA race.

In future weeks when we use WRS for qualification we'll be sure to include it in the event post and require it be posted by Tuesday night so we can be sure to get everything set well before the last minute.

I'm going to be away this evening and I know Lucas usually gets home right and available just in time to race so we'll need a volunteer to review your replay tonight.

Just a suggestion, in future after this race maybe, what if we do it like touring cars, fastest start last, slowest start first (from WRS). That way it would be very intresting with a combo like this i feel.

I actually thought about that too and I think it would make the race very interesting.
Faster guys in the back WILL HAVE TO be patience though, as they won't always be able to make the finish up front.

You guys are funny. There was a discussion a few pages back where people suggest we never use a reverse grid.

Our feeling (3D3 Stewards) is that we *will* do the reverse grid occasionally when we feel the combo allows manageable passing. On the "passing scale", this combo I would rate as "hard" and Monaco as "vary hard" so we didn't want to have a reverse grid in these race and we won't tonight. Tonight/Today we are sticking to the plan.

In the future our choice will also depend on our evaluation of the "spirit" of the event. Technical track with race cars vs drafting track with road cars, etc.

One other variable that we can't always take into consideration when posting the event is field makeup as we don't know it until people sign up. If there is big field and a nice split between divisions then I think a fastest grid works well as each division is likely bunched at the start with their own and separate packs will develop in the race based on pace. However, If the grid is smaller or more uneven (say just a single D1) then a reverse grid offers something as it can present a unique challenge to the D1 driver versus opening up a 30 second gap and riding by themselves. (Almost sounds like a seasonal event where we are the AI :lol:). Only problem here is we don't know the field makeup until after we make the call... but if we ever have a race with a smaller than expected field we may throw it out there as a last minute adjustment.

@Markyboy... you'll get your wish of climbing through the field today so you can give us all feedback after the race how it felt and the fun factor versus battling with the D1 guys through the entire race in front.
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I thought the event post said it had to be in by midnight Pacific on Tuesday, but after review it doesn't (must have put in a follow up post and never updated the event post). So we'll allow you to post the replay today and take your spot based on that time *if* someone has the time to verify the replay and green flag the time on this thread with enough notice that a steward can adjust the starting lineup before the NA race.

In future weeks when we use WRS for qualification we'll be sure to include it in the event post and require it be posted by Tuesday night so we can be sure to get everything set well before the last minute.

In that case, don't worry about it, just put me at the back. I just didn't have time to make a competitive run at WRS, so I did not submit.

Part of my thinking was that the WRS laps would not technically need to be posted or verified by Wednesday night, although I know they typically are. Not to mention that with the placement I would have had in WRS, a replay would not have been required of me anyhow.

But I don't want to make a mess of things, and I certainly don't want anyone forced to try and check my replay before we go racing tonight.

On to the more important question - Are we going to be running at HSR Reverse in the FGT next week? :scared:
Part of my thinking was that the WRS laps would not technically need to be posted or verified by Wednesday night, although I know they typically are. Not to mention that with the placement I would have had in WRS, a replay would not have been required of me anyhow.

The difference is that when submitting a time to WRS a driver doesn't know whether or not their lap will be reviewed so has to assume it will be reviewed. If we go by your logic for 3D3 than drivers already know the other times and thus would know ahead of time whether their replay would require a review.

Anyway, we just want to keep things simple and consistent and would never believe you would cheat Kevin so that's obviously not the issue. We just want to have a standard set of rules and stick to them regardless.

When we use WRS for the qualifier if a driver doesn't submit officially to the WRS then their replay *has* to be verified by a 3D3 driver (doesn't have to be a steward). It doesn't matter if that driver is a 3D3 race steward, the WRS super-admin or a referred driver that's not even on the registry yet. In the case of multiple drivers having to start in the back the order is determined by their GTP_Registry handicap so CSL will start one spot ahead of EDK in the back of the field (if Kevin doesn't post a replay).

@Kevin, you're still welcome to post your replay for verification and move up a couple spots, but that's cool if you'd rather just start in the back.
On to the more important question - Are we going to be running at HSR Reverse in the FGT next week? :scared:

It would be a crazy race, that's for sure, but we've decided to hit up the WRS vault for the next one.

We are leaving it until Thursday to announce the event 👍
But Dominic can surely keep his pyschic hat on (do they wear hats?) and continue to guess ;)
I'm certainly not here to try and make trouble for you guys; so just put me at the back and I will follow CSL to the front. ;)
I'm certainly not here to try and make trouble for you guys; so just put me at the back and I will follow CSL to the front. ;)

No trouble Kevin. These issues/discussions help us make sure we have clear and consistent rules. 👍

Here's the updated driver grid.

NA Drivers Grid
  1. ca.gif
    GTP_Worst_Driver .
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.173 (WRS)
  2. us.gif
    GTP_WRP001 .......
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.397 (WRS)
  3. ca.gif
    GTP_gooners_17 ...
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.607 (WRS)
  4. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro (Host) .
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.753 (WRS)
  5. us.gif
    GTP_LeftyWright ..
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.930 (WRS)
  6. us.gif
    GTP_Gravitron ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'14.381 (WRS)
  7. us.gif
    GTP_MilleRSVR ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'14.491 (WRS)
  8. us.gif
    GTP_RaceRyder ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'15.083 (WRS)
  9. ca.gif
    GTP_Allibubba99 ..
    ... Quali Time: 1'19.224 (WRS)
  10. us.gif
    GTP_CSL ..........
    ... Quali Time: NA
  11. us.gif
    GTP_EDK ..........
    ... Quali Time: NA

EU Drivers Grid
  1. uk.gif
    GTP_Vagabond .....
    ... Quali Time: 1'12.641 (WRS)
  2. se.gif
    GTP_Yanaran ......
    ... Quali Time: 1'12.666 (WRS)
  3. fi.gif
    GTP_MadMax86 .....
    ... Quali Time: 1'12.885 (WRS)
  4. uk.gif
    GTP_Biffy ........
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.168 (WRS)
  5. us.gif
    GTP_WRP001 .......
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.397 (WRS)
  6. be.gif
    GTP_Speedy6543 ...
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.433 (WRS)
  7. ca.gif
    GTP_gooners_17 ...
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.607 (WRS)
  8. au.gif
    GTP_ealirendur ...
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.729 (WRS)
  9. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro (Host) .
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.753 (WRS)
  10. us.gif
    GTP_Gravitron ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'14.381 (WRS)
  11. nl.gif
    GTP_Sjaak ........
    ... Quali Time: 1'14.519 (WRS)
  12. nl.gif
    GTP_Don ..........
    ... Quali Time: 1'15.342 (WRS)
  13. uk.gif
    GTP_Markyboy .....
    ... Quali Time: NA

At this point I think this is pretty much set except for the fact that there is now an outside chance I can make the NA race. I'll know by late this afternoon. Would love to join you guys.

Could we have a late entry from GTPcats_pajamas for the NA event? You still can join the race and your official WRS time would put you pretty high in the order! :sly:

A note on last minute entries for events with pre-qualification. Assuming the grid isn't full, we will allow last minute entries w/full qualification (i.e. your WRS time puts you where you start) up to 30 minutes before the hour (e.g. 6:30 PM Pacific for the NA race) as long as you post on the thread prior to that cutoff. After the cutoff time if you wan to join and there are open spots you can jump in the lounge and we'll place you at the back of the grid. Obviously, if you don't have a WRS time you start at the back regardless. The stewards need to have a printout of the starting order in order to coordinate the formation lap so we can't push it any later.
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I'm certainly not here to try and make trouble for you guys; so just put me at the back and I will follow CSL to the front. ;)

And you think that won't be trouble?
I remember a certain Volvo getting progressively bigger in my rear view a couple of weeks ago.
Then it disappeared, and wound up in front of me - twice :D

At this point I think this is pretty much set except for the fact that there is now an outside chance I can make the NA race. I'll know by late this afternoon. Would love to join you guys.

That would be great Tim 👍
Bit of a bummer when we can't make our own races :lol:

BTW, is it just me, or does the top of the NA driver list look particularly awesome? :sly:
BTW, is it just me, or does the top of the NA driver list look particularly awesome? :sly:

Arggh! Maple Leafs everywhere? :lol: Would have been even worse if Welsh-Bain hadn't dropped out. I'll do my best to stick a stars and stripes in the middle of that hockey-lovers parade.
I'll do my best to stick a stars and stripes in the middle of that hockey-lovers parade.

Bring it! We drive with our elbows up! :D
You'll know me on the track, I'm the driver with the missing teeth, and broken nose 👍
I have a stupid question but is there a proper way to enter the pits on this track? If you slow down enough in the last corner to make the pit entrance it feels like you become somewhat of a hazard for cars behind...
I have a stupid question but is there a proper way to enter the pits on this track? If you slow down enough in the last corner to make the pit entrance it feels like you become somewhat of a hazard for cars behind...

It's possible to take the last turn at normal racing speed and then after the turn slowing down and moving aside to enter the pits.
Or you can take the pits in the, I think, MadMax style ;). Skidding of and entering the pits in reverse :lol:
I have a stupid question but is there a proper way to enter the pits on this track? If you slow down enough in the last corner to make the pit entrance it feels like you become somewhat of a hazard for cars behind...

Not a stupid question for sure.

I practiced this and you don't have to have an issue unless someone is attempting to pass you inside there or right on your bumper.

Tip: Usually you take this turn in 6th gear, but if you are going to pit, downshift to 5th (hi revs) when you brake and you can make the corner and get into the pits without slowing that much more than normal. With warm tires anyway you are going to be at a lower turn speed anyway where being in 5th may close to optimal even if you aren't going in pits.

If you are following car and the lead car is on warn tires and in their pit window you probably will also do yourself a favor by giving them a car length+ in that turn. With a good exit you can draft back up to them if they don't pit anyway.

That's where having a mic would be useful as you could warn driver behind you are coming in.

I would recommend every driver practice this pit entry during pre-race practice and try to take it as fast as possible to avoid the driver behind getting into you. I don't think you can go 100% speed in 6th on the final turn and safely make it back unless you are absolutely perfect. I missed the entry once trying that. However I never missed when in 5th gear and it didn't impact my apex speed all that much.

EDIT: Looks like I'm in the NA race. At this point it's 95%. I'll add myself to that grid. 👍
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I'll do my best to stick a stars and stripes in the middle of that hockey-lovers parade.

That's such a stereotype.
You just don't understand Canadians.....

Now that's a Race Car!
I don't see Hydro's lounge open for practice yet so I'm setting mine up. We'll practice there until Hydro shows up online.

EDIT: Hydro's online now... we'll all move over to his lounge and stay there for the race.
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:lol: Watch out with that bag on your roof though. It's gonna slow you down I think. Best is to leave it in the pits. :lol:
I am pumped to be driving in my first race with all of you! I will do my very best to try to stay out of the way!

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