3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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I might have to pick my gf up around race time tonight, not sure yet, will update if I can't make it, very disappointing to miss this one entirely. :(
Hopefully timing works out, we never really know when she'll finish, as they stay until the job is done, sometimes 2 hours, sometimes 6.
I think I poked the ballast forward to help cope with the fuel weight. In theory.

Also, thanks again the the 3D3 team! Nice to see you on track, Lucas!

You too, Eal! One of my main motivators for today was to get out on the track with you. Obviously meeting everyone else was really cool too. I think I'll throw your tune on my C sheet tonight and try it out. I love having tuning sheets back! Nice race, Eal, you proved your love of GT300's and much better consistency than I. :bowdown: I actually thought I was doing well on the last 4 laps, as I was keeping up with Markyboy after he lapped me, but come to find out, his tires were down to the nubs at that point. :dunce:

Was using Jonas' tune for the race today, and I like it, but I did spin a couple times. Like 5. :dopey:

When you mention ballast, is that just a 0 weight ballast?

Nice job to Tim and Gooners for representing the D3 army near the front! 👍
You too, Eal! One of my main motivators for today was to get out on the track with you. Obviously meeting everyone else was really cool too. I think I'll throw your tune on my C sheet tonight and try it out. I love having tuning sheets back! Nice race, Eal, you proved your love of GT300's and much better consistency than I. :bowdown: I actually thought I was doing well on the last 4 laps, as I was keeping up with Markyboy after he lapped me, but come to find out, his tires were down to the nubs at that point. :dunce:

Was using Jonas' tune for the race today, and I like it, but I did spin a couple times. Like 5. :dopey:

When you mention ballast, is that just a 0 weight ballast?

Nice job to Tim and Gooners for representing the D3 army near the front! 👍

Indeedy! I had mine on A, Jonas' on B, and Pekka's on C. I gave those a quick run in my own lounge yesterday, and meant to try again in practice (but slept in until nearly 5am :yuck:); I probably should have run either of the other two, but was being prideful and stubborn :dopey:. It was also supposed to be "safe". Note: try Max's gears on mine if you hate my gearing, or raise the final; they would be pretty similar, but mine is a 5-gear setup, which may not suit.

Yes, it was shifting the zero ballast.
If you still have an open spot in the NA race tonight I would like to join you. I'm sure I can make it tonght.


NA Drivers Grid
  1. ca.gif
    GTP_Worst_Driver .
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.173 (WRS)
  2. us.gif
    GTP_WRP001 .......
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.397 (WRS)
  3. be.gif
    GTP_Speedy6543 ...
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.433 (WRS)
  4. us.gif
    GTPcats_pajamas ..
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.478 (WRS)
  5. ca.gif
    GTP_gooners_17 ...
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.607 (WRS)
  6. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro (Host) .
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.753 (WRS)
  7. us.gif
    GTP_LeftyWright ..
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.930 (WRS)
  8. us.gif
    GTP_Gravitron ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'14.381 (WRS)
  9. us.gif
    GTP_MilleRSVR ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'14.491 (WRS)
  10. us.gif
    GTP_RaceRyder ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'15.083 (WRS)
  11. ca.gif
    GTP_Allibubba99 ..
    ... Quali Time: 1'19.224 (WRS)
  12. us.gif
    GTP_CSL ..........
    ... Quali Time: NA
  13. us.gif
    GTP_EDK ..........
    ... Quali Time: NA

Tonight we go over the formation lap in detail pre-race so we get it right!
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can someone tell me the length of the EU race as of the drop of the checker, including the parade lap?

About 1 hr, 5 mins 👍

Edit - just realized I forgot to subtract the warmup lap. Results updated 👍
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I saw 1hr 45sec's and I heard that the winner made one pit stop. So I'm thinking the average was about a 118 - 120 :)

So was a final decision made about penalities? Are we going to get a suprise as we avoid an accident and fly off the track?
I saw 1hr 45sec's and I heard that the winner made one pit stop. So I'm thinking the average was about a 118 - 120 :)

So was a final decision made about penalities? Are we going to get a suprise as we avoid an accident and fly off the track?

Penalties will be off. So lapped cars will be solid and not magic ghosts to run through this week. There were basically no places it applied legit penalties anyway so we got rid of them.
Unfortunately I'll have to be leaving in about 45 minutes to an hour, so I won't be able to join guys. :grumpy:

I guess it's for the greater good though, jobs are good.💡

Definitely looking forward to next week, whichever combo it is, hope you all have a good race. :cheers:

Will you post the room number on here or we have to add you as a friend on PSN in order to join ?
Add both GTP_Hydro & GTP_WRP001.
GTP_Hydro will be hosting in their private lounge. 👍
I get a server denial when I try to join Hydros lobby. It say "Entry was refused due to network incompatibility w/ the room host"....... Hunnn..??? What the F does that mean? :banghead:

-------------------------------- UPDATE ---------------------------

someone had something set wrong 👍

Something tells me that I'm going to have a "disconnection adventure" tonight :(
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Room had to be reset.
All drivers should be able to join now 👍
I feel like a re-match.
Can I get into the NA raceslot?
I waited to sign up until now 'cause I didn't think I would hear my alarm :sly:
I'd be interested to race in the NA slot too , with no submitted time :mischievous:

I'd be interested to race in the NA slot too , with no submitted time :mischievous:


You and Speedy only make 14 total, should be no problem, I think they go to full 16. (hasn't happened yet though)
I'd be interested to race in the NA slot too , with no submitted time :mischievous:


You can have your WRS time and slot at #2 on the grid. We're having some network issues with a few drivers (Lefty/EDK)... trying to work it out.

EDIT: Make that Pole unless you really want to start in the back:

NA Drivers Grid
  1. fi.gif
    GTP_MadMax86 .....
    ... Quali Time: 1'12.885 (WRS)
  2. ca.gif
    GTP_Worst_Driver .
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.173 (WRS)
  3. us.gif
    GTP_WRP001 .......
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.397 (WRS)
  4. be.gif
    GTP_Speedy6543 ...
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.433 (WRS)
  5. us.gif
    GTPcats_pajamas ..
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.478 (WRS)
  6. ca.gif
    GTP_gooners_17 ...
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.607 (WRS)
  7. ca.gif
    GTP_Hydro (Host) .
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.753 (WRS)
  8. us.gif
    GTP_LeftyWright ..
    ... Quali Time: 1'13.930 (WRS)
  9. us.gif
    GTP_Gravitron ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'14.381 (WRS)
  10. us.gif
    GTP_MilleRSVR ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'14.491 (WRS)
  11. us.gif
    GTP_RaceRyder ....
    ... Quali Time: 1'15.083 (WRS)
  12. ca.gif
    GTP_Allibubba99 ..
    ... Quali Time: 1'19.224 (WRS)
  13. us.gif
    GTP_CSL ..........
    ... Quali Time: NA
  14. us.gif
    GTP_EDK ..........
    ... Quali Time: NA
Yea , I really want to start from the back.
After spending some hours with FGT I really need someone to guide me thru the track.

Great race with you guys tonight, will be back in two weeks. I tried to catch hydro and speedy with my 1 stop strategy and to make up my error at lap seven in the last corner. That error (Brutal crash into the pitwall :ouch:) totally ruined my race, but it was still fun nonetheless, (Extra points for the rolling start with the formation lap, being in pole adds up to the stress and it is very cool)

To sum it up, it was an awesome experience of clean, fun and close racing, I will definately be back maybe not next week because I can't stand single seater (which is this week's combo) but the week afterwards, if it's at the same hour on wednesday count me in.

I'd like to give a big thank you to GTP_Hydro and GTP_WRP001 for hosting and for waiting for everybody who had connexion problems (Lefty, EDK and myself)

Long live 3D3 Racing. :cheers:
We're actually not going to be running the Open Wheeler next week, these guys already confirmed they will dig a race out of the archives of WRS.

I'm gunning for week 1 or 2. ;)

Anyhow, after the connection issues tonight, I went into my own lobby to run some laps and even got booted out of that. :ouch:

I found some instructions on how to set up DMZ for the PS3, and I've done that, but my NAT type is still showing Type 2, for whatever reason.

No more time to mess with this tonight, but I have to say that I'm frustrated to no end and have no idea why I'm having these connection issues...........
Congrats to Marc and Tim, karma for handling all our connection problems coolly, you both won! We split up the pack and they each won their own races! Coool! 👍 Thanks guys for a great day at the races! :cheers:

Apologies to Blair, we had an opportunity to work together to catch back up to the pack, but I lost all sense. :eek:
We ended up splitting the field into two rooms to try our best to get everyone a race given the network issues and the fact certain drivers just couldn't exist with others. Even then Kevin (EDK) got bumped once we got on the grid. Sorry about that Kevin and hope we can fix that. I think the servers/network had a bad night to be sure. Everyone else manages to get a race in. I think in the future we'll stick to one grid and just try to debug issues before. Anyone who had problems will be asked to join a couple tests to see if we can figure something out besides the few minutes before a scheduled race.

BTW, Marc (GTP_Hydro) won the race hosted in his lounge and I won the race hosted in my lounge... talk about home court advantage. :sly:

Will post the results from my lounge shortly.
BTW, Marc (GTP_Hydro) won the race hosted in his lounge and I won the race hosted in my lounge... talk about home court advantage. :sly:

Hahaha, it reminds me of my days playing at Halo 2 online, and when somebody was doing a great game, we were saying that he had the host. :lol:
Congrats Tim and Marc! Great wins!

Tim, by the time I was able to pass cats_pyjamas, I had already lost your slipstream. And from the previous race I knew you don't make any mistakes. So on lap 15 I decided I'm gonna do a one stopper and try and hold you off, but in the end you were just too fast 👍.

In the Daytona NA race we were fighting it out on the last lap too! I got to watch out for you next time :sly:
I'm actually hoping it's a difficult Decision, but I also know I'm wrong :dopey:

Supraman would be pretty cool. You could get lapierre to represent...
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