3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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OP looks good, Tim, good idea. Thanks to both you and Marc for all the prep for tonight. 👍 Looks like it going to be a barn burner! :cool:

I tested my lame USB mic last night in the XMB only (not inside GT5), and it appears to work. No on/off button though, so I think I'll just unplug it at the end of quali.

Go Team Audi!

Gravitron, maybe we can stick together behind the fast guys and draft each other down the front straight.

Would be glad to, Blair. 👍
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A few notes for those taking part who may not have much experience with online racing or who haven't had enough time to test for this event...

Qualifying Display Order

The driver order shown during the 30 minute quali session on screen may not reflect the true quali order if/when people have been pitting or leaving the track. Example:

I shoot out of the pits at GP/F, do a warm up a lap, blast off a 1'57.1 for the pole on my next lap and then return to the pits. I will go from the top of that leader board as soon as my lap is complete, to the bottom when I enter the pits. That's because although my time is saved and I will start on the pole, the order list in the game will put me in my current "on track" qualifying position and since I'm not on the track I'll go to last place, or close to it, depending on how many are in the track or in the pits. Come the start of the race I will start on pole (unless someone gets a faster time). The only time the display is relevant and accurate is if everyone exits the pits, qualifies and stays on the track and never leaves until the race starts. So the order shown on screen just before the race starts will not necessarily correlate to where we start on the grid. Kind of an odd way for PD to implement it, but that's how it works.

So just realize your best overall lap counts, not the listed order at race start.

Fuel Load & Quali Strategy

It benefits you to run some laps during quali to use up fuel and then pit, change tires and NOT add fuel during quali pits. The fresh tires with lower fuel weight *will* help your lap time on track. Regardless you will start the race with a full tank and you won't have to add fuel during the race either as a tank will last 25 laps.

Expect the best times to be run right at the end of the quali session with lighter fuel loads and fresh tires. If we all do that the display order right as the race start will probably be pretty close.

The strategy I expect to run for quali is as follows. Run a couple 10 minute qualification stints to try and get a banker lap in the books. Each stint with 1 warm up lap and 3 hot laps and then a "cool down" lap to enter pits. Then somewhere around 7:20 make my final quali pit do the warmup lap and then go for the front of the grid with 3-4 flying laps on lighter fuel.

If we all follow the same strategy the last 10 minutes are going to be crucial on track. If you happen to be doing a warm up or cool down lap OR you went off and the current lap is not going to be "good" make sure to keep an eye on the map and make way for someone on a hot lap. If you are running a clean hot lap you DO NOT have to give way to a faster driver. It's up to the faster driver behind to make sure there is enough space before starting their lap and they should not mess up your lap either.

Similarly if you are coming out of the pits during quali keep to the right and wait for an opening for turn 1... stop on the right well before turn 1 if you see someone approaching who may get there before you are out of the line. It's your warm up lap anyway and there's no way that lap time is going to matter.


Drafting is not enabled for practice mode/qualifying, which is good to avoid "assisted" laps. Drafting is strong during the race however and it will impact your brake zone significantly. A good technique after drafting to a very high speed and catching another car is to brake full *early* and then modulate the brakes at 50% as your speed is reduced so you can adjust the gap and basically be on the tail of the guy in front again by apex and ideally set up a better apex exit. If in doubt brake too early and you'll make up the time in the draft anyway or set yourself up for a better exit. Passing by out breaking is allowed, but just make sure you know what your doing. It gets more tricky with 3+ in a pack of course and incidents will happen.

"Team work" drafting will work well here... it can be a good strategy for a pair to separate or catch up a little on a lone car. Probably best to back off a bit past the start/finish line though as drafting too close after this may actually mess up brake zone and slow corner 1.

Pit Strategy

Based on testing it's hard for me to believe anyone is going to make 25 laps on 1 stop. Feel free to try, but be prepared for some pretty large speed differences from oncoming drivers. A two pit strategy with stints of 8/8/9 is probably going to

Final Comments

This event is for fun so don't sweat it, just try your best and have a good time. Last week set the perfect precedent with everyone racing hard and fairly clean, but occasionally some paint was exchanged and that's just good racing. More of the same this week although this car and track are a little more sensitive so adjust accordingly 👍

All our events may have a few drivers with much less experience racing online and less experience with a particular track/car. Just understand these drivers may be slower and/or make more mistakes during the race than others (and this event is particularly demanding). As long as said drivers are courteous and don't do anything intentional they will always be invited back and are always welcome to take part in our events. Enjoy!!!
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This kind of race sounds like a really good idea since everyone already has a fair bit of preparation and we all know the car and track. I'll be fast asleep by the time you guys race otherwise I might have joined you :). I've never raced online but since I did pretty well on this event maybe I would stand a chance!

I gave it a go in my lounge with the Audi to see how tires and fuel affected times. I used the same setup I used offline except -10/-10 RH. My WRS time with this car was 1'54.1xx.

1st lap 1'57
3rd 1'55.8 (fastest)
8th 1'58
12th 1'59.5
15th 2'00.5 (really dodgy here)

There's not a huge dropoff 8->12 so personally I'd go 12 laps as hard as I could, pit, then drive "safe" to the finish to conserve for late race battles. Doing a linear average between fastest and slowest times (not very scientific but w.e.), I'd get an average laptime of ~1'56.9 for 8-lap stints and ~1'57.7 for 12 laps. The difference in average (0.8) times 25 laps is less than what you lose in one stop, but then again traffic might have a say in that.

Next I did a pit stop and 3 lap "qualifier":
Best after first pit stop (~half fuel) 1'56.1 on 2nd flying lap.
After 2nd pit stop 1'55.247 on 3rd lap.

Overall I think offline time + 1s should be a good goal for a qualifying time.

Good luck at the race!
Shame you guys decided to skip "Mulsanne Madness" event, I might haveve stayed up for that :sly:
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This kind of race sounds like a really good idea since everyone already has a fair bit of preparation and we all know the car and track. I'll be fast asleep by the time you guys race otherwise I might have joined you :). I've never raced online but since I did pretty well on this event maybe I would stand a chance!

I gave it a go in my lounge with the Audi to see how tires and fuel affected times. I used the same setup I used offline except -10/-10 RH. My WRS time with this car was 1'54.1xx.

1st lap 1'57
3rd 1'55.8 (fastest)
8th 1'58
12th 1'59.5
15th 2'00.5 (really dodgy here)

There's not a huge dropoff 8->12 so personally I'd go 12 laps as hard as I could, pit, then drive "safe" to the finish to conserve for late race battles. Doing a linear average between fastest and slowest times (not very scientific but w.e.), I'd get an average laptime of ~1'56.9 for 8-lap stints and ~1.57.7 for 12 laps. The difference in average (0.8) times 25 laps is less than what you lose in one stop, but then again traffic might have a say in that.

Next I did a pit stop and 3 lap "qualifier":
Best after first pit stop (~half fuel) 1'56.1 on 2nd flying lap.
After 2nd pit stop 1'55.247 on 3rd lap.

Overall I think offline time + 1s should be a good goal for a qualifying time.

Good luck at the race!
Shame you guys decided to skip "Mulsanne Madness" event, I might haveve stayed up for that :sly:

You are an alien in my book :bowdown:

I don't think your test results will translate to any of us with the exception of maybe CSL (Dom). 1'55.8 fastest!! With a completely empty tank and perfect tires I can only hope to hit 1'56.9 if I'm spot on my marks and that's about it. After all, I only hit high 1'56 in the offline event and that was my best lap of the entire week. I think I could beat that by almost a second now, but even so...

I hope someone does run a 1 stop strategy as it's fun to see strategies mixed and see what happens. But I think if Dom wants a safer win he should just pit twice and not add any risk of running on bad tires. Dom, I dare you to try it on one stop (or three :lol:).

Yanaran -- thanks for the feedback and you are always welcome to add your findings on this thread. We'd love to have you for a race (even though I'd only see you for about 1 minute)... In fact I was just talking to poolhaas and at some point we may try to run a special weekend event that might work for some in other time zones. The regular time has to stick on Wed night due to schedules, but it would be fun to throw out a weekender occasionally if there is interest.
Just a heads up for tonight everyone:

A PS3 system update just took about 13 minutes to download and install.
If you are going to cut it close to start time, firing up your PS3 a bit early might be a good idea. 👍
How long until the room opens up?

Minutes... as soon as the update is complete I'll start up GT5 and set up the room. I'll keep the room open through the race.

EDIT: Lounge is open and set up. Feel free to enter and practice. Room will be reset at 7:00 PM PDT. I set max PP to 615 which I think is the highest we can go with these three cars.
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You are an alien in my book :bowdown:

I don't think your test results will translate to any of us with the exception of maybe CSL (Dom). 1'55.8 fastest!! With a completely empty tank and perfect tires I can only hope to hit 1'56.9 if I'm spot on my marks and that's about it. After all, I only hit high 1'56 in the offline event and that was my best lap of the entire week. I think I could beat that by almost a second now, but even so...

I hope someone does run a 1 stop strategy as it's fun to see strategies mixed and see what happens. But I think if Dom wants a safer win he should just pit twice and not add any risk of running on bad tires. Dom, I dare you to try it on one stop (or three :lol:).

Yanaran -- thanks for the feedback and you are always welcome to add your findings on this thread. We'd love to have you for a race (even though I'd only see you for about 1 minute)... In fact I was just talking to poolhaas and at some point we may try to run a special weekend event that might work for some in other time zones. The regular time has to stick on Wed night due to schedules, but it would be fun to throw out a weekender occasionally if there is interest.
I think you're giving me to much credit for this one, but I might very well try a one stop, I'll have to see, didn't run the WRS week that much, best overall lap is still only 56.7 I think.

Anyway I should be joining the room when it's up fairly soon and I guess we'll see. :cheers:
I think you're giving me to much credit for this one, but I might very well try a one stop, I'll have to see, didn't run the WRS week that much, best overall lap is still only 56.7 I think.

Anyway I should be joining the room when it's up fairly soon and I guess we'll see. :cheers:

Cool... I was running laps with Lefty for a bit, but going to run and bring my son to his soccer practice... room is still open though and I think Lefty is still doing laps.

Anyone who wants to join is welcome to come in early.

EDIT: Hydro -- take SCBuilder off the drivers list for tonight's race... he didn't get enough practice/testing time and isn't going to make it. He'll attend next week though.
Cool... I was running laps with Lefty for a bit, but going to run and bring my son to his soccer practice... room is still open though and I think Lefty is still doing laps.

Anyone who wants to join is welcome to come in early.

EDIT: Hydro -- take SCBuilder off the drivers list for tonight's race... he didn't get enough practice/testing time and isn't going to make it. He'll attend next week though.

Too bad about SCBuilder, but there's always next week 👍

I need a few laps myself... I'll be in Tim's lobby in a bit.
See you there everyone!

Hmmmmmm... one stop a possibility? :odd:
I think I'll go with two, I tend to destroy tires :)
if you see this Marc, just start the race. Not quite ready yet, so I don't wanna keep all of you.
It's ok, something happened and I can't make it. I'll check in on the race if I get a chance.
I made it back in, just in time. But Lefty wasn't even in "my view" of the race, nor in my saved replay. :odd: Seen that before with Hydro once, but last week I saw Lefty just fine. Strange.

Anyway, thanks so much for hosting, Tim, great fun. 👍 I believe I only owe Waffles an apology, I think I smacked you on the exit of turn 1, mid-race, and didn't stop when I saw you spinning out in my mirror. Turns out it didn't matter as you caught up and passed me with ease. 👍
Great race guys!

I made it back in, just in time. But Lefty wasn't even in "my view" of the race, nor in my saved replay. Seen that before with Hydro once, but last week I saw Lefty just fine. Strange.

That is a weird connection issue that occurred when you disconnected / signed back in.
It actually happened to me the last time I raced CSL online in the OMRS, where I was stuck in the lobby, and when I rejoined, some saw me, some didn't.
I wouldn't worry about it, because you saw him last week. Nex time, just don't get disconnected :lol:

Thanks for the race everyone 👍
This is turning into a fantastic series. Hopefully we will get a full field in the near future!

Our next event is the current WRS event (Gettin' Groceries), and with any luck, some new drivers will pop in and give the race a shot.

See you online in a week,
Good Luck with the WRS :gtpflag:

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I can't beleve how GT5 lets the stupid blocks in the chycane get exploded. The look of it without the blocks where they were supose to be really threw me off my game. I even got a double track cut penalty there. It felt like the game held me there for about 10 seconds, what a heart breaker. The stupid blocks will give you a impact penalty too, I thought I got rid of that kind of stupid game designe when I hung up Shift.
Sorry I missed the race, must of been a hoot. I hope I didn't delay the race start too much.
Here are the results of 3D3 Racing's Event #2 - Decisions, Decisions Online


GTP_CSL took home the triple crown this week with pole, fastest lap and race win. 👍

Thank you all for taking part in the event tonight. It was a great race and I had a great time. I'd like a do-over though :lol: I think I could race that course every night of the week.

At the start I cost Marc a chance to hang with Dom for a lot longer. The first couple laps I got thrown off completely by Dom's glitching all over the track and drove very tentative. When Marc passed me on lap 3, he dealt with it a lot better and pulled me via the draft for a couple laps and we actually started to close the gap a little.

But on lap 4 any chance I had of staying with the leaders was lost when I got penalized for cutting the chicane. In the replay it's clear I cut the 2nd part so the penalty was deserved (albeit a bit harsh for 9 seconds!). The 2nd pack caught whiff of my draft on the straight after the penalty and I couldn't drop them from there forward until the first pit stop.

On lap 5 I went into the chicane leading a few other cars carefully, maybe too carefully, and got punted into the barrier from behind. It was just a racing incident and no fault of anyone, but GT5 gave me two penalties through the chicane that lap. 👎 So in the span of two laps I think I had 20+ seconds in penalties. :lol: The first one was all my doing and that 9 seconds was not going to be made up the way Marc and Dom drove so the incident on lap 5 didn't end up costing me any positions. I would have finished 3rd regardless. It actually gave me a chance to make a few passes and made the rest of the race a lot more exciting with more close racing.

I had very enjoyable close racing with Marc (first 4 laps), Blair (mid race), Waffles, and Lefty tonight and managed a few clean passes in the race at various places on the track. I couldn't pass Blair at all mid-race even with the draft assist and needed a pit cycle to get ahead of him. Nice drive tonight. 👍 I never got very close on track to either Lucas or Dominick (besides the start).

EDIT: Pulled some video tonight and will works on a highlights video tomorrow. Here's what the first lap looked like from my POV:

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Honestly, I was expecting worse, thankfully it was only that bad and for part of the race.
I did my best to get out of the way off the start (:P) to give you guys room though, I think next time if somebody is hogging my bandwidth I'll either get them to stop or back out.

Hydro ran what must have been a pretty good race, I only lost about 10 seconds through mistakes, which is good for me, I had a pretty solid run, and I think the one-stop ended up quicker.

As for penalties, well, I had no idea they were on until after the race, which is good, that would have been a surprise.:lol:
I think the issues you guys had with them are pretty standard with using the GT5 penalties, the only real other options though are letting everything go or enforcement of penalties after the race.
Did you try low penalties?
Great race last night guys. Nice win Dom, I don't know how you could drive at all with the car jumping around like that.👍 I had some great close battles with Lefty and Waffels at different times through the course of the race. We were swapping position back and forth several times, very close clean racing. The chicane caught me out once after the blocks got blasted onto the track.
Lefty was hot on my heels at the time and passed at that moment, but he returned the favor a couple laps later and I passed him back for I believe 3rd position. I held 3rd for about 7-8 laps with Tim gaining a bit every lap. I think I set my fasted lap during this period with Tim pushing me to stay ahead of him. He pitted on lap 16, I waited 1 or 2 more laps to pit which might of cost me a podium finish. Tim must of had a great out lap after his last stop, and I had a slow in lap with worn tires. As I exited the pits, Tim went past going into turn 1 and held 3rd for the rest of the way.

Hope everyone had as much fun as I did, see you all next week.:)
Honestly, I was expecting worse, thankfully it was only that bad and for part of the race.
I did my best to get out of the way off the start (:P) to give you guys room though, I think next time if somebody is hogging my bandwidth I'll either get them to stop or back out.

Hydro ran what must have been a pretty good race, I only lost about 10 seconds through mistakes, which is good for me, I had a pretty solid run, and I think the one-stop ended up quicker.

As for penalties, well, I had no idea they were on until after the race, which is good, that would have been a surprise.:lol:
I think the issues you guys had with them are pretty standard with using the GT5 penalties, the only real other options though are letting everything go or enforcement of penalties after the race.
Did you try low penalties?

Dom. You ran an awesome race and didn't interfere and ran clean. Never got in way... I just got distracted. Would have loved to follow you closer to see if I could stay with draft... Marc was capable so it was just me... I wouldn't have stayed with you very long for sure anyway.... That quali lap of 1'56.5XX was 0.5 faster than I've ever run online. 👍

I didn't run my best race regardless, but not terrible outside of lap 4-5 and I'm happy with third as Blair could have beat me easily... I would have liked to make marc fight harder for 2nd though.

Great job guys... I'm already looking forward to next week.
Now that it's all about gettin the groceries working off the current WRS event and because the cars aren't adjustable shouldn't we take into consideration the leader board or reverse the grid to make it more interesting? Just think of the great replays we'll get from the fastest guy in the back making killer passes from behind. 👍 This race should also have a rolling start so the rubber bands can unwind equily :)
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Now that it's all about gettin the groceries working off a current WRS event and the cars aren't adjustable shouldn't we take into consideration the leader board or reverse the grid to make it more interesting?

I'm willing to try anything once and see how it works. 👍

We could go by the results from WRS this week and skip quali (but still have practice time). Anyone who doesn't submit to WRS can just submit their offline lap time here in the thread after WRS goes official. We can do a replay verify system if anyone is suspect of a time, but I don't think we'll have an issue.

We'd have to do a formation lap and get in the proper order on track before taking our grid positions, but that shouldn't be too hard.... Or this idea... I reset the room 2 mins prior to race and we release drivers on track in desired order of start... once last driver is on track I start race timer and nobody finishes a lap. I think GT5 will put you in order on track... we can test it, but think this works.

As far as reverse grid, I'm for trying that also. We can mix it up and don't have to stick to a single formula for every event. I wouldn't want reverse grid for DTM @ GP/F, but for this upcoming event it might be a neat way to go.

We are also talking about trying a real formation lap sometime... maybe next time we have a "race car" on "race track" event like last night. Give everyone a chance to warm tires and leader can start race anytime between last corner and start line, but not before the last driver clears the final corner. Other series do it that way so it's possible with just a little coordination/communication.

This is all about having fun and trying different things to promote good close racing. 👍

I'll discuss with other stewards so we can edit before posting the event details.

EDIT: I had this idea to record the leaderboard live stats page and generate it in fast forward as a video in case anyone wants to see how they did lap to lap or how positions/gaps changed during the race. Unlike a GT5 replay you can pause, fast forward, rewind. Here it is condensing 50+ minutes into 3:21. Let me know if you think this is useful or a waste of time/effort:
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...I held 3rd for about 7-8 laps with Tim gaining a bit every lap. I think I set my fasted lap during this period with Tim pushing me to stay ahead of him. He pitted on lap 16, I waited 1 or 2 more laps to pit which might of cost me a podium finish. Tim must of had a great out lap after his last stop, and I had a slow in lap with worn tires. As I exited the pits, Tim went past going into turn 1 and held 3rd for the rest of the way...

I used the live leader board video above to analyze this section of the race and our individual battle:


Green = in lap, Red = out lap

I shaved 0.7 on my "in lap" compared to yours. And then the 1'58.5 after my fresh tires got warm versus your 2'01.1 on warn tires. The 1'57.7 following helped me build the gap because you were gaining on me the final couple laps as I was on 9 lap tires and you were on 7 lap tires. If you had managed to catch my draft it would have been lights out.
I like the video a lot, Tim. 👍 But can appreciate the extra time it must take, in addition to other viewings of the replay that you'll do in order to make the highlights reel.

Speaking of which, try to leave out the part about me getting lapped by Dom. :lol:

Everyone else seemed way more prepared for the race, and I applaud the good racing you guys were having in the middle there. :cheers:
Apologies if I slowed Blair, Lefty, or Waffles down too much in the first couple laps. :dunce:
No one slowed me down, my race started without a count down. The screen was black and then it shows the cars all going w/ me in last ....... WTF. Talk about a blood presure spike.
No one slowed me down, my race started without a count down. The screen was black and then it shows the cars all going w/ me in last ....... WTF. Talk about a blood presure spike.

I wondered what happened to you at the start watching the replay. I thought maybe changing stations on the radio or maybe texting Little Lefty when the green lights came on :lol:

Was quite a sight seeing people try to avoid your car at the start. You were right back on the tail of the others pretty quickly though. 👍

Seriously there was definitely a little "glitch" there. It took forever to load the room after we reset it for quali at 7:00 and then took a while to set up the grid for the start. Lucas got bumped just before we started the race countdown... luckily just earlier enough that we could wait for him to return. Too bad about the PS3 update otherwise T13R probably would have joined us.
I'm willing to try anything once and see how it works. 👍

We could go by the results from WRS this week and skip quali (but still have practice time). Anyone who doesn't submit to WRS can just submit their offline lap time here in the thread after WRS goes official. We can do a replay verify system if anyone is suspect of a time, but I don't think we'll have an issue.

We'd have to do a formation lap and get in the proper order on track before taking our grid positions, but that shouldn't be too hard.... Or this idea... I reset the room 2 mins prior to race and we release drivers on track in desired order of start... once last driver is on track I start race timer and nobody finishes a lap. I think GT5 will put you in order on track... we can test it, but think this works.

As far as reverse grid, I'm for trying that also. We can mix it up and don't have to stick to a single formula for every event. I wouldn't want reverse grid for DTM @ GP/F, but for this upcoming event it might be a neat way to go.

We are also talking about trying a real formation lap sometime... maybe next time we have a "race car" on "race track" event like last night. Give everyone a chance to warm tires and leader can start race anytime between last corner and start line, but not before the last driver clears the final corner. Other series do it that way so it's possible with just a little coordination/communication.

This is all about having fun and trying different things to promote good close racing. 👍

I'll discuss with other stewards so we can edit before posting the event details.

EDIT: I had this idea to record the leaderboard live stats page and generate it in fast forward as a video in case anyone wants to see how they did lap to lap or how positions/gaps changed during the race. Unlike a GT5 replay you can pause, fast forward, rewind. Here it is condensing 50+ minutes into 3:21. Let me know if you think this is useful or a waste of time/effort:
All you need to do is have #1 (pole) drive onto the track and park, #2 onto track and park behind #1, etc, it can be anywhere, as long as they leave the pits and stay in order.👍 (and don't complete any laps)

As for reverse grid, I think it sounds good, I'm always in favor of anything that results in close racing.👍 I think the power and speed of the DTM cars exacerbates the divisional differences and expect it to be pretty close next week in the Volvo.

Good video BTW, very good for those of us lacking the patience like myself to watch a 50 minute replay.👍

I gave it a go in my lounge with the Audi to see how tires and fuel affected times. I used the same setup I used offline except -10/-10 RH. My WRS time with this car was 1'54.1xx.

1st lap 1'57
3rd 1'55.8 (fastest)
8th 1'58
12th 1'59.5
15th 2'00.5 (really dodgy here)

There's not a huge dropoff 8->12 so personally I'd go 12 laps as hard as I could, pit, then drive "safe" to the finish to conserve for late race battles. Doing a linear average between fastest and slowest times (not very scientific but w.e.), I'd get an average laptime of ~1'56.9 for 8-lap stints and ~1'57.7 for 12 laps. The difference in average (0.8) times 25 laps is less than what you lose in one stop, but then again traffic might have a say in that.

Next I did a pit stop and 3 lap "qualifier":
Best after first pit stop (~half fuel) 1'56.1 on 2nd flying lap.
After 2nd pit stop 1'55.247 on 3rd lap.

Overall I think offline time + 1s should be a good goal for a qualifying time.
BTW, thanks to Yanaran (Jonas I think?) for the tips, used this as exactly my strategy, though I guess hitting .2 below my offline lap is due to lack of practice in the actual week, was happy to see I found extra time since the event. :)
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