Gettin' Groceries Online
Disclaimer: This is *NOT* an official GTPlanet or WRS sanctioned event and members are not obligated to take part.
Event Summary
Title: Gettin' Groceries Online
Event: Online adaptation of the
GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 32 Event: Gettin' Groceries
Host: GTP_WRP001's Private Lounge
Time: Wednesday, September 28 at 7:00 PM PDT (GMT = Sept 29 at 2:00 AM).
Duration: Appx 75 minutes. 30 minute practice / 45 minute race (30 laps)
Driver Eligibility
Eligibility for this 3D3 event will include GTP_Registered members
plus referred drivers. A registry member can make a referral for this event by simply including other drivers PSN IDs with their own registration request in this thread. To guarantee eligibility for all 3D3 events run the GTP_Registry
qualifier and join the registry now.
- Reply to this thread and include in the text of the message your GTP_ PSN ID, the title of this event, "Gettin' Groceries Online", and your color choice. To sign up (refer) a driver not on the GTP_Registry, a registered driver should include the PSN ID of the non registered driver(s) in their post.
- Send a PSN friend request to GTP_WRP001 with subject line "3D3 Racing" if you haven't already done so. Any referred driver(s) will also need to submit a friend request.
There is a 16 car/driver limit for this event and slots are awarded on the grid using a first come first serve basis. Reference the registered drivers list below for availability. This is a stand alone race and points are not tallied for a series. Future races hosted by 3D3 racing may have different driver limits and will require re-registration using the same first come first serve basis and participation in future events is optional.
If for some reason, after you register for the event, you are unable to attend the race please send a PM to one of the 3D3 racing stewards or post in the thread so we can update the registration list and make the spot available to another driver. This particular GTP_WRS event was held in Arcade Mode therefore the car used for the online race is from the "Recommended Garage" section. You cannot use and do not need this car in your personal garage. Tuning will not be a factor in this event except for "In Event Tuning" for ABS, Brake Balance, etc.
Event Timing
- Practice: September 28th 7:00 PM PDT (30 minute session)
- Race Start: September 28th 7:30 PM PDT
- Race End: After 30 laps. Target race duration of approximately 45 minutes.
Lounge Settings
- Race Quality: Standard
- Voice Chat Quality: Turned off to save bandwidth for the race. If you have a chatpad or keyboard, use it
Course & Car Settings
- Track: Autumn Ring Reverse
- Car: Volvo C30 R Design '09 (from the recommended garage)
- Tires: Sports Medium (S2's)
- In Event Tuning Settings: Optional
Event Settings
- Game Mode: Normal Race
- Laps: 30
- Start Type: Rolling Start (see details below)
- Grid Order: Slowest First (based on WRS event results, or private submission to Gravitron, in case you didn't submit this week)
- Boost: No
- Penalty: Weak (to penalize cutting corners on this track)
- Automatic Race Start Cycle: Disabled
- Race Finish Delay: Set to the Max 180 Seconds
- Grip Reduction: Low
- Mechanical Damage: Light
- Tire Wear / Fuel Consumption: On [be aware of cold tires at start or first lap out of pits]
- Pit Stops: Allowed and as often as you need to but not required. When exiting the pit lane, remember to stay within pit lane exit boundaries and yield to approaching drivers. If you choose to go without a pitstop (or with fewer) be prepared for the significant speed difference of approaching drivers (see passing/blocking below).
Regulation Settings
- Car Restriction: Select From Garage, Recommended Garage, Volvo C30 R Design '09
- Performance Points: NA
- Power: NA
- Weight: NA
- Tire Restrictions: Sports Medium (S2's)
- Skid Recovery Force Aid: Off
- TCS | Driving Line | ASM |: Optional
Standard Clean OLR Rules Apply:
- Unless otherwise specific all rules from the original WRS event apply.
- All Hard Surfaces are considered Track Surface. This includes tarmac, red and white rumbles, and concrete. You are expected to drive clean at all times as if you are racing in the WRS. All participants are required to follow the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines.
- 3D3 Race Stewards (who are taking part in race, but will review the replay) reserve the right to boot or invalidate the result of any driver from the Race Room for driving offensively. If you ignore any warnings from the stewards and are booted from the race room, you will not be allowed to participate in future 3D3 events.
- 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
- Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
- Runoff areas are not part of the track
- Limit your contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
- No hybrids
- No cheating of any kind
- Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
- Passing and Blocking: Aggressive blocking is not permitted, but the driver in front has the right to choose his/her line and braking point and drivers behind should respect that line. Be especially careful when you are on older tires than the competition as the speed difference may be significant. These events are "for fun" so just play nice and take a conservative rather than an aggressive approach when possible.
If for some reason you are unable to finish the race and need to stop:
- Pull the car over off the track next to a wall and as far from the driving line as possible
- Press the E-Brake
- Then press Start
- This will ghost your car and it won't allow it to interfere with the other drivers.
Overall winner and top driver from each division will be sent a prize (prize will be announced at race time).
Good Luck,
3D3 Racing:
*** Rolling Start Directions for the Gettin' Groceries Event ***
For this event, the race will feature a rolling start instead of the standard Grid start. This is for fun, so let's see how it works.
We will also be determining individual start positions by the WRS rankings for this event, in reverse order.
The slowest WRS time will be the first position. The fastest, the last position.
Drivers that do not submit a time for the WRS will be placed according to the best lap time that they submit via PM to Gravitron
by Wed Sept 28 00:00 PDT.
Please be sure that you have followed the normal WRS procedure for submitting a lap should you submit via PM to Gravitron (clean lap, proper time, proper tires).
Drivers that do not submit a lap time to either the WRS, or Gravitron will be placed at the back of the start order.
Last minute entries will also be placed at the back of the field.
A complete starting lineup will be posted in the event post on the day of the race.
Please make sure to check the thread that day so that you are aware of your position, and who is directly in front of you.
At 7 PM PDT (10 PM EDT) WRP001's private lounge will be open for warmup laps. The room may be opened earlier, please check the thread for updates regarding the opening of the room.
The room will not be reset at 7:00 for qualifying purposes, as there is no need to qualify. Drivers may run as many warm up laps as they wish.
At 7:30 the room will be reset to clear the warm up leaderboard.
All drivers must remain in their Pit while WRP001 organizes the driver rollout. No driver shall leave the Pit until they are individually instructed to do so.
Drivers will already know their positions, but must wait until they are called to exit the pit.
If a driver accidentally leaves the Pit early, they should immediately pull over to the right side of the track following the Pit exit, and wait for instructions from WRP001. Do not proceed from that spot until you are instructed to do so.
The first driver out of the pit will proceed to this point on the track (the T1 split marker) and wait for the other drivers to line up behind him:
The remaining drivers will line up in order, single file, leaving enough space between themselves and the driver in front to ensure that there in no chance of contact.
When all of the drivers are in their proper positions, WRP001 will inform the drivers that the order is set, and that the race ready to start.
WRP001 will then start the race. Drivers should not move from their positions while the countdown is running.
This rollout from the pit will ensure the proper starting order, and should only take 3-4 minutes to set up.
When the drivers are placed on the starting grid, the race countdown will start as per usual.
The Race will not start when the countdown ends, instead, the lead driver will start off on a formation lap.
All drivers must wait until the car in front of them has advanced enough that it is safe for them to follow.
Passing on the Formation Lap is strictly forbidden.
The lead driver will continue around the track in 2nd gear in order to maintain a predictable pace. All following drivers are expected to do the same, but can shift to third if they need to catch up a little.
When the lead driver completes the final turn, and starts down the start / finish straight, he is to maintain his speed until the start Marshall clears him to accelerate.
The start Marshall will give the lead driver a verbal signal once his car (the last in the order) clears the final corner, and is inline with the other drivers.
All other drivers must follow the car in front of them, in a single file, maintaining their speed, and order until the race officially starts.
The lead driver may then accelerate to race speed.
There is no passing whatsoever until the lead car has crossed the Start / Finish line, and the race has officially started.
Jumping the start, leaving room to accelerate in a slingshot fashion, or any other pre-start technique(s) are strictly forbidden.
- GTP_MilleRSVR, Division 4, Passion Red, 1'31.184
- GTP_EDK, Division 2, Brilliant Blue Pearl, 1'30.300
- GTP_LeftyWright, Division 3, Ice White, 1'30.278
- GTP_WRP001, Division 3, Black Saphire Metallic, 1'30.199
- GTP_Hydro, Division 3, Passion Red, 1'30.008 (unofficial PM submission)
- GTP_Gravitron, Division 3, Brilliant Blue Pearl, 1'29.979
- GTPcats_pajamas, Division 2, Electric Silver Metallic, 1'29.871
- GTP_T13R, Division 2, Ice White, 1'29.794
- GTP_MadMax86, Division 2, Passion Red, 1'29.544
Host WRP001's post-race writeup 👍 and his
analysis of lap leaders and pit strategies
Awesome job on the video, Tim! 👍
PICS post