3D3 Racing: WRS-based races moved to new WRS sub-forum!

  • Thread starter WRP001
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When I enter Hydro's lounge it seems like I'm kicking EDIT: Biffy , Sjaak and Gravitron out and following them right after.
So I'll try to stay connected for a few more time / few more tries , but I don't want to be causeing problems to others.. So..

I might just sit out this race.

1 more try and I'm out.

That is weird, as we've not dc'd from the room once. Though it suggests a problem between the three of us, so we should all reset our PS3's and rejoin the room. I'm just doing this now.

To me it looks like you , Sjaak and Gravitron get dc'd and moment after this I get dc'd :odd:
Also reseting PS3 now.

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That is weird, as we've not dc'd from the room once. Though it suggests a problem between the three of us, so we should all reset our PS3's and rejoin the room. I'm just doing this now.
Heh , restarted the PS3 and got rid of the dc problems.
Just to get disconnected because of a power-blackout. :lol:

I was taking the last corner few car lenghts behind Chris , turned in at 200+ km/h and then the lights went out as well as PS3.
This was lap 6 IIRC.

Good race 👍

One stop was not the way to go. I think my last few laps were in the 1'18 and 1'19 range and I was a sitting duck for gooners and Tim. My setup just mashed front tyres...

Ridiculously dominant win for Mark. 👍
I went one stop and i think it was best, i was able to drive the car smoothly enough but be reasonably quick and consistant enough, shame about the two offs, cost me approx 12-14 seconds i think, first 10 laps or so were scruffy but after that was pretty pleased, good race guys:tup:
OK whatever, I couldn't look after my front tyres no matter what. I guess you're just a wizard.
That was a great race for me, but I feel lucky to have 2nd place because Vagabond and Yanaran would probably of had me otherwise. Very unfortunate guys, that corner is notoriously evil and I'd already learnt my lesson in practice going through there.. :nervous:

Managed to stay very consistent throughout the race, making a mistake felt so hard to achieve in this car. I did a 1-stopper, tire wear wasn't massively bad, it was manageable, it's just the car eats up those front tires. In the end I was chasing Markyboy but my pace just couldn't cut it, he was overwhelmingly fast even on worn tires, although he did give me hope when he made a few mistakes and lost time. Last few laps Gooners and WRP were closing in but I managed to bring the car home to my relief, and that 2nd trophy looks pretty damn shiny :sly:
Good race guys! Congratulations markyboy for the win!

That was super close Tim for all 45 laps, I think I almost crashed once looking back at you :lol:
Gooners, that was an awesome race. 👍 I pressured you and pressured you and pressured you, but no matter what I couldn't get you to make a mistake and I couldn't pass you with pure speed. I tried pitting later and leap frogging and twice I came out one car length behind you. I hoped a few times lapped traffic or Markyboy climbing through the pack would allow me to pass, but Markyboy was so fast I couldn't follow him through any hole he created. Fun stuff and congratz on the 3rd place finish.
That was a great race for me, but I feel lucky to have 2nd place because Vagabond and Yanaran would probably of had me otherwise. Very unfortunate guys, that corner is notoriously evil and I'd already learnt my lesson in practice going through there.. :nervous:
Of course it is when you press the oil slick button when you see me closing in the rear view :sly:
Of course it is when you press the oil slick button when you see me closing in the rear view :sly:

Must have been from the lapped train that was trying desperately to get past me before I made my stop. God what a rowdy lot they were :sly:
That was a great race for me, but I feel lucky to have 2nd place because Vagabond and Yanaran would probably of had me otherwise.

Not me. Even without my last corner spin, my tyres were gone. Average lap-time was 1'16 - 1'17 with no front grip. Not enough testing with online setup possibly but I was just way off the pace tonight.
Great driving guys, that's a fun race for sure 👍

Too bad the spin monsters were having a field day with myself, and Speedy....very frustrating :(

Congrats to Markyboy, and the rest as well.
Nice run Mark! This is quite a field to lead by 20+ seconds :bowdown:
Not me. Even without my last corner spin, my tyres were gone. Average lap-time was 1'16 - 1'17 with no front grip. Not enough testing with online setup possibly but I was just way off the pace tonight.
You were doing pretty good first 3-4 laps I thought, did your tires wear that quickly? When I passed you towards the end I admit you weren't exactly speedy gonzales ;)

Biffy do you recall how far behind marky we were? When the stewards released me from pit lane I was 59s behind :( Gained back almost 30s in the last 12 so it would've been fun to see if I could've passed marky on his worn tires.
Biffy do you recall how far behind marky we were? When the stewards released me from pit lane I was 59s behind :( Gained back almost 30s in the last 12 so it would've been fun to see if I could've passed marky on his worn tires.

I'll have the live leader board video up in a couple hours so you can analyze to your hearts content (although for you probably tomorrow morning). Capturing now and then have to encode and upload so it takes a while.
You were doing pretty good first 3-4 laps I thought, did your tires wear that quickly? When I passed you towards the end I admit you weren't exactly speedy gonzales ;)

Biffy do you recall how far behind marky we were? When the stewards released me from pit lane I was 59s behind :( Gained back almost 30s in the last 12 so it would've been fun to see if I could've passed marky on his worn tires.

Well, what do you expect you were on fresh tires, i wasn't exactly pushing to the limit i was just trying to do a steady enough pace to not make any mistakes but the slower i took it i then made a couple of errors, but i think at the end i was due tires and you weren't far off either, shame what happened because i think it would of been within 10 seconds the gap.

I think its fun doing these semi-endurance races, im not used to racing much atall so i like the fact that strategies can pay a big part in the outcome.
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Great race, guys! Sorry if I slowed a few of you up as you lapped me. :dunce:
Still pretty easy for me to crack under pressure of a real race. You are all crazy-fast!

Thanks Tim and Marc for great hosting! 👍:cheers:
Gooners, that was an awesome race. 👍 I pressured you and pressured you and pressured you, but no matter what I couldn't get you to make a mistake and I couldn't pass you with pure speed. I tried pitting later and leap frogging and twice I came out one car length behind you. I hoped a few times lapped traffic or Markyboy climbing through the pack would allow me to pass, but Markyboy was so fast I couldn't follow him through any hole he created. Fun stuff and congratz on the 3rd place finish.

You actually pit at the right times, I went earlier :sly:, cause I remember the pit crew in Daytona held someone up for a safe release, and I didn't want to get into a pit stop jam.

I have a feeling that after today's race it's going to be a 🤬 passing you tonight :lol:

EDIT: Yeah thanks Marc and Tim 👍
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Yanaran - I just watched your spin/pit entry - lap 33.

It looked like you got on the rumble strip on cold tires, and the rest was... ugly :(
That little spin manouvre was the one we were referring to before the race, it got almost everyone in practice, and myself twice today (but I didn't make it into the pit - 1 serious wall hit though).
Getting stuck in the pit sideways was just the (really sour) icing on the cake.
Man, that would have been one heck of a finish otherwise 👍
You were doing pretty good first 3-4 laps I thought, did your tires wear that quickly? When I passed you towards the end I admit you weren't exactly speedy gonzales ;)

If only it had been a 4 lap race... :lol:

My last lap I think was a 1'20... :dopey: Best lap a 1'13.something. Two stops would've worked better for me but still wouldn't have been on for the win.

I had a spin as well - can't remember when. Hit the pit-lane barrier rather than zooming down the pit-lane, which was lucky from one point of view. :sly:

Many thanks again to Marc, Tim and Lucas for organising 3D3 = great racing series. 👍
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Well, what do you expect you were on fresh tires, i wasn't exactly pushing to the limit i was just trying to do a steady enough pace to not make any mistakes but the slower i took it i then made a couple of errors, but i think at the end i was due tires and you weren't far off either, shame what happened because i think it would of been within 10 seconds the gap.
Yea, it would've been much more fun having a battle than both of us driving around alone. Before I crashed I was thinking maybe I could catch you around lap 40 which would make for a nervous finish with both cars getting worse in the tire department. :D But it was not to be, so I just tried to gain back as many places as I could.

edit: And thanks to the 3d3 guys, I don't think I'd have nearly as much fun practicing for and racing something that wasn't so closely tied to the previous WRS combo, such a great idea really. :)
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Weds Forest EU Race Results:

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If you still have an open spot in the NA race tonight I would like to join you. I'm sure I can make it tonght.
Wacky fun race, guys. Had to stay in silent running mode to not wake the fambly.

Probably gave marky a smile; he lapped me while I was having the worst balls-up in the entire race, and I had no idea it was him, so I'm just glad I didn't hit him.

Went with a one-stop, probably should have gone two, but it was a gamble to try and catch up a place.

I was running my own crappy setup (that I used in the WRS) to try and even out tire wear (that part worked; the gears not so much). It ran about as fast for me as Max's in testing last night, and I knew it wasn't eating fronts.

Feel free to try/comment; I had to tweak it in practice a bit last night, but couldn't update the sheet. Anyone else will probably find it too understeery. It felt completely different (even more understeer) in the race room. I'll have to check it after work and update.

Aero 35/57 (60 online)
LSD 12/12/11 (I think I tweaked this to 15/10/11 in online practice)


BB 5/7

Gears default, final to 5.5, max to 180, then (may have been tweaked, didn't get a chance to recheck before racing; the settings sheet also seems to show them a tick up or down in some places):
1st 3.128
2nd 2.325
3rd 1.894
4th 1.621
5th 1.411
6th 1.202
Final 2.703

I think I poked the ballast forward to help cope with the fuel weight. In theory.

Also, thanks again the the 3D3 team! Nice to see you on track, Lucas!
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wow my best lap is so slow :grumpy:

Haha Hydro same best lap though!

I didn't even notice until you pointed it out :lol:
Team Canada Eh!

Just double checked the replay, and it's not a mistake 👍

If you still have an open spot in the NA race tonight I would like to join you. I'm sure I can make it tonght.
Certainly 👍
This event is a total blast - the more drivers the better :D

1'13.478 was your WRS submission, so it'll put you in 3rd for the start.
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EU Live Leaderboard:
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