3rd GTPlanet Formula 1 World Championship (Season Opening)

  • Thread starter Kakundoo
In the video Kak's car is lagging and very erratic. How would you perceive going forward if it was you in Mark's car? I wouldn't have stopped as I would have thought that as erratic as his car was that it may have been the problem and not contact. Kak's car is flashing so contact should not be an issue yet it was. You can clearly hear Mark on and off the throttle as Kak's car erratically veered out of pit lane in front of Mark and then suddenly appeared 2 more times in front of him. Now why should one wait for contacted being made when it is clearly the systems fault. There is no solution that will cure all the problems of this game and these arguments/discussions can go on forever but that is why I would say the racing would be better with collisions off. The gentlements agreement for not passing through a vehicle would be no different than the one that is in place for the contact and wait - IMHO - and would make the racing closer.

Yes Kak's car was lagging, however there was contact (due to lag) and the rules state one must wait regardless.

Personally I would have stopped, Kak's car was stationary on the map and there were no other cars on the track around that area of the map.

Another rule that could be introduced is that all people should stop streaming / downloading anything on their PC's / Laptops etc whilst the race is on. Maybe a bit awkward if it was a shared router, but this will help any lag issues.
Right, there have only been two minor incidents so far involving collisions. This is getting ridiculous, we had a great last season and I'm getting a little annoyed about all this talk with collisions on or off. Unless there are some major incidents in the future, I am not going to change my mind and I wouldn't mind everyone talking about the racing rather than the rules and regulations. This is meant to be about the racing...let's not duplicate the politics of the real F1 and try to imitate the excitement, preparation, hard work and fun that goes into a season :)
Yes Kak's car was lagging, however there was contact (due to lag) and the rules state one must wait regardless.

Personally I would have stopped, Kak's car was stationary on the map and there were no other cars on the track around that area of the map.

Another rule that could be introduced is that all people should stop streaming / downloading anything on their PC's / Laptops etc whilst the race is on. Maybe a bit awkward if it was a shared router, but this will help any lag issues.

stopping the other four people in my house from using thier pc's while I play a game is propably not going to go over to good :lol:

Right, there have only been two minor incidents so far involving collisions. This is getting ridiculous, we had a great last season and I'm getting a little annoyed about all this talk with collisions on or off. Unless there are some major incidents in the future, I am not going to change my mind and I wouldn't mind everyone talking about the racing rather than the rules and regulations. This is meant to be about the racing...let's not duplicate the politics of the real F1 and try to imitate the excitement, preparation, hard work and fun that goes into a season :)

Let me be clear that I am not trying to change the rules that were set in place. I was simply stating my opinion about the incident that happened last practice. It does not matter to me if collisions are on or off because it will be the same for everybody. :D
Well you wont be talking about good racing, this is what your gonna get each week, i dont care what you try to do about racing, you can NOT control the lagg problem, i wish we could have as good racing with collisions on, but this will happen every week. i will do what i did in the other tournament, ill start at the back, and wait for yall to crash each other, Mark didnt show the correct part of his video, of when he hit me, he showed the part where me and king got together, he didnt show the part where he hit me in the A#$ , but i dont care about last week, thats why i waited untill today to say what i wanted to say, You guys need to watch your track map and your rear view mirror, if a car catches you, they caught you for a reason, its not right to hold up a faster car by (BLOCKING) defending your position, all your gonna do is cause a collision with that car, I REPEAT YOU CAN NOT CONTROL THE LAGG PROBLEM, i dont care how hard you try. I'll race this race from the back if i catch you and you try to (BLOCK) defend your position i'll do what i have to do to get by you, im not going to intentionally crash another car but if you block me more than one time i will get by you the next time. I do not want to race that way, but after reading everything ya'll have posted, it seems thats how im gonna have to race,( Kak you are the race director),( you make the rules),( i'll follow your rules), but im gonna race you guys the same way you race me. If you race me clean i'll race you clean, if i think your racing me dirty im gonna race you dirty. Kak you have some big decisions to make about this tournament, you need to decide if you want a fun tournament and people talking about the good racing or people on here bashing other drivers, I would rather have the (FUN) tournament. This is my opnion (TURN COLLISIONS OFF)
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Right, there have only been two minor incidents so far involving collisions. This is getting ridiculous, we had a great last season and I'm getting a little annoyed about all this talk with collisions on or off. Unless there are some major incidents in the future, I am not going to change my mind and I wouldn't mind everyone talking about the racing rather than the rules and regulations. This is meant to be about the racing...let's not duplicate the politics of the real F1 and try to imitate the excitement, preparation, hard work and fun that goes into a season :)

Minor incidents ? I dont consider contact with another car MINOR. I want to race, not crash someone else and have to wait if it was caused by a lagg problem, which may have been what happened to me and mark, i dont know, he says he didnt hit me, from my view i got hit, when me and King made contact, he says he had the inside line going into the corner, from my view he went way off track, and i went on inside and passed him , i checked my rear view mirror and he was behind me but when i got to the corner i get hit on the inside, why (LAGG) i have nothing against Mark or King im sure they are really good guys. I know they are both Fast and good drivers. but this is whats going to be talked about every week, (who did or didnt crash another racer)👎
I'm honestly too happy to be pissed off lol. If you want to start at the back Duck, then that's fine. I try as hard as I can to race as fairly and clean as I can, i'm sure people in the previous PAL season know this and also Hemi from our first race at Bahrain. However, if someone is faster than you, it doesn't mean that they have to give their position over. This Championship is based on Formula One, and in F1 you do get cars ahead of you that are slower, for example, when Jenson was held up behind Heikki at the Nurburgring this year. It was only because of the McLaren's KERS that he kept in front.

I, for one, am not concerned with this whole collisions on/off debate, I'm getting rather tired of it. Unless the problem gets out of hand, as previously stated, I will not turn collisions off. I would like to replicate a Formula One race and not turn it into a time trial. I think you're a good, fast racer Duck, but if you catch me, don't expect me to give my position away so easily, I am a competitive guy and will fight for every position, be it first or last.

Good luck to everyone at Bahrain :)
I m not saying anyone should just move over, im saying if someone is trying to pass, the guy in front has just as much responsability to make sure the two cars dont make contact as the guy trying to make the pass , racing is about give and take, as a race goes on things change, some people are fast at the start, some guys are faster at the end of a fuel run, things change lap to lap, if a guy catches me because i made a mistake and i know i can pull away, im not gonna let him go, but if he catches me because he is faster, i will let him go, there is no point in trying to hold him off, the only thing that will happen, is a crash, its better to let him go, and wait for him to make a mistake, but to try and hold off someone lap after lap, who i know is faster , i wont do that. To finnish First, You First have to FINNISH
if a guy catches me because i made a mistake and i know i can pull away, im not gonna let him go, but if he catches me because he is faster, i will let him go, there is no point in trying to hold him off, the only thing that will happen, is a crash

Sorry Duck, gotta disagree with this. Me and Kak had an epic battle last season at Monza in the rain, we only made contact twice, despite making about 5-6 overtaking manouvres on each other. First contact was me defending my line into turn one, I let Kak know I was defending the corner, and on the run up to turn 3 Kak punted me slightly but he waited for me, it's not like i spun right off the track either, it was just hard racing.

Also me and fishfash had a couple of good battles. Best example was in Melbourne where he was clearly about 1.5 secs per lap faster than me in clear air, but I defended against him and going into a corner he may have been able to pass me, but he knew that it would have resulted in a definite crash and he eased off. That is what you must do no matter how tempting it is to charge through just because you're faster. Also if someone has the racing line going into a corner which only has room for one car, you should always cede position, I did this in order to avoid a crash in Hockenheim last season against LewyOs on the first lap at turn 5, despite us being side by side going in.
Sorry Duck, gotta disagree with this. Me and Kak had an epic battle last season at Monza in the rain, we only made contact twice, despite making about 5-6 overtaking manouvres on each other. First contact was me defending my line into turn one, I let Kak know I was defending the corner, and on the run up to turn 3 Kak punted me slightly but he waited for me, it's not like i spun right off the track either, it was just hard racing.

Oh yes, I just remembered that. That was a great battle. I reckon the only reason we had a couple of coming togethers was because of the poor vision due to the rain, and the cold brakes/tyres on the first lap, otherwise it was very clean racing. I remember knowing that the only reason I was keeping up with his pace was because I managed to get in his slip stream every lap, sometimes getting the overtake and when he went into the pits, I was screwed because I tried to follow him in and I hit the wall lmao, it was very funny.
I think we should all remember that, when someone is in front of you, don't me too ambitious, know your limits and also remember that slip streaming someone will have an effect on your brakes and the most important thing is that brakes and tyres are cold, especially in the first corner and that race is not won and lost there, so be sensible :)

I haven't raced Shaggy in months, and i am personally hoping to have a great 1 on 1 battle with him tonight, as I know that Mark and Hemi may pull away from the rest of the pack. I don't know how fast Shaggy is in comparison, but if we're around the same pace as me then it should be a fantastic race. I'm really looking forward to it :D
Btw this season can we all have our own car that we use every race? It would help indentify who's who. Dibs on the McLaren for me this season.
I guess so lol, although some people just don't check this forum enough to know lol. I always use Renault as most of you probably know lol. I'll send out the messages for the password soon and I will send everyone a message via PSN as well, just to make sure.

Good luck all :)
I'll be there (and on time, for a change!). Looking forward to it, even if I'm the one following everyone else. I'd prefer the BMW if we're picking cars although I dont mind much.
First of all its good to see were all on a similar pace to each other but what I didn't like was Zeroduck1 not waiting for me when he rammed me off at turn 14 I wasn't blocking that's just the line I take.

Dunno what to say about our incident Shaggy you pulled off a brilliant move on the inside of the fast turn 13 but it appeared you lost control of the car coming out of turn 14 I went all the way to the right of the track as far as could in the short time I had to react.

Should I have stopped for you?

Anyway it was a good race and congratulations and thank you to Kakundoo for organising and winning this race.
Great start, everything seemed to go wrong for most people up front and two laps into the race myself and Crooky were battling for the lead!
Sadly though that ended when I slowed for a corner and Kak wasnt expecting early braking. But I had to because I was too close to Crooky.
other than that it was a clean enough race, had a small moment with Hemi, but I forget it, and then Shaggy when he tried a rather hopeful out braking move down the inside but you get desperate when your in last I suppose.
I was having a small battle with Kingmarten though in the last few laps, he had passed me and then I took a look down the inside but decided to brake before him he then went slightly wide, I didnt think much of it at first but then he disappeared??
Only to be replaced by a very fast ZeroDuck who I just managed to hold off on the final corner by just sitting my car in the middle of the track.

All in all a fun race.

Also I think Jordan deserve a reward as the only team to have had both drivers lead the race at some point as well as being last at some point. :P
GTP 3rd F1 PAL Championship - Bahrain


Weather - Dry

1st. Kakundoo - 10 pts (Brawn GP)
2nd. HEMIata - 8 pts (Williams)
3rd. Rob101 - 6 pts (Team Lotus)
4th. GT4genius - 5 pts (Jordan Grand Prix)
5th. Fastduck - 4 pts (Williams)
6th. Crooky369 - 3 pts (Team Lotus)
7th. Shaggy Alonso - 3 pts (Jordan Grand Prix)
8th. Kingmart1n - 1 pts (Red Bull)

Pole Position - Shaggy Alonso - 1:30.4xx
Fastest Lap - Shaggy Alonso - 1:30.383

Williams - 12 pts
Brawn GP - 10 pts
Team Lotus - 9 pts
Jordan Grand Prix - 8 pts
Red Bull - 1 pts

That was an absolute bloodbath!

Firstly I must apologise profusely to HEMIata who I managed to shunt into twice at the same corner. Also to GT4genius my team mate whos race I probably ruined, along with Hemi. I'm sorry guys, but you must understand that I absolutely stood on the brakes trying to avoid you. Hemi, I even braked about 10 metres before my usual braking zone into the final turn when i shunted you the second time. But again, no excuses, I should have still been more careful. The fact that I had to wait for these cars ruined my race too. Who was the ferrari? Because you punted me on the STRAIGHT leading to turn 4 on lap one, and more importantly, didn't wait. Same goes to crooky. I was much, much faster coming out of turn 11. OK granted, my overtaking manouvre didn't come off perfectly and I almost dropped it, but you then crashed into me and didn't wait. During the course of the race I also came across a wayward Zeroduck who was facing the wrong direction on a straight and before I had time to react, BANG. I crashed into him too.

All in all a disastrous race for me, 6 separate crashes and in the process of trying to overtake them, ruining several other people's races.

EDIT - Congrats to Kak on a good win, even if you did nudge me in turn one.
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Anyone i knew i hit i waited on, if it looked to me like you lost it yourself, i didnt wait

Yh you waited when we touched in turn 1 thanks for that. But my car was a total write-off after the the turn 14 incident, you must have wondered where I'd gone if you didn't think you hit me?
Great start, everything seemed to go wrong for most people up front and two laps into the race myself and Crooky were battling for the lead!
Sadly though that ended when I slowed for a corner and Kak wasnt expecting early braking. But I had to because I was too close to Crooky.
other than that it was a clean enough race, had a small moment with Hemi, but I forget it, and then Shaggy when he tried a rather hopeful out braking move down the inside but you get desperate when your in last I suppose.
I was having a small battle with Kingmarten though in the last few laps, he had passed me and then I took a look down the inside but decided to brake before him he then went slightly wide, I didnt think much of it at first but then he disappeared??
Only to be replaced by a very fast ZeroDuck who I just managed to hold off on the final corner by just sitting my car in the middle of the track.

All in all a fun race.

Also I think Jordan deserve a reward as the only team to have had both drivers lead the race at some point as well as being last at some point. :P

I'm really sorry mate, I'm trying to remember what happened. I think Crooky was there too wasn't he? I wasn't even trying to overtake you, but I did come steaming into the corner, no differently to what I normally would do. That final turn is really, really dangerous. Needless to say I didn't actually touch anyone, in each incident it was the lag bubble, which as Zerduck has been saying, seems to be getting worse.
Anyone i knew i hit i waited on, if it looked to me, like you lost it yourself, i didnt wait

Are you talking about our incident? Because if so no hard feelings as I didn't expect you to wait, it was just a complete accident.
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I'm really sorry mate, I'm trying to remember what happened. I think Crooky was there too wasn't he? I wasn't even trying to overtake you, but I did come steaming into the corner, no differently to what I normally would do. That final turn is really, really dangerous. Needless to say I didn't actually touch anyone, in each incident it was the lag bubble, which as Zerduck has been saying, seems to be getting worse.

No it was when I was 7th and you were 8th, Hemi had just passed me on the corner before that so I was still very close to him and watching him then as I turned in you clipped the back tyre and we both stopped facing each other, it was quite funny at the time actually, our races couldnt of been going much worse and then to have an incident with each other, it was a very Jordan thing to do. :lol:
No hard feelings at all. 👍
I had no damage, and it looked to me like you overdrove it into the corner and couldnt stop, from my view you just went straight off the corner, you were 3 or 4 car lengths in front of me, going into the corner, like i said i stopped for everyone i knew i hit
No it was when I was 7th and you were 8th, Hemi had just passed me on the corner before that so I was still very close to him and watching him then as I turned in you clipped the back tyre and we both stopped facing each other, it was quite funny at the time actually, our races couldnt of been going much worse and then to have an incident with each other, it was a very Jordan thing to do. :lol:
No hard feelings at all. 👍

That was it, I knew there was another car. Were you going any slower than normal through that final turn because of being behind Hemi? I vow to be even more cautious next race, because all of these crashes only slow me down as well. You all must understand that I thought I was being careful in each incident, and I did at least wait for you all, which can't be said for some.

Indeed that's a good point, we both were leading and dead last at some point. You must have done a great race though to finish 4th despite the incidents. My race was just utter chaos, I actually drove really well. Constantly lapping 1:30's, in between crashing with everyone.

EDIT: Did anyone see who it was who took me out on the straight up to turn 4 on lap one? That effectively ruined my race, it was so unnecessary and whoever did it didn't bother waiting.

Dunno what to say about our incident Shaggy you pulled off a brilliant move on the inside of the fast turn 13 but it appeared you lost control of the car coming out of turn 14 I went all the way to the right of the track as far as could in the short time I had to react.

Should I have stopped for you?

Anyway it was a good race and congratulations and thank you to Kakundoo for organising and winning this race.

No hard feelings Crooky, but that said I think you should have waited. In that event I probably would have let you past again and tried a proper overtake. The reason I lost the car was because I was trying to keep as far away from you as possible and the line I took over the kerb almost spun the car. It's a shame it ended like that, was fun racing you up to that point.
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I had no damage, and it looked to me like you overdrove it into the corner and couldnt stop, from my view you just went straight off the corner, you were 3 or 4 car lengths in front of me, going into the corner, like i said i stopped for everyone i knew i hit

Oh dear the lag bubble most be huge then :yuck:

Also did anyone have trouble with heat in the front left tyre? I was doing a Button weave in the closing stages to keep the temps up.

Managed 2nd in Quali, wasn't expecting it lol. Into the 1st corner I managed to sneak passed Shaggy and saw the collision between Shaggy and Duck in my mirrors. On lap 2, Hemi hit me but I wasn't bothered lol, I caught up to GT4 and Crooky a lap later and managed to squeeze passed GT4 and on the straight, Crooky kindly moved over when I was in his slip stream, possibly because he takes a different line. From there I just kind of raced on my own, my best was 1:30.742. Good racing everyone!! :D

Oh and Rob told me before the race that he was in Lotus because he thought I was lol, he actually wanted to be in Brawn haha, so, erm, yeah lol.