I guess some people is loosing the point of a TV...this is like iPhone 4S is for iPhone 5... i mean is just a phone...0,5s faster but it does the same thing...better but if you own a 4S what's the point of buy a iPhone 5 a year later.
I love technology but this thing like every year a new iPhone with some new stuff and whatever, is something that we don´t really need. They need us to buy it and make money to develop more and make it better yes and then make more money...but do we need the same thing better again and again and again and again? I think not.
(at first with the iPod touch and first iPhone/iPad it was like a "revolution" but now is just the same all over again...like it or not)
With TV´s happens the same thing...people forgets that we don´t need 4k (here at this topic) because 1st- is expensive, 2nd- there are a few channels that even transmit in HD (1080p) at least in Europe or those that you have to pay (satellite or cable-Direct TV, etc) and 3rd- it is just a TV that can do what current TV´s and TV´s from the past can do...show you an image in your screen.
1080p looks good, looks clean, with a big TV like 47" (mine) it all looks great...why should i buy something that i am not going to enjoy more? Do you really think that 4K is going to be a bast difference?
I play my PS3 and PC games here (my TV)...on PC at 1080p and comparing that to the PS3 720p average resolution, is way better and you notice it. But after that when you look all this so clear and "clean" is not going to be a major difference because what does the real difference is not the resolution itself.
The difference comes with the filters (antialiasing, etc) post-processing and effects. That is what makes all looks better too.
The size of the TV is not going to change what you see because you´ll need a bigger one like 80" and the resolution is going to be good for that size to not have to stretch the image (pixels) and see again all clear and clean but in a bigger TV. That i repeat it again...you don´t really need a bigger TV. Not that resolution.
You need processing power tu move games at that resolution too. The HD7970 and GTX680´s GPU´s can move 4k resolution (3840×2160) and at 30FPS (game Dirt Showdown) but one of those costs more than a PS3 at release now. More than 500$/.
Look at this link:
The only "advantage" just because i am objective about everything, probably is that just because that high resolution we are not going to use (probably i don´t know) so much anti-aliasing filters that we use now just because the resolution being so high/large or whatever, it means that you have more pixels to "not compress" the image. (that´s why it will look crear as a 1080p with filters)
And as a last bit...anyone can do whatever they want with his money and i am not saying that you can´t buy this or that...you can buy whatever you want and feel the need to.
Sorry for long thread...TL DR...xD