979PP Red Bull Fan Car 1 Lap Time Trial: Circuito de la Sierra

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After driving the Tomahawk, the Red Bull's speed isn't that concerning for me. HOWEVER, the worst part about this event is: 1) the hairpins are too steep and makes the RB suspension twerk harder than Miley Cyrus, causing you to lose control :banghead: and 2) it rains at the most convenient moment (at the hairpins) making surface water go up to 44% and since you're on Racing Hards it makes it harder to put the power down coming out of those hairpins :banghead:. The first and last parts of the track is mostly high speed corners so it's easy. Just override your brain's natural desire to lift off and you can take most corners and jumps flat out. Oh, and KEEP AWAY from kerbs. They're great for normal cars to prevent understeer, but in this they're going to pull you straight into the barriers.

It took me 1 hour just to get past the halfway point. Once I do, I just drove the remaining of the lap conservatively and got 5.11. Don't think I'm gonna bother as hard with this as with the Tomahawk. Sierra is one of the worst PD track in terms of rhythm :yuck:

Hey bro, absolutely agreed with you! But anyway, better tyres always saves even when it pretty rains :D

At the end, Red Bull is a car with 120% handling, and you need just few 5-min laps to beat the 5:20.
Correction.. I may make it to the start/finish line someday soon!! Maybe it's time to crack out the steering wheel again. Might be good exercise after my elbow operation....
I also use a DS3 and still use x and square for accel/brake, though I use the "from behind" camera view. My reactions aren't very good either...managed a 6:30 after an hour. Not sure if you have seen my advice posted earlier in the thread but try turning the power down on it and set the TOE to +0.50 front and rear and DS3 sensitivity settings to 3. I set the 6:30 with the power set at only 50% and full front and rear downforce and I wasn't flat out...the various settings make the car much less twitchy and easier to control, it's almost like driving the RB Junior..prior to changing the settings, I couldn't even make it beyond a third way round the lap. You can then slowly decrease the DF and/or increase the power
Gonna give it another try . very nearly got the bronze 6.00 time a couple of times . was 35 seconds up on my ghost ! But i CRASHED !
I've tried for about an hour but only got 1 clean lap in and that was 0.01 off silver taking the second half of the lap seriously cautiously. I then went onto the practice mode and did a full dry lap at 5:07 with a few mistakes so I know I can do it but I keep doing stupid things and getting angry. I threw my controller on the other side of the room and turned the PlayStation off.
Advise: Dont get mad at the game/car. With a bad mood you will have NO chance to get a clean/fast lap together (Happened to me at day 2). You do the inputs and the car behaves the way it is.
I tell myself what I have done wrong, how can I avoid this crash in the future and move on to the next attempt (I dont care how long it takes, threw 4 better laps away in the last sector in one session). Every mistake is my fault and it is in my hands to get rid of it.
Patience is a key element. Stay happy and be ready to learn from every corner.
To achieve that, I do sessions of 2h (vary to your liking), afterwards a break as long as needed, put on some music and eat/drink. Repeat.
Took 2 days off, now ready to action ;)
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Advise: Dont get mad at the game/car. With a bad mood you will have NO chance to get a clean/fast lap together (Happened to me at day 2). You do the inputs and the car behaves the way it is.
I tell myself what I have done wrong, how can I avoid this crash in the future and move on to the next attempt (I dont care how long it takes, threw 4 better laps away in the last sector in one session). Every mistake is my fault and it is in my hands to get rid of it.
Patience is a key element. Stay happy and be ready to learn from every corner.
To achieve that, I do sessions of 2h (vary to your liking), afterwards a break as long as needed, put on some music and eat/drink. Repeat.
Took 2 days off, now ready to action ;)

Exactly this. When doing this and the Tomahawk X challenges I can sense when my psyche has drained to the point that my mistakes become more frequent (usually feel some lightheadedness) and this can happen within about 30 minutes of me driving at maximum pace. I then wait several hours to a day when I am ready to take on the challenge again.

Generally you are at your peak of mental performance early on so use that to your advantage and don't try too hard for too long.
This is actually fun! I've only managed two clean laps in roughly umpteen tries, but at least I was 25s faster on the second clean one Bronze at least!
I'm getting to terms with the setup now, and after trying the successful one posted here, I can say that was not for me. I have to go stiffer, and with more downforce.
But boy, I'm liking this, to my own surprise!
@RacingHardTV completely agree with you there...the only way to drive this combo is to be relaxed and calm...getting annoyed/angry etc leads to overdriving and mistakes. Having said that, I have been completely calm all my time running it and am still making mistakes! I normally get very frustrated very quickly when things don't go my way but I haven't for this one, maybe because I saw it as impossible to begin with so there is no pressure there as anything better than impossible is a bonus! The only thing frustrating me is the restarting after every DQ...it means I can run an almost perfect first 4 sectors but don't have a clue on the rest as I rarely get that far :lol:
One thing about driving at the faster pace these cars can handle is I am getting to know this track much better. I can get to the 90 degree left hander onto the bridge in about 1:05 each time now.

Something that caused more crashes after completing my first lap is looking back at where the Ghost Car is. I keep checking to see how much better I'm doing and then lose control. :D

I need to focus on what's ahead and not worry about where my ghost is.
One thing about driving at the faster pace these cars can handle is I am getting to know this track much better. I can get to the 90 degree left hander onto the bridge in about 1:05 each time now.

Something that caused more crashes after completing my first lap is looking back at where the Ghost Car is. I keep checking to see how much better I'm doing and then lose control. :D

I need to focus on what's ahead and not worry about where my ghost is.

the sector splits are coming quite quickly with this car ;)
How is it that this event is probably my most pitiful in terms of laps completed yet the most fun? Was running power still at 55% and rear downforce at 1750 today and, despite completing 300 miles, I did not manage to complete a lap! (have now done 500 miles in 3 days for 2 completed laps in total)...however, I do know the time is there as have got to halfway (well, the bottom end of the track) being 15 seconds up on the ghost which, if completed, would probably have got me past or close to the bronze time. If only I could complete a lap but I either end up overcorrecting in a corner and hit the inside barrier or I just make a silly mistake through lack of attention, like going wide in a long sweeping corner as I didn't turn enough. So frustrating yet so addictive!
How is it that this event is probably my most pitiful in terms of laps completed yet the most fun? Was running power still at 55% and rear downforce at 1750 today and, despite completing 300 miles, I did not manage to complete a lap! (have now done 500 miles in 3 days for 2 completed laps in total)...however, I do know the time is there as have got to halfway (well, the bottom end of the track) being 15 seconds up on the ghost which, if completed, would probably have got me past or close to the bronze time. If only I could complete a lap but I either end up overcorrecting in a corner and hit the inside barrier or I just make a silly mistake through lack of attention, like going wide in a long sweeping corner as I didn't turn enough. So frustrating yet so addictive!

maybe instead of using 55% power try using 100% but with a very long gear setup (very very long gearbox)
so the car doesn't reach the same speed but still has power , so once you are used to you just shorten the gears a little and get more speed..maybe use max downforce to calm this car a little ..
because i think you'll need to relearn the track corner after corner once you'll get more speed..
hope it'll help ;)
XI've been using Test Drive in the Garage to practice. Got six minutes, but can't keep from brushing the barriers, which would disqualify in the event. Seasonals seem to be either too difficult or too easy, but I guess "just right" is different for everyone. Getting better with each try. Golded the Death Valley event with the 2D Chaparral.
I do this -4sec under gold,i only have on/off gas/brake,i don't have hand control "pedal"on my new T500rs,so it not so difficult,maby:sly:
The best way to complete this event is to SWITCH OFF your mind! Really... Always when I try to look at the corners I almost fail it or just stop my Red Bull!

Use the middle-rain tyres (or how it's called in eng version). This is the best way to stay frosty at most difficult corners when it's 30% of water...

Hah, BTW, the best theme for most recognizable Seasonal Event this weak is "I'm Only Happy When It Rains" by Garbage. :'D
Different driving styles may mean different tweaks to some of the suggested tunes, which I used, but rather than 7/7 on bars I used 4/7 with 850/1250 DF which seemed to me to make a difference in slow & medium turns. Hope it helps.
Use the middle-rain tyres (or how it's called in eng version). This is the best way to stay frosty at most difficult corners when it's 30% of water...

I haven't thought about using Intermediate tyres. I thought it would slow me down way too much in the dry parts, but I'll have to try this as I'm running out of options to improve.

Then again I can't wait for the second set of Seasonals today. Tomahawk at Kart Space anyone? :lol:
Spent 45 minutes on this one to get to a third of the way round twice! PD showing the utter disdain and contempt they have for the people who keep them in jobs...it's bad enough this car on this track but having to restart every time you make a mistake is ridiculous and unecessarily stupid from PD. Anyway, that's the obligatory complaint out of the way!!

So, after 45 minutes of failing to even complete a lap of any time, I suddenly had a thought: What if I could tune out the horrendous oversteer on it? So, I went to the TOE settings and set both to +0.50...and then had another thought: Where does it say that the car has to be full power? So, then reduced the power to 50% and max downforce front and rear. (the car started with DrAug's setup)

It took me a while, including a couple of times getting to halfway round...but I finally managed to complete a lap!! Not only that but the lap was a 6:57. Then, on my second complete lap, I managed a 6:30. Now, I realise that these are not fast times but, with only 50% power, to be just 30 seconds off bronze is surprising and, I figure, in the hands of someone with more skill than me, a Bronze is achieveable with these settings. Now I have a ghost to chase, I can start to slowly either reduce the downforce levels or up the power to try and bring the times down.

So, for all those, struggling to complete a lap, try the settings I listed and then go from there. The car with this setup is much closer to the RB Junior in terms of handling and speed (tops out at 208mph or so). Anyway, hope it helps someone...I'm done for today but I realistically feel the gold is achieveable eventually
This is exactly what I did too so I could learn the track and the car. Didn't like the X2014 so am using the X2011 with everything standard except power down to 50% and speed to min (249mph I think). Once I got in a couple of clean laps I worked my way to Bronze and now just off Silver with power up to 60% and speed at 280mph. Need to increase the power again though I think, although it will make the wet section trickier!
Something that caused more crashes after completing my first lap is looking back at where the Ghost Car is. I keep checking to see how much better I'm doing and then lose control.

@SmileyOr1 I came to the same conclusion a long time ago. Instead of driving the car where the track required it I would get caught up trying to get ahead of the ghost. (overdriving may not be a problem for the Red Bull car, but on normal cars it caused either wrecks or killed my lap times because I would miss my apex)

Now I just glance at the mini map in the upper left hand corner to get an idea if I'm ahead of behind. Plus I can always turn if on for a quick check during appropriate areas of the track (like straightaways).
Woohoo!!! Sorry, but I finally got the Bronze time :D

Decided to change tactics...with 55% power, while easier to control, I was having to push more so decided to jump it to 75% so I could push less. After a couple of restarts getting used to the higher power, I managed to complete a lap with a 6:08 for a 22 second gain..this with me coasting through most corners and taking it very gently through the final 2 sectors. Felt optimistic and increased the power to 100% but didn't get very far. Went back to 75%, reduced the rear DF to 1,750, front and rear TOE to 0 (was running it at 1.0/0.50) and steering sensitivity to 5 (from 3) and, after several attempts, including spinning out in the rain for the first time so far, managed to complete a lap with a time of 5:49!! So, in total, have improved by 41 seconds today and only have another 24 to go to get the gold which is looking more achieveable than yesterday.

Edit: Decided to try 100% power again..didn't complete a lap but did get halfway through sector 7 and almost to sector 7 several times, the best being 15 seconds ahead of my ghost at the sector 6 split which was on target for silver so I know it's possible if I can just get the thing round! Have now run 775 miles on this in 3 days for a total of 5 completed laps...and Sierra is now my favourite track according to the game :lol:
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I did a 5:30.xxx last night, good enough to bump me up to the silver trophy. All I need to do is find a little more than 5 seconds to reach gold. I know it will take me a lot longer to find last 5 seconds but I'm optimistic I'll reach gold.

I'm now using @RacingHardTV version of the @DrAug tune (with my own transmission settings) Thanks to you both 👍

I did a 5:22.xxx last night and got my gold (using same settings as my silver post) ! I'm old and slow but I will get there eventually. :lol:
Nup, fk that. Several attempts later and the controller almost ended up buried in the wall. I'm mediocre at best so this one is way beyond my skill level.
I have been without internet for my game for a while. Just got on line this weekend to find this challenge. I had spent time on the Sierra Time Rally a long time back.

My first attempts were with the 2014 Fan Car. I had the downforce set to minimum from my last outing and ran that way. Made it all the way to the final turn before crashing but was almost 2 minutes off of gold. Then I spent numerous attempts running off track and into walls at various points. So I figured the Time Trial in Arcade mode was the best place to get the practice I needed, especially on the last sectors. Ran around a half dozen laps in Arcade and managed a couple of 'clean'(by arcade standards) laps. 5:05 and 5:06 respectively. I was hoping to be able to use the ghost from arcade in this challenge but it would not come up.

Came back to the Seasonal event and started banging away at it. This time I had much better results and after maybe a half hour I was able to run a complete lap. Much to my surprise it was Gold.