A player from Philippines was disqualified from competing at Gran Turismo World Tour 2018 Salzburg

  • Thread starter PhilS1990
He was competing for a country he doesn't reside in, what's there to feel bad about?
For me i feel bad him he put the effort in this game to get chance to be professional driver. He put his energy to achieve his dream to only get thrown away by people jealous his skill. If other away for HK player I bet they won't say anything. Yea he broke the rule, but I feel like PD need to go sort this out given opportunity for other countries too who buy your product and support you along time.
For me i feel bad him he put the effort in this game to get chance to be professional driver. He put his energy to achieve his dream to only get thrown away by people jealous his skill. If other away for HK player I bet they won't say anything. Yea he broke the rule, but I feel like PD need to go sort this out given opportunity for other countries too who buy your product and support you along time.

You need to submit residency information for these Live Events, so if you're not actually from the country of your PSN ID they're going to find out anyway, even before people start complaining.

If they didn't do anything about this, then there'd be no reason why I couldn't set up an Irish account for example and easily qualifying for the Regional Nations Final, instead of living with the hyper-competitive 3 UK slots. The issue lies with Sony not allowing Philippines as an option for account creation, not much PD can do about that.
You need to submit residency information for these Live Events, so if you're not actually from the country of your PSN ID they're going to find out anyway, even before people start complaining.

If they didn't do anything about this, then there'd be no reason why I couldn't set up an Irish account for example and easily qualifying for the Regional Nations Final, instead of living with the hyper-competitive 3 UK slots. The issue lies with Sony not allowing Philippines as an option for account creation, not much PD can do about that.

I have no problem what so ever with this, I use US account and live and play from Serbia, I do play alot of Sport Mode, but not so much FIA and even if I would play FIA, I wouldn't aim for top spots, just for play and having fun...

Besides, they should finally add an option to connect to server where you have lowest ping, and/or give people an option to compete with other regions. As of now, I have around 140-160ms ping towards US servers from Serbia this is... I am sure I'd be hitting low 50 if I had an option to choose EU server. And with even that high ping, I have no problems whatsoever in playing game, nor have those that play with me in same lobby.

And of course, there is a problem with Sony that they don't give any chance for people not having their countries listed in account creation. I did try Slovenian and Croatian accounts, but benefits there are non existing, so why would I never see a PSN discount, why would I pay for everything 10-25% more then it actually is, I choose US account because most of the things are cheaper there, and there are always some discounts. This is especially important not just for me, but most people that live in my and similar countries where month salary is around 250-300euros.

In PS3 era this wasn't even so important, now it is a lot...
For me i feel bad him he put the effort in this game to get chance to be professional driver. He put his energy to achieve his dream to only get thrown away by people jealous his skill. If other away for HK player I bet they won't say anything. Yea he broke the rule, but I feel like PD need to go sort this out given opportunity for other countries too who buy your product and support you along time.
It's not PD's situation to fix.
I concur, this predicament is complete bull:censored:. This has always been the case for us Filipinos, you either have to register using HK or SG (or even US) because PH is not yet in the list of eligible countries on PSN. You know what makes this even more bull:censored:? It's the fact that we have AUTHORIZED retailers over here. Officially partnered, recognized retailers that sell legitimate products AND with warranty. It's just ridiculous.

Doesn't work that way. You can create a PSN account using any eligible country as long as you register a valid address from that country.

Edit: P.S. I hate how that HK guy lambasted our representative who got disqualified. He's one of the best racers here.

I know you can create a psn account for a country other than your own.

I wasn't asking how in a literal sense, I meant in a philosophical sense, like how do they expect the guy to compete online if his country doesn't have psn, not how did he physically create a Hong Kong account despite being from the Philippines...do you see what I mean?

I myself have a U.S account and one for Asia, as well as U.K, so I know the system.

The post wasn't directed at you, it was my viewpoint and your post was quoted merely to provide context.

But you replied directly to me, not to the thread.

So does your avatar.....

I don't know what you mean...this is how I look when I got to the shops.
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I think Sony/PD could have handled this better. They could have rolled with the situation to open up that country. I dont know why Sony arent even in countries that have 10s of millions and an affluent middle class...
As fellow SEA player actually pretty sad to read, to me all fault is on Sony. If Sony can provide all country this problem will never appear, and for HK player even they being harsh but it understandable.

I mean if this is Nation cup normally it must be come from that country by logics, and seeing your slot get taken away people that not from region it hurt on their eyes. Well the way of some HK player protest on twitter I can't say it in right way (already seeing some deleted twitter)

Hope Sony can fix it in next season so PD can do the right way for provide all country to race without this issue again.
The point I was trying to make is, when the penalty system is so fundamentally flawed, what exactly is the POINT in the online racing?

The ability to join or not join an esport's competition where the rules of the sport are so flagrantly violated seems somewhat moot. It's like complaining about not being able to join an esports competition for a soccer game that doesn't penalize you for picking up the ball and running with it!

At least GT5/6 recognized that online multiplayer racing was not auto-stewardable enough, and the only head to head competition came after the time trials when the finalists were eyeballed by real people capable of distinguishing between a dive and a brakecheck. GTS has, with no better penalty detection than GT6 (IMO) decided that the sport's actual rules don't really matter.

So much for respect...
He was competing for a country he doesn't reside in, what's there to feel bad about?

Because Philippines is not an eligible country in PSN. Us Filipinos have to resort to using HK or SG addresses just to be able to play online in PSN. What's making this really bad is that the organizers at the event don't seem to know about this issue, that there are some countries not covered by PSN. What's even worse is that the disqualified contestant ended up being a finalist in GT Academy Asia 2015, a contest which, as far as I'm aware of, is more legitimate than this event over at Germany.

What I'm saying is that there should be leniency towards countries that are not covered by PSN, so that everyone from every country could compete, because as GT Sport says, "driving is for everyone".

EDIT: If you've read that Yahoo article, you'll see that the contestant does have an email directly from Polyphony stating that he is formally invited (even hand-picked, for goodness' sake) to participate in the event. Just look at it, someone being invited over to a competition, but only to arrive there and be disqualified? That's effed up. There is a clear disconnect between PD and the organizers of the event.
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Because Philippines is not an eligible country in PSN. Us Filipinos have to resort to using HK or SG addresses just to be able to play online in PSN. What's making this really bad is that the organizers at the event don't seem to know about this issue, that there are some countries not covered by PSN. What's even worse is that the disqualified contestant ended up being a finalist in GT Academy Asia 2015, a contest which, as far as I'm aware of, is more legitimate than this event over at Germany.

What I'm saying is that there should be leniency towards countries that are not covered by PSN, so that everyone from every country could compete, because as GT Sport says, "driving is for everyone".

EDIT: If you've read that Yahoo article, you'll see that the contestant does have an email directly from Polyphony stating that he is formally invited (even hand-picked, for goodness' sake) to participate in the event. Just look at it, someone being invited over to a competition, but only to arrive there and be disqualified? That's effed up. There is a clear disconnect between PD and the organizers of the event.
That will never happen as there are countries/segments of countries that don't allow contests.

And yes, he had an email from PD purely based on his performance in game and what he signed up for to compete to begin with. Then they found out he wasn't eligible because he didn't live in an eligible country like he claimed on the sign up form in Sport Mode. Leniency towards those bending the rules and lying about where they live? NOPE.

Edit: The way I see this, it's the same as those who aren't of legal age to compete and then people are practically begging for PD to allow them to do so, even though the competitor isn't of legal age. There's nothing to feel sorry about. The rules and eligibility are there for a reason.
That will never happen as there are countries/segments of countries that don't allow contests.

And yes, he had an email from PD purely based on his performance in game and what he signed up for to compete to begin with. Then they found out he wasn't eligible because he didn't live in an eligible country like he claimed on the sign up form in Sport Mode. Leniency towards those bending the rules and lying about where they live? NOPE.

Edit: The way I see this, it's the same as those who aren't of legal age to compete and then people are practically begging for PD to allow them to do so, even though the competitor isn't of legal age. There's nothing to feel sorry about. The rules and eligibility are there for a reason.

But how about for countries that are willing to compete, but are not covered by PSN? This is entirely Sony's shortcoming. They have authorized retailers over here that sell legitimate products and offer warranty, but yet we're not covered by PSN. That doesn't make sense.

There should be special conditions in the rules for countries not covered by PSN, that's all I'm saying. That's the leniency we're asking for. Like what PD did with GT Academy Asia (something I stated but you simply glanced over). We are not covered by PSN, yet how did the Philippines manage to enter that contest? Heck one of our representatives even managed to win the whole damn thing. Because PD hosts tryouts over here for about a month or so each year. The Gran Turismo World Tour should have something similar like that: special procedures or conditions included in the rules so that countries not covered by PSN would still be able to compete.
In the hopes of making it clear to anyone who doesn't understand the situation, I'm just gonna post this:

Both GT Academy and the Gran Turismo World Tour are competitions that are officially hosted by Polyphony Digital. That's the main thing they share. The other main thing they share is with regards to contestant eligibility. In order to participate, you need to have a PSN ID using a country where you live in (for example, if you live in the UK, you need to have a UK PSN ID in order to be eligible). Sounds fair, nothing wrong with that.

We now go to countries that are not covered by PSN, like Philippines. In the case of GT Academy, PD is fully aware of this limitation and has thus provided an opportunity/leeway/leniency/whatever in the form of Live Events. PD hosts these Live Events for over a month every year in the Philippines and other countries, so that aspiring drivers can still enter the competition despite their country not being covered by PSN. And yes, we are very grateful for this.

HOWEVER, on a side note I do think PD also hosts Live Events in countries covered by PSN, so as to give opportunities to people who don't have a PSN ID. Not too sure about this.

With this in mind, we now arrive to this question: Why is this kind of opportunity/leeway/leniency/whatever not present in the Gran Turismo World Tour? It doesn't make sense as to why we Filipinos are able to enter in one but can't in the other, because both competitions are official.
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As far as I can remember, players from Malaysia can't enter GT Academy in the past and no local event hosted by SONY. Only since GT Sport introduced World Tour, then we can have some chance.

Maybe the sales of GT franchise over here way too low
It's an unfortunate situation for sure.

But with respect, and to the best of my knowledge, I think you guys chasing the "PSN" reasoning are missing the main point.

Sure, it is the case that the Philippines isn't one of the selections available when creating a PSN account.
But the rules for this particular competition clearly stated that to be eligible for the Prize you must be a resident from a specific list of countries.
And unless something changed, the Philippines wasn't on that list.

So regardless of the "false" details being used to create a PSN account, and all the in's and out's that involves, it seems highly unlikey that Philippine drivers were ever going to make it to the Live Finals anyway.

I may be wrong, but that's how I see it according to my knowledge of the competition.
Less than 20 days until I know if my theory is correct, it's very connected to this very event, so I'll let you know about it right after it has happened (Most likely in the FIA Race Discussion or in another thread that'll probably be made for this Live Event). :)
Less than 20 days until I know if my theory is correct, it's very connected to this very event, so I'll let you know about it right after it has happened (Most likely in the FIA Race Discussion or in another thread that'll probably be made for this Live Event). :)
What theory?
Very unfortunate and I don't understand the hate from the HK people.

NZ was on the receiving end of this for several years of GT Academy, where every country bar NZ was eligible basically in our region so I understand the pain.

I wonder how they decided to do the invites as he wasn't right up the top of our region, hell, he was even below me in the points.
Well of course he was DQ. He brokr the rules.

I suppose, as hard as it is to admit, that you're right and little can be argued against that, although in my eyes the rule itself is very questionable seeing that it's not a legal thing but more of a "SONY" rule.

What boggles my mind way more though is that they are very strict on this rule, but seems not to care about enforcing the rule that you're not allowed to participate with multiple accounts, let alone using alternative accounts to target other leading players like TRL_Fuvaros and a few others. So it's good for them to say that the PSN rule applies to all, but in the same breath turns a blind eye in enforcing other [perhaps more serious] rules. The result in all of this - on the PSN issue we're loosing the Phillipines driver who qualified with hard work and determination, yet with the multiple account issue we're keeping a driver that perhaps belongs in jail and damage a few other drivers chances to fairly compete.
Very unfortunate and I don't understand the hate from the HK people.

Not hate, but they just protecting their own region to be filled with player other country.

Actually not only HK but some player from other country di some protest but not as harsh as HK do when we talk about other country joining nation cup in their flag. But for now better focus with current issue
I wonder how they decided to do the invites as he wasn't right up the top of our region, hell, he was even below me in the points.

Saika won Season 2 and he is legitimately from Hong Kong (as far as I'm aware :lol:). If there's only 2 nation slots for the Asia Region, it would make sense that it's Japan + the winner's country.

The result in all of this - on the PSN issue we're loosing the Phillipines driver who qualified with hard work and determination

Hard work and determination that was always going to be in vain right from Day 1 because he's not resident in a eligible country. I feel sorry for him and others in that situation (plenty of European countries miss out as well), but ultimately if I was never going to be eligible to compete in the Live Events I wouldn't be committing so much time and energy into competing, and getting my hopes up that they'd overlook my eligibility status. The under-18 top guys I know haven't thrown their full weight into it for that reason.

Also I very much doubt they'd reinstate him now after he's been sharing the contents of emails which, when I received them for the World Tour event in May, had a legal notice in them prohibiting 'unauthorised distribution' of information :lol:. Basically, keep your mouth shut in public until PD have announced the event and competitors which they haven't done so yet.
Very unfortunate and I don't understand the hate from the HK people.

NZ was on the receiving end of this for several years of GT Academy, where every country bar NZ was eligible basically in our region so I understand the pain.

I wonder how they decided to do the invites as he wasn't right up the top of our region, hell, he was even below me in the points.
They decided the invitation based on his past performances in Season 1 and 2
Saika won Season 2 and he is legitimately from Hong Kong (as far as I'm aware :lol:). If there's only 2 nation slots for the Asia Region, it would make sense that it's Japan + the winner's country.
They also got the invitation, but there's also someone invited from Indonesia I think, or Malaysia
The under-18 top guys I know haven't thrown their full weight into it for that reason.
Not a top guy, but I'm throwing all that I can into this Season :lol:
After all, not all is lost. I can use this as a benchmark and see where and how to improve for next season :) (although, that seems unlikely for me lol)
Not hate, but they just protecting their own region to be filled with player other country.

Actually not only HK but some player from other country di some protest but not as harsh as HK do when we talk about other country joining nation cup in their flag. But for now better focus with current issue

If I saw japanese with 2-3 bar, then I know that a fake account. The users behind this fake account will destroy the image of the country flag that they resemble with reckless driving. I ve met several latino players using Aussie flag and drive like a drunk men