Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
You might be able to rotate the mirror object physically in your modeling program of choice. It may be possible to do that in 3DSimEd (I fixed a couple of misplaced objects including mirror objects this way in the past but as I remember only had to translate them without having to rotate them but I believe this should be trivial).

Import kn5 file to 3DSimEd, rotate mirror object as needed, export in proper format to be able to import and export it through ksEditor (for some reason I always had to go through ksEditor, I forgot why) - check in CM custom showroom that mirror objects are still properly named and linked to files in data.acd then test in game.

EDIT: whoops, didn't see GzeroD's post ;-) Maybe it still helps some though ;-)

Thanks for your answer, I somehow thought it would have been possible via some added ini config files (the CSP way), so that I could have added it to my app.
I've always used 3DSimed to make my lights configs, but now I wanted to start learning how to build tracks so I installed 3dMax (just because I used to use AutoCAD some 25 yrs ago...) and Blender.
Its OK to drive IMO also it has 3MB more of data compared to FD2 of few days back but the folder name is the same.Sound is awful I change it in CM to GMP S2000 and its good.
Also it has almost 1500kgs (Real one has 1270)and some specs are off official ones gonna edit that and try...
Any ideas how to remove that FFB spikes in corners and abs?I get that a lot on FWD mod cars.Thanks
EDIT-after adjusting weight to 1270 kg car drive not so well also ffb is light and spikes and clipping even more pronounced gonna revert it ...

I think only the model was converted by Espirt, the physics were done by Sam/SNEAKthief according to the UI file. The version I downloaded which was linked on here had different weight again to what you stated? It had 1270kg in the car.ini (meant to include driver so is wrong still) but the UI value didn't add with this at all.

There is lots of little niggles wrong with the physics of this car, but it does drive really well and I'm very grateful that it was not encrypted :) I'm going to have a go to bring the physics data more inline with the real world car, it's all fun! I'm almost finished my edit of the AG NSX 2015 which I have made quite a few changes to and I will release it here soon.
I think only the model was converted by Espirt, the physics were done by Sam/SNEAKthief according to the UI file. The version I downloaded which was linked on here had different weight again to what you stated? It had 1270kg in the car.ini (meant to include driver so is wrong still) but the UI value didn't add with this at all.

There is lots of little niggles wrong with the physics of this car, but it does drive really well and I'm very grateful that it was not encrypted :) I'm going to have a go to bring the physics data more inline with the real world car, it's all fun! I'm almost finished my edit of the AG NSX 2015 which I have made quite a few changes to and I will release it here soon.

maybe you should use your NSX Physics on the Simdream model, its far better than the AG one
maybe you should use your NSX Physics on the Simdream model, its far better than the AG one

Really? I think the AG NSX model is great apart from it has a tad too many triangles, which I was going to look into reducing if possible in the future (I have already created some basic LOD's). I have not seen the Simdream one, is it payware? I'd like to check it out, thanks for the suggestion.
Hello everyone.
Where can I download the showroom "Underpass"?
I would appreciate it if you could tell me.


Thank you VaiHalen & unpierrot.:)
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If it's the same i saw, it's a complete disaster. It has combustion engine, 7 gears, the porsche 919 wheel... not worth imo.
The ID R is electro engine drived...never saw with regular combustion engine...or you mean some mode is made with this engine?
Hi Zin5ki

I fround you through all the conversions you made, really thanks.

THe Nr 16 Oldsmobile, has it been released? reminds me of the rocket sports Oldsmobile.


Assetto Corsa now has more IMSA GTO cars than any other game!

Where can I find these cars? I recently got the VRC Camaro and want some company for it.
Here's the .kn5 with mirrors fixed. Although the model lacks COCKPIT_HR/LR and has no LODs, but I guess it has wheel blur so everything must be perfect.
Hi, are you "legion"?
I am quite new here but I just want to say that I really love all of Legions mods, especially your old race cars! Group 2 and 5 etc... thank you for them and the hard work involved. do you share updates to your mods on here or on another page because I want make sure I have your latest stuff.
New Super Trofeo EVO Update by The Rollovers
Version 1.2 DOWNLOAD

Changelog 1.2:

Added shader patch extension for the cockpit light during night session

Side vents paintable by the textures included inside the template folder

fixed some minor things of the 3D
View attachment 849108
Is there a driver model that is required for this car? Game crashes when attempting to drive from Content Manager.
Is there a driver model that is required for this car? Game crashes when attempting to drive from Content Manager.
Didn't crash for me with CM
EDIT: let me check the driver model, maybe I already have it
EDIT2: didn't find any driver models that come with previous versions
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Have had this naggin thing which seems forever....
I have 13 or so showrooms in each of these folders and working. But when I take the VRC .cmprest and stick it in one of the three, I get a white room.
Put it in one, two or all three folders - white.
Someone please end this misery

Thanks for your answer, I somehow thought it would have been possible via some added ini config files (the CSP way), so that I could have added it to my app.
I've always used 3DSimed to make my lights configs, but now I wanted to start learning how to build tracks so I installed 3dMax (just because I used to use AutoCAD some 25 yrs ago...) and Blender.
You should be setup perfectly with 3dMax - I only do not use it because getting a proper license is a pita and I am so used using other CAD systems that I only use 3Dsimed and ksEditor and any heavy lifting (rarely if ever) I do in my preferred CAD system (not ideal as no proper support for fbx files and material mapping).

If this feature could be added to BLM car app it would be awesome! Perhaps you could ask this question to Ilja or Henter in the CSP discord - I am sure if it is possible they will know how to set it up or perhaps add it at some point.

Perhaps even @leBluem knows if it is possible - he is super source of wisdom as ever ;-)
Hi, are you "legion"? ... do you share updates to your mods on here or on another page because I want make sure I have your latest stuff.

Not Legion per say, for we are many, but yes. The address to Legion's Blog should be in my signature. Updates get bumped to the top and check the comments for what was changed.
Why would you say that, has any one pretended that it is perfect?
.....Thank you for the mirror fix, that was annoying.
Take it as a comment on the overall way things seem to happen.
Bugger all mods have LODs, in some cases (Usually on otherwise well done Forza converts) I can knock them out in 20 minutes flat.
And at the same time most of said mods scream, added Rim Blur or fixed Rim Blur in six foot high capitals. And as far as I can tell Rim Blur is, if not needed at all, then very low in the order of optimising things.
Hi guys excuse the disturb I am looking for a version of the Bugatti circuit with at least 42 slots running online from CM, I found a couple but after a few laps of the track it all crashes and ends the game, who can help me thanks


You need these two as well.

This track sometimes sends me back to CM, but works well.
I wonder why this isn't on his YouTube channel like all his other new releases? And it's odd that he's suddenly abandoned encryption.
It's definitely by Esprit3905, is it?
It's a mod he did on commision, it seems. I wonder how much he'd want for a proper early 930? If only I wasn't on marriage #2, I could afford a real one lol.
VRC Camaro got updated:

I want to see if they managed to alleviate some of the typical AC issues with understeer (even when suddenly lifting mid-corner at the limit of adhesion). Maybe the new suspension will help: See how they gave it adjustable dampers, to help with an "AC limitation"?

I'm guessing that limitation is AC's poor modeling of how the tires should "bite" under weight transfer. All I know is that, in a real car, if you lift mid-corner, you shouldn't get more understeer. The typical work-around in AC is to max out the rear damper rebound. If you did that IRL, you'd create a really twitchy, dart-y unstable car. In AC, it (sort of) gets you back to reality.

V1.1 (2019/09/07):
-Fixed problem with damaged glass transparency which caused cockpit not to be visible from outside without shaders patch.
-Fixed showroom cockpit view.
-Improved LODs (thank you Lilski for your feedback) reducing LOD B, C and D objects quantity and at the same time improving its UVs and triangle/polycount.
-Reduced gauges AO opacity.
-Tweaked ao maps based on new LODs Uvs.
-Tweaked center mirror image position.
- Fixed an issue where the car (especially AI) flipped over after riding a kerb (Thanks mclarenF1pappa for the tip).
- The car now features a live axle at the rear.
- Reworked the front suspension geometry (higher roll center).
- Readjusted springs/ARBs rates values.
- Dampers are not supposed to be adjustbale but it's enabled in the setup to help with any issues that could occur with the change in
stiffness, especially at the rear (AC limitation).
- Slight changes to the tyres load sensitivity/slip curves/flex and thermal model.
- Slight change to the aero (+2% front aero balance on average).
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