- 2,760
I think it should be in place for exactly as long as slavery was in place in the U.S.
I think it should be in place for exactly as long as slavery was in place in the U.S.
Not in a country where the latter situation was a reality for a long, long, LONG time. In the US, two wrongs don't make a right, but they make an already wrong situation less wrong.FamineGiving someone a job, regardless of their qualifications, because of their skin colour is exactly the same as not giving someone a job, regardless of their qualifications, because of their skin colour.
Albism is still racism.
but they make an already wrong situation less wrong.
No they don't they make it worse. Why should it be harder for me to get into college because some minority groups are forcing the colleges to take in under-qualified minority kids? I didn't have anything to do with slavery.Anderton Prime[...] two wrongs don't make a right, but they make an already wrong situation less wrong.
Danoff, you like asking questions. Answer one:
who you find in prison in the U.S. and why?
What's the demographic of poverty and why?
Why do women still not make the salary of a man?
You cannot answer these questions and tell me there is no reason for affirmative action.
danoffNot only is there no reason for affirmative action, there are many reasons against it.
Here are a few:
- It's racist
- It puts people in positions they didn't earn
----- a) which is bad for the economy
----- b) which erodes our cultural base by rewarding failure
----- c) which isn't just
- It promotes racism
---- a) by generating resentment toward those who got what they didn't earn.
---- b) by casting the stigma on successful minorities that they didn't earn what they have.
---- c) by continuing to promote poor values in minority families by rewarding failure - thereby propagating stereotypes
FamineAs long as "affirmative action" remains in place, the "underlying problem" will persist - racism.
By perpetuating the belief that one ethnic group deserves to have bias in its favour or against it and award it positions not based on proven ability or skills, but rather on the ethnic grouping alone, racism is preserved. The only way to remove the "underlying problem" is to remove all things that keep it going. Affirmative action is racism. By getting rid of it you are not indicating that racism is no longer a problem, but admitting that it still IS a problem and removing this racist policy which preserves racism as a problem.
ArwinYes, restate your point without contributing anything new or useful. 👍
The underlying problem is poverty, that was partly held place through racism.
Rather than repeating the same arguments against affirmative action, I'd be more impressed to see people discuss alternate solutions to problems that are still there today, as Danoff has shown.
Ghost CAnyone can go out and get a six figure income in the US without a problem
ArwinBut you yourself don't care to, or what?
The only problem here, Ghost C., is that the people you offend in your post above don't have access to internet. Never learnt how to type. Some may hardly even be able to read.
Note that I'm not even typing this reply for your benefit, as I gave up on you long ago. Everytime I answer one of your posts, I am hoping to prevent one gullable reader from buying into your 'I call that bs', or waking up the bud of one critical mind.
Cultural values. Laziness. Man, grow up and learn to see the world in all its complexity.
Ghost CSure don't. Money isn't my main goal in life.
Anyone I offended is a lazy bum. Period. I'm not racist, and I'm not talking about the minorities who work hard to try and make a living (Like Asians who immigrate here. I've never seen an Asian immigrant that didn't work hard as hell)
if anyone buys into what I say, they're smart. I bring the truth, I don't twist things like you do.
If someone's cultural values include getting a job they're not qualified for simply because they're a minority and not actually going out, getting an education, and EARNING their pay, then they have some pretty ****ed up values.
Ghost CYay, an Arwin reply in a debate thread. Full of him half-reading what I said
, misinterpreting what he actually read of the post
hypothetical situations
and gibberish about how I'm wrong without bothering to provide support to his argument
and the token link to a site that has almost nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
I don't know why I even bother getting into it with you, you're one of those guys that thinks while they're not always right, they are never, ever, EVER wrong.
I'd tell you why your whole post was all sideways and back to front, but it's not worth it, it'd just end up with you posting again with the same crap you always post.
I honestly think you have a few selections of text saved, and you just paste them into the post, and fill in the appropriate words for the argument, then hit "Submit Reply"
You think affirmative action is racist against white people!? It simply "levels the playing field" or at least that was the original intent.
Now I'm no advocate of affirmative action, but that's because I don't believe in "hand-outs". Anything I get in life, I will be working for.
i have a four letter word i would like to reply with...but i won't. i am going to GUESSdanoff"This group will be treated one way because of skin color. The other group will be treated another way because of skin color."
That's racist, and in this case it's racist against white people. The bottom line is that affirmative action is racism and as such cannot help to end racism. It will not help prevent racism to remind people of race and treat it as if it were important.
danoffThis quote from MrktMkr is taken from the "America" thread.
If affirmative action levels the playing field, why aren't you an advocate for it? Is it perhaps because it is a racist practice?
If you look at affirmative action it says essentially this.
"This group will be treated one way because of skin color. The other group will be treated another way because of skin color."
That's racist, and in this case it's racist against white people. The bottom line is that affirmative action is racism and as such cannot help to end racism. It will not help prevent racism to remind people of race and treat it as if it were important.
blargonatormost caucasians believe that "my people" are taking their jobs, complaining too much, and wasting everything. me being hispanic i am subject to racism and have been many times. you don't realize it but simply being white people trust you more easily. what are these "cultural habits" people keep talking about? please explain what you are saying. you just remember we (hispanics) are growing. simillar to what tyler said, we guard you while you sleep, we feed you, we fix your cars, we work on your homes, and many other things. many African Americans are stuck in bad situations that are getting worse. it is possible to overcome the trials that people face but it is harder to come up from detroit than it is to come up from suburbia. many families need as much help as possible.
Don't come up with that "it was over 50 years ago, get over it" fight because what about native americans? are you saying we should take back the money they have been allowed to earn and their small reserves? we destroyed them and we have tried to repay our mistakes. so is slavery not a bad enough reason to repent and repay the money that was earned from the lives of too many.
danoffThe reason why is largely due to african american and hispanic cultural values
To danoff: PLEASE rephrase this sentence. I find it highly offensive.
danoffHA! No way. Be offended if you wish.
... more to come later.
BlazinXtremeI really don't agree with affirmative action, there really isn't a need for it. Sure back right after desegergation I could see a need for it but now everything has pretty much equaled out. I don't think blacks (they aren't African Americans, since they weren't born in Africa and came to America. Blacks are American as you and me.) are treated unfairly. Many would think so for some reason.
What affrirmative action says to me is "Us minorities are to stupid to get something based on our knowledge so we need to play the race card."
People should be judge sololy on what they know, not by there colour. Call me racist if you think I am, I don't think I am though.
blacks (they aren't African Americans, since they weren't born in Africa and came to America. Blacks are American as you and me.)
Male: 89.2 %
Female: 10.8
White, non-Hispanic: 41.3 %
Black, non-Hispanic: 41.2
Hispanic: 15.5
Other/c: 2.0
Looks like mostly you find white males. Just behind them you find black males. Thats a disproportionate number of black people in prison. The reason why is largely due to african american and hispanic cultural values