- 34,108
- Mile High City
have you ever been a victim of racist comments?
Yes, but that's beside the point isn't it?
have you ever been a victim of racist comments?
Ghost CI've been the victim of racist comments. Black people and Latinos have both called me cracker, whitey, honky, and whatever else before.
Do you see me flipping out? No.
Do I feel the government should give me special treatment? No.
I'm half Native American, by the way.
MrktMkr1986I'm sorry to hear that. I would like to personally apologize for that...
There's something to said about being a majority.
But if you're half Native American, then you should know that reservations are tax-free. Perhaps we should eliminate that too.
if you are you can take advantage of so many things. you don't have to but you still have the opportunites like paid tuition in certain schools.Ghost CI've been the victim of racist comments. Black people and Latinos have both called me cracker, whitey, honky, and whatever else before. Do you see me flipping out? No. Do I feel the government should give me special treatment? No.
I'm half Native American, by the way.
danoffDon't presume to know what I would or would not do in any given circumstance. I don't believe you know me well enough to make these assumptions. The fact of the matter is that some people think things that are increadibly offensive to me (like perhaps that white people are predisposed to racism), yet I support their right to think that.
Don't ever tell me what I would think again.
sigh.... it isn't limited to blacks and hispanics because skin color does not dictate culture. However, blacks and hispanics are largely the beneficiaries of affirmative action, and as such are likely to suffer from the syndrome I described above that comes from victimhood.
I agree that theft and violence occurs, in large part, among the poor. However, I would submit that it is not poverty that is the cause of this, but rather a victim culture that often comes with poverty.
Ghost CWhat's that mean?
Go for it. I've never actually "taken advantage" of any of the benefits of being NA.
TenSomeone fixed the topic title! NO!!!!
Call me old fashioned, but I feel that if you're going to live here, you need to pull your own weight - one way or another.
It's just lame as hell that I have to go to college for 6 or so years, hopefully graduate, then spend however long it takes looking for the job I went to school for.
Some poor guy from another country waltzes in ahead of me, and is hired on the spot because he's foriegn. Or black. Or hispanic. Or whatever.
I'm sorry, beneficial as this may be to minorities, is this not obvious racism?
The main questions are: What causes poverty? Why are some poorer than others? Why are minorities paid less for similar jobs? Yet another reason why affirmative action still exists... not that I'm advocating it, just stating my belief.
not being a majority totally changes things.
How would you suggest we counter racism/"the glass ceiling"/salary differences/discrimination/etc. in the workplace
Seeing as how "affirmative action" is legalized racism, how about some solutions for "non-legalized" racism...
What causes poverty? Lack of education. What causes lack of education? Lack of cultural values in education. What causes lack of cultural values in education? Victimhood and lack of personal responsibility. What is one example of something that promotes that? Affirmative action.
You're part of the same majority I am, human.
I'm part of a minority, Americans. You may be part of a majority, poor... or a minority, rich.
You mean not being white changes things, and you're living in the past.
eaglefan48You have missed my point completely.
I'm saying I had the advantage of a better situation. I didnt have to work harder.
I didn't have to be smarter. I had a head start based on things not of my doing. I am no better nor smarter than anyone (except this guy Chuck, that I work with. We are all smarter than Chuck) to deny that I benefited from my situation is foolish.
I fear I have become to preachy. That was never my intent.
...less-experienced teachers than white students.
I didn't hear you mention anything about eugenics or segregation...
You know exactly what he means by majority...
It's the truth. And no, I'm not living in the past.
danoffOh, I thought you were talking about today.
99% of the racism that I have seen take place anywhere under any cirumstances or has been spoken to me by others has been by minorities.
That's the face of the present.
The face of the present is a black secretary of state (who I think should run for president).
The face of the present is the "leaders" of the black community not shutting up about how important their skin color is. That's today's racism and it's just as destructive as ever.
MrktMkr1986Why is Black history month the shortest month of the year?
1: It was funny to see people seriously debate a topic that was incorrectly spelled. I dunno... /shrugMrktMkr19861: Why is that a bad thing?![]()
2: Agreed. It is racism. How would you suggest we counter racism/"the glass ceiling"/salary differences/discrimination/etc. in the workplace (assuming Affirmative Action did not exist)? -- by the way, this question is not directed to only you, Ten. I want everyone's opinion on the matter. Seeing as how "affirmative action" is legalized racism, how about some solutions for "non-legalized" racism...
Ghost CAre you ****ting me? Why is there a black history month in the first place? You can't fit all of the historically important events of, or for, black people into one month.
Why is there no white history month at all?
Why is there no White history month? Because most of what we learn in school is about White history.
I am aware that all of the historically important events of, or for, Black people cannot fit in one month -- which is exactly why I asked the question (even though it was joke).
Warning: Be very careful about what you say and how you say it.
MrktMkr1986Why is there no White history month? Because most of what we learn in school is about White history.
blasphemy <8- PPSUnfortunately Dave Chapelle would no longer be on the air if that were to happen.![]()
By questioning the relevance of Black History Month, people are questioning the value of African-Americans' contributions to society and their accomplishments throughout the years.
First of all, Black History Month is one way to eliminate non-legalized racism and bigotry.
Why would you put leaders in quotes? What exactly are you trying to imply?
neon_dukeFirst off, "ditto" to Famine's post above (and NO, I'm not a dittohead).
The author of that article needs to learn about Sidney Poitier. Mr. Poitier was a black actor from the mid-'50s and '60s, and an excellent one at that. His method of overcoming racism was this: he would not take any role that required him to be black.
That's it! Perfection. He didn't try to overcome racism by making whatever stereotypical movies about the black inner-city experience, or that 'celebrated' the difference between black culture and white culture, or that sought to exploit the black market or even that 'featured' a lot of ho's and bling, yo.
He decided that the way to end racism was to insist that people judge him on his merits as an actor alone. That's all. That's the real way to do it.
danoffBlack History Month = Continuing Racism
Black Pride = Continuing Racism
Affirmative Action = Continuing (legislated) Racism
If you don't believe me imagine if the word black were replace with the word white.
White History Month = Continuing Racism
White Pride = Continuing Racism
Affirmative Action (for white people) would be = Continuing (legislated) Racism.
Wrong answer. Black History Month is one way to propagate non-legalized racism and bigotry.
Oh gawd, don't you see that's danoff's whole point! When you let a minority student go to a college with a lower SAT or whatever than what white students are required, that's racism against white students. And that is what affirmative action is: Making a decision based on one's skin color.PSRacism does not entail bringing a point out, but making a decision based on ones skin colour.
SageOh gawd, don't you see that's danoff's whole point! When you let a minority student go to a college with a lower SAT or whatever than what white students are required, that's racism against white students. And that is what affirmative action is: Making a decision based on one's skin color.