.....I believe that, if I were to stereotype and use a refference to a black person in the ghetto of either Harlem or SC LA, those (once again using the stereotype) black people are simply not trying hard enough, or using common sense. This is where I get into the factual part (because I'm too lazy to actually see what the percentage of black:white:hispanic people living in Harlem or south central LA is), using a stereotype, as a hypothetical situation (the larger number of blacks in "ghetto's"), I can think of this: The people living in the "ghettos", or any crappy neighbourhood for that matter, and cannot get out of it, are lazy. If they don't want to work for their marks, then fine, be my guest. But don't come crying crocodile tears to us saying that we didn't give you a fair chance. School marks are school marks, and if they're crappy, then, guess what? You're going to have a helluva harder time trying to get a job. I'm not sure where Brian is from, I heard his parents are from Jamaica, but I'll use him as an example. Whether or not he came from a poor neighbourhood, or a rich one, he still has to have damn good marks to do what he wants to do. And from the looks of it, he has maintained those good marks.
.....That's what got him ahead, not (I'm guessing) because of "affirmative action", but because he managed to get good marks, and get accepted to University/College, and passed/completed all his tests/assignments. Now, if you're from the "ghetto" and you are doing poorly in school...who's fault is it? Certainly not the Government's (yes you heard say something Pro-USA-Gov't) fault. Not the teachers fault, because unless you can prove corruption within the school faculty, you're on your own pal.
.....As mentioned many times before, Affirmative Action will NOT level the playing field in this day and age. If anything, it will only remind people of racism, and on a subconcious level, will make people more or less biased towards a certain race. Here's a little excerpt from this thread I would like to include:
i have a four letter word i would like to reply with...but i won't. i am going to GUESS that you are "white"?
most caucasians believe that "my people" are taking their jobs, complaining too much, and wasting everything. me being hispanic i am subject to racism and have been many times. you don't realize it but simply being white people trust you more easily. what are these "cultural habits" people keep talking about? please explain what you are saying. you just remember we (hispanics) are growing. simillar to what tyler said, we guard you while you sleep, we feed you, we fix your cars, we work on your homes, and many other things. many African Americans are stuck in bad situations that are getting worse. it is possible to overcome the trials that people face but it is harder to come up from detroit than it is to come up from suburbia. many families need as much help as possible.
Don't come up with that "it was over 50 years ago, get over it" fight because what about native americans? are you saying we should take back the money they have been allowed to earn and their small reserves? we destroyed them and we have tried to repay our mistakes. so is slavery not a bad enough reason to repent and repay the money that was earned from the lives of too many.
"most caucasians believe that "my people" are taking their jobs, complaining too much, and wasting everything. me being hispanic i am subject to racism and have been many times. you don't realize it but simply being white people trust you more easily. what are these "cultural habits" people keep talking about? please explain what you are saying. you just remember we (hispanics) are growing. simillar to what tyler said, we guard you while you sleep, we feed you, we fix your cars, we work on your homes, and many other things. "
.....Ok. So what kind of an argument are you trying to make here? That hispanic people take white or black people's jobs? Or that Hispanic people are all police officers, fruit/vegetable/dairy/cattle/pork farmers, mechanics, certified electricians/plumbers? Because, if I'm correct, you just stereotyped yourself. You just made a "sweeping generalization" about your own race of people, which quite frankly, upsets and confuses me beyond lengths of description.
Don't come up with that "it was over 50 years ago, get over it" fight because what about native americans?
.....Native Americans were a race of people that were nearly completely wiped out. Only 3% (in Canada only 2.5%) of the original tribes and relatives of what first inhabitants there were, are left. That's hardly a fair example. Not to mention the fact that the white man was the one which introduced alcohol, disease, and unreliability to their experience. Never before has the Native American ever been faced with such a people, a people that trades with them, rapes their women, turns their backs on them, steals their land, or barbarically attack them without warning, in mass numbers of trained soldiers. Never before has an entire race of people been corrupted, desanctified and nearly wiped out in only 150 years. And then the government goes so far as to threaten to take away their land, then offer them a dick-all settlement of cash or goods worth next to nothing, and stick them in an Indian Reserve. That's hardly a fair comparison at all.
[edit] Upon further review, the above statement supports one of your points, but should still be taken seriously.
.....Now this is where the Affirmative action comes in. I do believe, and always will, that you should work for what you want. This is where I cut off the slack for the Native Americans, because if they want to go somewhere in life, or achieve their own goals, they can't expect it to be handed to them. This is proven with Brian, whoever Famine really is, and Jordan too. Brian is, some day, going to be working at a company, or running one, where he will undoubtedly be making 6-7 digit dollars. He worked for that, he worked and studied his ass off for is 94 average. And Famine, Famine is like a walking brain (no, not a walking Brian

). From what I've gathered he has gone through many uears of school, has worked very hard to get where he is now, and has a very demanding job. He is a (I think- not quite sure) ...Bio-molecular Analyst? Which needless to say, almost as hard to master as iDrive is. And Jordan. the A-mighty Jordan (like the touch Bri?). Jordan runs, owns, operates, sometimes moderates, and modifies the worlds largest GT-oriented website oriented website in the world. This wasn't just handed to him- he had an idea, some computer/web design/code knowledge, and put it to good use. If it weren't for him, who knows how many souls may not have been converted.
.....To wrap it all up, I basically came here to make it brutally, if not perhaps insensitively (and I appoligize if I've offended anyone for any generalizations or stereotypes, they were for "demonstration purposes" only), clear to people that Affirmative action can not help anyone. If you are given a job because of your race, religion, or creed, and not because of your skill, you may or may not fail at that job, and fail the others who depend on you. If you are not qualified for something, then you should not be doing it.