
  • Thread starter Exorcet

Is there extraterrestrial life?

  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (non carbon based)

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon based)

    Votes: 25 3.3%
  • Yes, and they are not Earth like creatures (carbon and non carbon based)

    Votes: 82 10.8%
  • Yes, and they are humanoid creatures

    Votes: 39 5.1%
  • Yes, and they are those associated with abductions

    Votes: 19 2.5%
  • Yes, but I don't know what they'd be like

    Votes: 379 49.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 151 19.8%
  • No, they only exist in movies

    Votes: 47 6.2%

  • Total voters
Looks pretty fishy, especially the "quote". Any better sources for this? Would be a great conspiracy theory :D

Unlike all the other Snowden revelations, this one is on his say-so alone. There are no supporting documents. I assume its a lie. But an amusing one.:odd:
It's great, I really like it, I've watched worse films! :D

This Ultra-Terrestrial hypothesis is not a new one, novel to only Snowden. Curiously, there are several long threads in the fabric of ufology, legend, sci-fi and religion which weave together into just this hypothesis. Currently it is disfavored by most ufologists and scientists searching for signs of alien life on other planets. Another curious development: physicists now publish that earthquakes are sometimes preceded, accompanied and followed by bright, glowing balls and streaks of light coming up from inside the Earth. There may some mileage in exploring this U-T hypothesis. :scared:
I don't think so, first you have to accept the premise that large amounts of data from deep sub-subterranean experiments is being withheld. It isn't.

Legends always point to mysterious unexplored places, as there are fewer and fewer of those left they die away. This version of the theory looks like someone's attempt to try to breathe a bit of life into it under the umbrella of Snowdonian credibility.

Would still watch the film :)
I don't think so, first you have to accept the premise that large amounts of data from deep sub-subterranean experiments is being withheld. It isn't.

Legends always point to mysterious unexplored places, as there are fewer and fewer of those left they die away. This version of the theory looks like someone's attempt to try to breathe a bit of life into it under the umbrella of Snowdonian credibility.

Would still watch the film :)

Closest I can think of at the moment is The Mothman Prophecies, with Richard Gere.

Edit: You might try Children Who Chase Lost Voices, known as Journey to Agartha in the UK.
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Nothing I suppose. It's just a feeling that I have, every time I see a photo of Teotihuacán.

Alien or extraterrestrial? It arguably IS alien in most sense, I certainly feel the same way.

It's like arriving in a foreign city late at night and not seeing it in the light until 9am the next day. It's a scene full of commuters, same as any other, but every sign/car/noise/voice is different and alien.

That's what (for me) those photos replicate; an idea familiar but interpreted through a completely different culture and language of design.
Alien or extraterrestrial? It arguably IS alien in most sense, I certainly feel the same way.

It's like arriving in a foreign city late at night and not seeing it in the light until 9am the next day. It's a scene full of commuters, same as any other, but every sign/car/noise/voice is different and alien.

That's what (for me) those photos replicate; an idea familiar but interpreted through a completely different culture and language of design.

It feels like I'm looking at a copy of a city on another planet. I know, it's sounds stupid but I have always had this feeling.
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It feels like I'm looking at a copy of an city on another planet. I know, it's sounds stupid but I have always had this feeling.

I quite understand, it's an ethereal opinion and not stupid. It's not like telling me you're sure that the Queen is an impostor :)
If Snowden actually mentioned anything resembling extraterrestial life of any kind in relation to any government of the world, he may be characterized as a disinformation warrior OR was possibly set up by people who knew he was stealing info...but that's another story for another time and I've gone completely off-topic with conjecture so, I'll be leavin' now...
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If Snowden actually mentioned anything resembling extraterrestial life of any kind in relation to any government of the world, he may be characterized as a disinformation warrior OR was possibly set up by people who knew he was stealing info...but that's another story for another time and I've gone completely off-topic with conjecture so, I'll be leavin' now...

A triple bluff? But if they know that we know that they know we know... I think...

You illustrate the main problem with any conspiracy theory on the internet; it's on the internet. :D
If Snowden actually mentioned anything resembling extraterrestial life of any kind in relation to any government of the world, he may be characterized as a disinformation warrior OR was possibly set up by people who knew he was stealing info...but that's another story for another time and I've gone completely off-topic with conjecture so, I'll be leavin' now...

What Snowden actually delivered to the world through Greenwald was secret documents of the GCHQ which proved that UFO's (pictures of objects, and the meme in general) were and are part of a systematic campaign of deception and control. The audio track was lacking, so we can't know the exact details.

What Snowden was quoted as saying to a reporter in Caracas is much less solid, seemingly unverifiable, very shocking, and nearly unacceptable to even contemplate.
What Snowden actually delivered to the world through Greenwald was secret documents of the GCHQ which proved that UFO's (pictures of objects, and the meme in general) were and are part of a systematic campaign of deception and control. The audio track was lacking, so we can't know the exact details. .

Look closely at what you see there, all you know is what you see.

Secret documents of GCHQ? Potentially so, not provable or disprovable, but admittedly likely.

The only provable quantity beyond that is that the UFO pictures are in the presentation. Without the text of what the presenter said (I know some of my own so well that I don't even have the text any more) you don't know any more about the context in which they were presented.

It's perfectly conceivable that those pictures might be presented for any number of legitimate reasons outside them forming part of a specific Governmental campaign of disinformation ;)
It's perfectly conceivable that those pictures might be presented for any number of legitimate reasons outside them forming part of a specific Governmental campaign of disinformation ;)

Exactly! They are, in my opinion, part of of a campaign of deception and control primarily by the source of the UFO phenomenon itself. The CIA, AFOSI, and other human agencies can only be peripheral.
Exactly! They are, in my opinion, part of of a campaign of deception and control primarily by the source of the UFO phenomenon itself. The CIA, AFOSI, and other human agencies can only be peripheral.

I see what you're saying... but if you were training people to understand the world of information and disinformation then UFO pictures generated by any number of nutters, conspiracists, genuine sightings or government agencies are all just as relevant.

Knowing that the government might include the history of the UFO 'phenomenon' in lessons doesn't inform anything one way or the other; they presumably also teach about Facebook, buses, and how to order noodles in South East Asia. All equally related in the context of being useful information, nothing more.

If what you mean is that the UFO phenomenon simply is what it is as a result of normal human madness (no government help required) then I agree entirely :D
I see what you're saying... but if you were training people to understand the world of information and disinformation then UFO pictures generated by any number of nutters, conspiracists, genuine sightings or government agencies are all just as relevant.

Knowing that the government might include the history of the UFO 'phenomenon' in lessons doesn't inform anything one way or the other; they presumably also teach about Facebook, buses, and how to order noodles in South East Asia. All equally related in the context of being useful information, nothing more.

If what you mean is that the UFO phenomenon simply is what it is as a result of normal human madness (no government help required) then I agree entirely :D

The UFO madness has been here since the beginning in the guise of fairy lore, elves, etc. It is epic mythology. It has its source within the human consciousness as it interacts with the evolving natural world. It is akin to religion, but deeper, working at a subconscious level. Human agencies who work the meme desk can try to gain an upper hand.
Some interesting discussion here and in my view human beings through time have always had a somewhat egocentric view of the universe - thinking initially that humans were made in the image of God or that the earth was the centre of the universe. Science has of course proved that the earth is part of a solar system which is quite normal in comparison to other similar systems. Even I am surprised that we have now discovered around 1750 planets orbiting stars outside our own solar system. Source: NASA Kepler telescope

So, we have now discovered that planets are ubiquitous throughout the universe, it seems only logical to assume that at least some of these may support life. I see no reason to think that life isn't fairly commonplace elsewhere just as planets and stars are.

For my part I did once see something completely unexplained around 20 years ago near Sheerness in Kent - an orange disc which after a few seconds a friend and I took to be the moon showing orange colour cast due to some atmospheric condition. We walked on for around ten minutes and I looked up and realised that the object had disappeared from where it had been and was now in a completely different part of the sky. My longstanding interest in astronomy told me that it simply wasn't possible for the moon to move across 100 or so degrees of sky in ten minutes. We both felt very scared and ran home - the object had gone by the time we got there.

I'm now a commercial pilot and while I haven't seen anything odd myself up there I have flown with quite a few who have. One interesting snippet came from an ex RAF Jaguar pilot who said that their operating procedures for UFO pursuit were different to anything else - to pursue the target until their aircraft ran out of fuel and to ditch the plane if necessary and eject. He related the fact that this instruction to fly until out of fuel did not apply even to intercepting Eastern bloc aircraft at the height of the cold war. It says a lot about how keen the RAF and military are to get their hands on a UFO doesn't it??

As to whether the authorities know that UFO's exist my own personal view is that I suspect they do. The testimony of various NASA astronauts about 'bogeys' flying alongside them on the moon missions, the ATC radar signatures from countless incidents, the logical possibility that parts of alien spacecraft have been recovered and analysed in secure facilities. It's a compelling conspiracy theory precisely because it's so plausible.

I have seen UFO's on three different occasions. The first two times it was night or sunrise, and I saw a ring of white lights moving quickly across the sky. Both times the lights moved very quickly. The third time, last fall, I saw a round, metallic object hanging in a clear sky. Looked like a classic flying saucer. I stared at it for a few seconds, and then it instantly vanished.

There are lots of documentaries on Netflix showing different encounter stories. The news never reports on them because of all the people that would not believe it.
I have seen UFO's on three different occasions. The first two times it was night or sunrise, and I saw a ring of white lights moving quickly across the sky. Both times the lights moved very quickly. The third time, last fall, I saw a round, metallic object hanging in a clear sky. Looked like a classic flying saucer. I stared at it for a few seconds, and then it instantly vanished.

There are lots of documentaries on Netflix showing different encounter stories. The news never reports on them because of all the people that would not believe it.

Kentucky was the site of the famous Hopkinsville Goblins, or Little Green Men, case.–Hopkinsville_encounter
Richard Dolan talks at the Exopolitics Leeds Expo in 2010.
This is an interesting summary of disclosure, the history of UFOs, and related cover-ups.

Richard Dolan has specialized in researching and publishing government documents related to UFOs. Recently "big shot" Edward Snowden released secret GCHQ documents which prove UFOs are indeed a part (slides 35, 36, 37) of ongoing government intelligence programs. Exactly what part, we don't know. Slide 38 is there to see for those who look at clues.

But Snowden's revelations do not constitute disclosure, neither the GCHQ slide show nor those from Caracas.

The most likely precipitating event, according to Dolan, would be a spectacular mass sighting with thousands getting HD video.

1st rule of viewing UFOs: Go outside and look up.

Since so many of us prefer to stay indoors and view screens of one kind or another, our odds of seeing one is reduced.

Check out theses videos of UFO in fleets seen in Japan and Pakistan. I have personally witnessed spectacular UFO phenomena almost identical to that seen in these videos. Only two minutes to view.

Because these phenomena are seen to morph or change shape - as in dividing into multiple parts, or multiple parts converging together - it does not make sense that these are solid objects. It makes more sense to think of them as electromagnetic energy, akin to ball lightning or earthquake lights. But do the strange maneuverings of the objects betoken intelligence and guidance, or merely the self-organized discharges and reconnection of earthquake lights obeying the laws of plasma physics??
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Check out theses videos of UFO in fleets seen in Japan and Pakistan. I have personally witnessed spectacular UFO phenomena almost identical to that seen in these videos. Only two minutes to view.

The ones seen over Lahore would be seen for miles thanks to the height, size and brightness, as would the ones in Japan, and I think literally thousands of people would have captured footage of it, not just a handful of people. Also, whenever there are videos of UFO "sightings", its always really shaky, blurry footage, which to me just says that they are likely to be fake. Why does no UFO witness ever know how to focus a digital camera or have a camera with optical zoom :lol:
Also, whenever there are videos of UFO "sightings", its always really shaky, blurry footage, which to me just says that they are likely to be fake. Why does no UFO witness ever know how to focus a digital camera or have a camera with optical zoom :lol:

I know, you wait all your life for a UFO and you end up focussing on a telegraph pole :D

All the usual tricks of fake videos are in 90% of them, no scale reference, sudden dips and swoops to hide cuts, sudden focus pulls (to hide more cuts), visible UFOs, all kinds of nonsense.

Alien life can't exist because, as we all know, they'd establish a base in or around Siberia. And we haven't seen a single dashcam shot of one.
I don't think so, first you have to accept the premise that large amounts of data from deep sub-subterranean experiments is being withheld. It isn't.

Legends always point to mysterious unexplored places, as there are fewer and fewer of those left they die away. This version of the theory looks like someone's attempt to try to breathe a bit of life into it under the umbrella of Snowdonian credibility.

Would still watch the film :)

So you dont believe in USOs...smh
If life has developed here, I see no reason why it can't anywhere else. I bet their is intelligent life somewhere talking about the same subject right now.
I agree with him. Anything is really possible, I think.

Very bold of you to say so.

Would you accept that there is but a single universal consciousness, which phases through all sentient life forms, including us and UFO's?