*sigh* Ok, I'll bite: I have mentioned the connection, it is the movement the eyes make, it is exactly the same, you should watch at the moments I have given a specific timeframe for, by the second. That should help, some of you are meant here, not only you Famine. I really think though that not all of those videos are manipulated/faked, at this point I'll just post two more, from which I think they are geniune:
(oh and btw.: does it really matter what music is used? I know many people doing these videos are all doom and gloom, but does it change truth or does it mean I would do the videos the exact same way? No it doesn't.)
Well yes, I know what you think and I don't want to convince anyone. i just want to share what I believe is the truth.
I know it's not a proof by any means, but it is striking that this "slit-effect" of the pupils occurs almost exclusivly on people in high positions. Yes now some of you think "doom and gloom theory of we are all controlled and helpless". Well I don't think it is all doom and gloom, although there is a higher evil at work. But it is only natural, as it is part of life. There is evil and there is good, by our standards. By universal standards it is simply a big play being played out, it simply is an expercience by which The Creator (God, the Universe, nature whatever you wanna call it) experiences himself/itself/herself. And it is also part of the experience to dismiss such ideas, hate them, redicule them, accept them, love them. To "God", this is all welcomed, as it is only experience. Our religions are heavily manipulated but they still contain some basic truths like the universal fight between good and evil, which is also fought "in heavinly reals"=higher dimensions of reality. This is the part most people do not get, they see everything as black and white=if you can't proof it, it's 🤬, then it can not be true, by any means. Well I think it is a very simple-minded attitude indeed, no offence, I'm sick of arguing and belitteling others, even if they choose so. There is simply much more to (our) reality than most people realize=want to accept.
Much in our religious and mystic texts represent truth of reality in general but almost all of it is conveyed through metaphors, mostly such even humans from thousands of years ago could understand. But as I said, many of these messages have been manipulated and corrupted, simply because we have never been alone and others profit greatly from our ignorance (that is a rather big topic in itself). People need to learn to think outside their everyday-box and try to understand not only by intellect, but also by their heart, because our nervous/thinking system is directly linked to our heart as an organ, and our emotions help also greatly in understanding things and figuring them out, this is also one thing people do not undertand, because many people have forgotton how to do so. If you never use one capability of yours, you will will never learn there is this capability/possibilty. One example of "undertanding by heart or spirit" is through meditation, this is how vedic mathematics came about. See what I am trying to explain? (this "rant" was directed too all, not directly at you Famine).
Texts from the bible. The story of garden Eden, where the evil, cunning snake infiltraes it and corrupts the humans by lies etc. ("Satan" the snake).
Oh, so you can proof now that in 4.5 billion years or so there is not a single civilisation to develop thechnology to traval faster than light?