All my GT5 videos /latest: SLS - SSR5, F430 - Suzuka Rain, Pit Stop, Data Logger/

  • Thread starter tekken90
The presentation is nice, and I look forward to trying it all out. Narration should have included my signature that I stole from some YouTube guy. Would have been nice to have Clarkson's voice. Or The Stig beeping and clicking at you with subtitles.
Is that catch up we are seeing in that video? Look at when he speeds up and slows down, it seems like the other cars are on a bit of a bungee cord with him.

I really hope there is zero catchup for online play, and if there is an option to adjust it on and turn it off.

Drafting made up for the lead he had. Cars traveling at 340kph drafting each other are going to catch up to his car traveling at 20kph less. The braking you saw towards the back end after the tunnel, was probably just the car slowing to take the slight left hander coming up. That's how it appeared to me.
They already have the hard part done. Which is the new physics a amazing core to build upon. Weather and all, those systems take some insane amount of time to get right. For simple minded people like me, I can hardly grasp how enough 0's and 1's make such amazing stuff come true in front of me.

Now that alot of the core is done,which lets all be fair is what must have taken up most of the teams time and hard effort, much more of the personel and time should be able to be used on other stuff, like making premium cars and tracks with full intergration of the core elements carried over from GT5. Im sure when GT6 comes closer, some people will complain that they did not make a new physics engine again, just because on paper, that would make it *that* much better. :dopey:
I'm quite scared by GT6.... if it's gonna be released in 3 or less years ( and I think so because the graphic engine is done, the physics one too) I don't think PD will release any DLC's....
Drafting made up for the lead he had. Cars traveling at 340kph drafting each other are going to catch up to his car traveling at 20kph less. The braking you saw towards the back end after the tunnel, was probably just the car slowing to take the slight left hander coming up. That's how it appeared to me.

There was intstances where he was too too far off for drafting to be an issue.
I simply mean when he slows down, the other cars slow down when he speeds up they speed up. Its like they are all matching each other speeds. It looks a bit staged or ariticial and not to each cars natural ability like would happen in a real race. Thought I could be mistaken

Were all those cars even capable of going over 340kph that easily like the Citroen GT can... They all looked like a Snake, too perfect.
i wish all these cry baby complainers would just go cancel there pre orders sell there ps3 close there gtp account and go join the forza community. i am so sick of coming here to find photos/videos and just finding the same people bitching about the same thing for the last week! IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT DON"T BUY IT!
I'm quite scared by GT6.... if it's gonna be released in 3 or less years ( and I think so because the graphic engine is done, the physics one too) I don't think PD will release any DLC's....

If they are smart they should should have part of the team also work on gt5 alongside gt6 adding things like more cars, tracks, and features as they go along. I dont mean to outshine 6, just to keep it fresh amd make people feel appreciated even after they hand over their money.

I think it will be good for both gt5 and gt6 in the longrun.

This way people wont feel like they are getting the short end of the stick with gt5 being the seat warmer for 6 and anrgy again for having to wait for gt6 to be satisfied instead of now.

And I dont just mean filler content like premium cars no one cares about or custom made boring tracks. I mean Desired Premium cars and a few extra real world tracks, whilst still refining the game by adding some missing options people want that they could easily implement or bugs.
With laser scanning digitalizing a car takes a day if you include the interior. Not only is it the right way to do it, it's the most profitable, it's a win-win situation. PD needs to expand its horizon.

Game modeling does not work that way . Laser Scanning gives you too lots and lots and lots of polys even when you specify the points. Those models cant be rendered real time with today's computers, they must be downgraded witch take a lot of time (some cases its even harder then model from scratch).

And the thing about DLC's

they should release some cars they make for GT6 (if they will use the same engine) for some extra cash. Most of us will still buy gt6 for its features (I'm shore it will have some new ones)
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i wish all these cry baby complainers would just go cancel there pre orders sell there ps3 close there gtp account and go join the forza community. i am so sick of coming here to find photos/videos and just finding the same people bitching about the same thing for the last week! IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT DON"T BUY IT!

... and dont post stupid comments!! This forum has tuned to **** since the the release date was announced!
i wish all these cry baby complainers would just go cancel there pre orders sell there ps3 close there gtp account and go join the forza community. i am so sick of coming here to find photos/videos and just finding the same people bitching about the same thing for the last week! IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT DON"T BUY IT!

If you can't take any critics on your favourite game it's better if YOU don't come here... People are disappointed with all their rights. After five years in development the game should be near perfect. And to not being able to change wheels on 800 cars is not near perfect.
hey do you guys know if there are any pitstops?

+1 I really want to see some pit stop footage, nothing has really been announced yet. I just hope they're not going to do some button pressing sequence thing like in other "racing" games.
Hey Tekken90
Is this the maximum damage setting? The cars in your vids seem nearly indestructible.

Thats racing games for you. No matter how realistic they get in other aspects, you still have to crash the car at mach 1 just to bend the bumper.

Personally, in my mind I never at any stage had hopes for gt5 having even close to realistic damage. So I'm not dissapointed or let down in anyway.
The way damage is in gt5 is a bit of a told you so moment, except only in my mind :)

Thought it would be incredible to have a true to life 1:1 damage system,
When you combin the fact manfucturers dont like their cars being damaged in a life like fashion (this is not a trvial matter, they are really anal about it), and it would also open up more work for the developers, its a bit of a no brainer you won't get proper damage.
Thats racing games for you. No matter how realistic they get in other aspects, you still have to crash the car at mach 1 just to bend the bumper.

Personally, in my mind I never at any stage had hopes for gt5 having even close to realistic damage. So I'm not dissapointed or let down in anyway.
The way damage is in gt5 is a bit of a told you so moment, except only in my mind :)

Thought it would be incredible to have a true to life 1:1 damage system,
When you combin the fact manfucturers dont like their cars being damaged in a life like fashion (this is not a trvial matter, they are really anal about it), and it would also open up more work for the developers, its a bit of a no brainer you won't get proper damage.

If you really think you saw the damage system then I feel bad for you. In all the video I saw him crashing not once did mechanical damage show. Mechanical damage is confirmed so before you start I told you so in your head you should wait to play the game.
i wish all these cry baby complainers would just go cancel there pre orders sell there ps3 close there gtp account and go join the forza community. i am so sick of coming here to find photos/videos and just finding the same people bitching about the same thing for the last week! IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT DON"T BUY IT!

Its called HYPE and not living up to expectations think in terms of GTA4 all the hype yet in some areas it failed to deliver it didn't stop it bring a good game though. Also bear in mind the HYPE probably brought a good 25% of users to this forum
Its called HYPE and not living up to expectations think in terms of GTA4 all the hype yet in some areas it failed to deliver it didn't stop it bring a good game though. Also bear in mind the HYPE probably brought a good 25% of users to this forum

Common sense though is at least play the game for yourself some of this complaining is ridiculous.
If you really think you saw the damage system then I feel bad for you. In all the video I saw him crashing not once did mechanical damage show. Mechanical damage is confirmed so before you start I told you so in your head you should wait to play the game.

YEa we'll see how realistic it is when you start smacking walls at 50mph and can still drive off.

I hope I'm wrong, but I haven't seen anything to indicate the idea you are supporting that there is realistic mechanical damage.
Well PD did advertise the fact that damage was in. It was even in some demos.
Previously PD did warn us about lack of cockpit. You would think they would warn us if they had to remove it for some reason.
Then again they never mentioned about rims.

Till I play, I'll reserve judgement.
Hey Tekken90
Can You upload a video with every category of tuning (exhaust, suspencion, brake, intake etc) and do we can change aftermarket wheel size in gt auto and if you change exhaust to titanium is it change its look during the race?
If you can't take any critics on your favourite game it's better if YOU don't come here... People are disappointed with all their rights. After five years in development the game should be near perfect. And to not being able to change wheels on 800 cars is not near perfect.

i can take criticism just fine and will give some when I play the game myself.

I would have to say the game is looking damn near perfect! lets see rally racing, karting, nascar, track editor, 16 car races, weather effects and greatly improved sound . they could have only added the 200P cars but in steed added some standard cars to the mix! i am damn sure happy they added the standard cars, even if i can't change the rims on them.

in 5 years they have made and released 3 other games i wish people would quit throwing 5 years around! like it has been said 100x wait till you play it

as it stands right now gt5 will offer more than any other racing game on the market
Gallardo - Monza - Damage

in this video at 2:24 - 2:25, do i see headlights go on and off? If so, is it possible to turn your headlights on/off manually? That is awesome!
Hey, you can.. with R1 button (Premium cars only)
will he post new videos today? he say yes...
Maybe guys... I will try upload Gt Auto with premium and car settings before race. (Engine etc.)
hey do you guys know if there are any pitstops?
Still nothing mate.. Maybe in Endurace races (Still locked for me)
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Hey, you can.. with R1 button (Premium cars only)

Mybe guys... I will try upload Gt Auto with premium and car settings before race. (Engine etc.)

Still nothing mate.. Maybe in Endurace races (Still locked for me)

Looking forward to it! 👍
Hey, you can.. with R1 button (Premium cars only)
So does that mean that standards don't have working headlights? or they can't run on tracks with night setting due to having headlights that don't work. Or that they do and you just can't turn them on manually?
So does that mean that standards don't have working headlights? or they can't run on tracks with night setting due to having headlights that don't work. Or that they do and you just can't turn them on manually?

They have working headlights. Just not "High Beam" or whatever it's called.
Hey, you can.. with R1 button (Premium cars only)

Maybe guys... I will try upload Gt Auto with premium and car settings before race. (Engine etc.)

great news on the lights i can't wait to the see them premium options in gt auto! 👍

thanks again
tekken :dopey:
What levels are you now? Could you give us a peek of B-Spec?

Driver lvl. 13 now.

btw Course maker themes:

- Toscana (Tarmac)
- Eifel (Circuit)
- Mt Aso (Tarmac)
- Liege (Gravel)
- Alaska (Snow)
- Eifel (Kart)
- Tokyo Bay (Kart

I think we can unlock some more in careed mode, just like themes for Photo travel, but I don't know it surely at this time.

Track list:

I think it is complete guys. Because there is "Nürburgring 24h (Time / Weather)" and you must open this in Nurburgring Challenges.