ALMS Season V


Ya me and gta were having a great race. I have a question do we do cautions?
I would like to ask for a removal of coastiewannabie. He was blocking the LMP's and crashed over half of the field.

Sorry I didnt know turning was blocking, and when did i crash half the field, maybe try waiting to pass, instead of trying to squeeze in to an opening
Not being funny, but I had only one lap to deal with you and the moment I passed you, you was honking your horn like mad. I haven't a clue why.
Can someone send me a replay so I can evaluate the situation. I'm not a race steward, but I'd like to take a look anyway. Make sure to include the original folder it was in as well.
Not being funny, but I had only one lap to deal with you and the moment I passed you, you was honking your horn like mad. I haven't a clue why.

i dont recall honking at you, it may have just been, my horn is my L3 button and i may have pressed it as i was turning in
That's fair enough. I do that sometimes aswell.

Gatrs, you can tell the difference between banter and arguing, right?
That's fair enough. I do that sometimes aswell.

Gatrs, you can tell the difference between banter and arguing, right?

When I can't, the mods and myself will assume that it's arguing.
When you suggest that he be removed from the series, I'm going to think you're arguing.

Do we do cautions or no?

When I can't, the mods and myself will assume that it's arguing.
When you suggest that he be removed from the series, I'm going to think you're arguing.


I understand where you are coming from. I was not pleased with the way coastie was driving. He might just need a suspension.
Again, can someone send me a replay. Unless there is no reason to.

On a side note, the Asian Championship of GT Academy is broadcasting live right now.
I understand where you are coming from. I was not pleased with the way coastie was driving. He might just need a suspension.

for what exactly, just because your an lmp doesnt give you immediate right away, you do have to wait till its acceptable to pass
for what exactly, just because your an lmp doesnt give you immediate right away, you do have to wait till its acceptable to pass

When I did, you clipped my right rear on the front stretch. I went low coming out of the turn back onto the banking, and you pushed me into the grass. Use the Golden Rule. I didn't dive-bomb you trying to pass.
When I did, you clipped my right rear on the front stretch. I went low coming out of the turn back onto the banking, and you pushed me into the grass. Use the Golden Rule. I didn't dive-bomb you trying to pass.

when was this. because i dont ever recall that happening
when was this. because i dont ever recall that happening

It really wasn't that big of a deal. I did feel you clip me when I drafted by you. It wasn't enough to make me crash or anything. I think you were trying to catch my draft 👍
Here's the results...

1. freshseth83/ Bentley Speed 8/ 1:12:27.130
2. cnd01/ Pescarolo Judd GV5/ +0:00:42.493
3. metalgear/ Peugeot 908/ +0:00:54.537
4. sinladar/ Toyota GT-One/ +0:02:41.591
5. ghskilla/ Dodge Viper ACR
6. That_Guy_2/ Chevy Corvette ZR1
7. stormpacer17/ Lotus Evora
8. gtamann/ Ford GT
9. coastie/ Ferrari 459
10. James/ BMW M3 (DNF)
;) you caught that huh? You were able to spot the mistake in my post, but not the mistake in the race craft you showed. I think almost every person had an incident with you. Myself included. I'm willing to race you again, because more blood is good for the series. But you have to be patient and hold your line around LMP's. And if you make a mistake and happen to go off track, don't jump back on without watching out for traffic.

You took me out re-entering the track in the bus stop chicane after you messed up there. Then broke way too early in T1 while I was coming up on you. And you swerved from the left to the right after the hairpin (turn 3) when LMP (me) traffic was right there. That wouldn't be a problem, but if you're on one side of the track, stay that side of the track. Don't try and race an LMP by pushing them to the right in the grass while they're trying to pass you on the right. Especially if you're on the left. That's your line. That was pretty rude. It didn't make me upset at you. I'm just trying to give you some pointers.
;) you caught that huh? You were able to spot the mistake in my post, but not the mistake in the race craft you showed. I think almost every person had an incident with you. Myself included. I'm willing to race you again, because more blood is good for the series. But you have to be patient and hold your line around LMP's. And if you make a mistake and happen to go off track, don't jump back on without watching out for traffic.

You took me out re-entering the track in the bus stop chicane after you messed up there. Then broke way too early in T1 while I was coming up on you. And you swerved from the left to the right after the hairpin (turn 3) when LMP (me) traffic was right there. That wouldn't be a problem, but if you're on one side of the track, stay that side of the track. Don't try and race an LMP by pushing them to the right in the grass while they're trying to pass you on the right. Especially if you're on the left. That's your line. That was pretty rude. It didn't make me upset at you. I'm just trying to give you some pointers.

sorry, the incident at the bus stop, i looked in my mirror saw nothing, then all of a sudden... Bentley. And that second incident i believe i caught the grass with the RF
* and also the 908 had no problems with me haha
Just stay the lane you're in if you see an LMP, we can go around. I don't know about the rest of the incidents, I'm not a 'steward' here. I just race (and sometimes host).
Here's the results...

1. freshseth83/ Bentley Speed 8/ 1:12:27.130
2. cnd01/ Pescarolo Judd GV5/ +0:00:42.493
3. metalgear/ Peugeot 908/ +0:00:54.537
4. sinladar/ Toyota GT-One/ +0:02:41.591
5. ghskilla/ Dodge Viper ACR
6. That_Guy_2/ Chevy Corvette ZR1
7. stormpacer17/ Lotus Evora
8. gtamann/ Ford GT
9. coastie/ Ferrari 459
10. James/ BMW M3 (DNF)

Here you go.
Hey guys, just got internet back, so going to say a few things:

1.) There are rules to multi-class racing that you need to follow to avoid incidents. GTs hold the racing line, don't move over for prototypes. Prototypes, don't divebomb into a GT's apex or try to pass in dangerous areas unless you're SURE you can make it. If you take a chance and cause an incident, you're gonna be penalized. GT cars, don't block either. If there's a proto up beside you when you enter a corner, take the outside line or a late apex and tuck in behind. I do the late apex move quite a bit, and it helps me a lot when getting passed on the inside by protos without screwing up my times.

2.) report incidents to me or gatrs, and tell us the lap/time it happened. We'll make a call, or get an independent observer to weigh in. It helps if a lot of us save the videos for this reason.

3.) racing incidents happen all the time in real life, despite these rules being in place. With closing speeds being what they are, there isn't much you can do to avoid it. Just keep a cool head and re-enter traffic when it's clear--EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE WHOLE FIELD TO PASS. This is non-negotiable. You enter the track and cause an incident, you're going to start from the back next race. There's no need for yellows because yellows are for cars that can't reenter on their own to get to the pits, and that's never the case in GT5. Just use your own caution.

Anyway, remember it's a game and to be level-headed and not worry about screw ups. No real money was spent in damage and no prize money was forfeited due to points loss. More importantly no one can be hurt in a video game. The rules are for sim purposes to have a challenging experience and be courteous, but that doesn't mean to flip your crap when something goes wrong. Just report it and move on--a decision will be made that is fair and reasonable.

Thanks whoever posted the results.

EDIT: forgot to say, if you cause an incident, don't pass the person you punted. Let them ahead of you.
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Does someone have the video of the last race at Daytona who can be a steward for an incident? Let me know I'll PM you the details.

I've been asking for a copy from someone, anyone, but I got no response. I missed the race because I forgot my time zone changed, so I was about an hour and a half late. I'd also like to review certain incidents as well and give my input, but with no replay to look upon, well...I'm not a steward here, but wouldn't mind...:lol:...But I have to start showing up though.

Also, if no one's available to, and you guys want to, I can run the pace car as well, as well as give yellows at certain sections when need be during the race.
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I saved the replay, but I don't do the video uploading thing.

You can export the replay to the XMB, then copy the data onto an external USB device (must be formatted to FAT32), compress the data into a compressed zip (easiest), rar, 7zip, or similar format, then upload to a file share website (i.e. Mediafire, Rapidshare, etc.) or send the file via email or other similar fashion. Make sure to keep the original folder that the replay data was kept in as well when compressing the data, otherwise the PS3 will not recognize the data and will be displayed as corrupted data.