ALMS Season V

I had a fairly clean race, all things considered. Not practicing crippled me in the beginning (I'm no good at this track, forgot the layout). Started with 2:12s and worked my way down to 2:05s during the race. The viper rocks! đź‘Ť

Almost ran out of gas, also. Lol had to splash and dash last lap, wish you could elect not to get rubbers in this game...but yeah, overall it could have been worse, just a few offs and starting out super off pace took me out of the running. I did manage to unlap myself from the vette for a short amount of time, so I was proud of that.

Next race I'll actually get some practice in now that I know the viper is capable of being so fast and surprisingly agile with the tune I have on it. Sorry if I slowed anyone down, I tried to stay out of the way as much as possible, swerved a few times on real bad tires.
Was fun racing with you guys tonight. Couple of new faces to get used to.

Lotus was fast tonight. I think it was to be expected because of all the corners. Should be a different story next week at Monza.

What happened with Ant? He said something was wrong and then left. I saw that he was in contention the whole time. Sucks that this happened on his ALMS debut. Better luck next time ANT.

I can start hosting if no one objects. Comcast just did the free double your speed thing to our internet. So it should he pretty solid. I did a 25 down and 4 up on speedtest tonight. And that was with two computers, a laptop, three phones and a wii all hooked up and running on my network at the same time.
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Was fun racing with you guys tonight. Couple of new faces to get used to.

Lotus was fast tonight. I think it was to be expected because of all the corners. Should be a different story next week at Monza.

What happened with Ant? He said something was wrong and then left. I saw that he was in contention the whole time. Sucks that this happened on his ALMS debut. Better luck next time ANT.

I can start hosting if no one objects. Comcast just did the free double your speed thing to our internet. So it should he pretty solid. I did a 25 down and 4 up on speedtest tonight. And that was with two computers, a laptop, three phones and a wii all hooked up and running on my network at the same time.

Well, speed isn't an issue for me, it's reliability. But if someone else wants to host, by all means. Like I said, I don't think I'll finish this season unless something drastically changes with the tires for the better. Anyone care if I run the pace car?
Took a pic of each of the winners. Don't judge me I haven't done this in a while :D


I'm hoping the connection held true for everyone after stormy DC'd, because I ended up being host for the latter half of the race.

I haven't a scooby ****ing doo how I managed 2nd in this race. I was picking my spot to allow FH a tidy overtake passed me, because at times it was clear he could outbrake and outpace me in the early stages. I lost control of the car coming into Degner 2 and rammed the wall. Other than that, or rather on top of that, I was losing the car through the first turn and 130R. Luckily I was just deploying my Rolex recovery tactic last season of letting the car run wide and straight onto the outer tarmac and then correcting the error.

I did say this though, before season V even began: the Lotus is quick! It was a great job FH and I done of proving that here. Bring on round 3!
Things were a little unstable when stormy DC'ed. Bit it was very minute. Hardly noticed it really. After a lap or two everything sorted itself out and it was smooth sailing from there.

The Lotus is indeed a quick car. I was running 484 at the end of the race and I think you said you were at 480. It was enough to notice a difference at the start. I was able to get the jump on the start, but I mis shifted because I was to busy paying attention to Stormy on the right. And then all of a sudden I was surrounded by TG2 and GHS and pretty much the rest of the field. Was def. gripping the wheel tight going into turn one.

I cant wait for Monza. We should be down in the straights but make up in the turns. Should equal to very close racing. đź‘Ť
What happened with Ant? He said something was wrong and then left. I saw that he was in contention the whole time. Sucks that this happened on his ALMS debut. Better luck next time ANT.

He's been having problems with his steering wheel for quite a while now. He says that the force feedback cuts out halfway through a race; he leaves afterwards.

And, sorry, I know that I said I would spectate the race, but, the computer crashed :indiff: and my buddy came over and fixed it. :sly: Friends in high places. :)
I see in the Rolex you guys are talking about his brother and him also having a g27. I wonder how easy it would be for him to do a quick swap. :lol:
Oh ESM...
What a joke.
... again.

Don't they know how to pass people/let protos by?

Somebody needs to create a compilation video of them taking people out.
Funny that Guy Cosmo was complaining about protos. I think the only reason ESM is looking good this season is because Luxury/Risi/whoever Melo and Vilander were driving for are out this season.

But please tell me you all saw Guy Smith re-take the lead across the line...
Gatrs, you left me visitor message, I can't post messages on your wall or PM you, your restricted in access...
Man the OP needs some updating.

I need someone with the video from Daytona to post a finishing order, and possibly the order from Suzuka if possible, including DNFs.

I don't have time to do a points spreadsheet and don't even know how to tally up the team/manufacturer crap.

Is anyone capable of doing that? Let me know if so.
Kevin was good at that stuff. But we all know his story. :(

I was scrolling through my friends lobbies and I still have him on there. I'm not ready to take him off yet. :( :lol:
Well, I'm back in town, kinda sad I missed Suzuka- that's one of my favorites! Anyway, looking forward to Friday night, hopefully I can get back on top form with the Bentley.
Just a heads up, everyone. From this race onward, if there's a racing incident, follow the procedures of letting the struck car retain its position, waiting to regain the track, etc. And also no discussion of racing incidents in the thread, please. PM me or gatrs with a lap # and description of what happened, those involved, and we can make a call. As you've seen already we're pretty on top of this stuff when it's presented to us, so everything WILL BE FAIR. You just have to let it go and not get upset in the thread because that derails for everyone else. If you must argue with each other, go to PM or skype each other :lol:
Anyone running the pace car this Friday? I'll run it if no one minds. My internet was acting up big yesterday, modem reset 5 times in less than 10 minutes. Trying to get the damn replaced. I'm going to be too tired to race anyways from my new job. :lol:
Congrats on the new job. đź‘Ť

I dont mind you being the pace car. Do you have the actual pace car? I might be able to send you one if you dont. Would look sweet for pics and the replay. :lol:

If it's ok with everyone, I will open up a room if one doesnt open at 8:45 p.m. sharp est time. I just want to speed things up a bit. It had to have been well past 930 when we started the race.

Hopefully this way we can start qualy right at 9 and have a ten minute session and get the race started right after. I would just keed to know how many laps we are doing.

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