Am I Becoming Racist? (rant)

  • Thread starter Danoff
In reply to poverty.

Firstly, my girlfriend is definitly not well off, she went to a sub standard school, and made ot through university on an academic scholarship, she made it through every year, with 80% and above pass, she tried to get aid from the university but they refused, so the only way through was an acedemic scholarship(they have no choice to give you an acedemic scholarship if you score over 80%)
To do her honours and masters she had to move to a different city, and again they refused to her a place in the res, which is mostly for black students, some of them which we know personally live less than a 100km from university, and she live 700kms away, so what i did is, is move to that city, so she could live with me, how is that right, AA does not look at economic background, just colour. And im not white, Im indian, we got discriminated against during apartheid, and now we're getting discriminated against by AA. WHAT ABOUT US MIDDLE MEN.

And whoever said that AA is making more people racist, you're spot on, I am absolutly against racism, its just plain down wrong, AA has completely swapped the scale, now people perceive blacks as being racist.
I have white friends and I have black friends, and you know what, my black friends refuse to go out with my white ones, the thing here is that whites are being more open minded.
heres an example:
two friends of mine, a black guy and a white girl, they were going out and decided to get married. The black guy got kicked out, and beaten by his family, and you wana guess what happen to the white chick, they made the black guy move in with them, and now there happily married, its been a year and his family still doesnt talk to him.
the point of this story is that blacks are not as open minded as whites(well in south africa that is). Im sure that its completly different in other countries, but I cant make a judgement on just this one experience, but this is the trend that i have noticed in South Africa.

One more thing, bussiness does loose money because of AA, but AA offer companies incentives if they are black empowered, i am certain, out of ten people they need to have:
6 blacks
2 indians
1 white
1 other
the above is from south african labour law, does that sound right to you. I am personally a sales and marketing exec for a large ISP in south africa, and they are black empowered, recently they were looking to employ a support engineer. The guy from human resources is my good friend, and he had to go through a huge pile of applications. he had to work on the above formula, he told me that, he couldnt choose by qualifications or experience, he was told to choose by colour, coz the company needed two more employees to be completly black empowered. I spoke to the guy who got the job, and asked him:
"did you know you were getting the job?"
Do you know what he said: "Im black and can get a job anywere" , very arragently, I just never spoke to him again.
Thats just something else to think about.
Its not all 1 + 2 = 3

umm, it was last week, when it was your story

one more thing, it's not hard to get 60% going through college. I know people who got 80's without showing up half the year - literally.
60%??? that's pitiful, that's an average high-schooler that isnt trying hard at all.
and you say not sliding by, shame on you.

nope, it was 2 more things.
Let's get this clear: nothing is more racist than something else, that is racist. there is no half-racist, there is no middle ground, in this subject. You either discriminate against a race, (or more) or you don't. period.
a policy cannot be sorta racist, or kinda racist. it IS, or it ISN'T.
You've already juidged most white businesses as being racist.

Agreed but Minorities account for 25% of the American Population. Go figure....

Do you think this is a one way thing only, do you think there's no blacks that are racist toward whites as well, do you think there are no Asians that are racist toward blacks and.or whites as well. Theres an element of it in every culture.

No and your right about the many dimensions of racism by race. But I never met any other racist person than Caucasians in my personal experience.

And in all honesty answer this, do you drive fast and listen to loud music?

Only in a controlled environment. Never in my neighborhood.

Your not making assumptions based on a persons skin colour here are you? Yes, I understand how you may disagree. when you look at that general populist this would be my personal way of making a point.

I can't really agree with your points here, because while you are making good points about how racism is still an issue in places, your clouding it by judging most whites at the same time.

Agreed but I'm basing my points from personal experience and from everyone around me that has to go through the same thing COLORED. I haven't been everywhere in the US but I've been to various parts of Georgia same thing there. Macon Georgia, be careful it's a very small town and adamant about there culture, I won't even go there. Texas lived in Houston for 4years same stories, Dallas very nice place same experiences. Arizona, California, New York, Wisconsin, Alabama, South Carolina, and Seattle I travel allot because of my job and I can say damn It's really hard to have to judge everyone in my experiences but damn I don't know what it is. I've been called the N word in all of those states more than twice some states I almost went to jail when someone called me the N word. I don't know where this world is coming to but I just pray for those people who said those things to me. I'm not saying it's everywhere but damn everywhere I've been I sometimes feel like I don't belong in this World.

Now going onto your example in the restaurant but with what yu said in a slighty different order to clear up perspective.
[/B][/COLOR]Right, so the restaurant is a more classy, upper market restaurant then.

Yes classy at night and very casual during the day.

So you went dressed in any way whatsoever to fit into the atmosphere of this resaurant.

[/B][/COLOR]Is that really any suprise, it's a classy restaurant with primarilly wealthy people i it, forget skin colour, primarilly wealthy people. You turn up dressed like a member of NERD and you get funny looks, I would get funny looks there dressed like that, Famine would get funny looks dressed like that there, anyone would, white or black. Is it arrogant, yes but it would happen to anyone.

Sorry I wasn't specific, yes I had on jeans and a very nice collard shirt (POLO). This is what I wear to work. 4pm it still was lunch time. I was dressed just like a few dozen people there. I don't have any tattoos that show, I don't have any piercings but my left ear and I have a well cut hair. I dress very laid back when I'm going out with friends jeans and T-shirt most of the time. I have stories for ages......

All my points that I maid where swoley off of personal experience. I hate to judge but sometimes when making a point it's hard not to. I'm not saying it's right either. I feel where your coming from live4speed I get asked these questions by White friends of mine at first during conversations. I tell them if you had colored skin you would understand allot easier and wouldn't have to ask questions to why this and why that. It's a life time of experiences to truly understand. Look at what's going on in Germany with the World soccer. There's Nazis protesting at every game that's crazy. It's damn near everywhere France, England, Australia. In fact I read some where that US racism don't got $hit on International racism. So we should consider our selfs lucky... lol

Oh oh here comes the sentimental part:(

In all I love America and am very proud to be one. I love all my White, black, Asian, German, Poland Friends and family I wouldn't be here without them. In fact forget about there nationality I love all my friends as human beings. No matter what I've been through. It's actually just a life of experiences. Honestly I learned here that where all Human beings and what those people did to me in the past are just Human. :)

This world would be such a better place if we all thought like this but here is where it gets really hard YOUR RELIGION :scared: It's what we live by think about it.......Racism hmm, take a look back for a sec..
No and your right about the many dimensions of racism by race. But I never met any other racist person than Caucasians in my personal experience.
I've seen plenty. They're out there.
I've been called the N word in all of those states more than twice some states I almost went to jail when someone called me the N word.
I have to ask: how did you almost end up in jail for being the target of a racial slur?

Okay, back to the point. Your personal experiences prove that there are still racists out there. However, these are not the types of people who move up the corporate ladder to make hiring decisions. They're typically ignorant and uneducated, which are two traits that don't serve a person well in their career. The mere fact that we are not a completely racist-free society is not enough to justify the continued use of Affirmative Action.
I've seen plenty. They're out there.

I have to ask: how did you almost end up in jail for being the target of a racial slur?

A fight ensued and I almost got charged with assault. I told him I was provoked but still the police officer assumed I started it. He dropped the charges at the seen.

Okay, back to the point. Your personal experiences prove that there are still racists out there. However, these are not the types of people who move up the corporate ladder to make hiring decisions.They're typically ignorant and uneducated, which are two traits that don't serve a person well in their career. The mere fact that we are not a completely racist-free society is not enough to justify the continued use of Affirmative Action.

I'm not to sure about that.
There are so many different personalties and traits so unique which would make your point an assumption.
Agreed but Minorities account for 25% of the American Population. Go figure....
get with the times, it's way higher than that now:rolleyes: pretty soon there'll be more minorities than "whites". and in I think every big city, "whites" are the minority. I know they are in most, but that's counting all minorities against just "whites"

so how come its "whites" "blacks" and latin, or spanish, and indian, how come it's offensive to call asians "yellow"? and why arent latins "browns"?
No and your right about the many dimensions of racism by race. But I never met any other racist person than Caucasians in my personal experience.
You'll find that whoever is dominant in ytour area will seem to be the most racist, it's a simple statistick.

Lets say 10% or the population are racist, you live in an area where for example theres 100000 people, 65% are white, 20% are black and 20% other races.

If 10% are racist that means on an average statistic 6000 whites are racist, 2000 blacks are racist and 2000 people of other races are racist, theres more racist whites because theres more whites if you get what I'm saying.

Over here theres an area called Rusholme, it's an asian community and you get more asians being racist in Rusholme than blacks or whites. In my personal experience I see more racist blacks than whites generally but if I go to Mansfield where some of my family lives it's the other way, there's not many blacks over there so it's no supprise.
Because Ive been out a couple times where ive heard people saying that they find it offensive. Once I was on a bus and a group of young black males, (about 13yrs old) were saying how some whiteboy from theyre school was being racist to them. A whiteman then said to them but you guys are being racist too for calling him a whiteboy!

I myself dont see any offense in being called a whiteboy, because im white, and I often say blackboy when Im talking about a black person.
Well, I find the term "boy" offensive period. But I dont' get all worked up about it because in our country we have free speech. You can't have the right to free speech AND the right to not be insulted at the same time. Though some of the liberals would love us to be there.

"Boy" and "Son" always got on my nerves. Unless it was one of my parents or grandparents. It's literally talking down to me.
get with the times, it's way higher than that now:rolleyes: pretty soon there'll be more minorities than "whites". and in I think every big city, "whites" are the minority. I know they are in most, but that's counting all minorities against just "whites"

Just what I was about to say.

so how come its "whites" "blacks" and latin, or spanish, and indian, how come it's offensive to call asians "yellow"? and why arent latins "browns"?

Because not all latins are "brown"..go to Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Spain and you'll find more white skin people than brown-ish ones. "Black" people from the USA should be called "brown" and not "black" because no one is black. But either reference is offensive anyway.

I prefere bein refered to as "black" saying "brown" just makes me think of indians the worst that people can say and mostly white people use this is "coloured" I hate that word when its used as a description of someone it could mean anyone outside the white race might aswell be blue

Google disagrees. It's basic psychology.

But I won't argue with you. You definitely have your own opinion on the subject.

wow... that was loaded with that secondary emotion thing.... well im black but im young .. probably half your age... people dont give me things based on my skin color... i have to earn my stuff like everyone else.... it doesnt matter whether your black or white or yellow ,red or even purple(dont ask).... to answer your question which im sure someone already has... you arent really being racist... you just question people in the back of your mind based on their skin color....ummm wrong point u are a bit racist but its mostly just based on curiosity
I myself dont see any offense in being called a whiteboy, because im white, and I often say blackboy when Im talking about a black person.

I'm sure you don't call them "blackboy" you might say black boy, when talking to a third party, but you don't yell, "hey!, blackboy!". If you do, you are weird.

Whiteboy, cracker, cracka, it's all pretty much the same as calling someone ******, or *****, the only difference is it was never used on slaves, by people of another race.
I fail to understand the necessity to specify race when talking about/to someone.

@ Mr.OzzyGT - I fail to recognize "black" as being offensive, and I have yet to hear someone be offended by it. "brown" could be, simply because it's so unorthodox
And yes Danoff your becoming racist.

Agreed, though Swift, and many others have categorized it as sensible.

Your misplacing your distaste for a broken system. Your blaming the victims.

I disagree wholeheartedly. I blame the people who advocate for and practice affirmative action for the negative consequences it causes. I do not blame the white people that it discriminates against, or the black people who's acheivement it calls into question.

Again, I'll restate that the only possible outcome from giving people an unfair advantage due to skin color, is to call into question the success of every member of that race.

No and your right about the many dimensions of racism by race. But I never met any other racist person than Caucasians in my personal experience.

You must not have much personal experience, because in MY personal experience, I've observed much more racism from non-white people than from white people. You must not watch any television at all. Certainly not BET.
wow... that was loaded with that secondary emotion thing.... well im black but im young .. probably half your age... people dont give me things based on my skin color... i have to earn my stuff like everyone else.... it doesnt matter whether your black or white or yellow ,red or even purple(dont ask).... to answer your question which im sure someone already has... you arent really being racist... you just question people in the back of your mind based on their skin color....ummm wrong point u are a bit racist but its mostly just based on curiosity

You need to understand that what danoff is talking about is pretty much non existant at your age. he's talking about the working majority and how some peole are giving things just because they are a certain color. Taht of course is true and ALWAYS will be. This it's part of a government program is totally wrong.

Agreed, though Swift, and many others have categorized it as sensible.

Did I say that? :dopey: I would say it's a symptom actually. :sly:
You must not have much personal experience, because in MY personal experience, I've observed much more racism from non-white people than from white people. You must not watch any television at all. Certainly not BET.

I'm 25 and was born in queens and have plenty of personal experience for my age. Since I was 16 I've been traveling. Along with the states I've been too I've also been to Haiti, Costa Rica, Nassau, Virgin Islands as well. Yes I do watch BET.

Would it be that if your White that non white people are just assuming your racist and reaction ensues. Then you know yourself that your not racist but why is this guy treating me this way. Because non white people that seem to be racist to my understanding and personal experience would be from their experience also from white racist people. Still isn't right for anyone to assume that just because their white doesn't mean their racist. But this is what most white people I speak with come to this conclusion of to why they think non whites are racist.

History and Experience from Non White = Reaction for racism against = Defensive actions.
It goes back and forth back and forth. Never ending cycle.
I'm 25 and was born in queens and have plenty of personal experience for my age. Since I was 16 I've been traveling. Along with the states I've been too I've also been to Haiti, Costa Rica, Nassau, Virgin Islands as well. Yes I do watch BET.

Would it be that if your White that non white people are just assuming your racist and reaction ensues. Then you know yourself that your not racist but why is this guy treating me this way. Because non white people that seem to be racist to my understanding and personal experience would be from their experience also from white racist people. Still isn't right for anyone to assume that just because their white doesn't mean their racist. But this is what most white people I speak with come to this conclusion of to why they think non whites are racist.

History and Experience from Non White = Reaction for racism against = Defensive actions.
It goes back and forth back and forth. Never ending cycle.

That was very difficult to follow and I think you missed the point. I know what racism is, I know what constitutes a racist statement or thought, and I see those sentiments come from non-white people more often than white people. I've seen Jesse Jackson, Chris Rock, and Kanye West say things that white people simply cannot say. It's bad enough when black people are racist against black people, but they're also ALLOWED to be racist agianst white people.

The simple fact that it is socially acceptable for non-white people to be racist, and it is not socially acceptible for white people to be racist, fosters and environment in which public racism will occur more often from non-white people.
I've seen Jesse Jackson, Chris Rock, and Kanye West say things that white people simply cannot say. It's bad enough when black people are racist against black people, but they're also ALLOWED to be racist agianst white people.

The simple fact that it is socially acceptable for non-white people to be racist, and it is not socially acceptible for white people to be racist, fosters and environment in which public racism will occur more often from non-white people.

F'n A. Most of Def Comedy Jam is jokes about white people. And as for Martin Lawrence... If there's anyone MORE racist on the planet than that guy, he hasn't taken his wizard hat off and shown his face.

Terry Pratchett
Just because someone is from an ethnic minority, it doesn't mean they can't be a nasty, small-minded jerk.
That was very difficult to follow and I think you missed the point. I know what racism is, I know what constitutes a racist statement or thought, and I see those sentiments come from non-white people more often than white people. I've seen Jesse Jackson, Chris Rock, and Kanye West say things that white people simply cannot say. It's bad enough when black people are racist against black people, but they're also ALLOWED to be racist agianst white people.

The simple fact that it is socially acceptable for non-white people to be racist, and it is not socially acceptible for white people to be racist, fosters and environment in which public racism will occur more often from non-white people.
Too damn right, the prime example is black comedians, why? Because they're black? No. Because they're jokes are all about white people. The second a white person cracks a joke about a black man, boy, woman ect, they get labelled as an evil racist who harbours hatefull feelings about blacks.
I HATE black it when people that rag on whites. Now, I have seen Chris Rock and Eddie griffin rag on blacks as hard as whites in the same show. Chris rock specifically talking about "*****s have got to go!"

I guess the great equalizer is Carlos Mensia...since he rags on every color under the sun.

edit: LOL, "Ni gg as" got the ****** :lol:
I HATE black it when people that rag on whites. Now, I have seen Chris Rock and Eddie griffin rag on blacks as hard as whites in the same show. Chris rock specifically talking about "*****s have got to go!"

I guess the great equalizer is Carlos Mensia...since he rags on every color under the sun.

edit: LOL, "Ni gg as" got the ****** :lol:

That's part of what I'm talking about. I mean sure, comedians can push the laugh buttons easier when they're shocking. But black on black racism is still racism. Don't get me wrong, racist comedy can be some funny stuff. Richard Pryor had a hilarious white person impression, and he had a funny black person impression too. It's just that white comedians have a lot more trouble going there without pissing people off.
The fact that a black comedian makes jokes about blacks as well as whites doesn't cancell out the fact that if a white comedian made thoes jokes he would be given a hard time over it.
And as for Martin Lawrence... If there's anyone MORE racist on the planet than that guy, he hasn't taken his wizard hat off and shown his face.

er...I think Dave Chappelle is this wizard hat guy then...he's just too racist, is not even funny 👎

The fact that a black comedian makes jokes about blacks as well as whites doesn't cancell out the fact that if a white comedian made thoes jokes he would be given a hard time over it.

Yeah, it's pretty stupid.

But you white guys deserve it!!!! Look at all the bad things you did to us black guys back in the day! I mean, we earned the right to make fun of you palefaces! :dopey:

Obviously, I was joking.
Yeah, it's pretty stupid.

But you white guys deserve it!!!! Look at all the bad things you did to us black guys back in the day! I mean, we earned the right to make fun of you palefaces! :dopey:

Obviously, I was joking.

:) I know this was sarcastic, but that mentality honsetly exists and it's sad. The AA apologist will use these exact kinds of phrases. Phrases like " you did to us" as though most people alive today were involved directly in the racism of the past. As though the guilty parties and innocent victims could be found, brought before each other, and the guilty forced to make reparations.
You could look at it like this, if your grandad murdered someone, would it be right or fair for you to get arrested.
I mean, we earned the right to make fun of you palefaces! :dopey:
Hey! I may be a Caucasian of Scottish decent, living in the Pacific Northwest, but I am NOT pale!! (Well, not as pale as I was a few months ago, anyway :sly:)

On the subject of comedians: Making jokes about different races is the easy way out. Racist jokes make people laugh only because they're awkward and uncomfortable. As strange as it may seem, it's possible to make people laugh without offending anyone. The odd whiteman/blackman joke is funny, but when it makes up a comedian's entire act, it gets pretty stale and unoriginal.

Now that I think of it, this country has some very strange standards when it comes to "acceptable" racism.

You could look at it like this, if your grandad murdered someone, would it be right or fair for you to get arrested.
Or, more aptly, would it be right for the grandson of the victim to have you arrested because your grandfather got away with it?