anybody here ever watch "Caliente"? it's a spanish named (oodly), comedy show, with mostly black comedians. once, I saw a white guy, who was doing good, everybody was laughing, he made fun of white people, then mexicans, then asians, then, it happened..... nobody laughed at a single joke he told after one crack on black people.
@Swift: I can understand people who've had racisim affect their lives, on one hand, and it's perfectly natural, to be angry, and even judge a whole race when bad enough things happen to you, or your family members, so I see your point, about your grandfather, and I don't blame him, I don't think most sensible people would.
However, most black people under 30 in this country today, have never experianced any more than possible minor racisim, including but not limited to, name calling, slurs, etc.
The problem is, when I hear a 18 yr. old black kid, talking about being repressed, and repeating kanye west (muther****er), talking about government smuggling liquor and drugs in the inner citys, to hold the black man down. and slavery. and nazis.
neither them, nor anybody they've ever met, in or out of their family, was ever a slave.
I have no comment on the ludacrisy of the smuggling. (did they secret service fill and light the pipes to?)
Nazi's? since when were they in this country? when was the last time an army of nazis marched through a city, raiding every house, killing every last minority they could find? ripping people out of homes, slaughtering every man, woman, & child, some on the spot, taking some to lineups, to execute them, after they just watched family members get murdered.
maybe these comparisons are extremely oudated, and rediculas?
quite frankly, it's almost blasphemic, to compare the petty forms of racisim most blacks encounter today, to the tragedy's of the past. Quite frankly, it's downright rude, undermining what happened to all those people, for no reason, other than skin color.