Why this is and how vaccines work has been explained to you numerous times, both
@Danoff and me have done so more than once each.
Why you keep recycling the same, debunked, anti-vax lines is now stepping away from ignorance on the subject and towards deliberate misinformation.
Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't the best educated about how vaccines worked when I posted that. Point well taken.
Since then, the science has continued to change, to the point where the fully vaccinated can get Covid (ok, that's always been the case...although ta lot of people said differently in the very beginning...but that's neither here nor there), to where fully vaccinated can transmit the virus....which has also probably always been the case. I mean, I'm living proof of all of this. My second dose of Covid, which was earlier this year, I came down with the sniffles at about 2300 hours. Had a few runs after midnight. Had sore knees (seems to be my body's version of "body aches") by 0630. Got tested at 0700. Notified at 1445ish that I was positive; then I was placed off duty for 10 days. Never had symptoms of any sort after 36 hours. Spent the next 8 days getting a lot of projects done around the house. Fast forward to this July-august. Only reason I found out I had Covid is because my captain has to get tested weekly (part of the bargaining agreement between our union and the city for the unvaxed). I decided to test just for the hell of it, came back positive.... as did my captain. He didn't get anything besides a runny nose. I didn't get any symptoms other than a slightly runny nose which is equivalent to what I get after I get out of the water after surfing. Placed off duty for 3 days, mandatory. Played a lot of Gran Turismo through the lens of rose colored glasses
- admit it, that last bit is a tad funny 😉
Alright, I see the argument coming a mile away that the reason that I didn't get symptoms is because I was previously vaccinated and had previous infections. Fair enough. Not much I can argue on that.
I look back to my first bout with Covid, which was in January of 2020. I got a pretty decent cold (not my worst by any stretch...matter of fact, I worked right through it [as we've all most certainly have done], and even raced a 100 mile desert race). I even have a real good idea of where I got it, which was on a flight from Cebu to Manilla, where I sat next to a guy who was sneezing a lot -
at the time (and probably still would have now) I wrote it off as allergies, because his sneezes were dry and frequent in nature. When I got home, I visited my parents and went back to work. Parents got sick with what they described as a "severe cold" and everyone at work got sick with colds. A few of us tested months later for positive antibodies.
Ok Yardsale, get to the point.
I feel like you have some sort of view of me, that resolves around a version of me that consumes nothing but "far-right" conservative media, and eats it all up, hook-line-and sinker. You said similar things when the discussion was migrants, last week I believe. When it comes to my opinion on Covid and the associated topics, its not coming from someone who's lens has been strictly what I see in the media, and occasionally what one might see in the wild. My opinions on Covid, are not only what I see from both sides of the media (which I do in fact take both sides rhetoric with a grain of salt), but its based on what our Fire Department doctors tell us, and the 2000+ Covid calls (a very conservative number), that I've ran since early 2020. I've taken plenty of sick people to the hospital, I've taken some that I was pretty sure weren't going to make it, I've cracked more than my fair share of ribs on scene of people who died. I've also taken a lot of people to the hospital that didn't need to go because the hospitals were overran, but its not my job to determine if they are allowed to go or not....
and to this point, these people who didn't need to go, were scared, so I get it. However, we quickly learned in the beginning of this pandemic, and the subsequent waves, who was most at risk. And that was people who were either elderly, in generally poor health, and obese. Usually the common denominator was a combination or variation of all three.... but like most health problems; people who are a combination of 2 or more of these things, generally have lots of health problems. Were there outliers? Of course. But there's always outliers in anything. Hell, one of my racing buddies got testicular cancer when he was 25.
If I was in poor health, lived with someone who was elderly or in poor health. I wouldn't hesitate the least bit to keep up with my boosters. I honestly think it would be the right thing to do, regardless of my personal opinions. But being that I'm young and in good shape, I'm going to choose not to take anymore boosters... for the same reason I'm not going to take a Monkey pox or HPV vaccine. I'm not really at risk. If some variant comes about that I determine a cause for concern, then I'll re-index and recalibrate. I have zero problem doing that. But being that all signs lead to the variants getting weaker.... yes, I think I'll take a hook on boosters until something changes...
or doesn't. In terms of misinformation, come on, you don't see me posting links, or championing my cause or trying to enlist people in my stance. I'm pretty sure I have demonstrated respect for everyone's opinion on a variety of subjects in this thread. You guys are a smart bunch, and you can disagree all you want - as you most always do whenever I post in this thread. I don't take anyone's opinions or keyboard lashings personally. Differing opinions, perspective and discussion are a good thing as far as I'm concerned. FWIW, I have advocated that both my parents and inlaws get boosted -
which they have - and anyone who falls into the aforementioned groups should take a very hard look in the mirror if they plan not to get vaccinated or keep up their boosters. Anyone else (or everyone in general, really), consult your doctor and do as you see fit.
I'm truly not the anti-vax type conservative that gets portrayed on the various media outlets.
....since I'm kitchen-sinking a bunch of stuff here, let's talk illegal immigration for a paragraph or two. I'm not opposed to immigration at all. I'm with an immigrant for chrissakes. But I am against illegal immigration. But I will say in the same breath, that our immigration system needs to be streamlined and improved. I will also say in that same
very long breath; that this is something that at the minimum, 5 presidents have had the opportunity to fix. But my estimation is that they actively choose not to. One reasonI'm guessing, is that immigration reform would probably be very time consuming to do, take up a lot of resources and floor time, score very little political points
on either side, its not headline-grabbing,
both sides would rather have the political issue than a solution
(my opinion). Its a guaranteed fundraising issue for both Democrats and Republicans, and it will be a reliable future voting base for democrats. I will 100% say though, that this is an issue that is going to benefit the democrats, in the long term no matter what. I honestly get why the Biden administration is seemingly taking the direction they are. It's smart politics on their part. History proves that societies get more liberal with time, and I just don't see the massive deportation of a few million illegal immigrants happening
(yes I'm aware of what the US government did in regards to the Bracero program).
My personal lens on this:
Took my wife 9 years to get naturalized. Mostly because the process is expensive, and not easily done
(keep in mind, she's one of 5 kids). But they eventually did it. Should not have taken anywhere close to 9 years, but they did it. So have a lot of others.
Most my traveling has been 3rd world. Now that I think of it, the only 1st world country I've been to is Singapore. I've been up and down the Baja peninsula a few times, all through mainland Mexico. A few countries in the Caribbean...some twice
(ok, I'm including Puerto Rico in this...which is technically a U.S. territory, but anyone who's been will tell you its pretty much a different country). I've been to a handful in Southeast Asia, a couple in South America
(I'll admit that Brazil was just a party trip), and the only two countries I haven't been to in Central America, are Honduras and Belize. I've been to a few of these Central American countries twice, but all of this was highlighted by a trip I took for my 28th birthday, where I spent 23 days working my way from Costa Rica to Nicaragua and back, by myself. I know why people want be to the United States. I've seen what real poverty and lack of opportunity looks like. I truly do get it. I will say however that through my lens that I have at work, there's a lot of bad stuff that comes with the illegal immigration that the US has been subjected to over the past decade, a lot of things that I've been front and center to see.
(and no, I'm not talking about the [insert here] Trump rally cries). Child trafficking, Sex trafficking, crime syndicates, the drugs coming across the border and into almost every city in the United States. The economic impact. All of that is real. But the poverty, crime, corruption (and everything that goes with it) in Central America and other parts of the world, that's real too.
I have more than a few experiences down there where I've been on the receiving end of the crime....and corruption part. I do feel for these people. All 3rd world citizens, really. But I can also understand as best I can their side, have my own opinion, and wrap my head around the political side of things as well. Its all part of that whole self-proclaimed
"free thinking conservative" thing I took a beating over a couple weeks back.
Ok, I promise I'll leave this thread be for a bit....or maybe ever. It feels like some disciplinary action will come my ways otherwise. At any rate, I do like you guys. And don't for a minute think I'm not going to tag you
@Scaff if I have a question on the Sim-Racing side of things. You really know your stuff when it comes to that. Later dudes....time to catch the evening glass-off with a falling tide and fun swell in the water 😎