America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Do share Trump's common sense moments with us.
Had to throw in the orange man card only to burn yourself geez... lol

Well, here's what you asked for

And I'd like to add an example of nasty censorship/anti debate campaign of Twitter in the last couple years

Dr.Peter McCullough got banned from Twitter for his video about myocarditis, in which he made claims about children suffering from deadly side effects resulting from the COVID-19 vaccine.

And here's the man talking some common sense to anybody who can listen or read.

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“No u” isn’t a counter argument.

Proceeds to debate with the same level of depth with “lol, you burned yourself”.
Dr.Peter McCullough got banned from Twitter for his video about myocarditis, in which he made claims about children suffering from deadly side effects resulting from the COVID-19 vaccine.
2 things here to take this silly ass sentence out back.

A) Myocarditis is more likely to occur from Covid-19 itself than the vaccine. So, literally, pick your poison if you will.
The overall risk of myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle – is substantially higher immediately after being infected with COVID-19 than it is in the weeks following vaccination for the coronavirus, a large new study in England shows.

The detailed analysis of nearly 43 million people was published Monday in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

B) The channel you've linked him speaking for is full of similar quacks, most famous for claiming Obama is a witch doctor who put his audiences under hypnosis. So, your credibility is shot even more so claiming these people "talk sense". The right-wing latches on to these idiots because they not only reinforce their dumb takes on Covid, but in other areas the right loves looking like backwards ass morons; gun control, abortion, social security, & health reform. Real strong coincidence there....

But, this guy is no longer certified & we're all better off for it. Guy was just claiming a week ago the amount of people dying in their sleep must surely be linked to the vaccine.
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I'm sure that won't backfire at all, Elon surely knows how to run a major multinational social media platform all on his own...


Also joined the numbers deactivating my Twitter account, it was just used as a racing news feed anyways. Wish I could do the same for Facebook but there's a couple local tracks that treat their Facebook page as their website.
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I'm sure that won't backfire at all, Elon surely knows how to run a multinational social media platform all on his own...


Also joined the numbers deactivating my Twitter account, it was just used as a racing news feed anyways. Wish I could do the same for Facebook but there's a couple local tracks that treat their Facebook page as their website.
I hate it when companies do this. I haven't touched facebook since 2017, so any entity that exists solely on that platform is dead to me.
Given my use of Twitter was pretty much zero, I took delight in deactivating my account and deleting the app.
Staying on Twitter for the time being, because there's people on there I enjoy BSing with about car racing and other sport. Going to be fun watching the ship sink slowly though.
Heh, it always comes back to the antivax stance.

Anyway, it turns out that Musk is requiring all software engineers at Twitter to show him their last 30-60 days of coding... in actual print. Luckily there's an app for that:

We need more Elons in this world.
We don't even need one Elon in the world, let alone more than one. We have enough egotistical jackass billionaires who are idolized like they're gods.
Transparency and debate are the pillars of any free nation, anybody who claims to be anti fascist but is a cheerleader for censorship and is allergic to debate, is an actual fascist in disguise.
Government censorship is bad and one of the hallmarks of fascism. Private companies censoring their own product isn't fascism at all, it's capitalism at work. If Twitter wanted to be an open place for people to say whatever they wanted, then they can do that, but I suspect the people with the money don't want that. They want a place where the most amount of users will congregate so they can sell advertising space. Having it be a place where racists, conspiracy theorists, and d-bags congregate isn't good for business and people with advertising dollars don't want to be a part of that.
Sorry but I'm too strong for your weak attempt at brainwashing.
I think this is the first time I've seen someone use this as a comeback without a single shred of irony.
Transparency and debate are the pillars of any free nation, anybody who claims to be anti fascist but is a cheerleader for censorship and is allergic to debate, is an actual fascist in disguise.
It's good to see you openly embracing your roots as a radical anarchist.
Just because somebody owns the place doesn't make their wrong actions right.
Exercising a legitimate right in a manner that doesn't violate the legitimate rights of others isn't wrong. It can't be.

The right to private property is a fundamental one. Access to and/or use of private property by others may be granted fully or conditionally, entirely at the owner's discretion. Use of another's private property is not a legitimate right, but a privilege.

"But free speech." Yeah, uh huh. Free speech is speech (recognized as expressive acts not limited to pure speech) not subject to legitimate state action, either direct as penalty or prosecution, or indirectly by adjudication of civil disputes. "Censorship" is suppression of speech by a governmental or ruling (in that it establishes and enforces laws that govern the general public) body using threat of state action, either direct as penalty or prosecution, or indirectly by adjudication of civil disputes. Ideally, censorship is limited to few categories of speech that are narrowly curtailed and whose curtailment is clearly defined so as to preserve expressive rights while preserving the rights of others that may be violated by expressive acts, such as--but not limited to--threats of violence, incitement to lawless action, defamation of character and intellectual property abuses.

A private actor availing its services that facilitate publication of speech for consumption by others may prohibit and subsequently remove content by private speakers if it is unprotected against state action. It's through content moderation that this removal occurs. Content moderation may occur when speech doesn't fall into any of these categories and instead runs counter to the interests of the private actor availing its services. Absent state action, this content moderation is not "censorship," rather it's an expressive act. And as ever, a private actor may choose to not avail its services to any particular individual, entirely at its discretion, thereby exercising its right to private property.

Advocacy for violating the right to private property seems kind of...communist.
There is another option. If you don't like the conditions put upon you when requesting the use of someone's private property (i.e. the terms of service when registering to join the website), you can opt not to join and find another place that better suits your need to express yourself. I'm not telling you to leave. I don't like echo chambers. Differences of opinion are welcome. But if you agree to the TOS and then complain about the TOS, then that's on you.
I'm not the one who has other people living so rent free in their head that they take them off ignore (despite their propensity to publicly brag about ignoring people) just to see what they said about the thin-skinned asshole billionaire that they defend unconditionally

But since you did do that, maybe you could stop being such a coward and answer my question.
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Nah, it'll be the kid using FR24 to track his private jet that really rustled his surprisingly easy to rustle jimmies. That and all the accounts Tweeting those three pictures he really hates (balding melonhead, leather revolutionary, Ghislaine).

For the world's thinnest-skinned man, the ability to stifle those, like the WaPo now stifles any criticism of Bezos, is worth burning $44bn. Or he thought it was, got strongly advised it wasn't, but too late and has now reconvinced himself is.

I'm guffawing the whole time the bird is being CFITed.
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🤔 Can't delete my Twitter account even if I want to since I use it to lodge complaints/rant against my local power and water utilities. I can only do that on either Twitter or Facebook, and... Well, I had to choose the lesser of two evils back then.
🤔 Can't delete my Twitter account even if I want to since I use it to lodge complaints/rant against my local power and water utilities. I can only do that on either Twitter or Facebook, and... Well, I had to choose the lesser of two evils back then.
Use TikTok instead. You can mime your complaint to 15 seconds of a well overused song whilst performing a weird little dance that exaggerates your ample chest.

Musk basically went for the ultimate "I want to speak to your manager" when he bought Twitter because they made policies he didn't like (mostly along the lines of banning people he does like because they couldn't follow simple rules). One thing to note is that his friend (idol?) Peter Thiel did destroy Gawker for running hit pieces on him, so it is possible that he is trying to emulate him. However, Thiel did it without purchasing Gawker and didn't need to spend $44 billion in order to reach his goal.
Use TikTok instead. You can mime your complaint to 15 seconds of a well overused song whilst performing a weird little dance that exaggerates your ample chest.

I should've clarified that the local power and water utilities have Twitter and Facebook accounts which are primarily meant for the customers to report faults. Last time I checked, they don't have a TikTok account, so that might not work.
I have a personal Twitter account I haven't touched in forever but also a second account I use daily to promote my YouTube channel.