America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Let's all keep in mind that twitter was doing fine. Musk wants these people to work overtime to meet a deadline that he invented to implement changes he invented. If there's a reason why it couldn't be done more gradually, and more carefully considered, the reason is Musk.
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Let's all keep in mind that twitter was doing fine. Musk wants these people to work overtime to meet a deadline that he invented to implement changes he invented. If there's a reason why it couldn't be done more gradually, and more carefully considered, the reason is Musk.
Work fast, break things, no apologies.
What? You're suggesting that I'm going to be fined or jailed for making a single comment about you embracing your roots as an radical anarchist on a games forum on the internet where everyone is operating under pseudonyms?

I think you don't understand anything you've been talking about. I'd like to see what flavour this medicine is that you think you're gonna make me taste.

Good job I don't have to then. I can just say that I think you're acting in a way that makes you look like you're a closet radical anarchist.

Feel free to tell me what laws I've broken that would justify thinking about going anywhere near a court.

You reckon? You seem the most excited about the idea of anyone here. That and your colossal misunderstanding of what constitutes a viable reason for legal action in the first place makes me think that you absolutely would if you got the chance.
I don't know If it's a reading/comprehension problem on your part or my wording but I don't think I said anything about being against the government, and If one of my comments made it look like I'm against some current government or its policies that doesn't mean I'm against THE government, the same way I don't trust the covid vaccines but I'm not an "anti vaxxer".
Maybe not going all in with something makes you feel confused? I don't follow blind and never will.

I actually support funding the police more instead of a certain group who wanted to defund it. They've got a terrible job and work hard to keep us safe, it's sad to see a number of incidents involving bad officers being used to denigrate the whole police force.
And no I wouldn't give a damn about an internet comment but I'm sure authorities would have no trouble tracing it back to its source, that's a no brainer for anybody with basic IT knowledge lol
The police should be taking care of real crime though as I said, not petty internet comments. Lots of pedos out there, wife beaters, rapists, murderers etc

That doesn't mean however that I support racist commentary, when I said Elon's takeover of Twitter was a good thing, I wasn't even thinking about that because I think it's blown out of proportion. I'm more concerned about the outright ban on healthy discourse, like the example I mentioned in the Covid thread about Dr Peter McCullough getting banned from Twitter for posting a video on vaccine related myocarditis.
And I guess you should too? seems like a common theme these days, people get concerned so much about the small things that what matters most goes over their heads.
I actually support funding the police more instead of a certain group who wanted to defund it. They've got a terrible job and work hard to keep us safe, it's sad to see a number of incidents involving bad officers being used to denigrate the whole police force.
Yeah, the point of "defund the police" is to give funding to other bodies that would do a better job of preventing crime rather than giving billions to police to respond to crime - allowing the police to become police again, rather than highly militarised reaction forces.

When crime happens you still want the police to be there to police, but the resources they currently consume to respond to crime could and should be put elsewhere to prevent the crime from happening in the first place.

Here's a simple cartoon explaining the concept:


Frequently morons like to bring this sort of thing up by saying things like "if only there were a social worker around" when a violent crime happens, but this catastrophically misses the point. And often deliberately.
I don't follow blind and never will.

And no I wouldn't give a damn about an internet comment but I'm sure authorities would have no trouble tracing it back to its source, that's a no brainer for anybody with basic IT knowledge lol
But why would they unless someone has committed a crime or made a complaint? They're not going around just randomly tracking people for no good reason. There's no point.

Oh, is this where it's implied that you're going to report me and have the police hunt me down? I should shut my mouth before I get in trouble? And I should be scared even though I've committed no crime just because "authorities"? Nice.
And I guess you should too?
Should I? It seems to me like it worked exactly as intended. A company decided not to use it's resources to transmit the speech of someone whose views it disagreed with.

What should I find concerning about this completely normal use of a company's autonomy?
Oh, well. There goes twitter as My GT7 screen shot app. That leaves IG as my only social media app. Sorry gtp. ;)
Yeah, the point of "defund the police" is to give funding to other bodies that would do a better job of preventing crime rather than giving billions to police to respond to crime - allowing the police to become police again, rather than highly militarised reaction forces.

When crime happens you still want the police to be there to police, but the resources they currently consume to respond to crime could and should be put elsewhere to prevent the crime from happening in the first place.

Here's a simple cartoon explaining the concept:

View attachment 1205649

Frequently morons like to bring this sort of thing up by saying things like "if only there were a social worker around" when a violent crime happens, but this catastrophically misses the point. And often deliberately.
Is this kinda analogous to the question of funding for social care and the NHS? As in the health problems the UK faces could be potentially most effectively dealt with by an injection of cash to the social care sector, and with limited cash available this could come from the NHS budget. However I'm not sure a "defund the NHS" movement would be supported in a similar way.
I don't know If it's a reading/comprehension problem on your part or my wording but I don't think I said anything about being against the government, and If one of my comments made it look like I'm against some current government or its policies that doesn't mean I'm against THE government, the same way I don't trust the covid vaccines but I'm not an "anti vaxxer".
Maybe not going all in with something makes you feel confused? I don't follow blind and never will.
Hate to break it to you, but that's exactly what it makes you, but that's a conversation for a different thread.

I actually support funding the police more instead of a certain group who wanted to defund it. They've got a terrible job and work hard to keep us safe, it's sad to see a number of incidents involving bad officers being used to denigrate the whole police force.
And no I wouldn't give a damn about an internet comment but I'm sure authorities would have no trouble tracing it back to its source, that's a no brainer for anybody with basic IT knowledge lol
The police should be taking care of real crime though as I said, not petty internet comments. Lots of pedos out there, wife beaters, rapists, murderers etc
Tell me you don't know what 'defund the police is' without telling me you don't know what 'defund the police is'
That doesn't mean however that I support racist commentary, when I said Elon's takeover of Twitter was a good thing, I wasn't even thinking about that because I think it's blown out of proportion.
An immediate 500% rise isn't normal.
I'm more concerned about the outright ban on healthy discourse, like the example I mentioned in the Covid thread about Dr Peter McCullough getting banned from Twitter for posting a video on vaccine related myocarditis.
Private actors can do what they like, his work has zero scientific support or peer review, it's dangerous bunk that any private platform has a right to chose not to show.
And I guess you should too? seems like a common theme these days, people get concerned so much about the small things that what matters most goes over their heads.
You're not as enlightened as your faint superiority dig would have you believe.
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Yeah, the point of "defund the police" is to give funding to other bodies that would do a better job of preventing crime rather than giving billions to police to respond to crime - allowing the police to become police again, rather than highly militarised reaction forces.

When crime happens you still want the police to be there to police, but the resources they currently consume to respond to crime could and should be put elsewhere to prevent the crime from happening in the first place.

Here's a simple cartoon explaining the concept:

View attachment 1205649

Frequently morons like to bring this sort of thing up by saying things like "if only there were a social worker around" when a violent crime happens, but this catastrophically misses the point. And often deliberately.
As a social worker myself (albeit in Britain), I can confirm we do a lot of preventative work with both adults and children in the community, and could do with better funding to increase the effectiveness of this work. We are very often put in situations that conservatives bring up to scorn us, and I find police are consistently useless in these situations. I was already sceptical about the effectiveness of the police, but after having to talk them into staying on the scene where a mother had been beaten to the point of needing an ambulance by her husband using presents given to the children on Christmas Day the day before as weapons, in front of the children, really opened my eyes. They had been with her for hours but the woman had changed her story out of fear of the husband, and they were literally leaving as we turned up saying "she's not talking, there's no point". We strongly advised that they come back inside with us, got her to tell us what actually happened (and, it turned out, had been happening for the last 8 years) within about 15 minutes and the husband remained in custody and was eventually charged and imprisoned.
As a social worker myself (albeit in Britain), I can confirm we do a lot of preventative work with both adults and children in the community, and could do with better funding to increase the effectiveness of this work. We are very often put in situations that conservatives bring up to scorn us, and I find police are consistently useless in these situations. I was already sceptical about the effectiveness of the police, but after having to talk them into staying on the scene where a mother had been beaten to the point of needing an ambulance by her husband using presents given to the children on Christmas Day the day before as weapons, in front of the children, really opened my eyes. They had been with her for hours but the woman had changed her story out of fear of the husband, and they were literally leaving as we turned up saying "she's not talking, there's no point". We strongly advised that they come back inside with us, got her to tell us what actually happened (and, it turned out, had been happening for the last 8 years) within about 15 minutes and the husband remained in custody and was eventually charged and imprisoned.
It’s scary to think if you guys were not on scene, they would have just left and open her up to potential further harm or worse.
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Is this kinda analogous to the question of funding for social care and the NHS? As in the health problems the UK faces could be potentially most effectively dealt with by an injection of cash to the social care sector, and with limited cash available this could come from the NHS budget. However I'm not sure a "defund the NHS" movement would be supported in a similar way.
When my mum came out of hospital her assigned social worker was ill and didn't contact us for two weeks so wasn't able to arrange any follow on care after the one week discharge-to-access she received from the hospital. Luckily she didn't require it and decided to waive the extra care as she figured others needed it more. On the other hand she did require constant visits from the district nurses and community visitors from her clinic for medical problems. I'd hate to think that the latter would have been compromised because resources were allocated instead to something that wasn't essential to her needs.

I doubt the people advocating for spending less cash on the NHS would intend for that money to be reallocated to social care anyway. The cynic in me suspects the government need it for tax cuts instead.

Fund both.
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In other news, Musk had started the job cull at Twitter
Not shocking. On one hand, Twitter was needing this due to bloat. On the other hand, you might want to have another CEO making the calls here. One with a stable genius mind.
Not shocking. On one hand, Twitter was needing this due to bloat. On the other hand, you might want to have another CEO making the calls here. One with a stable genius mind.
Indeed, but a way to do it and a way not to do it exist, both from a moral and legal standpoint.

Ignoring legal consultation time-frames and communicating it via email only really falls onto one side of that.
Twitter/Musk are facing a class action lawsuit for breaching the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, which requires 60 days’ notice for mass sackings at large employers.

And, some major companies are pulling their ads from Twitter already...

and also, in the UK, the tech sector trade union Prospect has called on the UK government to act:

The UK government must make clear to Twitter’s new owners that we won’t accept a digital P&O and that no-one is above the law in the UK, including Big Tech barons. That must include making sure UK staff’s full employment rights are properly protected.
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And, some major companies are pulling their ads from Twitter already...
It was nearly instant; car manufacturers don't want to advertise on a platform controlled by a rival (and Musk's purchase was in part funded by Tesla share value [which has dropped 20% since]) and at least three I can think of (including three of the four largest manufacturer groups) suspended advertising the day he posted the sink image.

A lot of other brands had a wobble when he posted that Pelosi tripe at Hillary after the reported 500% uptick in racial abuse on the platform. IPG/Mediabrands paused all advertising on the spot, and it handles $40bn of ad spend for companies that include Coca-Cola.

Thus he needs to cover the bills "somehow", and his carefully contemplated $20 $8/mo blue tick (actually a transparent tick; the bubble around it is blue, or white in dark mode) scheme - to end the "lords and peasants" system of Twitter by allowing the rich to buy validation and audience.
It was nearly instant; car manufacturers don't want to advertise on a platform controlled by a rival (and Musk's purchase was in part funded by Tesla share value [which has dropped 20% since]) and at least three I can think of (including three of the four largest manufacturer groups) suspended advertising the day he posted the sink image.

A lot of other brands had a wobble when he posted that Pelosi tripe at Hillary after the reported 500% uptick in racial abuse on the platform. IPG/Mediabrands paused all advertising on the spot, and it handles $40bn of ad spend for companies that include Coca-Cola.

Thus he needs to cover the bills "somehow", and his carefully contemplated $20 $8/mo blue tick (actually a transparent tick; the bubble around it is blue, or white in dark mode) scheme - to end the "lords and peasants" system of Twitter by allowing the rich to buy validation and audience.
Car companies pulling advertising makes sense.

The rest might continue to pull it due to general upheaval and toxicity.

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