America - The Official Thread

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What a genius idea. So if we don't give Israel any more money, ever, what domestic program can we appropriate those funds to instead?

There is only one beneficiary this can even hope to be aimed at - wealthy tax cheats like Trump. This is who republicans are looking out for, I wonder why...
I particularly like the bill provision which exempts the rescission of that $14.3b IRS funding from review for budgetary effects (re: deficit impact) by the Congressional Budget Office.
It's almost like they know it will only increase the deficit. Weird.

Such sunlight-is-best-disinfectant. Very transparency. Wow.

Basically hands a seat to the republicans. Granted that's basically what it was with him in it anyway.

Basically hands a seat to the republicans. Granted that's basically what it was with him in it anyway.
At least we know what we're working with now.
Trump not even pretending he won't go full dictator mode when he's president again:

“I mean, if somebody – if I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’

“Mostly what that would be, you know, they would be out of business. They’d be out, they’d be out of the election.”

Good luck America. You're gonna need it.
What does West Virginia do anyway? If it never existed, would we be out anything of substance beyond a John Denver song*? Basically what I'm getting at is why does it even have senators, and especially two**? What's the argument for retention from connie rats that oppose D.C. statehood? Is it more than the fact that it's a conservative majority state? Seems unlikely.

*Which is not to disparage the song--because I actually love it--but the nothing state that could easily just be part of Virginia, moving the latter up probably no more than five places in ranking by square mileage and just a couple by population.

**There's a handful of states that actually have fewer representatives in the House than they do senators. I can't imagine there are strong arguments against dispersion into surrounding states beyond the need to redraw maps, both navigational and legislative.

AD - And I guess there are conservatives in the east of Oregon who are unhappy with their minority status in the representative government and who want their property swallowed by an enlarged Idaho. But aren't they supposed to leave if they don't like it? I suppose it's only conservatives who get to say that to others.
What does West Virginia do anyway? If it never existed, would we be out anything of substance beyond a John Denver song*? Basically what I'm getting at is why does it even have senators, and especially two**? What's the argument for retention from connie rats that oppose D.C. statehood? Is it more than the fact that it's a conservative majority state? Seems unlikely.
You can thank the Confederate States for West Virginia's existence, and even today, there are still people who push for reunification of sorts.

As for what does West Virginia do? Mostly be poor, do drugs, and die early.
As for what does West Virginia do? Mostly be poor, do drugs, and die early.
No but those are Democrat leadership problems. How could Republicans not solve that kind of stuff in a state where they have majority control?
No but those are Democrat leadership problems. How could Republicans not solve that kind of stuff in a state where they have majority control?
Those druggies are all libs to a man. Yes, I said "man", because of course everyone knows women don't do drugs, they're all at home* tied to the kitchen stove (powered by good ol' Amurican gas, naturally) or busy making babies.

*The place where those mountain mamas belong as in the lyrics of your Deutschendorf song which I now can't stop humming. Curse you, @TexRex. Curse you!! :(
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I'm not experiencing a rocky mountain high. Tried to flush the song out of my mind with some Thom Pace but as soon as he sang "Take me home" Denver started playing in my head again. "Oh, God!" as the title of one of his movies attests.

Years later, that cub grew up to be Gentle Ben
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Just as Trump epitomizes everything worst about the US: hubris, arrogance, narcissism, selfishness, complacent ignorance and lack of curiosity about the world, the Carters epitomize everything best: humility, modesty, a sense of public service, curiosity, intelligence, and willingness to engage with the world and learn.

I have met quite a few Americans who display the characteristics exhibited by the Carters. They are very admirable people.

RIP Rosalynn Carter.
Somewhat distasteful that a post ostensibly commemorating Mrs. Carter's passage has "Trump" appearing as the third word in.

Obviously this is going to encourage some people to boycott Home Depot. I'm not as hasty. Marcus is 94. He remains the largest stockholder of home depot and is officially "director emeritus" within the company. I guess shopping at home depot seems likely to result in his stock going up which could result in contributions to the Trump campaign. Also seems likely that lots of other stores could says the same about a 90-something year old stockholder who is off his rocker.
Every time I see something about Kissinger, I'm amazed he's still alive. Guess that won't be the case anymore.