America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
"Alternate facts"

It's great to finally see Trump start gaining some career politician-like features. Coming up with new positive sounding terms for something that would otherwise make people realise to be negative things is exactly what politicians do. In this case the closest translation of course is bull:censored:.

Seriously though, if something as irrelevant as the number of people at the inauguration is enough to make Trump respond with the way he did, it's not a good indication of how they're going to take it when there's something actually worth criticising about his administration.
"Alternate facts"

It's great to finally see Trump start gaining some career politician-like features. Coming up with new positive sounding terms for something that would otherwise make people realise to be negative things is exactly what politicians do. In this case the closest translation of course is bull:censored:.

Seriously though, if something as irrelevant as the number of people at the inauguration is enough to make Trump respond with the way he did, it's not a good indication of how they're going to take it when there's something actually worth criticising about his administration.
We might be killing the progressive lefts lies and inability to take criticism but we are allowing the right counterpart to rise it seems.
As much as I disagree with Milo I'd hesitate to say that the shooting meant the protest "actually got really violent". People can (and often do) get shot by accident. Let's wait to see if this was a violent act before making such sweeping judgements.
The shooter claimed self defence, turned himself in voluntarily, and has already been released while the investigation continues. I'd suggest that is someone shot someone else, and they were simply released, it's likely a self-defense issue but we'll see. Rocks, fireworks and other objects were also thrown at police.
Context is a good thing. No tax? He didn't say that at all, what he is talking about is tariff, large difference.

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Oh its gets better. The test was described by the government as 'successful'!

Well, to be fair, they carried out a test. That is a successful test :P. Even more successful if the test found things that need to be improved. I suppose the only test that isn't successful is one that is cancelled.
Here's a perfect example of common core and the extra work to figure out a simple problem.

View attachment 622212

Looks like the biggest complaint would come from someone being lazy, not want wanting to put in a bit of effort, and actually trying to work out the logic. Not defending it either, but I would guess there is a large lack of effort to understand the reasoning behind the differences. I understood your linked example with very little effort on my part. I do not know if that speaks highly of me or lowly of others for a lack of effort. I suspect the latter, but would also not rule out the former.

It is a waste of time teaching them twice. Besides most 7 year olds have a phone that is a walking scientific calculator.
I just thought of something funny.
COMMON sense = COMMON core.
It's a shame we need a school to teach our kids common sense... #blametheparents

A calculator is a crutch at a young age. Fundamentals, especially at a younger age, are more important than the solution. More people need to understand the how and why behind something and not just the end product. It makes one more versatile and knowledgeable.

*takes a while to type on a tablet*

He reminds me of Mussolini and Hitler in the aspects that he riles up his supporters and in how he talks of "making this country great again" and those who support him are (not all, but there are many) scary in their devotion to him, "listen to what's in his heart" they say. Sure he's not a politician, and I won't deny I avoid politics because its a disgusting thing. But I do know history, and the way he acts and how his followers are devoted to him has echoes of people like Mussolini or Hitler to me. He's not smart, but he knows what buttons to push to turn people against eachother. I'm not saying it will/won't happen, but there's no knowing.

Trump is very good at knowing how to push buttons on giving people what they want to hear, regardless if it is an outright lie or factual. It is incredibly manipulative, though not surprising given his background.

And to clarify. The American people DO forget. We have a short term memory, people not being taught history enough or not caring (as a population, many exceptions of course, but as a population we are forgetful) to remember. That has dire consequences. History is important, it guides us in what path to take, what to avoid, what to be wary of. Trump's fanatic supporters do not realize that are acting like the original fanatical Nazis party (before the horrendous acts began happening).

People do not care about history enough. The attitude people have towards history and education is sad. The point of pride some take in a lack of knowledge is maddening.
Uh, what?

They're arguing that by retaining a position with his companies, Trump has a conflict of interest.

Sure, because he doesn't have a slew of lawyers that have already figured all that out before he took office. Seriously these libs need to just stop already. Nothing will come of these suits, it's simply more protest and crying because they didn't get their old bat in office.

Let's say Dillary won and that Bill owns a hotdog stand in NYC, every time Putin comes to visit he eats 20 of the things, better sue her 👍

So silly.
Wouldn't then speaking in a foreign university also create a violation?
Nothing will come of these suits, it's simply more protest and crying because they didn't get their old bat in office.
One of Bush's advisors doesn't this so:

"What is unconstitutional is for anyone holding a position of trust within the United States Government to be receiving profits and other benefits from dealing with foreign governments and companies controlled by foreign governments."
"There are complications that could come up with the President's investments overseas in countries where there's tensions and the United States has to resolve — for example a dispute between Russia and Turkey. We shouldn't have a president invested in either Russia or Turkey. He should not have a dog in the hunt."
Sure, because he doesn't have a slew of lawyers that have already figured all that out before he took office. Seriously these libs need to just stop already. Nothing will come of these suits, it's simply more protest and crying because they didn't get their old bat in office.

Let's say Dillary won and that Bill owns a hotdog stand in NYC, every time Putin comes to visit he eats 20 of the things, better sue her 👍

So silly.
Excellent, can you point me in the direction of those documents or an independent review of them that confirms that no conflict of interest remains.
Let's say Dillary won and that Bill owns a hotdog stand in NYC, every time Putin comes to visit he eats 20 of the things, better sue her 👍

So silly.
That's what's called a straw man argument. You've made a frivolous analogy, but you haven't actually refuted anything.

America is currently in a dispute with Russia over Syria. For the sake of argument, let's say that Trump's companies are looking to develop a hotel in Russia. If Trump himself still owns or retains control of those companies, how can he resolve the dispute over Syria when he potentially stands to make millions in Russia?
Excellent, can you point me in the direction of those documents or an independent review of them that confirms that no conflict of interest remains.

Probably not but these sorts of things are safeguarded against by everything from his money, lawyers, and even the GOP. There is no way it will stick.

I know that the idea is to get him impeached but guess what? The GOP runs the house and people should be careful what they ask for anyway. Don't they realize that Pence would come in if Trump can't hold office? Why it's as if they think Hillary can still sit on her throne.


Not going to happen, none of it, and he is the sort of guy that the distraction won't bother him one bit so there isn't even a disruption in his agenda. I'm not saying this as a Trump supporter because I'm not one, I'm saying it as I try to use some simple common sense.