What is also naive is turning a blind eye to the everyday concerns and fears of the common man. The common man that feels that a monolithic, elitist, remote and gargantuan conglomerate of political and business elites are busy lining their own pockets and pursuing their expensive globalist agenda on the backs of those very same common men and women. Globalism has it's problems all right, the main one being the little guy is feeling left out, like everyone is benefiting except him. His wages seem awfully stagnant but his taxes keep going up and up, his energy is more and more expensive, the price of food is rising, he's regulated up the wazoo. Worst, he's told to shut the hell up, that he doesn't know what he's talking about, that those very same elites know what is best for him and that they way he thinks is wrong, outdated, born of some notion of privilege that he's neither earned or deserved, he was simply born with it.
Ignore the common man at your own peril. History tells us that sooner or later he's going to rise up. It's already happened with Brexit and Trump. It may continue and the EU might fall. Who knows where we'll end up.