America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
How fickle and easily manipulated are the media!? A few weeks ago they were comparing Trump to Hitler. Now they are outraged by comparing Assad to Hitler. :rolleyes::lol:

That's not a very accurate description though. They are outraged by the claim that Hitler didn't use chemical weapons, as if the holocaust never happened.
Probably machine guns were the deadliest factor of WW1, and the signature weapon.

Probably the most beautiful weapon of all time was the castle, which together with the mounted knight, dominated the battlefield for several centuries.

Actually, it was artillery that caused the most casualties in the war.

Arguably it was attempting to use 19th century infantry tactics against early 20th century weaponry that caused the most casualties.

It seems to me that "Presduntial proxy" artfully changed the narrative. I think he knew exactly what he was doing, even though he needed to play the fool.
As he's a proxy that would then make the President a fool! A repeated one in the case of Spicers performances.

That has to be the single oddest defence of a man who has a track record for getting it wrong and making stuff up. Seriously can he not come up with a better way of managing it, as right now he's making Comical Ali look like a professional.
If Sean Spicer thought he could change the news narrative about his boss by dancing the Charleston, he would do it. Folks, I'm telling you Sean Spicer has just danced the Charleston.

Josephine Baker dancing the Charleston at the Folies Bergère, Paris, in 1926
Lawyer for Dr. Dao (the United Airlines passenger) says that the good Dr. suffered a concussion, lost two front teeth and is set for reconstructive surgery on his face.

He'll be getting millions.
A heads-up: this makes any posts it's contained within on par with those containing the words "sheeple", "Micro$oft", or any of the other childish terms folks that use them deem clever.

Fair enough - can I use "Presiduncish-proxy" in future rather than create my own contraction?

Alabama lives up to the Bible-thumping stereotype once again, as their Senate voted 24-4 to allow a church to have their own police force, a move which has "no known precedent in the USA" according to the article.

Should be okay for mosques now the precedent's set, I guess :)
My personal view is that one is as ridiculous as the other... although it depends on the definition/duties of those "police".
It's only in the news because it's a church hence the faux outrage just as there will be faux outrage if it comes to a mosque or Sikh temple. It's already a thing in Alabama that private institutions can have their own police force. So long as it meets all the legal requirements I don't see a problem.
How far does the religious arm of the law reach? Is it only on the premises of the church, or can they tickle the town's people?
...or can they tickle the town's people?
No, not that! They'll escalate to the Comfy Chair!

On another note: has no one noticed Trump's threat to strike at North Korea with conventional missiles if they go ahead with their nuclear test?

I always hoped that the US military brass wouldn't be so stupid as to follow 45's orders in a way that would start a war.
The way things are going over there, war is inevitable. Someone needs to put Kim in check, ISIS still needs to be dealt with and anyone else who stands in our way. We might as well get it over with. Or should we do like Obama and let them continue to grow?

Sign me up, I'm not 35 yet!!
Why don't you ask the eighteen million people living within range of North Korean artillery before you go charging in there? The North could fire 500,000 shells on Seoul within an hour of declaring war.
I'm sure they would like to live a life not in fear of an idiot, who can't get his missiles to go exactly where he wants. Or should we wait to attack till he sends 500k shells and kills all 18 million people in Seoul and the surrounding areas?
Stands in whose way? In their way of doing what?
Defeating ISIS...
Defeating ISIS...

What does North Korea have to do with ISIS?

And you already mentioned ISIS, then went on to say that we should take out "anyone else who stands in our way." So, other than ISIS, what are we trying to do that these hypothetical others might stand in our way of doing?
Why don't you ask the eighteen million people living within range of North Korean artillery before you go charging in there? The North could fire 500,000 shells on Seoul within an hour of declaring war.

Citizens of Seoul should be evacuated if threatened by NK artillery. Is there any such thing as an evacuation plan for Seoul? Where would they go? Japan? I doubt that. Into the countryside? Hah! What are the plans?

A state of war already exists on the Korean peninsula. The Korean War, fought to a stalemate, was never settled. There is only a truce.
What does North Korea have to do with ISIS?

And you already mentioned ISIS, then went on to say that we should take out "anyone else who stands in our way." So, other than ISIS, what are we trying to do that these hypothetical others might stand in our way of doing?
Anyone who stands in our way of finishing whatever we start... Rebels helping ISIS. China helping NK. Get my point?

And NK has nothing to do with ISIS. But hes one tick of the clock from bombing whatever he wants. He needs to be delt with, especially if his missiles can reach the US.
Or should we wait to attack till he sends 500k shells and kills all 18 million people in Seoul?
Where is the evidence that he plans to do just that? He might be sociopathic and even unhinged, but he's also remarkably predictable. Donald Trump, on the other hand, is unpredictable in a situation that demands finesse. He's far more dangerous than Kim.

So, other than ISIS, what are we trying to do that these hypothetical others might stand in our way of doing?
Making America Great Again.

Is there any such thing as an evacuation plan for Seoul? Where would they go? Japan?
I'm sure the South Koreans have a plan, even if they don't make it public. The Japanese government is already looking at how to get 60,000 Japanese citizens out.

Get my point?
So anyone who doesn't do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it.
Anyone who stands in our way of finishing whatever we start...

So 'Merica gets what it wants, 🤬 everyone else? I don't necessarily have a problem with your support of going after North Korea and/or ISIS, but blanket statements like this are an entirely different issue.

And NK has nothing to do with ISIS. But hes one tick of the clock from bombing whatever he wants. He needs to be delt with, especially if his missiles can reach the US.

Pretty sure a lot of the world looks at Trump the same way, and we definitely have missiles that can reach... well, whoever that is and wherever they are.

Can I assume that you have no objections to those somebodies dealing with Trump, so that they don't have to worry about him?
I don't even know why I bother to respond to y'all. Seems y'all will be happy when he finally gets SK and whatever else he wants to claim and runs a perfectly fine country into the dirt like he's done in NK.

Also seems y'all will be happy when ISIS takes over the Mid East and runs it into the ground.

So, lets do like Obama, do nothing, let them grow and do whatever they want. They'll finally grow powerful enough to take out the US and we'll still do nothing until we get attacked but guess what it'll be to late.

It's called preventative maintenance. Do you deal with the rust on your car when it's a small patch or wait till you have to rebuild the entire frame and body.

I know y'all think my gung ho ways are stupid. But doing nothing like y'all want is stupid too.

Nice selective quoting Slip...
Seems y'all will be happy when he finally gets SK and whatever else he wants to claim and runs a perfectly fine country into the dirt like he's done in NK.
Except that he has shown no indication that he wants to invade the South, or anywhere else for that matter. You've clearly made no attempt to understand the situation beyond "North Korea = BAD".
Except that he has shown no indication that he wants to invade the South, or anywhere else for that matter. You've clearly made no attempt to understand the situation beyond "North Korea = BAD".
Maybe because he's not ready? Seems Kim is preparing for something. Hence all the tests recently. Or am I just a paranoid idiot?