America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Then you need to express yourself considerably better.
But I find it a bit odd that no conservative mods seem to post any opinions.
I'm literally right here.
You consider being called leftist abusive?
I consider smashing out a blanket label that covers everyone you don't agree with to be behaving abusively. Some Europeans are leftist. Europeans are not. Some moderators are leftist. Moderators are not. Some people from Texas are homosexuals. Texans are not.

If you can't post without trying to label people, don't post. It's bewildering that you don't get this.
Compared to the US, I think Europe in general tends to lean more left on America's political spectrum, but I'd wager most Americans don't have a clue what constitutes conservative vs. liberal in Europe so I'm not sure that label of "Leftist Europeans" fits very well.

Some people from Texas are homosexuals. Texans are not.

Full Metal Jacket disagrees with you due to the lack of steers.
Compared to the US, I think Europe in general tends to lean more left on America's political spectrum, but I'd wager most Americans don't have a clue what constitutes conservative vs. liberal in Europe so I'm not sure that label of "Leftist Europeans" fits very well.

You're correct. "Right" & "Left" are not very meaningful labels in any absolute terms - it all depends on what you consider as representative of the "centre".

There was a very active "Left" in the US first half of the century before the Second World War. The left was effectively crushed by the demands of the war & then the Cold War .. & the defeat of Henry Wallace by conservative Democrats & the corrupt party bosses at the 1944 Democratic convention.

"Liberal", in Europe, is not a term generally used to describe "leftists", but rather centrists. That's partly because there are ACTUAL leftist parties in Europe. It's worth bearing mind that the US is almost unique among the developed, democratic countries of the world in having a duo-lithic two party system.
the US is almost unique among the developed, democratic countries of the world in having a duo-lithic two party system.

Yes, we have Republicans and Democrats. Two sides of the same coin except that Republicans want 80% of what Democrats want, and at 80% of the cost.
@ryzno, save your fingertips typing, trying to argue with these European leftists. All they want to do is pick you apart one semantic line by another.

I spent three days fighting over the word "marginal". It is just not worth the effort.

Give them 10 years, and they will know how wrong they were.

Leftist always like to attack the trivial, because they have no real answer for the real issues.

And to all you leftist. That is my opinion, no sources required.

Edited to satisfy the leftist mods.

Holy persecution complex, Batman.

Have you considered that some people, regardless of political inclination, might call out unfounded nonsense in an effort to improve the quality of conversation?

Not everybody determines whether or not they agree with something by checking which side of the aisle it came from. That you seem unable to imagine that really just ends up saying a lot about you, methinks.
I share the same classification as that one dude who was reflecting early on; to me, a lot of those people seem like modern day hippies. However, that feels rather insulting to actual hippies since they seem to be the complete opposite of what a hippie was pictured as back in the day; peace loving, anti-war, kumbaya folks. Even their clothing was completely opposite.

As for the girl that got hit, that's probably a going to be a big load of karma (though there couldn't have been a worse guy to deliver said karma; a white-nationalist leader) for declaring that you're going to bring back "100 Nazi scalps".

Just a giant cluster**** all around. Watching a bunch of white dudes yell anti-white has to be the cringiest thing ever.

How the hell did that get into the White House?​
Just watched Michael Portillo taking trains around America in salmon trousers (paired with cyan jacket) and... is it just me or does everyone in Milwaukee seem to have a German accent?
NSFW :D Good luck papa bear at your new job at RT/Breitbart/Spicer's replacement.

Considering the goons trying to get rid of them, if it weren't for the potential lawsuits and bad publicity, I feel safe saying Fox would have kept him (O'Reilly) despite his questionable actions toward women.
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Considering the goons trying to get rid of them, if it weren't for the potential lawsuits and bad publicity, I feel safe saying Fox would have kept him despite his questionable actions toward women.
That last feller on the video has quite interesting body language. He seems to be holding back from physically interacting with one of the pranksters.
That last feller on the video has quite interesting body language. He seems to be holding back from physically interacting with one of the pranksters.

I mean did you here what the one guy said, he essentially said he'd actually beat them up. So yeah both verbally and body language wise, they're goons. Which is why I'm not surprised, considering the type of agenda they push.

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