America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Erm... what? Since when was it the press's job to hunt down criminals?
I was talking about CNN and their choice of content and you completely avoided responding to that and instead talked about Trump. Do you have a comment about CNN, a national news organization chasing down and, IMO, basically threatening a 15 year old child over a humourous gif, or is "I think Trump is an idiot" your go to response whenever you have nothing to add?
I was talking about CNN and their choice of content and you completely avoided responding to that and instead talked about Trump. Do you have a comment about CNN, a national news organization chasing down and, IMO, basically threatening a 15 year old child over a humourous gif, or is "I think Trump is an idiot" your go to response whenever you have nothing to add?
CNN are bad and they should feel bad. As for going after Trump all the time I think you're confusing me with another poster.[user][0]=152020&c[thread]=54029

I'm just saying that both situations in your post would be equally ridiculous.
Sure would love to know if you would be this anti-anonymity if the roles were reversed.
Like what, some crazy Robert Mugabe wannabe doxxing Fox News's white employees? I wouldn't shed a tear for them either.

Personally, I'm just loving the irony of some alt-right garbage person being threatened with an unmasking. I'd hazard a guess that if it was some oxygen thief from Daesh posting a list of CNN's Jewish employees on their own forums, you wouldn't be so pro-anonymity.
Like what, some crazy Robert Mugabe wannabe doxxing Fox News's white employees? I wouldn't shed a tear for them either.

Personally, I'm just loving the irony of some alt-right garbage person being threatened with an unmasking. I'd hazard a guess that if it was some oxygen thief from Daesh posting a list of CNN's Jewish employees on their own forums, you wouldn't be so pro-anonymity.
More like Fox News doxxing some anti-Trump memester and forcing out an apology or his real identity suddenly becomes public?

And I can't even fathom how releasing what is essentially a kill list is in any way equivalent to posting some gif that contains no direct death threat or is even racist? You're focusing way too much on the person behind the action, rather than the action itself.

But hey, since he's a smelly raycist and that's all that matters, there's nothing wrong with a corporation holding his anonymity hostage, right? :rolleyes:
*That moment when the current page of comments in the America thread is populated entirely by posts from non-American members.*

Works for me though, glad you guys are interested in US goings-on I guess.
*That moment when the current page of comments in the America thread is populated entirely by posts from non-American members.*

Works for me though, glad you guys are interested in US goings-on I guess.

Well I look at it as the USA is the most advanced country to have the most rampant 3rd world type problems and now an erratic thinking president who controls one of the largest militaries in the world. Of course it's captivating, the general plot arc since Barack was elected almost followed to a T what hour long TV dramas have to do to stay on TV for the same period of time. Once you hit season 6-8 you have to change it up a lot, now it seems like chaos compared to what it used to be.

That reminds me, I need to watch The West Wing all the way through.
Well I look at it as the USA is the most advanced country to have the most rampant 3rd world type problems and now an erratic thinking president who controls one of the largest militaries in the world. Of course it's captivating, the general plot arc since Barack was elected almost followed to a T what hour long TV dramas have to do to stay on TV for the same period of time. Once you hit season 6-8 you have to change it up a lot, now it seems like chaos compared to what it used to be.

That reminds me, I need to watch The West Wing all the way through.
What are the rampant 3rd world type problems does the U.S. have?
The day the media cannot criticise the government for fear of reprisal - however (seemingly) benign - is the day freedom of the press dies. And a free press is usually the first casualty of a dictagirship.
CNN gets bullied by Trump is a sign that could spell "the day freedom of press dies". CNN in return, spends its time tracking down a meme creator and is now facing backlash by the internet community for potentially blackmailing the creator by going, "If you don't apologize for making a meme out of us, we'll show everyone you're a racist!"

CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.
So I guess the day is upon us now where a citizen cannot criticize the media without fear of reprisal. :lol: All this over a silly gif.
Forgive me if my heart doesn't bleed for a racist's anonymity not being as foolproof as he once thought.
It's no surprise our 3 resident bleeding Liberals found more offense with the creator than the fact a major news network spent time tracking down some random Joe b/c he made fun of them.

Has there been proof he's a racist? Or is the media doing what they did to PewDiePie and other online personalities by purposely editing videos & statements to get the desired reaction?
It's no surprise our 3 resident bleeding Liberals found more offense with the creator than the fact a major news network spent time tracking down some random Joe b/c he made fun of them.

Has there been proof he's a racist? Or is the media doing what they did to PewDiePie and other online personalities by purposely editing videos & statements to get the desired reaction?
God forbid that this garbage person exercises some personal responsibility!

You want a sample of this guy being a garbage person? NSFW language, includes racial slurs.
What are the rampant 3rd world type problems does the U.S. have?

Off the top of my head: mass shootings almost daily (there a counter for that somewhere), political corruption out the wazoo, a severe lack of healthcare for millions (might get worse soon), cities sitting in a ruinous state with no repair or help in sight. I could go on but lunch is over now.
God forbid that this garbage person exercises some personal responsibility!

You want a sample of this guy being a garbage person? NSFW language, includes racial slurs.
He's a degenerate piece of ****.

Now take issue with the fact a news network went after him because he made a GIF making fun of them, and are claiming they will release his identity if he retracts his apology at all. Saint or not, this spits directly in the face of PM's claim; citizens are now the ones who have to think twice about criticizing CNN or they'll be contacted by someone at the company.
"Hello, this is Kaczynski from CNN. I'd like to talk to you about a meme you created".

The good thing is K-FILE better get on the phone. Lots of meme creators to contact and see if CNN can't publish another story about a racist meme creator whose identity will be revealed if they don't apologize for creating a joke. :lol:
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It looks like the right has just as many triggered people as the left does:

Seriously, if you call yourself a patriot and claim you stand for everything that makes America great, how can you not know the Declaration of Independence? One Twitter user even said "quit posting 5000 pages of garbage, no one is going to read that." I bet Nicolas Cage is really sad right now.

**auto-correct loves me sometimes**
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While I don't agree with the kids views, CNN has overstepped their boundaries.
They have become petty in my opinion.
CNN threatening to dox a minor over a gif?

My lord what this world has come to.

Full speed ahead 21st century progressivism!

edit: i guess he wasn't a minor. typical right-wing lies.
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All this drama over a silly meme-y video, of which the only possible issue was Trump's retweeting of it.

There's nothing offensive about the video. It's not racist, sexist, inciting violence, or anything crazy like that... it's essentially just a juvenile metaphor expressing something we already know (How Trump feels about CNN and/or how his followers view the whole Trump vs. CNN/"fake news" issue). And regardless of how offensive/ignorant its creator's beliefs may be, he did nothing wrong by creating the dumb video due to its aforementioned lack of offensiveness and therefore had no need to apologize in the first place.

CNN has certainly been blowing this thing out of proportion, and the apparent pseudo-threat of pseudo-doxing the creator was poor form on the part of Andrew Kaczynski. But let's be real here, CNN as an organization is not actually blackmailng this random dude for making that stupid video. Of course... that's not stopping the other side is running with it and twisting it to make it sound worse than it actually is.

People sure do like making mountains out of mole hills, don't they?
All this drama over a silly meme-y video, of which the only possible issue was Trump's retweeting of it.

There's nothing offensive about the video. It's not racist, sexist, inciting violence, or anything crazy like that... it's essentially just a juvenile metaphor expressing something we already know (How Trump feels about CNN and/or how his followers view the whole Trump vs. CNN/"fake news" issue). And regardless of how offensive/ignorant its creator's beliefs may be, he did nothing wrong by creating the dumb video due to its aforementioned lack of offensiveness and therefore had no need to apologize in the first place.

CNN has certainly been blowing this thing out of proportion, and the apparent pseudo-threat of pseudo-doxing the creator was poor form on the part of Andrew Kaczynski. But let's be real here, CNN as an organization is not actually blackmailng this random dude for making that stupid video. Of course... that's not stopping the other side is running with it and twisting it to make it sound worse than it actually is.

People sure do like making mountains out of mole hills, don't they?
Threatening to release his identity to the public if he says anything they don't like after his apology is still pretty scummy, though. But, as you said, that's poor form on Kaczynski's part.
All this drama over a silly meme-y video, of which the only possible issue was Trump retweeting of it.

There's nothing offensive about the video. It's not racist, sexist, inciting violence, or anything crazy like that... it's essentially just a juvenile metaphor expressing something we already know (How Trump feels about CNN and/or how his followers view the whole Trump vs. CNN/"fake news" issue). And regardless of how offensive/ignorant its creator's beliefs may be, he did nothing wrong by creating the dumb video due to its aforementioned lack of offensiveness and therefore had no need to apologize in the first place.

CNN has certainly been blowing this thing out of proportion, and the apparent pseudo-threat of pseudo-doxing the creator was poor form on the part of Andrew Kaczynski. But let's be real here, CNN as an organization is not actually blackmailng this random dude for making that stupid video. Of course... that's not stopping the other side is running with it and twisting it to make it sound worse than it actually is.

People sure do like making mountains out of mole hills, don't they?

Original comment:

CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

It's not twisting anything. He said it. We reserve the right to publishing your identity, if you keep posting whatever alt-right garbage you were. But it's not just that, it's the fact that they considered it some sort of trophy, that they have this internet troll's head hanging on their wall, just because he made a gif. And they haven't repudiated their statement at all. It's still there. It's just that they clarified that they aren't social justice vigilantes looking to use their power to blackmail a troll, they are simply using their power to humiliate a troll, and I suppose there's a difference.
What CNN did was just absolutely appalling. They're all for attacking the POTUS and using "anonymous sources" to no end, but when someone simply makes fun of them, they're like "Nope, we're not gonna have any of that crap, let's track that person down and (threaten to) strip him of his anonymity so that radicals can go after him. That will surely serve as a lesson to other people. No, we don't care if we got the wrong guy, we just need an example so that the public would stop messing around with us".

That's scary. Unbelievably scary. And hypocritical, as well.
But let's be real here, CNN as an organization is not actually blackmailng this random dude for making that stupid video. Of course... that's not stopping the other side is running with it and twisting it to make it sound worse than it actually is.

People sure do like making mountains out of mole hills, don't they?
Put yourself in this guys shoes.

Based on his earlier over the top racist posts, it seems this guy is just an Internet troll. He might be a 15 year old kid, or some middle aged guy, but he seems to enjoy pissing people off.

He might be an accountant with a family. He has posted all of this racist crap, along with the Trump v CNN gif, just looking to get a rise out of people.

Then he wakes up one morning and sees that the President of the United States has posted something he created under that screen name, his racist, troll, anonymous screen name.

Then, the phone rings, "This is CNN".

You don't think this guy was scared ****less?

He writes, his apology, and CNN is full of glee, but still say they might release his information.

Put yourself in that guys shoes. I can't even imagine.
Well according to tweets from Andrew Kaczynski, he talked to the guy post-"threat" and he didn't interpret it as being threatened by CNN. This could be a bald-faced lie, of course... but nobody knows one way or the other, aside from the guy and Kaczynski.

Original comment:

CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

It's not twisting anything. He said it. We reserve the right to publishing your identity, if you keep posting whatever alt-right garbage you were. But it's not just that, it's the fact that they considered it some sort of trophy, that they have this internet troll's head hanging on their wall, just because he made a gif. And they haven't repudiated their statement at all. It's still there. It's just that they clarified that they aren't social justice vigilantes looking to use their power to blackmail a troll, they are simply using their power to humiliate a troll, and I suppose there's a difference.

By "twisting", I was mainly referring to the whole "15-year-old" narrative when it's actually an adult. At least, according to Kaczynski. See above re: the possibility of that being a lie.

They haven't redacted the statement, but they've defended it and argued that it wasn't intended to be a threat. I'm not entirely sure I buy that narrative, but they certainly didn't stay quiet about it to leave the words to speak for themselves.
Well according to tweets from Andrew Kaczynski, he talked to the guy post-"threat" and he didn't interpret it as being threatened by CNN. This could be a bald-faced lie, of course... but nobody knows one way or the other, aside from the guy and Kaczynski.
TMK, CNN's story is that they never talked to the guy, that he deleted and apologized all on his own before ever speaking to Kaczynski. They don't dwell much on the fact that they reached out to him in the first place beforehand, which as @Chrunch Houston alluded to, probably scared the crap out of him into doing what he did.

So, they/he are probably right that they didn't threaten him into apologizing, but that little line in the article certainly appears to convey that he won't be rescinding his apology anytime soon, either.
Informed or lied to, to push their agenda?


One should always practice their critical thinking skills when consuming news, that takes care of those evil agendas everyone hollers about. The point is there is less information to apply one's critical thinking skills to if the press stops using anonymous sources.

This was something pretty much everybody accepted until Trump convinced half the country of this "fake news" nonsense.

You can't use an anonymous source as a witness in court.

So what?
A little off-topic, but I remain baffled that people suddenly think this is a problem.

News organizations have relied on anonymous sources for ages, and we as a citizenry would be significantly less-informed without them.

Not like this they haven't. You just can't go around citing anonymous sources while attacking the POTUS, calling him a traitor for colluding with Russia, as well as other unsavory things without backing it up with actual sources. Trump should sue them for libel, slander and defamation of character and Melania Trump should consider doing the same. They would win.

The media is essentially acting like a political attack dog for the Democrats, slinging lies, lies and more lies. That is not how a journalist organization with any integrity at all should act, that is not journalism, period. These organizations participating in this behavior are nothing but tabloids now with their credibility reduced to that of the National Enquirer, and I don't think they will ever recover after this.