America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
Just started to see it in european news. Any theories yet?

I haven't heard anything yet, but the targets certainly seem to suggest that Trump/Republican rhetoric has unsurprisingly borne violent fruit. And the same folks who think that 7,000 refugees fleeing Central America are a "leftist" political ploy will scoff and say it's just a mentally unstable lone actor, and any further discussions are disingenuous attempts to "make it political."
No disrespect but you put yourself in this situation.
You are hypocritical. Trump and Kavinaugh bad. Biden good. The photo you said was Photoshoped is still inappropriate. He's still grabbing her near her breasts.
How would you feel if it was your wife or daughter getting felt up by him?

How??? and how am i hypocritical? What do trump and kavanaugh have to do with it? How is that photoshopped original photo inappropiate? That photo was posted on facebook by Amie parnes. And yes that is the woman in the picture to the left. She shared the photo herself. So I suspect she didnt find it inappropiate.

I haven't heard anything yet, but the targets certainly seem to suggest that Trump/Republican rhetoric has unsurprisingly borne violent fruit. And the same folks who think that 7,000 refugees fleeing Central America are a "leftist" political ploy will scoff and say it's just a mentally unstable lone actor, and any further discussions are disingenuous attempts to "make it political."

Would be interesting if there were reliable statistics on the amount of death threats between left/right. That could immediately confirm or debunk the left mob narrative.
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How??? and how am i hypocritical? What do trump and kavanaugh have to do with it? How is that photoshopped original photo inappropiate? That photo was posted on facebook by Amie parnes. And yes that is the woman in the picture to the left. She shared the photo herself. So I suspect she didnt find it inappropiate.

I'd like to hear your answer to @ryzno's question.
I'd like to hear your answer to @ryzno's question.

I answered that he isnt "feeling" anyone up! I am uncomfortable, because @Johnnypenso was suggesting Biden "likes" feeling up young girls.

If I say I wouldnt mind if it was my wife or daughter. You guys will suggest that I "let my wife and daughter be felt up". Which just is BS.

And again I already understand its a cultural thing.

For example if I meet new people (women) at a social gathering, we greet each other with 3 cheeckkisses. While kissing I often put 1 hand on the shoulder and the other on the hip. I can understand how that can be inappropiate to Americans.

I always had a lot of lady friends and a lot of girlfriends, so perhaps I feel more comfortable with physical contact.
I haven't heard anything yet, but the targets certainly seem to suggest that Trump/Republican rhetoric has unsurprisingly borne violent fruit. And the same folks who think that 7,000 refugees fleeing Central America are a "leftist" political ploy will scoff and say it's just a mentally unstable lone actor, and any further discussions are disingenuous attempts to "make it political."

Unfortunately this is becoming a common occurrence, a series of suspicious packages were sent to Trump, The Pentagon, and Ted Cruz in early October, at least one contained Ricin.

Of course after Steve Scalise and the Republican baseball practice was shot up last year by a lunatic Democrat, this seems to be the new normal. Several politicians in DC including Rand Paul have blamed Democratic rhetoric and extreme leftist groups for this behavior.
Unfortunately this is becoming a common occurrence, a series of suspicious packages were sent to Trump, The Pentagon, and Ted Cruz in early October, at least one contained Ricin.

Of course after Steve Scalise and the Republican baseball practice was shot up last year by a lunatic Democrat, this seems to be the new normal. Several politicians in DC including Rand Paul have blamed Democratic rhetoric and extreme leftist groups for this behavior.

I blame both extreme left and right. The moderists are the ones suffering.
I blame both extreme left and right. The moderists are the ones suffering.

I blame the leaders. We hold our leaders up to be an example of how we should act, Trump, Maxine Waters, (and now Hillary apparently) and many, many others in DC are an example of how we should NOT act. I would prefer polite discourse in DC but at this point I would settle for just any discourse that doesn't involve acting like angry children.
I blame the leaders. We hold our leaders up to be an example of how we should act, Trump, Maxine Waters, (and now Hillary apparently) and many, many others in DC are an example of how we should NOT act. I would prefer polite discourse in DC but at this point I would settle for just any discourse that doesn't involve acting like angry children.

The current President does tend to promote violence. This provokes both sides to agression though.
Obama, Clinton, Holder and more, seems like more than just media was targeted here.

And do you notice anything that those targets have in common that would make your claim of this being the fault of "Democratic rhetoric and extreme leftist groups" a little odd?
And do you notice anything that those targets have in common that would make your claim of this being the fault of "Democratic rhetoric and extreme leftist groups" a little odd?

He was quoting Rand Paul stating that. I just hope the midterms will bring both parties closer together instead of Trump vs the World. Perhaps if the Democrats regain a majority, the moderate republicans can finally stand up against Trump without the pressure of the "majority".
I'm aware it was Rand Paul's words, but you brought it into this conversation as if it had relevance. So, what relevance does it have?

What relevance does the fact of suspicious packages, at least one containing ricin, sent just weeks ago to Trump, The pentagon and Ted Cruz have on todays news? I think you can figure that one out on your own. Or you can continue being obtuse I guess.
Just doing a think from way outside the box...

Imagine if you're the sort of person or group who'd rig an election so that your preferred candidate would win and not the one the people voting want. Then that person comes up against someone who cannot be fought by conventional means - someone who says whatever he "thinks" and while everyone is recovering from the outrage of that, he says something even more outrageous, because outrage lasts as long as the news cycle. The public love him because he isn't a career politician who lies for his politician buddies (because he doesn't have any), and his speak-your-mind policy appeals to the bottom half of the population, which is sick of honeyed words and double-speak. And you lose to him, because you have no way to fight that.

Now imagine that person keeps literally demonising people and groups: Mexicans, women, blacks, the disabled, the Democrats, the media. And then everyone expresses horror because this is the President saying that and that will give licence to some lunatics to target these people...

... but nobody does (except for the guy who groped a woman on a plane because the President says it's okay).

So you're the sort of person who'd rig an election for your candidate and now the things the insane President (who you can't fight conventionally) is saying that seem dangerous are not having any effect.

Do you think you'd conceive of a way to make people think that they do have an effect? Do you think that this kind of person would make the danger that they say would happen when the President talks about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Soros and CNN as evil actually happen? Would that be a way to fight him, where all others have failed?

Only this does rather appear to be an absolute peach of a gift for the Democrats, having so many of Trump's punching bags directly targeted with bombs...

... but it is a phenomenally dangerous tactic for the an actor on behalf to try on behalf of the Democrats. If it comes out that this is the case, that's the end of any challenge to Trump 2020.
Only this does rather appear to be an absolute peach of a gift for the Democrats, having so many of Trump's punching bags directly targeted with bombs...

... but it is a phenomenally dangerous tactic for the an actor on behalf to try on behalf of the Democrats. If it comes out that this is the case, that's the end of any challenge to Trump 2020.

I think that's where we are these days. Questioning everything. Always looking at who stands to gain and wondering... did they have anything to do with it? With the rhetoric these days, it does seem like people on both sides are willing to use any and all means to win.
Just doing a think from way outside the box...

Imagine if you're the sort of person or group who'd rig an election so that your preferred candidate would win and not the one the people voting want. Then that person comes up against someone who cannot be fought by conventional means - someone who says whatever he "thinks" and while everyone is recovering from the outrage of that, he says something even more outrageous, because outrage lasts as long as the news cycle. The public love him because he isn't a career politician who lies for his politician buddies (because he doesn't have any), and his speak-your-mind policy appeals to the bottom half of the population, which is sick of honeyed words and double-speak. And you lose to him, because you have no way to fight that.

Now imagine that person keeps literally demonising people and groups: Mexicans, women, blacks, the disabled, the Democrats, the media. And then everyone expresses horror because this is the President saying that and that will give licence to some lunatics to target these people...

... but nobody does (except for the guy who groped a woman on a plane because the President says it's okay).

So you're the sort of person who'd rig an election for your candidate and now the things the insane President (who you can't fight conventionally) is saying that seem dangerous are not having any effect.

Do you think you'd conceive of a way to make people think that they do have an effect? Do you think that this kind of person would make the danger that they say would happen when the President talks about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, George Soros and CNN as evil actually happen? Would that be a way to fight him, where all others have failed?

Only this does rather appear to be an absolute peach of a gift for the Democrats, having so many of Trump's punching bags directly targeted with bombs...

... but it is a phenomenally dangerous tactic for the an actor on behalf to try on behalf of the Democrats. If it comes out that this is the case, that's the end of any challenge to Trump 2020.

Anything is possible at this point, we'll just have to wait and see what evidence turns up.

The conspiracy theories are going to be fun with this one. Some of my favorites so far, this first one is mine (making fun of Trump's Caravan comments):

Dude, it's Soros, clearly. The Caravan probably built the bombs and made the ricin in their mobile terrorist labs

The Koch brothers clearly did this, they teamed up with Red Skull and Hyrdra to conspire against our Republic!
I think that's where we are these days. Questioning everything. Always looking at who stands to gain and wondering... did they have anything to do with it? With the rhetoric these days, it does seem like people on both sides are willing to use any and all means to win.
We should be skeptical, especially at this point where we have no idea who is responsible for this particular crime. There have been more than enough high profile cases recently that were based on false allegations that we should be suspicious even when the answer appears completely obvious at first glance.
Some of my favorites so far, this first one is mine (making fun of Trump's Caravan comments):

Dude, it's Soros, clearly. The Caravan probably built the bombs and made the ricin in their mobile terrorist labs

The Koch brothers clearly did this, they teamed up with Red Skull and Hyrdra to conspire against our Republic!

I blame the Skrulls, because Captain Marvel is coming...:lol:
Maybe there's a war going on amongst the Democrats between the baby boomers and the socialists/communists/anarchists. The soul of the party, its direction and policy are all up for grabs, and perhaps can be bought cheap, since they are lacking for funds.
Maybe there's a war going on amongst the Democrats between the baby boomers and the socialists/communists/anarchists. The soul of the party, its direction and policy are all up for grabs, and perhaps can be bought cheap, since they are lacking for funds.

I think the accusations of the left being violent are laughable. By far the extreme right are the most violent people in the USA. They litterally want to purge the USA.

But perhaps its the Libertarians, trying to have the democrats and republicans destroy each other and pick up the leftover pieces. Or its the russians trying to break apart the USA. Which (if it was a Bond plot) is the best explanation.
I think the accusations of the left being violent are laughable.

Was the Oklahoma City bomber a libertarian and the Unabomber an anarchist?

That sounds about right. I remember Ted Kaczynski saying he supported Hillary Clinton until Obama won the Primary, and after that he support Obama. Here is the quote:

“I at first favored Hillary Clinton for president, but after she was out of the picture, I favored Obama,” Kaczynski wrote in an April 2009 letter to Lydia Ecceles, a Boston-based artist who spearheaded a write-in campaign in 1996 focused around putting the Unabomber in the Oval Office.

He is an anarchist, you are correct. It's also worth noting that he followed that quote up with this:

“I mean, I don’t think any of our politicians are worth a damn so when I say I ‘favor’ a politician for an office, I just mean that I think he or she is the least of the available evils,” he added.