America - The Official Thread

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
@ryzno mentioned those bad boys earlier today.

Tree'd by @ryzno?

Before we move on to much less important topics, let's make it clear:

That's so weird, because the only time I've heard "coke" refer to anything other than Coca-Cola is when it refers to a neutral, dark cola like Pepsi or RC. Not even Dr. Pepper, which is very much not neutral.

I mostly hear "soda", but I hear "cola" a lot. Like...I'm wondering if "cola" is being lumped in with "coke" on that map.


Coke is my cola. Pepsi is just awful.

Pepsi tastes so much better... I would pick Pepsi over Coke if I have the choice... 👍👍👍👍

You would be correct sir. Lived all my life in Alabama and I've always referred to any kind of dark soda as "coke". But that's for more generic times like if someone is going to make a lunch run to a fast food place I would always say "get me a double cheeseburger combo and a coke" but that means whichever one they have if they are a Pepsi place then I'm good with that too. I'll take either Coke or Pepsi, it doesn't matter to me. Although I do buy Pepsi for my home use.

I did learn a lesson about 18 years or so ago when we would go up to Indianapolis for the F1 USGP and that was not to ask for sweet tea in a restaurant up there. They look at you like you're from Pluto or something. You want sweet tea? Here's the bowl the the sugar and sweetener packets in them, make it yourself.

I am glad another person is on the Pepsi side... :cheers:

So...what's Mountain Dew? Besides awful, I mean.

I also love that crap lol :lol:

I will choose Coke or Cherry Coke over pepsi any day.

I am so disappointed with you... Since you are new among us, I was going to welcome you, but with this kind of statement... :grumpy:

I was thinking you would be a Pepsi Cherry girl...

J/k welcome to GTP :gtpflag:

Yep, grab some popcorn because this is going to be quite a show.

Please resume your usual programming...
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Things I enjoyed learning from the Nascar decision: there's a man named Bubba Wallace. He's a Nascar driver of all professions. He's black.

Plus he drives for Richard Petty's team, PLUS he's going to be driving this car in the next race.

North Texas (DFW Metro) is a definite "Coke" spot.

"What do you want to drink?
What kind?
Scene: Country's Barbecue, Columbus, Georgia, 1992

Waitress: "What can I get you to drink, hon?"
15 year old me: "Coke, please. No ice"
Waitress: "What kind of Coke?"
Me: *Intrigued at some mystery, southern only Coke flavors as even though I was born in Columbus, I hadn't lived there for 12 years* "What kind do you have?"
Waitress: "Pepsi, Sunkist, Dr. Pepper..." etc. (Not necessarily an accurate list except for the glaring omission of COKE)
Me: "Sweet tea, please." (Because Pepsi is horrible (I took the Pepsi Challenge twice and picked Coke both times))

And Mt. Dew is forking amazeballs.
I personally can't stand plain cola no matter the brand. Vanilla Coke however is fantastic after working a long day when it's hot out.
Standard Coca-Cola already has a pleasant vanilla note. The Vanilla was just cloying to me...and I like vanilla.
I can dig that and it's better than Michigan where all I saw was cornfields.
To be fair, northern Michigan isn't nearly as farm heavy as Southern Michigan. Also to be fair, Mackinaw, Harbor Springs, Traverse City, Sleeping Bear and a whole lot of other beautiful scenery is generally 4 hours or less away. And a little extra travel time will get you up to the Porcupine "mountains," Pictured Rock and a whole lot more other beautiful scenery. The southern half of the lower peninsula though. Yeah, lots of farm land.
The best pop of all time is cherry coke. Hands down. It is so good. To me, it can be as enchantingly addictive as Slurm in Futurama.

Sadly it's hard to get proper cherry coke these days. Most places only seem to stock cherry coke zero except the American imports shop, which is expensive but a trip which is a nice treat once in a while.
"The letter to Zucker also includes McLaughlin's criticism that the poll, conducted between June 2 and 5, was taken "before the great economic news," an improvement in the jobless rate that was released on Friday, even though the poll was still being conducted throughout that day."

So, anyone here hear about the CHAZ (Capital Hill Autonomous Zone) in Seattle right now? Depending in the source, its either a group that is trying to show that citizens don't need police to ensure a safe city and are trying to drive policy change in Seattle and across Washington. Or its a group of anarchists that have overtaken and occupied several blocks of Seattle that are extorting businesses and local residence for protection money, hell bent on starting the second civil war. What it really is is likely a mix of the two. But its wild that it's happened and even more wild that I've not read some crazy tweet from the Trumpster

Edit: correcting some grammar
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